The Apple iPhone of [Insert Product Here]: Overpriced and Lovin' It

If you're an enthusiastic fan of Apple products, then I suggest you stop reading now. I thank my lucky stars OP posts can't get downvoted.

I'm sure you've heard of it already but if you're one of the few lucky people who haven't, the Apple in question mainly refers to the Apple iPhone, a mobile phone. The iPhone's main attraction, arguably, is its price in which consumers have a positive relationship with unlike most other products, that is, the higher the price of something, the more demand there is for it. The bandwagon principle may also apply (eg. everyone has an iPhone, I want one too). The iPhone's second most attractive "quality" is its ecosystem (iTunes etc). Similarly, this "feature", where users are effectively locked to a system runs inverse to attitudes elsewhere, where free (as in freedom of movement) is considered better (eg. open source software etc).

Long story short, people who buy iPhones are basically buying products that are simultaneously overpriced and under-performing (eg. old CPU, can't support 4G etc), relative to similar products in its price range, and heck, even when compared to products half its price range. An economist who subscribes to the "perfectly rational consumer" school of thought would be sweating right now. Note that there is a difference between being rational and rationalising but that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, a common running joke around these parts (these parts being OzBargain) is to call a non-phone product the "Apple iPhone of x". For example, expensive luxury sport cars aren't necessarily significantly better performing or better looking than cars 1/10 of its price but they still command the price they do. But this expensive car basically functions like an Apple iPhone, people buy it because it's expensive.

Here's a list of "Apple iPhones" in their respective product categories I've collected in my time at OzBargain. I'll add more when I come across them.

Dyson AM06 Desk Fan $399 RRP
For this price, I'm guessing it has like pollution-proof and smoker-proof functions or something.

Beats by Dr. Dre Studio
Step 1: Make headphones using poor quality material
Step 2: Attach the name of a cool hip black guy to the product name to draw in the young gullible consumers.
Step 3: Get Apple to purchase selling rights (because Apple knows its target market).
Step 4: Charge several hundred dollars for the Beats, even though for the same price (or less), you can get better quality headphones.
Step 5: ???
Step 6: Profit

Glass Bottled Voss Still Water
Step 1: Find a free source of taxpayer-funded Norwegian tap water.
Step 2: Put the tap water into some glass bottles to ensure that one of the few possible benefits (portability) is gone.
Step 3: Using the money saved by stealing taxpayer-funded water, pour it into the facebook marketing division eg. pretentiously taking photographs of bottles of Voss in admittedly nice locales
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit (noticing a pattern here?)

Dyson V6 Vacuum Cleaner range
Are you telling me the V6s are 7 times more powerful than your standard $100 vaccuum? I don't think so. And what are all these attachments (worth an extra $100+) that I'm not going to use anyway and should've got for free? I can only see the V6 Absolute be worth its price if it came with an attachment that resembles a head of the opposite gender… At $700-$800, I expect a Dyson V6 to make good on the first letter of its name.

Telstra Broadband
Nobody enjoys being a monopoly more than Tel$tra. Firstly, in its inception, they get the help of the Government (money and labour) to set up the communications network and becomes Government-owned as it should be. Then the Government sells it to private interests without taking into considering the fact that Telstra dominates both wholesale and retail. Now Telstra owns the communications network (given to them by the Government remember) and every other ISP has to piggy back on it. So the retailers get screwed, the consumers get screwed, the future of the country gets screwed (NBN etc). Okay, I'll concede that Telstra has the best performing and stable network, but that is the bare minimum I would expect from a monopoly.

Apple MacBook
I'll just him explain

28/1 New Overpriced: Nandos
Why am I paying twice the price of KFC for the same amount of crappy chicken? I almost feel tempted to smother my entire chicken with your crappy Nando(tm) sauce just to feel less of buyer's remorse!

