Are you a creeper?

In traffic I have been noticing more drivers lately slowly creeping forward, then stopping, then creeping forward and stopping, and then creeping forward again all while stopped at a red light! It takes them forever to come to a complete stop, or they leave a massive gap and you just know they are going to creep until the light goes green.

It's frustrating for me on a motorbike as I put the bike in neutral and take my hands off the bars if the lights are going to be red for a minute or so. I then have to put the bike back in gear and plug the gap or put up with others trying to move into the space created by the creeper in front.

I understand that people might like the feeling of 'moving forward' while stuck in traffic but it is a pointless act. All it does is:

  • Reduce the space in front if you need to move because the car in front stalls or rolls back too back;
  • Makes your car A/C suck up more exhaust fumes
  • Increases the chance of your car overheating
  • Creates an elastic band effect on traffic flow
  • Increases wear on your braking system

Does this annoy anyone else? Are you a creeper and think there is a good reason for it?

EDIT: More specifically speaking of those drivers absent mindly creeping forward than the 'pre-greeners'. They are funny though when they guess the change of light wrong at an intersection with a red light camera.


  • +2

    Nope. And it drives me up the (profanity) wall as a motorcycle rider behind one of these people. It's one thing to decelerate gradually (it's good for your brakes), I'm talking about drivers who'll stop several meters behind the car in front of them, then edge a bit, stop, then repeat.

    • Yep, exactly what I am talking about!

  • +3

    I think 1st world problems again.. Should check out the driving in China.. Everyone is a rally car driver and who cares about road rules!!

    • +3

      Probably goes for many Asian countries. Jakarta, Indonesia is like real life dodgem cars.. only minus the constant crashes. Even if you do bump someone, it's not a problem.. just keep moving, keep moving, don't stop or we'll never get home! >_<

      • Jakarta, Indonesia is like real life dodgem cars..

        I think you mean bikes… XD

        • Wouldn't want to be on a motorbike in china. I've seen so many ppl lying on the road with motorbike on the side after accident. not good. First time I was crossing the road in china, I thought at a proper pedestrian crossing drivers would wait since a lot of ppl walking on the green man haha! how wrong was I. They kept on driving at decent speed into pedestrian's and khaos theory of near misses takes over where everyone manages to miss everyone.

  • +1

    I get annoyed at the general aggression and impatience of Australian drivers. People in general just need to take a chill pill and realise that getting angry and aggressive is not going to get you to your destination any quicker. So what if you are a second slow in pulling off from the lights or leave a bigger than 10cm gap to the car in front

    I just got back from a trip to India. The traffic is horrendous and the road rules are only a vague suggestion, but people are calm and don't get angry with each other. Everyone just gets on with it

  • +2

    This bothers me too. Worse yet, is being tailgated when I'm doing the limit, in the left lane, or on a single lane road. Just yesterday night, someone was so close behind me in a 60k zone that I could barely see their headlights anymore. Had to brake check them a few times to get them to ease off. Jeez!

    • Use your parking brake. It won't light up your brake lights and will definitely get their attention.

      • Hahah. I don't actually want to cause any drama! I'm trying to avoid just that. :p

  • +6

    I only ever creep if the guy in front does just so I can fill the gap or if there is a guy behind me trying to get into a turning lane and I can spare a little bit more space to let them through.

    The worst drivers are those that have two cars' length in front and won't budge even when there is someone behind trying to get into a turning lane.

  • Now I know how to troll bike riders at a red light.

  • Now this is a practical observation - not racist. Some of you may find it politically incorrect but you will agree it is the truth.

    nothing worse then a Chinese learner driver being taught by another Chinese driver
    nothing worse then an Indian learner driver being taught by another Indian driver (I am Indian)
    nothing worse then an African learner driver being taught by another African driver

    • Don't worry I'm chinese and I hate chinese drivers with a passion… most of them seriously need to retake their exams… When the streets are two ways and you need to turn right… don't take up the middle, I'm looking at you Eastwood people…

      • You should redirect your hate towards the policies and policy enforcers within the licensing/immigration department.

        It's good to know that tourist can drive without a valid Australian license. As long as they are tourist, the laws of physics have no impact. Pun intended.

