JB Hi-Fi Acquires The Good Guys

News comings out about it, apparently its just been agreed to.

Electronics retailer JB Hi-Fi has today announced an agreement to acquire whitegoods retailer The Good Guys for $870 million.

The Good Guys and JB Hi-FI have highly complementary customer bases and product offerings and the acquisition strengthens JB Hi-Fi's presence in the home appliances market," JB Hi-FI said in a statement published on ASX.

Under the deal, The Good Guys will continue to operate as an independent brand with its own chief executive.


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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • +23

    So no more pay less pay cash ? Not much competition.. Dick Smith already gone. TGG is acquired. JB Hi-Fi will have monopoly ( Kind of )

    • +16

      As the salesperson arrogantly pointed out last time I was in the shop, it's "Pay Less, Pay Less" now. Whatever that means!

      • They have a price they'd like to charge you, but can't get away with it? I'm in two minds about them, our local GG staff are always courteous, friendly and helpful, attentive rather than pushy, but I've seen 2 bargains compared to other stores in 5 years, and have only ever got good deals from price-matching.
        Their 'we support local charities' claim is more substance than bumph tho. Sometimes 'bargains' need to be assessed over a longer time-frame than "now".

      • I experienced the same thing. The salesperson informed me they don't do "Pay Less, Pay Cash" anymore like I was living in last century. I didn't end up purchasing anything.

    • +1

      Still got Harvey Norman, Bing Lee and a couple of online retailers but yeah the number is shrinking.

      • +9

        No Bing Lee Store in VIC

      • They bought out Clive Anthony a few years ago (2012). They had like 1 store in Victoria, so not too familiar. I used to confused them for another store.


      • +1

        I believe the brand was Clive Peters in Vic.

        • Harvey Norman bought Clive Peeters long time ago.

      • +1

        Since when has Harvey Norman ever had good deals?

        • +1

          When amex have promo, HN is great to buy at

        • +1

          the time in December last year where I bought the sony action cam for 128 bucks, now its back to 400

        • +1

          I find HN's prices are opportunistic in that they they normally charge a lot more than other shops and are only competitive when they have sales and amex deals help. The $325 Galaxy S5 deal was great but these things only happen once a year.

        • +2

          @abacus: I hate hn, I swear I would never set my foot there ever again.

          I love tgg though. They are awesome, jb as well.

        • In fact the few times I have bought larger items costing hundreds, I have had to convince the staff that they were like half the price of the sticker as they were on sale, and have had to show them the new price either in the catalogue or online. Pretty humiliating.

        • @fm: I did too. But I had no choice one day and did use them, but never again. (Not because of their high prices though, but because the dude himself has such s bad attitude toward homeless people)

    • +2

      pay less pay cash disappeared ages ago.

    • +4

      I went into TGG to buy a microwave a few weeks ago and I asked if they could price match the 15% off deal that was on at the time and the salesperson kept insisting best price she could do is 5% off lol. So I bought it online and came back a couple hours later and picked it up. Hopefully TGG still do eBay deals from time to time!!

    • bing lee? hardly normal?

  • +12

    Hope we still can use the $25 credit

    • They will be working as independent store so i hope they will honor all their credits.

  • +1

    Lost Guys Dick.

    • Oohhh that's gotta hurt.

  • +3

    So they are now known as the bad guys?

    • +4

      Only if you've ever had an issue with JB which I havent lol

  • I wonder if we will still them on eBay sales, damn it I need a washing machine too.

  • i thought TGG will be floated at ASX?
    anyway, margin is so small now so the bigger you are (your network, stores, etc) then you will be able to negotiate better price with suppliers and still maintaining as the cheapest in the market.

    • +6

      Whitegoods the margin is still pretty healthy.

      The fact you have bugger all overseas competition means there is still decent money in it.

    • +1

      margin would not be small, big stores, fair few staff, the real margin would not be small.
      maybe the margin they tell you or what shows on the screen instore.