28/1 New Overpriced: Grill'd
Why am I paying twice the price of McDonalds/Burger King for the same size of burger? Granted, it is quite tasty but don't give me that "healthier option" BS. I'd almost feel okay with paying for your overpriced products if I could trust that you wouldn't underpay your employees… which you did so welcome to my s***list!

28/1 New Overpriced: Top of the line gaming graphics cards
Congratulations! You've just bought the most expensive and most technically advanced graphics card in the market! You've now got 2 problems. The first problem is biological in nature: you still need to upgrade your eye. So your game is running at 9000 frames per second/9000 hertz/9000 gigawatts. Too bad your eye can't see past 30fps, 60fps if you're lucky. The second problem is financial. In 1 month your $9000 brand new graphics card is now worth $90. "Future-proof" my ass!


        • -1


          TV's and cheap periphs do not make for an ideal experience. As per your OP, we are not looking for "technologically gimped".

          A large 1080p TV has horrible pixel density, slower response times and in some cases, terrible upscaled refresh rates. A 4k TV means much larger PC hardware requirements. If not, your dealing with terrible response times if you need to upscale.

          Slower games (RPG, MMO etc) can be okay on a TV. Anything requiring fast input response and high FPS will give you a bad time.

          Also depends on other factors, most people don't want a loud desktop sitting in their living room. They may also have families and getting some time on the living room TV can be painful. A study and monitor is more ideal but more expensive.

          In the end, some people choose console, some people play PC on a TV, some people enjoy quality peripherals and a monitor. Because that is what suits their lifestyle. You can't paint everyone with the same brush.

        • @Cozza38:

          Where on earth did you get this crazy information from?

          Even for a large TV you have to be sitting very close to it to have pixel density issues.

          Slower response times are not an issue anymore except for generic brand 4k TV's and projectors.

          upscaled refresh rates are not an issue as you can turn it off.

          There are plenty of peripherals that are cheap and suit many needs.

        • @samfisher5986:

          I linked my source above. Straight from linus himself (A very reputable source in tech circles). You can also take a look at

          In regards to the pixel density issues, your right, it is completely dependent on distance from the screen. But to sit far enough away, do we switch to wireless periphs? That's typically not ideal unless you spend a decent chunk of cash on quality gear.

          Response times on TV's are almost double at above 40 inches compared to a ~30 inch monitor (These are brand-name TV's and monitors). This can make a considerable difference with some games.

          If you turn off upscaled refresh rates your capping yourself to 60Hz which can also make a considerable difference in certain circumstances. Go put a 60Hz and 144Hz monitor side by side. True 144 or 120Hz are butter smooth. You also have things like G-Sync and Freesync in monitors which also makes a considerable difference.

          Your right that there are plenty of cheap periphs that suit many needs and it's exactly what I have said. infinite's OP is that you can go mid-tier without technologically gimping yourself at the same price as a console and I disagree.

          Go play any competitive game with a mid-tier PC and a TV and watch yourself get stomped against someone with a 980 Ti & ASUS ROG 144Hz Monitor. There is a reason you buy quality when it comes to gaming, and PC gaming can amplify that. But that is only for certain circumstances.

          In situations where you are going to play slower, single player games you will be fine with a mid-tier PC. But these are also the conditions where consoles shine, and that is why consoles have a market.

          It's all circumstantial, really.

        • -1


          You get it pretty wrong once again.

          Your response times assumption is wrong.

          Your upscaled refresh rates comment shows you don't actually understand what refresh rates are.

          Your comment about being easily outclassed by someone with a 144HZ ROG monitor is wrong. It is a minor advantage unless you are a pro competitive player.

          Your whole idea is flawed, you imagine one scenario where people are playing games with 1 second input delay with 1 second screen delay where you can see each pixel on the screen.

          Yet in reality both setups are close enough in most scenarios and for most people. I buy high end computer gear for specific reasons that many people wouldn't understand.

          The important part is I don't tell people that the extra hz in my monitor means I have a huge advantage.. because that is silly.

