halil23 » user profile

Member Since 06/12/2019
Last Seen 19 hours 18 min
Badges 3
Location melbourne

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Pigs/bacon? 🤢🤮 You're too uneducated, there's no hope in your brainwashed life
15/09/2024 - 17:44
Better buy it on Playstation for $1.39 for an extra saving of 1 cent....bargain!!!
12/09/2024 - 12:43
Damn that no good. Thanks anyway. Also, it should bother you if you look up what screen shake and flashy lights does to your eyes and…
08/09/2024 - 12:20
"Just wait until you learn that Earth is flat and 5G spies on your thoughts!" Nah, I'm not brainwashed like you to believe that BS Also,…
08/09/2024 - 12:12
Wow, you didn't bothered answering the question! Is it too much work to go in the options? That's lame and comical. I platinum the hell…
07/09/2024 - 16:15
That's awesome to hear. Can you check in the options if it has the option to turn off the stupid and annoying screen shake gimmick? Thanks…
07/09/2024 - 01:43
Nice! Can you check in the options if it has the option to turn off the stupid and annoying screen shake gimmick? Thanks in advance
07/09/2024 - 01:42
Awesome. Can you check in the options if it has the option to turn off the stupid and annoying screen shake gimmick? Thanks in advance
07/09/2024 - 01:41
When you get the chance, can you check in the options if it has the option to turn off the stupid and annoying screen shake gimmick? Thanks…
07/09/2024 - 01:40
Please tell me there's an option to turn off the stupid and annoying screen shake gimmick?
07/09/2024 - 01:34
They're a bunch of no life inbred POS who have nothing better to do than wasting everyone time! My God I hate them, wish I find them so I…
31/08/2024 - 12:34
Can this play Sega Dreamcast, PS2 and Gamecube games?
22/08/2024 - 04:55
Thought I was the only one notice the change and downgrade of the original Twisties in the name of greed, they found a way to make it more…
11/08/2024 - 11:50
CrApple? 🤮
01/08/2024 - 16:52
Wouldn't do this crap even if satanic$oft gives me $22.95 a month! Y'all brainwashed and brain dead sheep, so sad and pathetic
01/08/2024 - 16:51
That's a true definition of a m$ sheep! Also "PC search, mobile search, load 10 news articles on mobile" Are you for freaking real?!? So…
01/08/2024 - 16:49
Wouldn't buy this turd (even for free) unless you like getting migraine from the game stupid and annoying screen shake gimmick!
01/08/2024 - 16:35
Agree with you, especially that it an overrated and overhyped turd
24/07/2024 - 18:00
Only 9 games doesn't work on PS5. 2 of those I have, Hitman Go and Robinson the Journey. Can't remember rest of the games cause they were…
18/07/2024 - 22:50
Still better than any of the shitbox controllers, which makes all shitbox controllers a total rip off
13/07/2024 - 19:56
Same! Meanwhile there's too many PS5 games I want -_-
13/07/2024 - 19:43
So grinding and repetition are great for you? So sad and lame
12/07/2024 - 09:21
IAP not needed but you'll be grinding for 1000s of hours just to be strong enough to beat later levels, which is tedious and pathetic!
12/07/2024 - 09:19
No not needed but you'll be grinding for 1000s of hours just to be strong enough to beat later levels, which is tedious and pathetic!
12/07/2024 - 09:18
Hell no! That shitbox is so useless, just like the new shitbox
09/07/2024 - 17:45
Yep, he got a shitbox but not Dreamcast *facepalm
09/07/2024 - 17:40
Since when did AstroBot become a card game?!? ... I'm intrigued :p
09/07/2024 - 17:36
Upgrade to new one like the superior PS5 right? 😎
01/07/2024 - 15:37
Fook, I got this free from PS+ monthly game a month ago! 😎
29/06/2024 - 23:54