  • Best time to buy JBH shares ;)
    bargain, if you already bought some JBH shares yesterday ;)

    • +1

      Share prices usually fall for the acquirer as history shows they usually pay too much and are burdened with unforeseen issues.

      • +1

        I don't know where you getting your facts are from but TPG went up after IINET acquisition.

        • +1

          A quick google search brings up this explanation. It relates to the immediate period of when a merger is announced.

        • @Dozingquinn:

          Tip : In share trading try not to listen to pro's comments on the net or you could have made cool 5% this morning :)

        • Awesome. I love paper profits.

  • +11

    My local GG store has always been terrible and refused to price match, rude staff etc. never had issues with JB. But I don't like how we are losing stores, less competition is not good. JBhifi never gives out $25 gift vouchers for joining up, credits with click and collect etc. I miss those fire sales DSE used to have every now and then as well, scored a lot of bargains over the years and now they are few and far between.

  • Does this still need to be signed off by the ACCC?

    I would have thought so.

  • +8

    I much prefer shopping inside JB Hifi than the Good Guys. The Good Guys could learn a lot from JB Hifi.

    Sales staff in JB Hifi are less pushy. Their staff are interesting. Usually cheerful individuals with punk styling, tattoos, body piercings. Music played through ceiling and car speakers.

    The culture and shopping experience at the Good Guys is so opposite. Suit and tie. Silence everywhere. Wall of refrigerators. Sales staff that do anything for a sale including bad mouthing the competition.

    • +10

      Personally my ideal shopping experience would be zero sales staff. They are unnecessary and only server to aggravate and scare off potential customers.

      I don't need "assistance". I can get all the "advice" I need from online reviews/forums.

      • +25

        I agree, down with humans. I for one welcome our skynet overlords.

      • -3

        every time I walk into a store I know exactly what i want and i've done my research, but at times i like to f@*k with the staff and ask them which is better and tell me all the features, most of them dont even know or ask me to wait while they go look it up, thats when i just walk off, most staff are there to prey on the uninformed, elders mostly, to push stale stock no matter the needs of the customer.

        • +4

          They're getting paid regardless and you're wasting your time (unless you find this enjoyable for some reason I guess - free entertainment?) - I'm not sure you're coming out on top in that scenario!

      • Unfortunately OZB is a mindset minority. Most people just walk in and buy a hairdryer / oven / PC etc based on what the sales person says.

        People even go to a used car showroom and buy a car based on price and advice. Ridiculous really.

    • +2

      I find JBHIFI staff to be a bit pushy and in your face. They pounce on you as soon as you start looking at something. I agree with the poster below and will seek help if necessary myself.

      • +1

        wow mine are the total opposite. You need to go hunt for a non-existent staff member when you need help. I went to buy a receiver the other day and had to walk to the other end of the store to find a staff member.

        • -3

          You sure the shop was open? /s

          JB staff are no different than Harvey Norman, Good Guys et al.

          Except for their "edgy" look.

        • -4

          @PainToad: Except that they're not ALWAYS Indian. Or is that just my local HN franchise?

        • +6


          I couldn't care less what ethnicity owns or works at my local Harvey Norman. My local Harvey Norman is run by some manager who treats me like the scum of the earth. Every time I see a Harvey Norman deal post here and I walk in the store I get helpfully advised that I am mistaken.

          They once told me that a Vodafone MiFi router was out of stock. When I saw the exact same model number and SKU number in the glass cabinet and approached them they said that it was different… The sales rep just said I was delusional and confusing the models "because don't they look so similar?"

          They even refused to price match the Good Guys once. Told me the speaker I was trying to price match was a single speaker only and that I was delusional.

          I don't mind them saying that they won't sell it at a certain price, bit they should stop trying to insult my intelligence. That's more important than who owns the store.

