This was posted 9 years 7 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Permanent 2GB for Google Drive


You need to complete a security checkup for your Google account to receive an additional 2GB added to your Google Drive account.

As our way of saying thanks for completing the checkup by 17 February 2015, we’ll give you a permanent 2 gigabyte bump in your Google Drive storage plan.

We’ll be granting the storage automatically to everyone around 28 February 2015 and we’ll send you an email when your adjustment is complete.

UPDATE: Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for Education users are not eligible for the bonus storage but should still consider taking the Security Checkup.…

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closed Comments

    • +1

      We’ll be granting the storage automatically to everyone around 28 February 2015 and we’ll send you an email when your adjustment is complete.

      5 sentences in the OP's post and you didnt manage to get to number 3?

      • -1

        Thanks, that's great to know.
        :"> Sometimes we are lacking adequate clarity to read through and find out for ourselves and do not care to clutter people's posts. But the other reason for not bothering to read OP's comments was I had gone through the deal via SharewareOnSale. So, assumed OP could have simply copy/pasted that without adding his/her personal pointers on this.

        • Huh?

          I only wrote 1 sentence of my own, and copied/pasted what I thought was relevant information for the deal with a link for those who wanted to read the whole thing. I also bolded the dates.

        • @ozhunter: All I said was you did the right thing and I was only assuming while multitasking. No hard feelings guys.

  • Wish these clouds moved a bit faster …for others on NBN/(4G)Voda. I'm seeing around 30% of the avail~5.4GBph to MS Sky + Google drives. 3.6Mbps. Oh well, better than nothing.

  • -3

    Do not get it, it will screw up your outlook access!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

    • Are you sure you didn't do something else? You don't need to change any settings.

    • +1

      Did you change the settings to not allow less secure apps? AFAIK Outlook needs that set to allowed.

      Mine works perfectly after having done this

      • -3

        Thank you, problem solved, still on 15gb.

        ps. Who ever is negging my comment. Stop it.

  • -4…

    every thing screwed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • +1

    Well I've been given no extra space

  • +2

    My account got the extra 2GB :)
    Cheers OP

    • +1

      Same here…listed as "Google Support 2GB"

  • +1

    Just received an email stating that they assigned the 2gb to my account

  • +2

    Came back to vote + I ended up getting the 2gb without even increasing the security or providing my number. Got it today, after receiving an email from Mr. Google. Happy :-)

  • Got my 2GB as well :)

  • wohoo,.. got mine as well..

  • (Finally) came-through, yesterday

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