This was posted 9 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD] Free Access for QLD Library Members


The state-wide subscription allows all Queenslanders unlimited access to the online courses from any compatible desktop or portable device via members' public library online catalogue, whether on a library computer, at their home or business or on the go.

To access the service, create a profile as follows:

  • Go to
  • Select the name of your library service from the drop down list
  • Enter your library member number (barcode)
  • Click on 'Submit'
  • Click on the link 'Click here to enter lynda online'

As you are a new user:

  • a. Click on 'New to'
  • b. Click on 'Create a profile'
  • c. Enter all information and click on 'Submit'
  • You should now have access to You can bookmark this site for future use.

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State Library of Queensland
State Library of Queensland

closed Comments

  • +2

    How much is it normally?

    • -8


    • $40 per month. Great deal!

    • $350 per year this is good deal.

    • Normally free for library members.

      • -2

        So why is this a bargain?

        • exactly, it's always been free.

        • +3

          @PVA: Searched OzB before I posted, couldn't find any mention of it and had never seen it free beyond a trial period.

          US$39.99 is standard monthly fee for Lynda.

    • Pay by the Course or Month…

      Some of their IT courses are good, I'm told.

      I'm a bit surprised ISPs haven't offered this as a sign-up perk…

      PS I guess we'll see a new industry for Queenslanders:

      • Library Proxy Service to get you Qld Library membership. ;-)

      PS Small towns, w/ high employment, go for it…

      Maybe build a web app to let folks apply
      - from their holiday homes, of course -
      for a Qld Library membership.

      (I think there's a course for that… ;-)

      (It could even help your Library get more funds,
      in future, eg, due to increased membership…)

  • What 'courses' do they have?

    Answered my own question…

  • Does anyone know the format for library card numbers for Brisbane City Council.

    • +1

      that would be mighty useful

      • +3

        Seems to work

        • -2

          Thanks, it is now available to anyone !

    • +3

      Well that's 4 more people from Melbourne (so far) the Queensland Taxpayers have to support :-(

      As has happened before when a local service is opened up to everyone, the service may be withdrawn. I don't want to lose this service as a local.

      • +7

        Victoria and NSW have been subsidising Queensland since federation, I'm sure 4 Lynda courses won't break the bank.

        • 4 is not a problem, but 4000 would be. Other sites pass on deals like this, making it widely available. With an unexpected increase in membership/ use, access is often stopped or legitimate users can't join.

          It is like the 5% off Wish Card deal which closed down the site to legitimate purchases by RACQ members ages ago. Non-members were buying thousands of dollars of cards at a time. That cost my family a fair bit for dearer groceries & petrol over many months. The site when it was again available restricted purchases & card amounts making it less attractive for my use as a paying member.

        • @brucefromaustralia:
          Actually 4 is a problem, numbers are not so much the issue here. You are either entitled to it or not. If you are not a library member then you are not. End of story. If people want deals I am sure they can often acquire them via legitimate means. No real need to compromise ones integrity by falsely claiming entitlement to a deal they probably didn't need anyway. The economics really are a somewhat secondary issue. Enjoy your course.

        • @brucefromaustralia: RACQ didnt subsidise this deal, I think you might find that woolies gave them cheaper just like you can get the same deal from Cash Rewards etc and you dont have to be a member. The point about RACQ losing potential members maybe correct, but if they were interstate probably no loss to RACQ

        • @RockyRaccoon:
          The RACQ deal was an example where OzBargainers benefited at the expense (loss of access to discount groceries & petrol) of legitimate members who paid to use the service. OzBargainers moved on to the next deal, but RACQ members lost a handy service & paid more for their Woolies purchases.

          After details (of a way to get the discount without being a RACQ member) were posted as a deal here, access to the discount Woolies Gift Card service to members was withdrawn, after non-members suddenly used the service in large numbers. If a small number had, no one would have noticed & the service to paying members would have continued.

          It's that potential loss of service to locals who fund it that concerns me.

          Looking at the locations votes are coming from, about half are not entitled to use this deal. (But I've voted + on good deals I can't access, so that does not mean they are accessing this deal.)

        • +1

          Numbers (of new or illegitimate subscribers) do matter to site administrators. If a few use a service without the right to it, it is unlikely to be noticed. If there is a sudden spike, especially using bogus library membership codes, the site may be closed down while the issue is dealt with. That would deprive legitimate users of access - as happened with the RACQ deal. Otherwise, good points.

        • @brucefromaustralia: "Cost my family" lel. Give it a rest mate ;)

        • +1

          Victoria and NSW have been subsidising Queensland since federation

          Yep, we gave them Dane Beams for virtually nothing!!!

        • @subscriber:
          Sites like OzB should combine member numbers & try to get "group buys" for such courses.

          We'd pay to get in, but much less than as individuals.

        • @brucefromaustralia:

          Sites like OzB could giggle their web apps, eg, so limited Deal articles "disapear" after a set number of folks read them.