        • Now that you mention it… I think my mum swapped her license to an Aussie license when I was a kid, don't think she did the test either… no wonder I get scared of her driving.

      • +2

        Chinese pedestrians in eastwood also don't look at their surroundings when crossing the road. It's like they expect cars to stop for them all the time.

        Especially that busy part near the plaza. Somebody will get run over someday.

        • +1

          I avoid that part like a plague… the road I'm talking about is Hillview lane. That place is narrow enough as it is for a two way… and people feel the need to take the middle just to turn right, pretty much blocking the traffic so they can get their way.

        • It's a roll of the dice going through the school zones on the way to Eastwood station haha

        • Add the headphone listeners to that list. Are they gonna cross? Nah cant be. The light has changed. But he isn't going. Hang on then why is he near the light. He cant be possibly be waiting for a tram can he? Hmmm. Guess he is. Time to drive. Ah no he is crossing now. Sigh! Wasn't paying attention to surroundings.

          All these thoughts are in the micro seconds. Yet you have impatient people that honk at you as soon as the light changes. Nothing better than some idiot being a nuisance then you both pull up at the same destination. Fool cant even look at you.

        • @Hahuh: I stare at them… they try to be morons and cut me off only to stop next to me at the light ahead lol.

  • -1

    I ride and drive. Just not bicycles. Ain't no body got time for that.

    You shouldn't have to move your bike forward if someone is creeping. They'll stop. If they so much as nudge you, file a collision report if you're at a major intersection. Many have CCTV.

    As for annoying habits- if you're a motorcyclist, don't do this. Don't split lanes if you can't make it to the front. Don't split lanes unless the cars are stationary. If you do, please don't claim your injuries through Medicare. I'd prefer my tax dollars not wasted on the brain dead.

    • why are you telling motorcyclists to not do what's legal? (at least in QLD)

      They are legally allowed to filter through slow traffic at speeds up to 30km/h.

  • Why the hate on creepers?

    Also you should leave a gap for safety reasons, looks like most people in here never went to driving school. In Germany there is always a large gap.

    • +5

      Leaving a reasonable gap is fine, but then stop. Don't absent mindly crawl forward and stop every 2 seconds for no valid or logical reason at all!

    • You need only leave an adequate stopping distance + a margin for manual-jalopy-drivers. At speed you might allow as much as 3+ car lengths at 100, or 0.5m when stopped at a red light — the original post refers to stationary traffic so leaving a large gap acheives nothing but frustrating other road users and further traffic flow.

  • What's the go with pre-grenning? I think some see my BMW and want to have a go, and clearly would need a head start. Invariably they miss time it and look like clowns. I get a much better start by waiting for the green.

    • Always flat stick it when the countdown hits 1.

      • lol are you that guy stuck in the middle of the intersection when you realise it's still red and you've got it wrong??

  • +4

    There is a special place in hell for morons ranting into a Bluetooth device and staying 2 car lengths away from the car in front, denying people entry into the turning lane.

  • +1

    I picked up my Jag from the mechanic 2 weeks ago. I asked him to check the brakes during the service… and apparently the pads etc are fine (but I suspect he didn't bother bleeding them).

    Now when I'm stopped at lights, I occasionally get a soft pedal and have to pump it a couple of times to come to a stop again. The brakes are fine for sudden stopping, but can be spongy when stationary. I know about it, and I allow for it with the gap I leave.

    Yes, I need to get it back across to the mechanic, which isn't all that difficult… but in the meantime I am driving a car I know well and allowing for its foibles

    • +1

      Could very well be air in the lines but it's also a classic sign that the master brake cylinder is failing. This mostly happens when brake fluid is being held under pressure by the pump (holding foot on brake) and starts to leak back past the seals into the reservoir. It usually gets worse over time, and worse in hot weather.

      You'll know when it's really time to replace it if your hitting the firewall with your brake pedal and still moving forward after being stationary for a while.

      • I should start carrying a spare Brake Master Cylinder in the boot. You would think I'd have learned my lesson with 3 Jags over the last 20 years :D

  • +5

    As someone who drives a manual transmission car (by choice), it frustrates me when drivers ahead at a red light queue stop and leave a large gap (sometimes as much as 6 m). Then creep forward very very slowly. What is the point? I now need to engage gear and slowly start to creep forward behind them. Often I won't bother and will just leave a 6m gap between me and the car in front. There's no point to this behaviour.