        • -1


          I think your skipping over the part where I'm very clearly explaining it is very circumstantial.

          Instead of bluntly telling me i'm wrong. Educate me by providing sources and detailed explanations.

          If you put 2 identical players against each other in a competitive FPS, give one a mid-ranged PC with a standard 40"+ TV and the other a high-end PC with a high end 144Hz monitor. The player on the TV will be outclassed entirely. The high-end player is being fed considerably more information due to higher FPS giving lower frame times. It's not silly, I've seen it in reality at competitive LANs (ASUS ROG vs 100"+ Projector).

          Your average person probably doesn't see that level of skill, but where PC's are different from console is where you can be playing as an "average tier" player and be matched up against someone with high-end gear. That is where quality and being "technologically gimped" makes a difference. In certain games that can be enough to stop you getting into the "next rank".

          Having a higher refresh rate monitor doesn't give you a "huge advantage" but it does give you an advantage. And sometimes it can be enough to make a difference especially when paired with proper high end gear.

        • @Cozza38:

          The only time your comparison would work is if that 40+" TV was a generic brand as they sometimes don't have a low latency function which brings the latency low enough that its not going to make a huge difference to the average player.

          My point about higher refresh rates was that you didn't understand it how it worked.

          Do some research.

        • -1


          I have done my research, but apparently it's wrong. Please provide me with research material since you know better. Educate me.

          DisplayLag perform all testing in "game mode" where available. (

        • +1


          You need to research TV refresh rates, you need to test different latencies yourself and you need to test different refresh rates yourself.

        • -1


          So you are unable to provide me with any material to suggest I am wrong? I have done and am doing research. I have asked you to back up your claims and you haven't done so =/

          I'm not a monitor geek, I have fairly average knowledge and am always keen to learn more.

        • @Cozza38:

          You need to do the things I mentioned first so you can learn more.

        • -1


          Please learn to back up your claims with evidence.

        • +1


          You don't even understand basic terms… you don't even understand TV refresh rates…

        • -1


          And you are unwilling to correct me. Only tell me that I am wrong.

          Until you are willing to actually prove to me that I am wrong, I'm just going to write you off as a troll.

        • +1


          You can do whatever you like it doesn't change the facts.

    • Lol. Look buddy,

      A new "gaming" laptop: ~$1100 (2GB dedicated graphics)
      Gaming mouse: $80
      Gaming mouse pad: $20
      Gaming controller (optional): $60
      Total: ~1300 (Games extra)

      Gaming PC: ~$1400+ (Nvidia GTX series)
      Gaming monitor, gaming mouse, keyboard, mouse pad, controller: ~$250
      Total:~1700 (Games extra)

      Xbox one: $400 with 4 games
      Xbox gold membership bought on a good price browsing OzBargain: $40 for one YEAR
      5 more new games for Xbox one: $80 x 5 = $400.
      Headset, controller included.
      Total: ~900 (With 9 games)

      Don't know about you but I rather buy a regular laptop for browsing/programming and keep a console for decent graphics. Once you start playing you don't notice any difference anyway.

      • +4

        A mid-tier gaming PC that put's a console to shame is all of is $600. Which is peanuts compared to the long term savings of gaming on a PC.

        • A mid-tier meaning one that can play games on medium settings? Isnt that exactly the same or even worse graphics than consoles? Plus multiplayer on PC is full of hackers. That is actually the sole reason why I prefer consoles. I have also been a PC gamer for a long time. And thats what you get by paying MORE for gaming.

        • +2


          Not only are there about 5 x the amount of PC players compared to console players, online play is completely free & hosted on servers, unlike console where it's a forced peer to peer connection with random's from around the world. LOL, you literally pay MORE for LESS.

        • @infinite: And your problem with that is….? You are talking as if I have ever had lag issues on consoles. I have been gaming multiplayer for ages now and anytime there was a lag, it was my own connection, not the console. Good luck gaming in hacked lobbies.

