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FREE "Join The Drive to Save Lives" Car Bumper or Window Sticker from QLD Government


A great initiative from the QLD government to raise awareness for safe driving in Australia

Order a sticker and contribute to the safe driving message on Australian roads

Choose Between 3 stickers

  • Thanks for sharing the road (Bumper Sticker)
  • Thanks for driving courteously (Bumper Sticker)
  • Join The Drive to Save Lives(Window Sticker)

Available to all Australian States.


Join us in showing your support
There are plenty of ways you can Join the Drive to Save Lives. Sign up below for your free bumper sticker and let everyone know you're committed to making Queensland roads safer.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    These are great… right up until the car behind runs up your clacker because they're too distracted trying to read your shiny new bumper sticker!

    • That's because the stickers are sooooo small!

      • +3

        Funny how people who make stickers like this to "increase awareness" are completely oblivious to the fact they are pointless, damaging, bad for the environment (completely unnecessary waste of resources), take away money that could be spent on better teaching or better policing of dangerous habits, and don't actually say anything meaningful. If the stickers said something like "IF YOU TAILGATE YOU'RE A DANGEROUS DRIVER" or "DON'T CUT CORNERS" or "NO U-TURNS OVER DOUBLE-LINES" - dangerous driving which has personally put me in hospital due to other people's incompetence and caused me lots of suffering, they might be useful.

        But instead we get garbage like "Drive to Save Lives" - what the hell does that even mean? Ambulances drive really fast on the wrong side of the road to save lives. Fire trucks drive through red lights to save lives. Does that mean I should drive fast, ignore red lights, and on the wrong side of the road? It saves lives. Also I saw something written on the back of a police car last week "Click before you drive" - I thought WTF?? Seriously, WTF?!? Click what?!? It was only when I got closer to the back of the car while at a red light that I saw a little picture of a seatbelt. So the message was only visible while driving IF YOU TAILGATED THE CAR, which is dangerous, plus it distracted me as I was wondering what the cryptic message was!

      • +1

        Maybe "Past is Prologue" in Qld. in any case, Qld was mentioned in ABC RN's Background Briefing show on Quad Bikes.

        I think Qld has many or most of the Quad Bike rollovers &/or deaths.

        So many of these incidents happen each year, that farmers & graziers are going back to 2-wheeled motorbikes.

  • +8

    I'd like to give this a neg, as this is just another waste of money by the government. Instead of teaching people how to drive safely, they're busy printing stickers. If you need a sticker to remind you not to drive like a d**&head you shouldn't have a license. And as @Snoop points out, distractions are one of the main causes of crashes. Stickers like this simply create another distraction.

    • Yes this 'free' sticker is costing me somewhere … What a pointless waste.

      • Get a bunch of these stickers, cut them into strips and you have a free supply of sticky tape!

    • +1

      How else am I supposed to get a promotion when I have no good ideas and virtually no practical skills? Take away bumper stickers and us useless gits will have nothing to show our merits with. Although theres always fridge magnets…hmmm

    • Many say that Quad Bikes are in need of design improvements to enhance their Safety.

      I await the Volvo Quad Bike… ;-)

      • If you think I'm joking, have a look at the ultra safe tricycles (sometimes with attached trailers, so one kid can give another kid a ride, safely), to be found at Swedish "Daggis" - ie, Day Care centres.

    • You can't teach people to drive properly, everyone passed their test. Without testing every few years, or kicking people who can't drive off the road, which is about 20% of people, it isn't going to work.

      • "everyone passed their test" - untrue. Many people moved from overseas and have never passed a test, let alone glanced at a rule book. Many of my friends came from overseas and purchased their driver's license with no test necessary. Some people I know who were born here simply did the multiple choice L's test four or five times until they passed by fluke, they didn't actually know many of the answers. And now they are old enough to start teaching their kids how to drive, which is terrifying.