    I understand taking your foot off the accelerator and coasting to a stop at a red light. Less time stationary (hence less fuel usage), and you might still be rolling when the light turns green (large fuel saving). Stopping completely. And then moving forward a little…. and a little… and a little makes no sense at all.

    • This is why most drive an auto in Sydney. Hard to sell a manual or buy a used car that's a manual. Besides they would never be capable of driving a manual i doubt.

      • +1

        The only explanation I have for creeping behaviour is maybe people subconsciously want to have the feeling of 'going somewhere' and 'making progress' even if they're at a red light. The scarier alternative is that some drivers are so poor at judging distance and time that they feel they need the 6m gap to stop safely, then proceed forward slowly.

        • the newer cars like mine the extra 2m gives more room to accelerate before the car in front moves.
          after all the 3 cylinder engines autos are gutless and getting to 60 from standing start isn't all that smooth otherwise

        • +1

          @carlb: Having a bit of extra room to accelerate is fine, but what people are referring to in terms of 'creeping' is stopping and then moving forward a little very slowly. Stopping again, and moving very slowly again. Not because the car in front has done so, but because the driver stopped 6m behind and feels the need 5 seconds later to reduce the gap to 5.5m. Then 5m. Then 4.5m and so on.

          That's not related to engine performance or acceleration times.

      • I wouldn't say so. I will always buy a manual car over auto as I prefer the handling and engagement.

  • +3

    I "creep" occasionally. If my baby is cranky, tired or sick, the only thing that settles him is keeping the car moving constantly. If I get stuck at the lights for ages and the car doesn't move at all, sometimes he will get so upset he stops breathing! So I apologise if you get stuck behind me or another parent that "creeps" for this reason, but it's worth annoying you to keep my baby happy.

  • Lol. I forgive u. :) I get u. The baby is the boss! I think this is a different kind a creeper the original poster was referring to. What a term!

  • +1

    I drive a manual so also find creepers annoying. When anticipating the green light I do usually lift off the brakes and hold the car in position with the clutch depending on the slope so that I can get a quick start.

    • +1

      The worst are up hill creepers… they brake so hard and then proceed to slowly close the gap… meaning I have to stop the car then do hill starts every 5 secs…

      • +2

        Wait till there's around a 1.5 to 2 car gap, then move. Most of the time the creepers have stopped by then.

        • Currently do this, but there are times when you need to move asap because the light is still green and more cars are trying to come into the lane.

    • +1

      You are likely to wear the clutch out prematurely by holding the vehicle in position using a bit of throttle.

      • Yeah that's why I said depending on the slope. I don't do it on anything close to steep, more on flat / slight inclines.

  • What is much more annoying is people who don't stop on the line properly and aren't on the pressure plate properly. Wake up

  • +1

    you forgot to add:

    • to check out the chick in the next lane to you….

    anyway i usually stand my ground but if im not really on the ball if the car ahead of me creep(y)s farwards then ill do it until i see whats going on.

    • Oh my god, this is true! I swear every time I drive my Mazda 3 Hatchback, a guy driver would pass by and look at over to me, as if he was expecting a pretty girl driving!

      And then at stop when lights are Red, same thing! Guys think just because I drive a hatchback, it automatically means there is a girl behind the wheel! Wow, so it must be true - a hatchback is a girls car regardless what make and model it is, if it's a hatchback - then it's a girl's car! I knew it! I knew it!

      Thank god I changed cars to a Honda Accord Sedan(My sister's got my Hatchback now….so guys can stare at her all day long, doesn't bother me! hahaha) - I can't stand those moments when they stare strangely at you only to find a guy staring back at them! It feels weird…..or they must be gay……….. No more hatchbacks for me from now on! hahaha

      Now when I drive my sedan, no one seems to notice me anymore or at least try to take a peep at me. I feel better; problem solved! Hahahah

      • The Mazda 3 is a chickie car….

        • Really? I was told that it was a unisex car…..

