I always buy the 'wrong' console.... Which next gen will be the biggest?

My first computer was an Atari XT… When all my mates had a Commodore 64. Then I got a Sega Master System - when everyone knows the NES was better. Handheld gaming? I didn't get the game boy…. No….. I got and Atari Lynx.

I also owned a Megadrive, and a GameCube.

Looking back - I probably should have gone Xbox over PS3…..

Which next gen should I throw my weight behind? Wii U, Xbox one or Ps4?

Poll Options

  • 16
    Wii u
  • 150
  • 23
    Xbox 1
  • 20


    • Drop down to $400… not for a long time.

  • Why not get an upgraded computer

    Use Wireless/bluetooth controller/wheel/keyboard/mouse
    and connect it all to an huge HDTV in the lounge room

    This way you have all the advantages of an actual real gaming platform
    without the console limits and restrictions ?

    • This is what I am doing at the moment though there are many games that even though they support controllers you still need a KB/M to navigate menus. Then there is CS:GO which you need to input commands into the console to fix the controller support. Valve need to streamline this feature and then they will really dig into the Xbox crowd and also the PS crowd to a lesser extent (due to many MS exclusives being available on Steam)

  • +1

    No mention of VirtualBoy or Panasonic 3D0 or Sega Game Gear, Dreamcast or Neo Geo consoles.
    I'm disappointed.

    (PS: I'd love to have all of the above now)

    • I still have fun on the Neo-Geo and the Dreamcast… Good, nostalgic fun :)

      Never managed to get my hands on a VirtualBoy or 3Do though…

  • +1

    It all depends what your friends play and which games you want to play yourself (exclusives).
    The current gen (360, ps3, Wii) and Xbox 360 actually came 3rd in overall sales, so if you think that you picked the wrong one by not getting an xbox then it might be that you friends all have xboxs or the games you want are xbox only.

    Ignore all the fanbois and buy what will give you the best experience.

    Personally i am getting an xbox one, as all my console friends are xbox gamers and i perfer the xbox exclusives.

  • +1

    "Looking back - I probably should have gone Xbox over PS3….."

    Not to start a console war or anything, but I'm glad I chose PS3 over Xbox 360 in terms of exclusives. Couldn't imagine calling myself a gamer if I never played the following games:

    -The Last of Us
    -Uncharted 1-3
    -God of War 3
    -Metal Gear Solid 4

    I feel sorry for any Xbox player who doesn't get a chance to play TLOU.

  • +2

    PS4 is the winner.
    Though they aren't much different next gen.
    Basically hardware and feature wise they're the same.
    But PS4 is likely to have better exclusives and supposedly has better controllers.
    XB1 is likely to have hardware issues and bad policies.

    and as for current gen, the general consensus is that it was better to have a 360 in the first half of the gen and a PS3 in the second half. (360 changed focus to Kinect and media features while PS3 went from no games to tonnes of great ones aswell as a competitive price.)

    Woops, I only noticed there's a poll on the page after I wrote my comment.

  • Biggest is not always best. My bet goes to play station though. I'm not a huge console fan these days.

  • +5

    I was going to pitch in but after reading the first 20 comments frankly I can't be bothered. Buy the first one you see. Or none of them. Hell, spend it on books or something.

  • Get the PS4,

    Even tho Microsoft are changing all their policies to follow the similar road taken by Sony
    no DRM and self-publishing for Indies.

    • no DRM

      Let me assure you, all consoles today are nothing but DRM. The only thing that changes is what the publishers and manufacturers decide to allow you do to with your purchased content.

      • Hell yeah we get DRM on consoles. I've had so much trouble with EA games especially, getting disconnected from their terrible network (not the PSN, just the EA server) and booted back to main menu without saving. I usually play EA single player games offline to counteract this.

    • I am pissed off they've backpeddled. I WANT to save my games to the HDD. I DONT WANT to have to insert the disc every time I play. If it's good enough for PC it should be good enough for console.

      • Exactly. I don't buy games at shops and i hate having to swap disks.

        I was waiting to see if the publishers were going to set the RRP on the XB games lower given they could lock out trading games.

      • +2

        why would you want to save your game to the HDD when it has a capacity of 500 GB that isn't removable?

        • You can always just delete and redownload if you want to replay it. I don't see it as a deal breaker. I do it now with my Xbox. I install the disc, play the game and then delete it. If I feel like replaying it a few years later, I just reinstall the game.

        • Using cds is like going back in time. I cant even remember the last time i bought a pc game on CD/DVD. Actually i dont think my optical drive is even connected any more. Not just are they annoying to have to swap but with kids they are just a liability.

          500gb sounds like heaps.

  • console war again

  • +1

    Well i have been a naughty kid back in the day of NES i really wanted one. my mom brought me a fake NES from Chinatown that has all these random stupid games on one cart. later on I took cash out of her purse and brought a NES. Then i got belted that night. Fun times.

  • Never had a console when I was younger but I got my first PC when I was about 10 and a PS1 when it came out when I was 13. I remember through my teenage years my brother and I would rotate between the PC and PS1 (depending on which I wanted to play seeing as though I was older).

    Since I finished high school many years ago I been primarily a PC gamer but own all the current gen consoles (which were all given to me as gifts) honestly at this stage though they get switched on maybe once or twice a year.

    If I had to choose a console I would probably still stick with PS as it is what I have always known, plus I could never get used to those pesky xbox controllers!

  • "Xbox over PS3"? No way! Paying for online multiplayer is BS. I bought an Xbox first when it was on sale. After I bought PS3, Xbox has been sitting untouched. Now playing COD MW3 multiplayer everyday without worrying about paying for Gold/online multiplayer.

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