Are you a creeper?

In traffic I have been noticing more drivers lately slowly creeping forward, then stopping, then creeping forward and stopping, and then creeping forward again all while stopped at a red light! It takes them forever to come to a complete stop, or they leave a massive gap and you just know they are going to creep until the light goes green.

It's frustrating for me on a motorbike as I put the bike in neutral and take my hands off the bars if the lights are going to be red for a minute or so. I then have to put the bike back in gear and plug the gap or put up with others trying to move into the space created by the creeper in front.

I understand that people might like the feeling of 'moving forward' while stuck in traffic but it is a pointless act. All it does is:

  • Reduce the space in front if you need to move because the car in front stalls or rolls back too back;
  • Makes your car A/C suck up more exhaust fumes
  • Increases the chance of your car overheating
  • Creates an elastic band effect on traffic flow
  • Increases wear on your braking system

Does this annoy anyone else? Are you a creeper and think there is a good reason for it?

EDIT: More specifically speaking of those drivers absent mindly creeping forward than the 'pre-greeners'. They are funny though when they guess the change of light wrong at an intersection with a red light camera.


  • +15

    This annoys the crap outa me too. Especially when they break quite heavily early on, kind of asking to be rear ended and/or cut off later on in traffic. As for people who leave 2-3 car space gaps at the red lights, if Im heading the same direction and the lane is faster (Eg no trucks) then I cut in front, I assume they were being kind, leaving a space for me.

    • THIS! Fantastic move! Hopefully they learn!

    • +8

      Yep, I do this too! I have had this argument on Facebook with some friends whose reaction when I brought up the problem of people leaving massive gaps was "what does it matter?"

      Well, if you leave such big gaps it means that the queue is that much longer and cars further back can often not get into a turning lane because of the excess space left.

      • +1

        Makes you wonder how they can't come to this logical conclusion themselves. One thing leads to another and one thing affects another. Not rocket science as they say.

        • +3

          I doubt that they can't come to this conclusion, its more to the point of being selfish… as long as it's not them that gets screwed over by not being allowed into the turning lane it's fine… plus safety!

        • +1

          @ProjectZero: True. Tend to give people the benefit of the doubt but yes. I am one of those people that gives way and lets people in, it does not happen in return however and if it does i am usually in shock lol

        • It depends on your perspective.

          The driver won't have to stop, and so IF the lights turn green, the car won't have to start from a stop (reducing petrol usage / energy) and saving the environment (no matter how small).

      • +3

        It seriously infuriates me when they leave overly large gaps - especially when they could free up the "turn left at any time with care" sliplane by just rolling forward half a meter.

        "what does it matter?"

        In my experience, this is the cause of 50% of the problems on the road. The other 50% are caused by:

        "I don't really give a shit"

        People suck at driving.

    • +3

      do you have to reverse park into those gaps

      • +1

        Nah, just stick my head in then straighten up, as long as my rear isnt blocking my original lane.

  • +1
    • +2

      With that thread title, I was wondering what it was doing in Automotive. :)

    • +4

      What the hell am I doing here!

      • +5

        I don't belong here :)

  • +26

    No, but I'm creepy. Does that count?

  • +7

    You shouldn't take your hands off the bars at a traffic light!

    • +1

      Yup. I only do that when I can see the car behind me has clearly come to a complete stop to reduce the chance of me being rear ended, which generally does not end well for bikers…

  • +2

    Ahh, Was just thinking this. People start breaking what seems like 2km away and just slowly try to stop then once they stop they move again and stop and again and stop and again. sigh

  • +3

    There is a special term for that…pregreening.
    No, I am not a creeper/pregreener. I think they are just impatience.

    • I like that term. Pre-greener! I talking more about people that absent mindly do it. Drives me crazy (if you pardon the pun).

    • +7

      The funny thing is, when the light does go green the car in front always, ALWAYS, takes at least a second to react, as if they've never had a green light before and are confused as to what to do next.

      • +1

        I figure it takes them a while longer to get their brain in gear first, then they can go. If they can't concentrate enough to move when the light turns green, then I want my vehicle far away from them to avoid any chance of them colliding with it (and me!).