        • +2

          Paying more for gaming doesn't mean you get a better experience.

          Most console games can barely run 900p or 1080p on their games and usually the graphics is turned down so that it doesn't lag on consoles.

        • -4

          @kingmw: Riiiiight. And that justifies spending 3 times more on a PC. Your eyes have 1080p vs 900p detectors. Riiight.


        • @alikazi:

          Call of Duty Black Ops III or Battlefield 4 or Crysis 3 on ultra with G-sync justifies it.

        • -1

          @cDNA: When you watch comparison videos only. But when you start playing, console or pc, your eyes don't give a damn.

        • @alikazi:

          lol what a scrub.

          I don't mind consoles, but the fact that you can't tell the difference between shitty console's graphics and a powerful gaming computer just shows me how poor and jealous you are. I prefer a mouse and keyboard too.
          Who are you to say that we don't give a damn or can't notice a difference. I definitely can. The money is not a big deal. What's $2000? A week's work.

        • -1


          Maybe for the visually impaired, but not for anyone with normal eye sight.

      • The fact that you selected a $80 "gaming" mouse shows you have no idea what you are talking about. But thats expected because you are a console fanboy.

        • -1

          Lol. Ok cheapster. So you are willing to spend $1300 on a PC and then you're gonna be cheap when it comes to accessories? How's that logic working out in your life so far?

        • 2/3 of the mice stock on PCCaseGear is priced at or above $50.

          $80 isn't unreasonable (Maybe a little on the high side though).

        • @Cozza38:

          It doesn't matter. This little boy is just upset that he can't afford an expensive desktop PC, so he's just trying to make others feel as if we've wasted our money on superior technology.
          You get what you pay for.

        • -1

          @cDNA: Lol. I still can't believe the irony of this guy claiming he's a rich dumbo yet has an account on OzBargain. This is too funny.

        • +1


          I'm dumb, because I buy expensive computer parts. Rightio……

          I only joined ozbargain 4 months ago and you are the first spiteful person I have met. Rich people aren't allowed to be frugal is what you're saying. Boy you have no idea. The wealthy like to save on things just as much as the average joe.

          If you're happy playing on your budget gaming machine, you should go enjoy it instead of putting others down for wanting a modern & premium experience.

      • +1

        Consoles have come a long way, but until you can mod games, create maps and play FPS with a mouse & keyboard on consoles, ill stick with my PC.

  • +2

    Marques Brownlee actually did a very good analysis on Beats. The profit margin on a pair of Beats compared to say a pair of Sennheiser or Audio Technicas are similar.

    The difference is where beats put more money into marketing than quality and the other brands are the other way. This is why you see Beats everywhere compared to other brands. Beats are paying for that exposure.

    For the more educated consumer, I'm unsure if this is a good thing. If beats keep their high prices then the higher quality I can imagine other companies can keep quality high. As soon as beats start dropping in price, I think quality will suffer across the board.

    • +1

      I respectfully disagree. Apart from other riff-raff like skullcandy, the target market for most of the bigger names in audio (beyerdynamic, shure, senn, denon, AT etc) will be untouched, regardless of what beats do.

      Beats are within the realm of the cashed up pop-culture adherents, and it is a fashion accessory, not real audio gear.

      EDIT: Also Marques Brownlee's reviews are intended for non-technically savvy folks. You should check out his video where he is gushing about the Beats studios:

    • I can't believe you're comparing Beats to audiophile brands.

      Anyone who knows anything about audio will not go for Beats over something like AKG, Audio Technica or Beyerdynamic etc.
      The audiophile enthusiasts don't pay any attention to what Apple is doing with Beats. The target market for Beats is the same as the average Iphone user. In other words, people who don't do their research.

      • Beats should be benchmarked against other brands because they sell the same product.

        The point I was making is if Beats drop their high prices, I'm unsure if other brands may sacrifice quality to compete.