        • +2

          @StrayfireX: except their cultural background may have something to do with how they handle issues?

        • @StrayfireX: They treat you like scum of the earth because you keep coming back. When you come back you are telling them they are doing a great job.

        • Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.

    • Which is likely why they'll keep both brands. Different marketing styles to different segments of the market.

  • So what does this mean for the JB HI FI Home stores. Do they want to be competing against their own business?

    • If anything this is an expansion into the Home Stores.

      I would expect a rebranding countrywide, as JB has a generally positively accepted brand name compared to Good Guys

  • +41

    I wonder if JB Hi-Fi could have bought them for cheaper if they had paid cash.

  • Isn't Good Guys a franchise where JB stores are all corporate owned? If there's a JB Hifi competing with a Good Guys franchee they wont be happy.

    • Helensvale is a good example, within stone's throwing distance of each other, gonna get some popcorn and sit in the carpark.

    • +2

      The Muir family bought out the franchisees earlier this year in preparation for their ASX float so they are all company owned now which fits the JB model.

      • That would have been expensive.

        • +1

          They would have made multiple times what they paid by listing them on the ASX

  • +8

    Come on Amazon, I'm waiting for you

    • If only! lol

      Harvey, JB and the news will do their best to block it from happening. When is the online foreign GST kicking in again to protect "their" industry?

  • +5

    I shop 10x more at TGG Than Jbhifi, Jbhifi is like a WA Salvage store with shit everywhere

    • +1

      yep, especially once they jammed all the Home items in.

      • +1

        JB is not welcoming at all.
        TGG looks brighter and organised.

  • -1

    I always prefer TGG over JB hifi. Pay less pay cash and there price peotection is the best and they always honour it.

    I find JB's pushy and they never price match and tell on ur face that we can't make that price.

    I am sure there will not be goid sales for us Ozbargainers anymore:(

  • TGG suck. Had the manager of the Mile End store ring me just to abuse me, call me a filthy low life, and hang up earlier in the year regarding my faulty TV. Bring up consumer rights, and he goes a bit crazy it would appear. Never made an official complaint though, because that's not my style. Samsung sorted me out directly in the end with an upgraded model.

    Let's just hope JB take TGG in a better direction. The suit and tie, we know everything (despite being wrong 90% of the time) schtick is old and pushes people away.

    • This is the problem with TGG (and Hardly Normal). Each store has different owners and the experience from store to store can be night and day.

  • +1

    I just noticed a week or so ago that my local TGG store had turned into a Bunnings store, funnily enough JB Hi-Fi is right next door.. This is in Chadstone Vic (not the shopping centre, the suburb).

  • Let JB Good Fi ARISE!

  • +1

    Synergies Are The New Monopolies it seems…

    • +2

      I hope they are able to leverage those synergies, going forward.

      • +1

        going forward, there's market vertical-isation is in them hill's

      • +1

        That all depends if they can sustainability reverse synergise and perhaps vertically integrate this robust new paradigm. Moving forward that is also going to depend on integration of big data and social media. I think if they value add and future proof they will meet these deliverables. Touch base with you next week.

        • +1

          BD&SM are riding the crest of a big frothy wave of rationalisation atm… it'll be over soon, the'll be a big profit take and we'll shift into another hyper-state with the next gen and we are away again.

          There are som many factors at play, but one thing is for sure, it ain't going to get poorer…

  • Surprise surprise!

  • +1

    See you later in receivership!

  • Bring on cost-co in the masters premises

  • Already got denied a 30 day price guarantee from JB Hifi on the day of the announcement. Said they would not match their "own" price drops.

  • +2

    And there goes competition. When we do vote with out wallets and buy online there will soon be a GST charge applied, followed no doubt by a "Bricks and Mortar Surcharge" to protect another failed industry.

  • very stupid idea, $879m…….. gezzzz

    • They said it will bring in $15 million a year minimum, so it will take 60 years to breakeven :)

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