This was posted 7 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE Technology for Healthy Living Course & Fitbit (Plus Other Free Courses) @ University of Tasmania Online



From stickyfingers from last deal:

Do the course and get a free Fitbit.
Not to mention you also get a university student ID and a free lifetime email along with free Office 365.

I personally did the Technology for Healthy Living course - I really enjoyed, learned a lot and am still using my free FitBit - I highly recommend it.

From their email:

As a previous student or applicant of Technology for Healthy Living, we'd like to let you know that our health units will be offered again in Spring Semester 2016.

The Faculty of Health has developed a number of exciting online units with fee concessions to increase community awareness and skills in areas such as healthy living and social engagement. You can study a variety of topics from using wearable technology to understanding the benefits of herbs and vitamins or how the arts can help improve your health and wellbeing.

Our units aim to build confidence and capacity to develop a pathway to success.

All units are fully-online, with no tuition fees*.

Spring Semester units start on October 17th and October 31st. Enrolments are now open!

Units include:

Technology for Healthy Living
Take the first step! Technology for Healthy Living is designed to give you an understanding of the technologies that can help you alter your daily activities to live a healthier lifestyle. You will receive a FITBIT® as part of your participation in this unit*.…

Foundations of Food and Nutrition
Ever wondered what really makes a healthy diet? Foundations of Food and Nutrition is designed to provide you with the skills to identify nutrition fact from fiction, and make healthy food choices. Topics covered include basic nutrition, popular food fads, nutrition supplements and products, and current topical issues.…

Vitamins, Supplements and Herbal Medicines
Explore health benefits and best practice in natural healthcare by studying Vitamins, Supplements and Herbal Medicine. Build your knowledge to make informed choices about complementary and alternative medicines.…

Sports Doping and Performance Enhancing Drugs
Gain an overview of drugs that are prohibited in sport, how they function, and their effects on performance with Sports Doping and Performance Enhancing Drugs, a fully online unit from the University of Tasmania. Study ethical considerations, therapeutic use exemptions, and the systems monitoring the use of substances in the sporting world.…

Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing is a fully-online unit that helps you understand and maintain a healthy mind and general wellbeing. It explores determinants that may impact upon mental health, using stories and vignettes from experts and members of the community. Students will investigate tools, processes and approaches to maintaining mental wellness, as well as examine approaches to developing resilience and coping with stress.…

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University of Tasmania

closed Comments

  • +1

    Is this really free? U still go thru hecs?

    • +1

      I did this last year. Yes it's free for most people, make sure you read the T&Cs. I'd never been to uni and didn't pay a cent for the course, and got the fitbit.

      I recently got a statement about my HECS and it said that there was a $0 balance.

    • +1

      Free (for most), interesting, & wearing my Fitbit from course earlier this year. Need to do a simple quiz by cut off date to get Fitbit.

      • +1

        How long did the course take to complete? I'm assuming you need to get to the end to receive fitbit?
        I am mostly interested in the Office 365 subscription and perpetual .edu email address.

        • +1

          How long is the course… I don't know. I'm a bad student.

          need to get to the end to receive fitbit? No, you need the Fibit earlier to umm…do the assignment.

          There's a quiz to be done before the census date (about 3 weeks in) & doubt you need more than answer the 10 multi choice questions for code to order free Fitbit.

        • @Infidel: Yeah, no worries. Thanks. I'll do it fair dinkum till the end in that case. If I commit to something I finish it. However I think I might need a new phone to sync with the fitbit? I'm still on windows phone 8 which I doubt is supported.

        • +1

          Any cheap Android will do to sync. Pretty good device. App requires internet connection to access account & update your progress. You receive weekly progress reports via email.

          I intended to finish the course, but went on holiday to Japan & studied traditional storytelling instead.

        • @Infidel: That sounds heaps interesting. I think the Arts is more interesting than health&fitness. Good luck with it.
          Time to get myself a $59 Alcatel Pop 5" (ozbargain special) - got an excuse now :)

        • @wolfenator87:
          My doctor may disagree with you😀
          I looked at that deal today. I'm using a $54 4.5" 4GX Telstra Buzz from last year.

        • @Infidel: I love the simplicity and stability of WP8 and will continue to keep my HTC8x as my daily driver however I have been feeling a little deprived lately having missed out on all the wonderful new Android apps and games the last few years. It's good to have a backup phone for this purpose.

        • +2

          I carry 2 cheap phones - old one with my phone number I've had for ages - for incoming calls & the other phone for data, apps, and phone calls using (disposable) cheap starter packs with included calls & credit. If I need to access any internet on main number phone, I activate hotspot on 4GX data phone.