        There are plenty of people in the world that are not audio enthusiasts but understand that beats are not good value and will purchase other brands. If Beats were to drop in price, it's entirely possible that view may change.

        But Beats make a killing pumping all their cash into marketing than R&D so I can't see them changing anytime soon. I was just making a theoretical observation.

  • +3

    troll has stopped responding. Must have been sent to bed early.

  • +2

    There are so many flaws in the OP I don't even know where to begin.

  • +2

    i also need to disagree with the dyson comments by OP. i have had many cheap vacuums, and got sick of them basically doing nothing. recently bought a v6 animal for $400, and my god, its amazing. the amount of dirt and dust it picks up is actually scary, to think regular vacuums just skips over all that…

  • +7

    So luxury goods are more expensive than non luxury goods? Interesting

  • What is the relationships between those?

  • -1

    Surface Pro 3

  • McDonald's create your taste

  • +1

    Not sure if it was covered already but I find that Apple products have a very good scrap/ 2nd hand market value. E.g I got the iPhone 5 included free* on a Telstra plan (*although retail price at the time was ~$950
    And of course you pay for it in the plan)…and after 2 years I sold it on eBay for ~$500…. And renewed my plan with a new iPhone. I doubt there are many Samsung/LG etc phones that have the same scrap value of circa 50% after 2 years. My friends with android phones seem to prefer them because they offer more flexibility for customisation and use… I don't have the need or desire for this. Each to their own.

    Also - I find the service from Apple amazing. I have an iPad 2 which is now ~ 4 years old. It has been replaced under warranty twice in that time, Despite me dropping it which caused the faults , and being out of the original 12 month warranty both times - Apple deemed the faults to be manufacturing related (hairline cracks on the screen one time and auto rotate sensor failed the other time)
    I have also had 2 iPhones replaced for free over the years, one just outside warranty too. I like the fact that Apple just swap the phone on the spot (rather than send it away for repair)… Even if it is an unconfirmed fault! Do other manufacturers do this? For this reason alone it would be difficult to get me to switch brands - I rely on my phone for business and cannot be without.

    Finally as others have said - Apple products just work well. I have both a MacBook and a PC laptop… The PC seems to need a lot more attention and software maintenance to keep it running at peak performance.. The Mac seems to fix itself.

  • Although I don't agree with OP using Apple and Dyson as the example of overpriced items (I love my Iphone and I only upgrade them once every 3 years),
    I will say Alienware Gaming Laptops is one of the most overpriced item.

  • -1

    Most who buy Apple phones are just sheep

    • And those who can add to a discussion by bleating out, ONLY this mantra, are gooses LOL

      • this is sooooo true. It's the same repetitive year in year out comments that come out of apple haters mouths that make them the sheep

        Please some originality, stop repeating what others say, it gets boring

      • -1

        But you can't argue with the fact that computer illiterates can use Apple. My 6 year old can use OSX without problems. That's what it's an attractive option. The sheep follow along, because they don't understand the details and get fed up with any complex OS.
        If people are willing to get ripped off for a 'premium' (what the f*** does that even mean anymore?) experience then go right ahead. Just know their 18.4 bn USD profit goes towards shareholders who prop up American military interests and Israel.

    • Lol love it when Apple fans can't handle the truth

  • neg.

    OP has no zest for life.

  • -3

    You never own an
    👹👺👿Apple product, ☆THEY OWN YOU☆👹👺👿

    $1000 for an ipad and now spam you everday to update to 9.02.

    You can not turn it off you are forced to update or put up with two spam popups everyday.
    You cant stop them connecting to the internet and downloading 1gig.
    Apple wont tell you they are downloading.
    If you connect a portable 3g device it downloads at your expense.
    If you have limited connection or download quota fyou
    Updating from earlier os no warning that we now own you.
    If you use passcode you can never go back without reinstall os no warning.

