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FREE RACV Roadside Assistance for 18 Year Olds & Year 12 Students or Half Price if You 19 or 20




One year of free* 24 hour emergency roadside assistance – Australia-wide. You’ll be covered for emergency roadside assistance in any car you drive or are a passenger in for free! That’s right, you don’t even have to own your own car to make use of this great service. If you’re a passenger in a family or friends car that breaks down, we’ll get an RACV patrolman out there in his yellow van to take care of it.


Access to two years of emergency roadside assistance for a nominated vehicle at half the normal price


Access to one year of emergency roadside assistance for a nominated vehicle at half the normal price

Emergency roadside assistance includes up to 20km towing in metro areas and a taxi to the value of $50 to get you to your destination.

Call for emergency assistance when:

When you have a flat battery.
When you've run out of petrol.
If you've locked your keys in the car.
If you have a flat tyre.
If there is a mystery problem that you just can't work out.

Sign up at the following link: https://www.racv.com.au/wps/wcm/connect/racv/free2go/free2go…

Also get Access to a range of discounts and special benefits

Edit: As kindly pointed out by others, other states have similar programs so click on the following links for the various states:

NSW & ACT: http://free2go.mynrma.com.au/default.htm

QLD: http://www.free2go.com.au/

WA: http://rac.com.au/Motoring/Roadside-Assistance/free2go.aspx

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closed Comments

  • +1

    This is not a deal, every state has this (Through RAC/NRMA Network) and has done so for many many years. However time to time they give out vouchers and stuff to help with driving practice.

  • Seems W.A. has the same thing - http://rac.com.au/Motoring/Roadside-Assistance/free2go.aspx.

    Still seems like a deal to anyone (like myself) that hasn't heard of it before, plus its free and it appears you don't need to provide financials on sign up = Bargain :)

  • Don't forget they use NRMA for their Roadside needs; which already has a deal posted. Ages: 16-20.

    In-fact, if you ask the customer service they suggest to buy your membership directly off NRMA due to the fact you need to call RACQ, and than they take your details and call NRMA so in the case of a breakdown with needing urgent help, you may want to consider the direct NRMA contact for quicker service.


  • +2

    old news but worth remind peeps.
    theyve had this for years.
    ozb needs a link to great permenant deals like entertainment book etc.

    i always laugh when posters/commenters get all excited over a buy 1 get 1 free kfc deal when the ent books have 3 of these and they often go unused lol

  • Thanks! Never knew about this and have passed it onto friends with teenagers :) Cheers!

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