          Not 100% effective, but might help a bit…

        • +3

          @brucefromaustralia: Whoa, calling them 'site administrators' is a bit of a stretch. Using a library card number as the only means of 'verification' is slightly laughable. From what I read Lyndacampus (if thats what plan is used here) is charged per hour of video watched. I doubt OzB will watch a noticeable number of hours. Most accounts will probably be used for 15 mins and just go in the top drawer to expire in a few years along side those unused Eneloops. If anything it helps Govt justify the need for this. Someone's KPI relies on this being used!

        • @snoo:
          True. And that same trusting nature up here of give us your membership number, we won't check it, & we'll let you at it - worked so badly for the RACQ discount Wish Card site, shutting it down to members for months.

          Of course the abuse of the RACQ discount Wish Card site was most likely picked up by Woolworths. Similarly, SLQ isn't likely to notice, but increased use of courses may trigger adverse attention by the site administrators at

          Luckily most OzBargainers quickly move on to the next deal, hopefully leaving little impact on our library services.

        • @IVI: > Sites like OzB could giggle their web apps

          Your post raises a giggle.

        • sure they have…… wasn't the slogan Victoria on the move to Queensland.

        • +1

          @jv: The ACT gave them Campbell Newman. I'm sure Qld was grateful for that.

      • If you look at redistribution estimates of GST for 2011-12 you will find Victoria is actually subsidising Queensland. So we are just getting a bit back. Thanks.…

        • +5

          Thou if you had looked at 2010-2011(the yr before) QLD subsidised Victoria. But that's OK, we're from Qld and we're here to help:)

        • @Fagin:
          How -useless- the State/Territory levels of gov't seems to be, right now.

        • -1

          @Fagin: They weren't subsidising Victoria. I don't think it's a huge issue, it's just a bit of cheeky Ozbargain parochialism. But if you're looking at the table on page 11, any State with a relativity ratio below 1.0 was subsiding others whilst those with a ratio greater than 1.0 were (or are) being 'subsidised'. In 2010-2011 Victoria, like in all previous years, had a ratio below 1.0, as with NSW. What we can all agree on is NT sucks.

      • I donated $250 to your flood support a couple of years ago.. you 'ALL' got new carpets, furniture, & electrical goods.. and then when & rebuilt on the same cheap flood plain ready for the next one! Queensland taxpayers are doing just fine.

        • +1

          Hey Come one guys,
          Chill, I thought we look after each other,

          @Bruce, Your point is reasonably valid, but then again Library access for all australians is free and considering where all the libraries waste their money, I'd rather have them subsidise than Bollywood movies.

        • @dealman:

          Most people here would sell you happily if that saved them 50%. Remember, it is OB, not Ozcare. ;-)

        • @Lysander:

          Haha I just didn't like bringing up the floods reference, ditto when Abott brought the Tsunami relief reference to indonesia, it is offensive and cheapens the point of helping each other.

          And my point about looking after each other referred to Us as entire Australians, Not just Ozbargainers ;-) but your point is taken..

        • +2

          @dealman: apologies for the reference

          Here then, you can borrow these Ipswitch library cards!


          Just return them on time ;)

        • @dealman: Hey, there are some great B'wood movies out there, eg:

          • "Every Child is Special" is useful to teachers [in training], & parents with kids with Dyslexia (& their kids).
    • The campaign links to Queesland State Library. They have different cards than Brisban City Council libraries'. Not sure if the latter would work.

  • +4

    That's a great deal. I get it free via my uni, but because I'm at uni I don't have time to use it…

    • Which Uni?

      • I know RMIT gives its students access to it.

        • Lol, not when I was there five years ago :( we got snubbed

      • UTS students have access

  • Excellent Deal! Thank you!

  • I've got access as benefit from being a staff at my university and it's a pretty good resource!

    • -2

      which Uni ??

  • +1

    This is huge. Thanks OP. Been subscribing in the past because what they offer is top quality content.

    Better get in quick though as they just got bought by LinkedIn and I would expect some changes happening soon.

    • +3

      I guess we can expect that completed course will be (optionally) listed on our LinkedIn profiles…? :-0

      • That's good thinking. I think you should be able to put things like that on your C.V. with some kind of multiple choice test to show you're not making it up. I put more effort into my 'The Great Courses' and iTunes Uni stuff than I did my formal studies.

  • +11

    Try Sunshine Coast Regional Council and 30481626 Link to photo of card

    Seems just to be a verification to get you to this link:

    Register your account and you are ready to go. Took me 2 minutes

    • Awesome, worked a treat! Thanks :)

    • Where do you register your account?

    • How do you register? That .gov link is giving me certificate error.

  • +2

    Didn't LinkedIn, ie spammer masquerading as professional social network, just bought Lynda for $1.5b? How would that affect those free services they provide?

    • -1

      Yes it did.
      I wonder if the free access will continue once the purchase is all sorted.

      No idea why someone would neg what you just said!

