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Free Shipping on $29 Body Type Tablets @ QuickLoss


There are 4 different body types and each type has unique hormonal and metabolic characteristics. Some body types gain weight easily and are also more susceptible to cellulite.
It is possible however to change the distribution of fat and muscle in your body, not only with exercise, but also with the technique of nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is best described as turning off or turning on certain genes by using specific supplements and foods. By regulating such genes we can change our metabolism, our biochemistry, our hormonal balance and in the long term our body shape. This is one of the ways in which the Body Type supplements work.
The Body Type Tablet Supplements are designed to support an efficient metabolism and hormonal balance for your body type. Thus, weight loss and body re-shaping becomes quicker, easier.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Isn't this a form of witchcraft?

  • http://www.reddit.com/r/keto

    You'll thank me later.

  • +5

    Quick loss?

    I've recently started dieting and have watched my wife try all sorts of quick fix weight loss scams, sorry I mean schemes.

    First and foremost portion control and proper diet is key to weight loss, after sorting out portion control and proper nutrition (there are plenty of effective diets, personally I like leaner meats and more fruit and vegetables. Dropping high carb things like bread and high fat meats and take out.) then add some exercise.

    Weight loss pills (other than duromine which is prescription only) are herbal remedies that do not assist in diet. If you want a quick fix then your in for a quick fail, if you work hard and long then you will be on your way to lasting results.

    Sorry for the rant, just can't stand these things and they haven't even listed the bloody ingredients!

    • +2

      Yes there is no quick fix. These things are a scam, watch some of The Checkout episodes for some more information.

      Watching 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' is a real eye opener. It will convince you to avoid some nasty foods quick smart and properly work better than these pills.

    • +1

      and they haven't even listed the bloody ingredients!

      Pixie dust with a hint of pseudo-science.

  • Eat less move more

  • will any of these give me a stiff

    • Only if administered through nasal delivery.

    • They will be 'stiffing' you in the deal, if that helps…

  • -4

    still amazes me that the best diet in china has not taken off in the west. its accupuncture for weight loss. 100% natural, targeted areas and takes only between 2 weeks to 3 weeks . you lose real fat and after u finish, can go back to eating normal and the weight doesnt come back.

    for me it was pg weight. 2 yrs after birth of my twins i managed to lost 12 kgs of the 20 kgs pg weight only. i did cardio everyday but it plateaued. my friend recommended accupuncture after her own success. she 's a physio so i trusted her. i lost 8 kgs of real fat in 3 weeks. i just went back to eating how normal. i never over eat anyway nor do i eat junk. it has been more than 2 yrs and i havent put any weight back on. im 54kg.

    i have since recommended heaps of friends. a male friend was taking tablets for cholestorol and high bp. he lost 7kgs in 2 weeks and went back to his gp for tests. gp was surprised. didnt have to take those meds anymore.

    unfortunately, hubby is really scared of needles. still trying to talk him into it as he may have to take med if he doesnt lose some weight.

    its so cheap too , esp if you have phi. but not all accuunturisys know how to do it. have to find the good ones that can do weightloss.

    • +1

      Acupuncture is not a diet, and if you could cite a scientifically conducted peer-reviewed meta-analysis to support your assertion, the merit of it could be further pursued/assessed. Without that, it is just babble.

      • This is one of the very few studies that I could find on the subject, it only had 60 participants but the results of the study showed that between the study group and the placebo group there was no scientific evidence to support Acupuncture as an effective weight loss measure. study

        Not to mention the safety implications of the poster losing 8kg over 3 weeks when she only weighed 62kg throws up issues for me. After having already dieted I don't know what it was that stimulated that kind of a weight loss but you should seriously slow it down in future if ever dieting again…. Someone of your size should not be dropping almost 13% of your body mass in 3 weeks. I don't say this to dispute your claim or to knock you as a person but just so you might reconsider such a drastic diet in future, don't think of the quick effects of the weight loss think of the effect on your body that malnutrition and strenuous exercise has that can be far more damaging (particularly on your cardiovascular system) than being slightly obese could. (Might I add that at 62kg and without knowing your height I highly doubt that you were even slightly obese).

  • +2

    You don't even need to buy these "magic pills". The number one rule for fat loss: work out the amount of calories you need per day and eat less than that. Couple that with intermittent fasting and you're gold.

  • +1

    You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proven to work? Medicine.

    This is nothing but bullshit and snake oil.

    • +1

      No doubt that the OP's product is a gimmick (can anyone take a site named QuickLoss seriously? lol), but coming from a half Asian background and being exposed to Chinese/Asian alternative medicines… I hate to say that there are some forms of minor treatments used that either aren't common or aren't used at all in Western medicine.

      Nothing crazy like weight loss magic potions or cancer cures etc… I mean like nausea relief, local pain relief etc. Simple stuff. I'm still a very skeptical person but there have been times that I've had to admit that some alternative voodoo has genuinely worked lol.

      Then again… could've just been a placebo effect lol.

  • "Then again… could've just been a placebo effect…"

    It sometimes takes a humble man to admit the truth.

    Surely you realise Waters, that if any of these 'alternative therapies' erm… 'held water' (and I'm not referring to your attention here, Waters), that they would be bone-fide/on-the-market pharmaceuticals?

    Anyways, if the placebos work, I say embrace them passionately…
    Just DON'T PAY MUCH for them… (i.e. if you're being charged more than the price of sugar by-weight, you're being over-charged…).

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