• expired

3x 8GB SanDisk Cruzer Blade USB for $9.95 - Free Pickup at Harvey Norman


Good value for 3 SanDisk branded USB drives 8GB … comes at $3.32 per USB drive (Limit of 2 packs per customer) - Free Pickup possible.
Just saw them in store for 19$>

Don't expect any speed … but it will be a reliable and fairly small stick.

(Thanks TA for sending me to the HN site for the tax deals … )

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • Thia is an awesome deal. I paid $16 for this back on 15 Jan 2014.

    I use these USB keys for my XBox 360 and my Samsung TV (for recording tv).

    Might go get another mini pack as a good throwaway/pass around USB key set.

  • +12

    ANY other stick would be great, but these are just way too slow.

  • It's $19 for me

  • Expired.

    • Not for me, still says $9.95. Maybe try changing store?

    • Yeah not expired.
      Appeared expired on my nexus 5 strangely…

  • Are these USB3?

    • No. They're not very fast, in fact they're pretty slow. Expect around 4 - 5MB/sec writing speeds, from memory.

      • Painful when copying GBs worth of data!

        • They are only 8gb, so not many gb to copy really

      • I have one and noticed 20 MB/s.

        • +3

          I've got one but seriously, it doesn't get any higher than 4-5MB/s at max.

        • +1

          4-5MBPS MAXXXXX!!! :) 20Mbps boost for like a few seconds at the start is just a miss read.

        • +1

          Possibly. I have never seen it above 5 MB/s on my PC, but when I saw a friend using it on his laptop it showed 20. I couldn't believe it… not for just a few seconds either, but constant.

        • Probably read speed, maxing out USB2.0

        • Nah USB 2.0 provides around 25 MB/sec copy speed..

        • -1

          5Mbps is 500KB/s
          5MB/s is 5000KB/s

        • I think you'll find there are 8 bits in a byte, rather than 10.

  • +1

    +1 for the deal.
    But I really don't know what to use for, not going to buy something that I don't really need.

    • +21

      not going to buy something that I don't really need.

      How do you do manage to do that?! You are truly an idol to fellow ozbargainers.

      • -1

        or a disgrace to fellow ozbargainers. ;)

      • I just don't want something to sit in my drawer for years without a touch just because I bought something that I don't need.

        • +8

          But….. But….. Cheap!!

  • Not expired just bought a couple for myself.

    At a guess would say only usb2 but as they are only 8gb wont take that long to fill them up

  • +1

    works fine for plugging these into the car for music

  • +1

    For docments these will be ok. If you're going to be transfering movies, games or photos get this:

    With Sandisk Extreme sticks the bigger the size the faster they are.

  • +7

    Add some $6 batteries to get the order total above $25. Use $5 discount code from signing up to newsletter.

    12 pack of batteries for $1 :D


    • I just ordered. Thanks :)

    • +1

      That's cheap, but I'm no longer tempted, since so many of us have an unlimited supply of eneloops. :)
      Something strange that happened was…when I clicked the link to view the site, the HN chat box came up and said.."Hello Ozbargainer…" O_O

      • The eneloops are great, but they are by no means a replacement for regular batteries.

        NiMH batteries will self-discharge in under 2 months so they are not really something I want to use in my TV/DVD/Blu-ray/etc remotes. I would rather just stick some regular batteries in and then not worry about it for 1-3 years.

        Rechargeable batteries are really only ideal for heavy use devices.

        • Eneloops are Low Self Discharge (LSD) NiMH batteries. They have a lower capacity (1.5Ah to 2Ah) than vanilla NiMH (~2.5Ah), but only waste around 15% of their capacity if left sitting unused for a year.

    • Great idea :-). You could also buy one more 8GB stick - which is 7$ … so you get it for $2 after the discount. With all my Eneloops I don't really need more batteries …

    • 24pk philips 'ultra' alkaline would of been better?

  • Damn just left the city… Anyone know how much delivery is?

    • $5.95

    • just pick it up another day.

  • -5

    Price match at Officeworks 5% they have these, theres plenty for $6.97 each. So $21.91 for 3.


    • 1) OW doesn't seems to have the same product.

      2) 6.97 x 3 = 20.91 > 9.95


      • and I'm certain they'd weasel their way out of price matching some other way anyway as they have been doing frequently these days.

  • These are ok, but woefully slow like others have said. I bought a stack of these when they were last on sale for <$10.

    They are my hand outs when someone needs files, or I need to send files by mail, and I don't expect them back because they are cheap and crappy.

  • I use these on my NAS devices as log storage and running the OS. The write speed is definitely abysmal, but you pretty much can't find any cheaper name brand sticks, so they do the job.

  • Wow great find OP :) Ordered 1 :)

  • +1

    The mobile website "http://m." Shows different price to the full www.
    Nice little oddity to watch out for :)
    In android chrome you can use the "Request Desktop site" to see the proper price.

  • I was just at the QV HN and the cashier let me pick them up straight away. I'm also pretty sure they're $9.95 in store - I think it said "Ends on Monday".

    • Yep Store knew about sale, for a change.

  • +2

    Thx OP

    CrystalDiskMark 3.0.3 x64

    Sequential Read : 21.830 MB/s
    Sequential Write : 10.219 MB/s
    Random Read 512KB : 21.579 MB/s
    Random Write 512KB : 1.238 MB/s

  • Going to check out in store, don't want to pay for $6 delivery

  • do they still send out $5 code for new members???

    • Yup.. Just bought 2 set USB with 12pcs Phillips batteries down to $20.59. (thanks to Kamoi)
      Register newsletter on my different email and the code come out less than 3 minutes.

      Great find OP!!

  • None at harvey norman in dandenong.

    • Also couldn't find any at City West, Perth

    • cheap flash drives should be the least of your worries

  • +1 for good deal. In stock around my place. not buying though as I already have a couple of 16GB ones.

  • What the ^@$#, they were $19 in store earlier today, so I just bought 1 for $7…

  • Edit: was blind, never mind.

  • when does the newsletter code arrive?

    • Got mine just a minute after sign up …

      • did u sign up recently?

        • Yep … just 30 min before I wrote the first comment …

  • Lots at Harvey Norman QV melbourne CBD

  • I use these as OS install disks… small enough to carry around and cheap enough not to worry about them. Only issue is slow write speeds.

  • Want… But too lazy to go out of my way to Auburn.

    • Sign up to their newsletter and order. $5 voucher = 0.95 shipping

  • Plenty at Rutherford 2320 today.

  • +4

    I was at HN Bondi Junction looking for this deal when I overheard a salesperson offer another customer the 16GB 3-pack for just $15 because they ran out of the 8GB 3-pack. So I got one for myself too.


  • who is in a hurry when they are copying files to a stick?
    don't get the issues people have with speed

  • Thanks just bought one

  • -1

    Went into my local HN store asked for the 3x16 gig for $15 showed him the receipt he said he received an email saying not to sell at that price.

    • The effect of the offer being bought by an Ozbargainer, and it is being Ozbargained!

  • I think this deal is expired. Link now showing $24.

  • I just bought some of these tonight for $9.95. Was priced at $24, scanned as $19 and then just asked the guy if they were still on sale and he said yes and changed the price for me. So possibly still for sale elsewhere.

    • Geez that is a bit of a rip… if you didn't ask you would of gotten ripped off $10 especially when they say it is still on sale!!!

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