    ☆😱 a rottern Apple a day keeps the customer away, truly an evil company.
    $1000 and they herrase me everyday, if the new os bricks the ipad its my problem, how is this possible.

  • -1

    Look up fanboism. I find it sad that some people need to criticise products that other people love or own so that they can justify their own purchase and stroke their own ego.

  • +1


  • Agree on most points. I don't use (and will never use) an Apple product…going back to the iphone inception there were issues with MMS…even problems playing your own mp3's…and no…i shouldn't be ONLY ABLE TO PLAY ITunes-downloaded content. Apple doesn't tell me what to do. I tell my phone what to do. This is why i will always be in the market for Android and fully customisable/hackable phones that do what I want it to. I also don't want to be like the millions of zombies out there that pay for the same overpriced branded crap Apple keep regurgitating. I'll 'individualise' myself with another branded Android product.

    • +1

      i think its fair to say Android is a smart phone designed for tech savy people, where iPhone is a smart phone designed for non tech savy people.

      not everyone likes to tinker with their stuff, i think i am tech savy enough and have rooted my android phones with cyanogen and jail break iphones that after while i find myself having to fix bugs after bugs, some users just wants to set up their phone once and not think about it.

      • That's what an android phone does. The obvious answer to your point is…don't tinker with it then?!

  • Consumerism and Advertising nothing new here.

  • +1

    That sports car comment….. Please tell me the ways in which a Toyota Camry is 10x better than a 2016 GTR R35 (:P) whilst the Camry costs 1/10th

    You are right however, the GTR "(isn't) necessarily significantly better performing or better looking", it is INFINETLY better performing and looking

    Such a dumb comment. Seriously. Comparing an (eg) Golf (eg $40k) to a Ferrari 458 Italia (eg. $400k+), the 0/100 times are at least 300% better (I acknowledge, not 10 times better, blame the law of diminishing returns and air resistances :/ ), the handling improvement is the difference between a V1 and Saturn 5 rocket. Sure, you can fit ur dog in the back of the Golf, but maybe you could train it to sit on the passenger seat of the Ferrari haha

    • Yeah but, if you drive a Camry you're probably banging someone from the western suburbs, where as if you drive the Ferrari they will live closer to the beach.
      So you have to factor in the pull factor of the car not just 0-100 times.

  • -1

    You are right about the price/cost of Apple productions.

    with that high price tag you are also paying more better quality parts (mainly speaking about Apple's PC lines) you are buying industrial grade components rather then consumer grade that most other manufacturer uses in their Pcs.
    Along with that you are also paying a portion in their global marketing costs and R and D.

    I think it boils down to what you find affordable.
    I evaluated the Google Motorola Moto-X back when it was released and for the spec it was WAY over priced compared to any other Android phone but ultimately i bought it because of the features it had that no other phone has eg. complete handsfree voice recognition and immediate OS updates when available. So you are also paying for the quality of the user experience.

    They are more expensive then they should be, but release after release of the iphone where they break new sales records wont make them even consider lowering their prices.

    There will also be a different tier to any products.

    PS. anyone else think DE RUCCI commercial guy resemble Steve Jobs?

    • +1

      Hate to burst your bubble, the same components that go into a PC are the same as Mac. There is nothing magically different about Apple ones. They also tend to be conservative with their component choice electing for safe and reliable rather than the latest and greatest. I would say only their ARM processors (on phones and ipads) are their own proprietary design which are different to the others but by no means industrial grade.

      My biggest issue with Apple is their constant need to lock down their hardware i.e. soldering ram forcing users to buy the best model they can afford immediately because there is no way of upgrading later.

      • +1

        My biggest issue with Apple is their constant need to lock down their hardware i.e. soldering ram forcing users to buy the best model they can afford immediately because there is no way of upgrading later.

        That's funny because plenty of PC options use soldered components too.
        It's the only way to achieve thinner and lighter machines that everyone wants.