      • perhaps because..
        he said

        ie spammer masquerading as professional social network,

        Ps I didn't neg , but I wouldn;t agree with that assesment of linked in but each to his own.

        • I see, I thought it was negged because of linkedin buying lynda comment (I just ignored the spammer part).
          sorry folks.

      • -1

        I negged because Scotty couldn't stick with the facts, but had to promote his biased view of LinkedIn.

        In case you wonder, my biased view is that I like LinkedIn very much and it means the world to me and my businesses, and I don't see them as spammers because all can be regulated from your account.

        • +2

          Really? I've only found it a waste of time other than being able to contact "famous" people in my field. Other than that it's just … spam. Although it should be pointed out it's not from LinkedIn (calling them an organisation that posts spam aka "spammer" is ridiculous).

          So basically like all social networking it just wastes time. Cool if that's how you want to work but I try to spend as little time working as possible so "working" (multitasking, getting very little done while you read stuff that has no relevance to your work) is just not a good use of my time.

        • @Diji1:
          I actually thought linkedin was spam so there you go! I'm sure I read that they access your contacts list and then send out bulk invitation spam to anyone you have ever had an email from? I thought there was a court case about this? Didn't know anyone actually used it.

        • I see, I thought it was negged becuase of linkedin buying lynda.
          sorry folks.

        • -1

          @Helenn: you should try to get better informed.

        • +1

          One of the biggest type of spammers on LinkedIn are those fake recruitment companies & groups of hr managers.

          "I would like to invite you to come and join me as a member of the biggest group on LinkedIn for … <your line of work>"

          Sure they can be ignored/regulated, but they are like flies at a BBQ. But its great to hear LinkedIn helps your business!

  • +3

    Lynda has some pretty awesome courses.

    I highly recommend The Foundations of Photography series of courses by Ben Long. It is a great way to learn how to use your camera properly.

  • Amazing deal thank you

  • +1

    Anyway for Melbourne residents to access this legally? thanks.

    • +1

      Yes. Pay for it.

      • +2

        Fair go. He was just asking like all good ozbargainers do. If you cant advise, why not leave them alone.

      • I think he was asking if Melbourne libraries have a similar offer, not if there is a way to circumvent the system.

    • Download it. Is that illegal?

    • +2

      I can't confirm but possibly by signing up to one of these libraries:

      Which gives you access to:

      Edit: Sorry, just saw tori's link below which says the same thing.

      • +1

        Thank you for your info. It works. Have 3 months to pick up the actual library card from Ringwood library.

  • This is a good deal, I was a paying member of LYNDA before

    Does anyone knwo if there is any qld library that allows for online "Limited" signup ?

  • For Australian Catholic University students, get on this page
    You will get unlimited access to all lynda course.

  • fantastic… but do u know how I can login using the app?

    • Let me know when you find out …

    • i tried but it say your membership does not allow access through mobile devices, have to use browser!!!

  • thanks

  • +1

    UTS students can also get free access to Lynda. Here are the instructions:…

  • +3

    Nice one. Go Queenslander!

    Dare I say the course quality should be a tad better than those free Udemy courses.

    • +2

      Definitely better quality. And not written in a "Find Out How I Made $103,556 in THREE MONTHS … FOR FREE!!" style either.

      In other words the authors are probably real experts. Not experts who are experts to you only because they know a little more.

    • +1

      …but NOT necessarily better than Cousrera's many fine courses - all FREE & downloadable MOOCs, of course.

      • +1

        True Cousrera has good ones, but Lynda just feels more polished and structured.

        However, the thing with Lynda is that it does not have a very broad spectrum of courses. It tends to lean towards the digital sphere. Not much supplementry information like management, maths or physics

        • I've noticed a few "short" or Beta-stage courses, one promising to add modules (read: videos) periodically.

          I seemed to be be a reviewer of products…?

  • +5

    Eastern Regional Libraries Vic also has access. Really, check your local libraries and support them, it seems a few do have access.

    • +2

      Thanks Tori, Just signed up online to the Library. And then used that login to sign up on for free. content is top class, much much better than those free udemy courses.

      • can't seem to sign up there. maybe because i'm in queensland.

  • Just found out that UNSW students can also get free access.

  • +2

    What about us in WA, state that pays for more than 50% of GST income in oz…. ( I'm ready for the beatings !! :)

  • Deakin student can access Lynda at

  • -1

    I had a look at some of the courses; they're udemy grade (low level). Like, the fundamentals of Office. What good courses have people found here that aren't just crap people have made up or copied from Wikipedia?

    • +1

      So try Coursera's range.

      The only thing I mind about C's is that you may need to wait for your course to start.

      Some courses are being offered - for auditing - on-demand.

      Don't know which, myself… but I'd enjoyed Forensics; The Age of Sustainable Dev't; etc. etc.

    • +1

      They do have some pretty deep excel and ms access stuff if you know what you're looking for. You have to search the specific words you want to learn

    • +3

      Photography courses seem good.

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