  • +35

    Sometimes at night, when the roads are quiet, I take my foot off the accelerator if the light is red and at a distance away, and let the car lose momentum of its own accord, with the aim of not having to break before the light turns green again. I try not to do this when there are cars around… haha.
    I do try to be courteous to the car behind me, and not break too early if they are wanting to turn right at the lights, and I'm blocking the right turn lane.

    But once I've stopped, I'm stopped. No creeping to edge closer to the car in front. I am a bit of a "pre-greener" though. If I'm at the front of the queue, the lights just turned red for the other side and I'm expecting my lights to turn green, I might edge forward a little… (sorry!)

    What I really can't stand is people who brake unnecessarily on the freeway. Obviously if there's an obstruction, fine, but because a car overtook (not cut in), or because they realise they are slightly above the limit? Just take the foot of the accelerator and slow down gradually. If I'm approaching a jam on the freeway, I try and double tap the brake first, before braking properly. So the car behind has a bit of a warning.

    • I wrote my comment before yours was up. Too funny.

    • +1

      What you are doing sounds okay. I'm talking about people at a solid red light not even close to going green just creeping and stopping without any indication that they know why they are even doing it.

      • Are they possibly doing something in the car while stopped at the lights? In other words, are they possibly distracted and their feet are becoming slack at random intervals? I know this sounds very unlikely and incredibly stupid and dangerous as it would easily result in them rear ending the person in front if they're creeping forward without looking… but it really doesn't make sense why they'd creep, does it :S So weird. I mean, I always see people stopped at lights who then turn to do something, like read, or look at their phones, or apply makeup, or fix up their clothes, or tinker with their radio/sound system.

        I can't say I've personally noticed any creepers though. Only those at the very front of the queue who are really eager to shoot off once the green appears lol.

        • +3

          The ones you meet up with at the next set of lights. :)

        • Usually I find these people are either scared little elderly people who need a large golf of space in front and behind them for comfort and have to keep moving to maintain that, or they are talking on the phone / intoxicated and are leaving an extra distance around them for genuine safety fears. Either way it pays to go around them wherever possible, rather than follow their lead and creep behind the creeper.

    • What if there was a speed camera on the freeway and they pressed on their brake(or the auto slow down from the speed camera detector does it - I had friend who seems to have this auto slam on the brakes whenever he's speed camera detector would pick them up) because their speed camera detector detected one and they wanted to be safe?

      Other than that, yeah I pretty much do what you do and let my car roll towards the lights if there are no cars behind me.

      • Being safe from not getting a ticket shouldn't mean risking an accident by suddenly slamming the brakes when the car behind him is doing 100km/h and is not expecting to slow down suddenly.

        To be honest, your friend shouldn't be speeding in the first place. Or else, he is lacking self awareness if he is unable to pass a speed trap without knowing what speed he is doing. Either way, he should reassess his suitability towards driving a vehicle.

        • Well if you were behind and driver in font decided to slam on the brakes, you'd think to slam on your brakes too so you don't rear end him wouldn't you without a second thought(or at least switch lanes, if there are no cars next to you before the driver in front of your hits you for slowing down too much)? I Probably would as I don't want to rear-end the guy in front of me, but then the guy behind me(if there is one), well hope he sees it coming and he also slams on the brake before he rear-ends me! hahahaha

          But seriously speaking, I'd prefer to avoid any crashes if possible than keep at the speed I was driving at then rear ending some driver in front of me, because he decided to slam on his brakes for whatever reasons, and then deal with the fact afterwards.

          Yeah, I'd say he's got poor self-awareness….which is probably why he installed/bought a car with one preinstalled.

        • @Zachary:
          hehe. It's just unnecessary, and creates risk. Hopefully the person behind you won't hit you due to them keeping the 2 second rule. But why take that risk?

          The reason why it bugs me (braking on the freeway), is because it's dangerous, and can causes "phantom jams". Braking should really be a last resort (assuming no obstructions in front). I admit I'm quite strict on this. If a person can't drive and maintain speed on the freeway with normal traffic, with cars overtaking one another, without braking, they are probably too nervous or unable to maintain control of their vehicle to be there in the first place.

          Anyways, I don't yell or am aggressive towards such people. Just a pet peeve of mine.

        • -3

          @zim4: Oh yeah, and that's probably why they have the 2 second rule; in the case the guy in front decides to slam, you have 2 seconds to react before you rear end him! haha

          Well, Cruise control(if you car has one, mine has; but not many have) usually solves this problem, provided that there is not that much traffic and vision is not hindered in any way.

