Recommended Pest Control service in Sydney

Looking for a pest control service/company to get rid of the nasty German cockroaches which are growing in our house. We are in a 3 bedroom house.

In last rental unit we have had very terrible experience with the pest control service folks which we found on gumtree. Don't want to land in same situation again in our own house, so looking for inputs here.

Any recommendations for pest control service?
How much it will cost roughly?


  • +1

    how about doing your self with the spray you can buy from bunnings?

    • +1

      Thanks. I have been trying that with MORTEIN : KILL & PROTECT EASY REACH CRAWLING INSECT KILLER
      but its temp and they not getting cleaned completely. So would like to do with the professional pest control service ppl.

      • You want to use what the real professionals use if they want it done right, but you won't find them over the counter in Australia. You need both a growth inhibitor to stop them hatching and a gel cockroach bait that you can apply yourself. The gel needs to be applied every 4-6 months if you keep replacing the inhibitor packs regularly.

        The reason most professionals do not use this solution is the cost of purchasing in Australia is about 4-5x that in the US.

        Works wonders.

  • If you were in Melbourne, I'd recommend Adams Pest Control. I just checked, and unfortunately, they don't have an office in Sydney.

  • Pestec are very professional. 1800 111 616


    not the cheapest by price. but will get the job done for you

    ask them for a quote. been using them for years. comes with good amount of "warranty" if you see pests within the warranty time they come back for free and respray

  • To reduce the incidents of cockroaches… (you will never totally get rid of them) here are some tips…

    Never leave access to food scraps inside or outside, this includes pet food. This is the #1 attraction for them.
    Clear out all rubbish from under and near the house.
    If you have any dense bushes near the house then spray under them regularly until they are gone.
    The black square bait traps work very well… @ Bunnings.
    They hate flea powder. Dust inside cupboards & other out of the way places & repeat every 3-6 months.
    They will get into the house almost everywhere but do what you can to block them out… fit those flip down door draught stoppers.

    If you are in an area that has a heavy infestation then the battle will never end. If neighbours have a junk filled yard (as mine do) you will keep getting them from there no matter what you do.

    Professional sprayers will need to come back every 3 months if it is badly infested so best just to spray it yourself.

  • Flick Pest Control, 131440 I use them on three different properties. Like posters above had said, clean house with no food scraps is important, and they use chemicals only licensed pest controllers have access to.

    They're definitely not cheapest but they're one of the biggest players in the industry and you're unlikely to have a bad experience with them. They provide a warranty as well, I think it's 10 weeks (I've only had to claim once) but best to confirm with them.

    They have a shop a docket special running for $249 with 4 targets but German cockies I believe need a follow up service so it's going to be more expensive than that.ā€¦

    Disclaimer: I'm associated with Flick but not a rep or technician

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