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FREE: InstaPlace for iOS Save $3.79


FREE: InstaPlace For IOS
4.5/5 Averagre From 2.3k Reviews

A location based Photo App to let everyone know exactly where and when you were in that photo.

Location overlay will give you a chance to share with friends what you’re seeing in real time!

Beautifully crafted custom skins will give your photos CLEANER, more ELEGANT look.

  • over 70 skins for every imaginable location or occasion
  • share to: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Flickr, Tumblr
  • customizable Timestamp
  • works with your old photos! (as long as you have GPS information saved to them)

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closed Comments

  • I was sure I put a comment here, musta forgotten to click Post.

    Anyway, I got the android version yesterday when it was free.
    The app works fine and does a good job and making the photos look postcard like. Problem is you have to post the photo on either Facbook or Twitter. It does save a photo to your phone but that photo doesnt have the postcard writing etc on it, pity.

    • I wonder if posting on fb, twitter is android thing? cause it says share to: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Flickr, Tumblr on ios version

      • I just checked the app store it says Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Flickr, Tumblr for android - my guess its smart enough to know i only have facebook and twitter installed.

        Either way, it would be nice if the saved photo would have the postcard effects as well - I might just want to mms or email someone rather than post it to all.

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