          My mums always nervous when she goes on the freeway and avoids it at all costs(even if the only way is through the freeway, she will find another way around); dunno why - maybe because of the horror stories?

          Well, the free way to me is pretty much free - speed as fast as you can(regardless speed limit) without getting caught(ok, don't do this, unless you're just testing how fast she goes! hahaha), don't crash and you're good. Pretty much be free and yourself.

          Because all these is a long stretch of road ahead of you, how can it be possible for you to crash - it's apparently the safest road to drive on. Unless you're trying to do tricks to show off, like attempting to drift on turns on the free way(I've yet to see this), fall asleep on the wheel, intoxicated by whatever drugs, drag race some random or race to see who can speed the fastest and highest, etc. - there's no way you can crash.

          Of course there's always a chance you could crash because some idiot in front decided to slam on the breaks hard(or someone crash into you from the sides, either from rage or just accidental to switch lanes) and you not having enough time to react.

        • There has been a precedent set that under certain circumstances on a freeway if you slam on the brakes because of a camera, you can be liable for damages if an accident happens as a result, including being rear ended.

          I can't remember exactly where I read it, but it's been tested in court (and the monitoring camera on the speed camera picked up the whole thing and was used in evidence against the rear ended motorist)

        • +2

          Freeways are the safest in that all traffic flows in the same direction, there are no lanes splitting, and the speed is constant. But this does not excuse anyone from not giving their driving their full attention.

          People need to learn to enter the freeway too. So many times, I see cars entering the freeway at the speed of the road they just came off. Use the entry ramp to get up to speed before you actually merge on the freeway.

      • Speed camera detector?

        Do you mean a GPS device or something which specifically detects only speed cameras?

        I thought the latter was illegal…

        • Um, apparently both can detect; I have neither so I can't comment on that statement.

          Only speed camera jammers are illegal, detectors are not, unless they just recently changed it…. I know in NSW detectors and jammers are illegal, but in WA, it's only the jamemrs are….can't comment on other states…

          Even so, The police have smarter ways of hiding the speed cameras so that even if you got best of the best current detector/jammer(jammers might actually hep in this instant), you won't be able to detect it before it's too late.

    • +7

      Just take the foot of the accelerator and slow down gradually.

      yes, yes and double yes.

      can't stand people who continue accelerating only to brake.

      or people who drive with the nose up the car in front. stay back! give your self at least 3 car spaces. then if the car in front brakes (just to slow a little) then you don't have to slam on your brakes, just take the foot off the accelerator.

      • +4

        Braking whilst going up a hill. Very interesting that one. Driving behind someone on a freeway in the right hand lane, they are constantly braking and repeating the process over and over. You change lanes to overtake (so is everyone else because they are driving everyone insane) and amazingly they then speed up. Happens so much. Like what the?

        • +1

          Those drivers are just having fun driving, screwing other drivers(you know, being dicks)….or wanting attention…and then eventually leads to road rage.

        • @Zachary:
          Unless you see their brake lights going on , if their speed drops while going up hill it is more likely a side effect of the old ' manual transmission + shitty driver skills' equation that is to blame. Sou many people don't know how to handle a clutch or know when to use one, advanced driver training should be mandatory before being allowed to use a manual vehicle .

        • @krzystoff: I suspect it is also not adjusting the conditions, ie they don't adjust the amount of accelerator from the flat part of the road when it starts to incline = speed naturally slows. Annoying if you are the car behind them!

    • +3

      when the roads are quiet, I take my foot off the accelerator if the light is red and at a distance away, and let the car lose momentum of its own accord, with the aim of not having to break before the light turns green again. I try not to do this when there are cars around… haha.

      I do this too :D Feels so good when the lights turn green again and you haven't had to brake at all (and no cars are around you / no-one has been bothered by my non-accelerating and non-braking during the light change lol)

      • Is this a bad thing to do if there are people around? I tend to do this haha

        • +1

          Depends how far you are away from the lights when you start the slowdown…heh. It can get annoying for drivers if they are stuck doing 60kph in a 80 zone, and they are still 500m from the actual red light. Also, if there are cars behind, you're bunching up traffic behind you. Given that people get road rage so easily, probably best not to antogonise :)

        • +1

          @zim4: I just roll to the red light. I don't brake and then speed up again

        • +1

          I do this too especially in peak hour traffic, where you move 10 to 20 metres at a time.
          I see ppl speed up like a F1 driver only to stop suddenly. But why? This will waste fuel and wear out the brakes. The traffic aint going to clear anytime soon.
          I accelerate a little bit, then take my foot off the accelarator as per Zim4.