        • I was mainly talking about desktop machines which don't have any space/weight or energy restrictions as opposed to portable devices.

      • Apple don't make their CPUs, GPUs, SSDs, screens etc.

        It all comes from Chinese and American semiconductor companies. There's no such thing as industrial grade CPUs, GPUs, SSDs. THere is such thing as enterprise grade hardware, but Apple doesn't use them otherwise your macbooks would cost double.

        Macbooks are made out of the same aluminium in Lenovo and HP products.

        • Well that last bit is not true. Macbooks are made of milled aluminium, not cast. Big difference in quality, design and cost.

  • OP I'm guessing you are still young and don't have much real life experience.

    You get what you pay for, you buy cheap they will likely break down much faster than the expensive quality product.

    Apple products are expensive yes, but I've never had 1 apple product break down on me over 15+ years!

    Android and other cheap knockoffs on the other hand gluck lasting 2 years +

    • Maybe you should take better care of it. My Android phones last a long time.

    • Not only that - my 3 year old iPhone 5 (1 year out of warranty) is being replaced this Friday as it has been playing up and Apple have deemed it faulty enough and will replace it. Try getting that level of service out of anyone else.

      I struggled to get my Samsung fixed under warranty, let alone outside of warranty.

  • Beats by Dr Dre, for people that aren't too bright and have too much money on their hands

  • Every Bose product is an iPhone. As is every Apple product.

  • -2

    Fun fact: my thread had 1 report at the beginning. Apple fan trying to silence criticism of the religion of Apple? Who knows.

    Kudos to the person who mentioned Nandos. I've updated the first post with the following:

    28/1 New Overpriced: Nandos
    Why am I paying twice the price of KFC for the same amount of crappy chicken? I almost feel tempted to smother my entire chicken with your crappy Nando(tm) sauce just feel less of buyer's remorse!

    28/1 New Overpriced: Grill'd
    Why am I paying twice the price of McDonalds/Burger King for the same size of burger? Granted, it is quite tasty but don't give me that "healthier option" BS. I'd almost feel okay with paying for your overpriced products if I could trust that you wouldn't underpay your employees… which you did so welcome to my s***list!

    28/1 New Overpriced: Top of the line gaming graphics cards
    Congratulations! You've just bought the most expensive and most technically advanced graphics card in the market! You've now got 2 problems. The first problem is biological in nature: you still need to upgrade your eye. So your game is running at 9000 frames per second/9000 hertz/9000 gigawatts. Too bad your eye can't see past 30fps, 60fps if you're lucky. The second problem is financial. In 1 month your $9000 brand new graphics card is now worth $90. "Future-proof" my ass!

    • ROFL

      Why are you making these comments?

      Isn't this what YOU would call

      lower-tier bottom-of-the-barrel stuff

      As you say here

    • +2

      Too bad your eye can't see past 30fps, 60fps if you're lucky.

      Are you serious? You just made a huge fool of yourself. Read something sometime and realize how stupid what you just said is.

    • +2

      28/1 New Overpriced: Top of the line gaming graphics cards
      Congratulations! You've just bought the most expensive and most technically advanced graphics card in the market! You've now got 2 problems. The first problem is biological in nature: you still need to upgrade your eye. So your game is running at 9000 frames per second/9000 hertz/9000 gigawatts. Too bad your eye can't see past 30fps, 60fps if you're lucky. The second problem is financial. In 1 month your $9000 brand new graphics card is now worth $90. "Future-proof" my ass!

      Wow… just wow. Your other posts make sense now. Not the actual content, but the thought behind them. The quote above is truly one of the stupidest horseshit I've ever read on OzB…

      I'm a not surprised you're likening Nando's to KFC and Grill'd to McDonalds and Hungry Jacks (not burger king). Not saying they're gourmet, they're the standard tier fast food crap. KFC, Maccas and Hungry Jacks are at the absolute bottom tier (yes, even below the neighbourhood hotdog cart).