          When I first got it, I thought it was a girl's car too! hahaha But I didn't buy it, my dad did - he's like "Oh son since you have no money to buy your own car, here have this car - you're early birthday present!" And I was like "………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….but that's girl's car!! You bought me a girl's car!! What are you trying to do to me, punish me by making me drive a girl's car!?" And he's like "Nope, that ain't a girls cars, anyone can drive, boy or girl." And I'm like: "fine…..whatever, it's a fee car I guess."

          googles is Mazda 3 hatchback a girl's car? Came back with some people saying it is and some people saying it isn't and others saying who cares if it is, it's just a car - it's not like a car as a gender!

          And I'm like " ..okay, well lets how I go…"

          And now I'm here… hahaa

        • @Zachary: That's fine. If they think otherwise just show them your sausage. Preferably dipped in some cheap bbq sauce you saw on Ozbargain.

  • I do it just to see if the person behind me will go forward.
    Most people will creep forward totally oblivious that they are doing it.

  • I really dislike creepers, it really grinds my gears (not literally). Being a manual driver it's just plain annoying especially on an incline, there should be a law against it I mean like someone said previously it can potentially make the queue heaps longer. Come on people we need to be efficient with our driving! Who is teaching these people? Bad habits like this should be ironed out in the driving school phase with logical explanations given to students.
    To sum up: You are not alone in your dislike of creeping :)

  • +1

    I've never understood it myself, especially the ones in manuals, who you can see actually use the accel to creep forward, then brake (you see the nose dip) to avoid hitting the car in front.

    Then you get the ones that stop way over the white stop line? Why?!! It's an offence, it's dangerous to pedestrians, what's the point?!

    Then you get the ones that creep, creep, then the light goes green and they just sit there and don't move!

    Then you get the ones who stop 2 car lengths before the lights, wait until everyones stopped behind them, then move up to the line

    I pretty much think that most drivers have got nothing else better to do than to annoy others on the road.

    • So many different kinds of creepers lol Some people are just born oblivious. Seriously.

  • +1

    A famous American once said that (paraphrasing) if you think democracy is awesome, you should try having a chat with the average person on the street for 10 minutes on important issues and the results would quite likely shatter your belief in democracy.

    I would wager that the roads would be best place to see the worst society has to offer.

    • While we may see something as an issue i have no doubt the ones we describe, aren't even aware they are doing anything wrong.

  • -2

    Not a creeper, but I have a semi-interesting trick I use when in heavy bumper-to-bumper slow moving traffic. Unlike everyone I can see in front of me, I back off from the person in front of me. 9 times out of 10 the person behind me does the same, and I'm no longer in bumper-to-bumper traffic. 1 time out of 10 the person behind me switches to another lane, no doubt cursing at me. Either way I get the same result :-)
    On the other hand, as a pedestrian I'm like a bat out of hell. Pick up the pace or get overtaken.

  • +3

    Damn you OP! I never really paid any attention to this, but since I saw this thread yesterday morning I can't help but notice the amount of people that are creeping in front of me at the lights. Very annoying… :)

    • +1

      LOL yeah, was suffering from one in front this morning… suddenly breaks and then slowly rolls towards the car infront… bloody hell.

      • Now you're thinking about it, you won't stop seeing it. Sorry :)

        • I am with you. So true. You will get to the point of noticing it all the time to just expecting it!

  • Not a pre-greener, but if I'm on pole it's my role to be ready to get off the line as quick as possible. Could be unsafe, due to red-runners coming across late though.

    I dislike the people who stop across the pedestrian crossing. Happens a lot near my work on a major road.

  • Personally I don't recall ever seeing people 'creep' unless the light is turning green.

    I myself, tend to slow down early (downshift in a manual car) when approaching a red light about to turn green to not break momentum but that's only if no one is behind me otherwise it's sort of dangerous.

    I don't get some of your points though,
    "- Makes your car A/C suck up more exhaust fumes
    - Increases the chance of your car overheating"

    Oh come now, these are such negligible differences I doubt it would have a direct effect on the vehicle even in the long term. Just my 0.02 anyway!