      • +1

        I do this every day on my commute. It's a great skill to learn not only because it saves fuel , reduces brake wear but also it makes the drive much less stressful - because you don't have deal with red lights - almost like having one of those fabled police traffic light transponders!
        I would never do it in heavy traffic because it simply wouldn't work , but lighter off peak traffic where the traffic flows in waves rather than continuously. Also it doesn't work well on unfamiliar roads because its hard to get the timing right.

    • +2

      Creeper is better than pre-greener, no offense to all the pre-greener, but it's better late than never arrive.. I saw this guy once who slam their gas as soon as the light turn green and got hit from the other side.. not a good sight..

      • +3

        Agree with this. Its a pretty bad habit of mine(pre greening). Should work on cutting it out. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Being a true ozbargainer, I do this too!!

      Always feels good to save fuel. :)

    • +1

      Zim4, are you my long lost brother? I do exactly the same as you.

      As for OP, who cares if the creeper infrint moves an inch forward. You don't have to take notice or react.
      I say chill out, coz if small things frustrat you on the road, then other minor things can cause incessant frustration and this slowly builds to road rage (not suggesting you have it.) it's just unhealthy when it does so little harm when someone creeps forward.

      Don't worry be happy :)

      • I think zim4 and yourself are
        also my long lost bros as I also do exactly the same thing. It's just more efficient and everything feels smoother. As long as it doesn't affect others, I think letting your foot off the gas and letting the car loss momentum towards a red light is the way to go.

  • +13

    My partner is a prime example. I hate it. Slows down too late and doesn't keep still. I slow down early, come to a roll and stop. It isn't that hard. I don't get it. On the other hand, i hate when you are trying to turn in a short lane and you can't because the person in front hasn't moved up when clearly they can and you would be able to get through. Either they don't look in their rear view mirror and like most are not aware of their surroundings or they don't get they are causing more traffic congestion.

    • +7

      I always roll up if I notice someone behind me that is partially blocked. I don't understand the selfishness of those that don't. Surely when driving your special awareness means that you know what's happening around you (though this is clearly not always the case).

      • +1

        I truly think some people just have no idea. Not aware at all. They drive looking forward. No idea what's next to them or behind them. I am the opposite. I don't get upset if they don't move but traffic flows better if you use a bit of common sense and consideration.

        • +1

          That probably for the best. I drive while mostly aware of everything around me, 360 degrees. I drive like the car is an extension of my body and everybody else is out to kill me =P

      • I always roll up and scoot to the side if I see someone is blocked and they've got their signal on but I NEVER move when I see someone trying to get around me without a turn signal - I'll change the streets of Australia one driver at a time :P

        • +4

          Saw an A4 driver today trying to merge/change lane without signalling and the car behind us won't let him in. They had a full on swearing show-down. It was fun to watch :P

        • +1

          @Banana: Lately Audi drivers, Merc C class drivers and Range Rover drivers have been worst on the road…

    • If I'm stuck behind someone that clearly has enough space I give a short honk and usually they realise and move up.

      • I would sit there. I have no doubt you would cop abuse here. Doubt they even notice honestly, nor care. Some people think they own the road literally.

  • Well, I guess I do sometimes. If I'm sitting at say a turn arrow where theres a limited holding area, and I can see in my mirror that traffic is banking up behind me, I will close the gap between my and the car in front to make space for more people.

    If your on a bike, why are you waiting at the back? I thought one of the benefits of being on a bike was that it was a ticket to the front of the line :D

    • Don't get me wrong, I legally filter when I think it's safe. It also depends on if I have room or not. Sometimes I feel like a break and will sit up to take pressure of my wrists and back and have a stretch.

      • "Sometimes I feel like a break and will sit up to take pressure of my wrists and back and have a stretch."

        Sounds like you need a more comfortable ride with a CVT

      • +1

        hahaha, I'm a rider myself. I always shake my head whenever i see people filter carelessly.