          Similar set up could work for you - without needing to put SIM in new phone - just activate hotspot on Windows phone when needed (eg sync Fitbit).

        • +2

          @wolfenator87: Fitbit has a desktop client if you don't mind plugging it into your PC to sync over USB.

        • @wolfenator87: Fitbit App requires WP8.1 and Bluetooth 4 at a minimum.

        • @Infidel: I used to carry around 2 phones but found that I needed a bumbag or side bag every time I left the house which became slightly annoying. Now I only worry about keys in left pocket and phone/wallet combo in right pocket.

          It's kinda fun (& geeky) carrying 2 phones around as well as 2 laptops and a SLR camera - I did that at one stage of my life. If I had a business I wouldn't need an office as I could just work on the road or in outdoor cafes. Man, that sounds ideal as opposed to a corporate cubicle aka prison cell.

        • @Agret: That would be ideal. Thanks.

  • Fantastic for the extra perks. Not so interested in the course though.

  • Thanks a lot! I applied for 2 units :)

    Fees and Waivers

    Students undertaking units within the Associate Degree in Health and Community Care are eligible for a HECS and SSAF exemption on up to two units.

    Domestic students* will receive a full HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) scholarship along with a waiver of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) for the Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing unit in 2016/2017. This exemption applies for up to two units of study within the Associate Degree in Health and Community Care. To view current units available within this course with fee concessions, click here.

    The HECS scholarship and SSAF waiver are automatically applied when you enrol in the Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing within the Associate Degree in Health and Community Care, but will not appear on your invoice, accessible via eStudent.

    A requirement for all students receiving a HECS Scholarship for this unit is compulsory completion of the eCAF. The eCAF (electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form) is a government form that is available online through eStudent. Completing the form is a requirement for all students. Instructions for how to complete the eCAF form will be included in the Self-Care for Mental Health and Wellbeing unit content.

    • How were you able to apply? On the website it says "Applications are now closed. Expressions of interest can be lodged here." As per > "Spring School 2016, starts on October 17th. Applications close on October 31st."
      Therefore I thought can only apply from 17/10/16?
      Edit: whoops, I was in the wrong section. Hit the big button on the main link "énrol now" and you will go to the link.

  • +4

    Have recently completed Technology for Healthy Living from the last deal posted and also personally recommend the course. It is a little basic, but I still learned a few new things from the course! Still using the Fitbit flex too although it's the base model which I'm sure will be obselete soon.

    The course assignments are not too difficult, I did bundle a few of the units and did it in one weekend sitting when I was too busy with work.

    I might sign up for one of the other free units and give it a go!

    • +1

      What did you learn, lots of people have said the same vague thing.

  • Interesting reading on the 'not so fitbit' and similar devices……

    • -1

      People like to show off. It's more of a status/fashion thing now to have the fancy wristband and expensive running shoes. It disgusts me when I see young healthy people (especially males) counting/checking calories and stuff like that when they are clearly being excessive with their behavior.

  • +1

    another interesting free course for anyone considering family trees and genealogy, includes free access to Ancestry too. Is there a list of free courses on offer?

  • +1

    i'm doing the tech for healthy living course right meow. utas admin staff kinda bungled my enrolment, and i only got around to chasing them up for it right before census date. i did, however, manage to cram in the first module, do the first quiz and submit my ecaf form prior to census date to qualify for the fitbit. don't worry that you'll miss out on your fitbit if you submit it after census date you'll still get it if you submit both quiz and ecaf form; just takes a bit longer to receive. your fitbit code will appear under 'Grades.'

    course is interesting, somewhat informal and informative without getting too technical with both technology and medical terminology.
    quizes are very easy if you've been paying attention and taking notes.

    • +1

      i'm doing the tech for healthy living course right meow.
      Did you just swallow a cat???

      • so that explains the furball…

  • +3

    Thanks op, I generally find that navigating MYLO is the most difficult part of distance study at UTAS.

    What kind of fitbit is it btw ?

    • fitbit flex

  • Saw an article about the high attrition rates at UTAS compared to others in the country, wonder if these courses contribute to that.. would also be interested to see if it's due to the number of online/distance courses overall.

    • these programmes have a lot to do with those attrition figures–the administration there ploughs on regardless though. good for the free perks that come with the uni email for life + office 365 (no idea how long for though, anybody know?).

      • My uni gave my Office 365 for life.

        • Isn't 365 inherently subscription based i.e. time limited?
          I had a perpetual license for MS Office 2016 but ended up selling it for $120 in retail packaging.

        • @wolfenator87: It's linked to my university email which they said after graduation you keep forever.

        • @fruit:

          On the UTAS page, it states that it expires upon graduation or you are no longer an active staff member.
          Am I to presume that since I only complete one course, and 'not graduate' per se, that my Office 365 subscription (obtained from enrolling in a course), technically won't expire?