  • +3

    Like the graphics card part. LOLOLOL you must update your eye.

  • Id have to say the FTTN NBN vs FTTP NBN.

    When I moved here 5 years ago from NZ, Internet was faster and cheaper than in NZ. I left just when they started rolling out their version of the NBN, which was FTTP.

    I just got back from a week in NZ and god, their internet is so fast now.

  • I can agree with the Dyson/Telstra stuff, but Pfft.. this should be called The Diaries of a Whingey Counsumer.
    OP knows how to make direct comparisons between end products but hasn't described anything else really.

    For example with Nando's, the chicken isn't fried (It's baked or grilled i believe), the sauces are delish, the restaurants looks nice/trendy and they bring the food out to your table with a knife and fork, you get the whole 'restaurant' level service, none of which happens at KFC/Red Rooster as those are fast food joints.

    Also the gaming graphic cards. How 'passionate' about never seeing daylight again does one have to be to fork out nearly $1k on a single piece of computer hardware and then want to sell it the year later? (unless you're using it for rendering it makes sense to buy one) Surely, any flagship GPU will have you maxing out games so long as your CPU can keep up for the next 5 years.

  • Great post. so true

  • What, no mention of Herman Miller Aeron chair?

    • +1. I have one.. although I must say the quality is good. I have had it for a few years and it still looks like new, but it doesn't feel any different to other mesh chairs, say the ones at my local libraries.

      • Most owners I have read say it is a good quality chair, but it is way overpriced. I bought a Buro Metro chair instead, also has good review from most owners and only costs one fifth the price of the Aeron.

  • -1

    It is a battle Royale between overpriced Apple and Samsung phones and rubbish quality China brand phones like Oppo

    • Have to disagree about Oppo - bought one during the DSE sale for my mum and was really surprised at the build quality.

  • +2

    How come do you compare KFC vs Nando's? These two are DIFFERENT and incomparable.

    It's about taste and recipe, and the dishes itself are different.

    You are NOT comparing apple-to-apple product.

  • +1

    28/1 New Overpriced: Top of the line gaming graphics cards

    Kek, good luck running VR on a medium tier GPU.

  • I don't care how good Apple products are. Any company making a gazillion dollars a quarter, paying their workers 20c an hour and not paying tax is not getting any of my money.

    • The idiotic salespeople in the CBD stores make more than the manufacturing staff at Foxconn.

    • So you are literally not buying anything anymore?

  • +4

    This is the most pedantic shit post on this website I've seen.

  • This post is super funny to the point that the OP is NFI about any of real world applications of it all. As much as I can relate to Apple Hatefulness, I would probably say the OP has never used any Dyson or a proper PC for gaming to understand the whole concept of high end video cards.

  • Can I request the reopening of the first post for editing? As long as suckers are born every minute, this topic will never become irrelevant/lack material.

    28/4 New Overprice: Dyson 'Supersonic' Hair Dryer
    Is Dyson the new Apple? First it was overpriced vacuum cleaners. Then overpriced desk fans. In their next attempt to suck market share out of the competition, they have entered the hair dryer industry with the new 'supersonic' hair dryer. Drying your hair will no longer be boring. Now you can do it with style, and with a limited edition "chestnut-brown hand-finished leather case" so that you can show off your new purchase to, I don't know, that smelly homeless-looking guy sitting next to you on the bus. Lord knows he needs a shower and a dry! But what makes this hair dryer better than the competition? If you're asking that question, then you're asking the wrong question. The technical specs of a prestigious first-class consumer electronic is irrelevant to any decision making in this buyer demographic. Just look at the Apple market. "Detractors were silenced by Dyson devotees who compared the upmarket hair appliance to similar luxury products like Beats headphones or an Apple Watch." - Need I say more? Whether this product will blow over the competition or if it's just hot air, remains to be seen. Call me a hobo (and you know you want to), but I'll just use a towel thanks.

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