  • +1

    I am a 'creeper'. Actually, being a creeper is recommended by the RACQ as it saves fuel.

    Try these eco-driving tips and reduce your fuel bill…

    • Watch ahead and cruise smoothly
    • Brake and accelerate gently


    It's not just common sense. It's backed up by an industry study.

    Saves fuel. Saves money. Saves wear on the breaks and engine. Saves the environment. Reduces money flowing to mega oil companies. Perhaps it even reduces money flowing to ISIS?

    I love to time my 'creeping' so that I can roll over the line in the empty lane exactly as the light turns green. This means I actually get ahead of the non-creeper who zoomed up to a red light. So you actually get to the destination faster than non-creepers!

    Now what I don't really understand is why other drivers aren't 'creepers'. I thought OzBargainers of all people would want to save money by driving efficiently.

    And even if you want to be heavy on the pedals, why should you choose to be annoyed by 'creepers'.

    • +2

      I think Peace Maker, was talking about once stopped. It's essentially different because effectively one is starting momentum rather than maintaining it. Also hovering the brakes can cause the disks to be "glazed", though I've only just heard this recently.

      • Ah okay don't think I ever noticed someone doing that before.

        Some of the other comments in this thread seemed to be talking about braking or slowing down early and rolling up to the lights…

      • Correct. I'm talking about sitting in a solid queue of traffic at a stop light.

    • I love to time my 'creeping' so that I can roll over the line in the empty lane exactly as the light turns green. This means I actually get ahead of the non-creeper who zoomed up to a red light. So you actually get to the destination faster than non-creepers!

      Do you only do that when theres no traffic?
      I do that when theres no cars behind me and Im the only one or two on the road. But people who do it even when there's traffic, again I assume they're leaving space for me to cut in front.

      • +1

        Pretty much no traffic, yes. Usually after 9 pm on Nicklin Way here at the Sunny Coast. But I usually don't drive too much during peak hour anyway.

        If you cut in front of me and brake hard because the light is red it makes me laugh. At the next lights I will cruise through at 60km/h exactly as it goes green, while you are still stopped.

  • "It's frustrating for me on a motorbike as I put the bike in neutral and take my hands off the bars if the lights are going to be red for a minute or so. I then have to put the bike back in gear and plug the gap or put up with others trying to move into the space created by the creeper in front."

    Traffic filtering has me at the front 9 x out of 10

  • +1

    I'm really confused as to why 'creeping' would put ISIS out of business.

  • +7

    This is really frustrating if you're stuck behind one of these people and you drive a manual car. Especially when people decide to break really early and then slowly roll their way forward in an auto car…. You're at the speed where you don't gather enough momentum to carry the car forward in neutral but have to give the car throttle just about stall in 1st gear and be wary of them suddenly hitting the brakes again.

    • I guess that's why there are not many drivers who drive manual cars anymore, only autos. And not many cars that sell with manual transmission. I suppose you can buy an auto and go to some workshop/garage and get them replace and change to manual but it will cost a bit - I thought it was free at first because of the car/racing games I've played where you can instant change whether you're driving a auto or manual without any cost to pay.

      • +3

        Many people these days just see driving as a means from a to b but I'm one of the few who enjoy driving manual… when there's no traffic haha. Even then more sports cars are coming out with semi auto replacing manual.

      • True Outside the luxury sports and larger 4wd market, auto is pretty standard now often manual is not an option and that is consumer driven. Very few people want one. However in the bottom end you woo still pay up to $2000 more for auto on some entry level models.

  • +5

    I hate it too. Then again I hate many things in regards to drivers, road rules and pedestrians