    • You don't think there is a difference between being right on someone's bumper and being 1.5 metres behind? Picture yourself in Qld where summer lasts 8 months a year and you're grinding home through peak hour traffic anywhere from 30 mins to an hour. Ever behind a sh!t box that blows smoke everywhere or an older diesel? It all makes a difference. The other option is you slowing glaze your brake pads and discs by doing minor stops and crawls then stops then crawls for no other reason then it satisfies some deeply hidden misguided notion that you are making forward progress?

      • +1

        Thanks for the insight. Never thought of it in those ways.

    • Happens in Sydney when light is red or green.

  • By the way, did you know that creeping is actually taught in the Learner's log book?
    Cant remember exact wording, but it goes something like…
    Tells you to stop a car's distance away, and then proceed slowly further to 1-2m when it is safe to do so.
    Their reasoning for this is that if you do get rear-ended, you lessen the chance of a multi-car pile-up.

    • I think the problem we have with creeping is that it is already slow traffic, everyone has already stop at a red light, then the dumbass in front decides to cover the 2 car spaces he had left because of reasons… I mean, instead of leaving the 2 car space in front, could you not have left half a car space maximum so other people can actually join the queue behind?

      • In slow traffic, people play with their phones so they just stop whenever. As soon as they stop looking, realise they left a gap, and then proceed to move forward.
        Sometimes you have to look at the cause as well.

        • +1

          people play with their phones so they just stop whenever

          that's not a really good defense for these kind of actions…

        • @ProjectZero:
          Well, im just saying its the truth. I take public transport so when the bus is held up in traffic, you can see everyone doing these sort of things.

        • They should be watching around them. They are in control of a deadly weapon after all. Look, be aware of your surroundings.

  • +1

    I drive a car which has a stop start system in it. So basically if i've stopped at the lights and for some reason the cars in front of me moved up and there is a big gap between me and the car in front of me, I won't nudge ahead to close the gap. (basically i don't want to turn the engine on and off again) Even if there is a car long gap, so be it.

    Though the one thing which really gets me is people tooting their horn .01 secods after the lights turn green. This hasn't happened to me as yet, but if it ever did, im going to shut the car, go sit on the hood of the car and feed the birds.

    • Nothing wrong with a gap. Afterall i wouldn't keep moving up and up because the person in front can't pick a spot to stop. As long as i am not blocking anyone. I think the point is to be aware of your surroundings. To be considerate of other drivers. For example if you are the reason for blocking traffic or causing a kilometre of traffic to bank up.

      Regarding the second part of your comment, I love it! I know exactly what you mean. I just ignore. If not happy, two choices- drive through me or around me. These kind are like drivers who sit up your rear. If i am going the speed limit, not blocking you from overtaking, i will guarantee this bully behaviour is not going to make me go faster. Far from it. I will smile as you pass. Typical i own the road, selfish attitude.

  • -2

    I always leave a one car gap when there's a car stopped in front of me at a red light then I creep up after a car is safely stopped behind me.This is done so that if a car was to rear end you you wouldn't smash the car in front of you.
    You'll be surprised at the amount of idiots who hit stopped vehicles.My brother rides motorbikes and he was hit at a stop sign (driver didn't see him apparently)

  • Usual perpertrators are Automatic drivers.

  • Creepers aye, happens in Brisbane too.
    Especially at round a bouts and merges.

    Once I had a truck driver have road rage as I wasn't a creeper. I'd stop let the cars creep till they've compressed then move forward. This truck driver was behind me, honked as I wasn't creeping and when finally got past decided to enter my lane in an attempt to side swipe me. Idiot.

    The the more gap you have the more time you have. One the bike two weeks ago doing 100 and there is a crash on the left, I'm in the right, plenty of gap, doing 100 so the idiot in front decides to hit the picks and slow to 60 to gawk at the crash. Plenty of gap, plenty of power to go around him.

    Creepers at round a abouts, it the typical flow, most people are good at gauging the space infront, some correct and creep, some constantly creep. It's more about been aware of what is around you and knowing your vehicle. Perhaps some people just treat their car as a mode of transport, not learning and feeling their vechile and in a state of ignorance of their potential. Who knows :) Most times on the bike I'm patient, though I have been known to go past one or two, or three, four… getting distracted by donuts. Bye.

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