        I definitely support your idea of mandatory testing every few years or so. Written and practical. It's ridiculous that even if people are caught and lose their license, they are simply prohibited from driving for the term of their suspension, but then handed back the license with no more training! Many of them don't even fully understand the rules they've broken. I've lost track of the number of people who've crashed into me after driving through a Stop sign, but insisted it was my fault because they were there first. Thankfully my insurance has paid out when this happens, but the idiots see the crash as bad luck instead of their own ignorance and stupidity. Also remember that crashing into somebody is not considered a crime in itself. Nowhere in the road rules does it say you can't crash into anything. You can write off somebody's car and insurance will pay for (some of) the damage, yet never have to pay a fine. As they say, it's only illegal if you get caught, and most people don't. So they drive accordingly.

        It's quite evident from where I live that many people don't know the rules for what happens at a roundabout, or Give Way sign, or Stop sign. 95% of people now treat Stop signs as Give Way signs. If they just happen to be booked for it (which is incredibly unlikely) they'll be given a fine but just pass it off as bad luck instead of teaching them not to do it again.

        Many countries actually train people how to drive and enforce the laws. Here we don't. We print stickers. Unfortunately I know of two people I used to work with who caused very serious crashes and put people in hospital, but never had a license at all. All they had to do was hop on a plane back to their country of origin, and never had to deal with any of the consequences.

  • +7

    Another useless waste of public money.
    It makes me even more annoyed at all the tax they take from me. And look how they spend it! They are a bunch of idiots.
    What difference is a sticker going to make???

    • I'd forgotten too that a number of years ago, some idiot came along and stuck a bunch of stickers similar to this one (some type of "safe driving" message) to every car in the parking lot I was parked in. It was a stinking hot day in the middle of summer, and the sticker ate into the paint, leaving a big permanent mark on my car. I saw another guy a few days later sticking them on more cars and blasted him about it. He's just lucky I didn't punch him in the face.

      • …and luckier you didn't Sue him for Paint Repair costs.

        • If there was an easy way to get somebody's details, it might have happened. It's a form of vandalism. Some people in the area have tried calling the police over the people putting these stickers on cars, but the police just laugh at them.

        • @greenie4242:
          Take clear facial photos & maybe shots of them getting into a car or in through home door.

    • +1

      Probably not much. But I doubt very much this is costing very much. Less than most politicians charge back to tax payers for wine with their dinner…

      • So is what you are saying?

        "It's ok to waste public money as long as its less that a bottle of Grange?"

        Two wrongs dont make a right, when you are left with the bill….

  • What's the normal price?

  • Queensland drivers need more than a bloody sticker to start driving well.

    Leave a safe distance between you and the car in front…..someone cuts you up.

    Drive to the speed limits… someone's tailgating you 1m behind.

    Just can't win..

    • Around my suburb there are always speed cameras. I now drive 5ks under the limit just to be sure (sometimes you accidentally exceed the limit). Somebody behind me gets annoyed and overtakes at a speed above the limit, good on them. They get a nice photo of their car for $xxx as a prize.

      Cause, seriously, we are in that much of a hurry?

    • +1

      Cf "Background Briefing" on Quad Bikes [particularly, in Qld]

  • +2

    Who comes up with these ideas? Putting a sticker makes people drive properly….turning on headlights campaign (when people then started complaining oh but I will forget to turn it off)….the stupid 'block all torrents' bill which is heading up.

    The money spent on these dumb road safety campaigns would have been better used if we have mandatory annual vehicle safety checks and license tests. Speaking of license tests, if they actually had the criteria changed to test merging/round abouts etc instead of checking if you can parallel park and reverse in a straight line.

    • Funny thing is, VERY FEW Australians have any idea of the road laws when entering a Round-about!

      • Isn't the rule being: first in get priority and everyone else gtf out of the way?

  • +1

    Another waste of money from the government, these campaigns do nothing.

    Look at the recent deaths on the roads…

    A drink driver who was caught the night before is out driving and crashes and fortunately only killed himself.

    Drunk driver kills herself and child driving too fast for conditions.

    Stupid parents allow four year old on a scooter on a busy road unsupervised and child is killed by a 4WD.

    Two drunks killed in FNQ.

    And so on and so forth… These stickers will change nothing except allow stupid drivers to feel good about themselves and continue their complaining about drivers that pass them whilst they drive in the right hand lane at their idea of a safe speed.

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