    -Drivers whom don't signal whilst turning
    -Drivers whom turn into a main road from a side st only to inconvenience you by momentarily turning into another ( seriously there's no cars behind me couldn't you not cut me off)
    -Drivers not utilising the bike lane whilst turning left. Seriously if you used it I wouldn't need to wait for you to turn that ever so slowly from the right side of the lane. I mean who turns from the right anyways?
    -Cars going under the speed limit
    -Cars going over the speed limit
    -Cars thinking every road is a freeway and honking and shouting at me to 'move left' whilst running up my butt. You know what mr smarty 4wd drive. In the state of Vic its 80kmph. Before its keep left unless overtaking. Where do we find these limits? Yes on a freeway. Not a 60k zone
    -People doing 60 in a 40 zone
    -Cars taking more than 3 secs to notice the light changing from a red to green
    -Trams failing to use their stopping lights correctly
    Cars honking at me cause I slowed down for a tram that I know was going to stop abruptly without use of said lights ( remember that one? You honked. I protested. The man; he lives now)
    -Being honked whilst slowing down whilst indicating left and letting bikes pass
    Oh don't worry. Haven't forgotten about the bike riders
    - Harley riders. Ruining the serenity. Yes I go to the dandenongs for peace not to hear your incessant revving
    -Being honked at a stop light because the car in front decided to creep and the idiot sees 2 micro inches of space in front of you. Check mirrors. Is she turning? No. What I see. Two hand making a pushing motion. Turn back make my own kind of gesture. Seriously I drive a manual. I am in neutral. I aint putting it in gear just for your arbitrary space requirements

    In the subject of manual driving; me car is a delicate flower. Poised in her mannerisms, she can roll back at times. This is especially prevelant whilst having 3+ passengers on a hill. No I don't need to use my break for a hill start. But know this when t hat light turns green and I need to go on a hill it's gonna roll a fraction of a tick back. Nothing long like less than half a second. Due to this please don't stop far up my arse. Due to this. Do not honk your horn for 5 seconds after I roll. Car doesn't have any anti roll equipment.

    Wow. After careful consideration, I have concluded that I am a 80yr old man trapped in a 24yr body. So much complaining. Then again I'm sure people hate the way I drive on the roads so we are even?

    • +1

      OMG yes when people ride up your arse on a hill stopped in a manual car.

      Also, when people turn left or right but take such a long distance to merge into their respective turning lanes that when they slow down so much just before they turn, half their butt is still in your lane.

      • OMG yes when people ride up your arse on a hill stopped in a manual car.

        As a manual driver, I sometimes do it… it isn't out of spite though, more to point that sometimes you put a little too much gas in because you're on a hill.

    • +4

      My personal pet peeve is (mostly) young guys who, when you're the first to approach a red light and they're right behind you, they won't stay there but instead snake to the left lane with the intent on gunning it and overtaking when it goes green. Like… really, dude? Your ego can't let you sit behind one car?

      When I borrow my mother's eco hatchback, it doesn't bother me because I'm not going to be chasing a WRX; but if I'm on my motorbike, it doesn't matter what car you have, I'll still be faster than you from a stop because the power: weight ratio will always be in my favour. When I see a guy eyeballing me on the left at a traffic light, I'll gun it on the bike and laugh as he has to merge back into my lane in the rear-view.

      • -1

        So you're no better?

        • +1

          If I'm behind we hit a red light, I'll stick behind if they're been travelling at the limit because I'm not going to save any meaningful amount of time by overtaking ONE car. That said, if I'm already in the right lane and faster from a stop than you are, then don't try to show off your manhood by speeding and attempting to overtake in a short double lane. Two different situations but bravo for attempting to equate them.

        • -1

          @Strand0410: Wow. You really need to calm down.

    • +2

      -Drivers whom don't signal whilst turning

      Especially when they are using a round about or see you stopped at the intersection they are turning into… FFS i could have use the opportunity to turn you know… but know no they either don't indicate at all or only do so when they turn…

      LOL @ that grammar fail

      • +1

        or the geniuses who indicate the wrong way on roundabouts. because it's ambiguous whether you're exiting to the left or right!!??

        • Never seen it happen… thank god… i just see alot of people not indicating at all.

        • @ProjectZero:

          Slick and Project

          Yes it's really really annoying
          the origin is Queensland I believe where law says you must indicate to enter the roundabout and then indicate again to exit.

          It makes little or no sense here because our roundabouts are about 10m in diameter

          Queenland's roundabouts that this rule is for are size of a small city block.

    • Oh boy.. just take it easy on the road ;)

    • +1

      All very annoying! I'd add to that drivers who pull out of a side street cut into the right lane in front of you and then slow down; or fail to give way when making a U-turn; or manual drivers who can't change gears to save their life and bunny hop along the road. Some people are truly too ignorant or thoughtless to be allowed in the road.

    • Does your handbrake work for hill starts?

      • Me?

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