        • @OptimisticPessimist: I never went to UTAS.

  • Which model is it?
    edit: nevermind

  • Worth it if you are interested in the subject matter. I've done all units except the last one.

  • How does this work for save kiwi's living in Australia? Still get the course for free?

    • +1

      Who can apply for the Foundations of Technology for Healthy Living?

      The Healthy Living units are available to Australian citizens; and for NZ citizens, Permanent Residents and Humanitarian Visa Holders provided all studies are on-shore in Australia. You will need to have access to a computer and a reliable internet connection.

  • Thanks OP, im not interested in the fitbit, but the free units look really interesting! ive applied and will sign up for two

    • I'm happy to pay you $20 plus shipping if you don't want the fitbit :) ?

      • Isn't a Fitbit worth about $100? Oh hey this is Ozb I forgot :P

      • it is the cheapest fitbit, I think it worth about $49 now

  • How much does the government pay University of Tas for each student?

    • $1000 subsidized it seems. No wonder we have a growing 'debt problem' that the pollies keep reminding us about.

      • That $1000 is better off going to UTAS than going into Bob Day's pockets. And $1,000 of health education could pay itself off if even a small percentage of students actually do take up exercise because of it, it'll save the gov thousands more in medicare in the long run and the students will live longer and be more productive, pay more taxes if their fit new bodies and clear minds land them a better job. $1,000 to get citizens to take a fitness education course and slap an activity tracker on their wrist is a bargain, if running Australia were like playing an RTS then that'd be the first upgrade I'd buy.

  • +1

    So, if you've completed a degree, can you still do this for free?

    • +1

      E-Mail them ask, should be fine.

    • +1

      Yes you can. I've completed postgraduate courses, did this course and another earlier this year, and now I'm studying with them again, doing more postgraduate stuff.

  • As bad as UTAS is… A free Fitbit, edu email and Office 365 make it worth it.

    • What's bad about UTAS?

      I am doing the Diploma of Family History with them (via an OZB link back last Feb) and have no complaints whatsoever. Have completed 3 units and doing my 4th as we speak. Have done 3 "free" units, and the current one is paid, but I have put it on HECS. I am retired and unlikely ever to return to work, so they money might have to come out of my estate! At the end of the day, I will only owe about $1600 all up for the 4 paid units.

      There doesn't seem to be too many dropouts from the Family History units. Most of us are very keen. Usually the only dropouts are those who for reasons of health or work and family commitments, and they mostly say they will come back when the unit is repeated later.

      Don't know about the Office 365. I haven't bothered to downloaded it as I am happy with my Office 2010. I thought it was only available to me while I was a student, but maybe I am wrong.

      • Where to begin? Degrees get "revised" and become very irrelevant, good lecturers/tutors lost their jobs, having to drive to the other end of the state to attend a compulsory class each week, many lectures not recorded, bad quality recordings, UTAS only cares about research, fails first years for revenue (see education) etc etc.

        Dropouts for attending students is high for many reasons.

  • I wonder if it'll be the new FitBit Flex?

    I think they should only get paid for students who complete a certain amount of the course. I've done the fitbit one and it's really good - basic and easy but I learned a few things, and it's presented quite well.

    • What did you learn, lots of people have said the same vague thing.

      • +1

        Basically how important exercise is. Sounds pretty simple hey? Everyone knows that.

        You actually go through the evidence though.

        Check that out for an idea.

        Also - How to use pubmed to look for studies. Have found that pretty handy.

        • Has it got you exercising/being healthier? If so maybe it is worth the supposed $1000 (I reckon it's $4k)

        • +1

          It has.

          I've setup my iPad on my stationary bike (got the idea from the course)
          Do about 30 minutes per day and it's made a massive difference to my mood, and most of all my energy levels.
          I always thought exercising more would make me tired, but turns out its the opposite :P

    • It would simply be the one that they offer for sale. To redeem the code, you go to the Fitbit store and buy it, using the code for payment.

  • +1

    Have to ask the NSW guys: does having this student ID entitle you to signing up for a Student Opal card? That would be a sweet bonus if we can.

    • If it's anything like QLD's student transport concession, you'd need to have a student ID listing you as enrolled in full-time study, so I don't think this would be enough. But I could be wrong.

  • Awesome-sauce, cheers for the share - this looks interesting. Given my partner's Sports & Exercise Science doctorate, my current inability to currently pursue my Bachelor of Social Work degree in-person, & our joint addictions to both Ingress & Pokemon Go, this looks right up our alley. And as an added bonus, the mental health & wellbeing one should definitely be useful for me, personally. Gotta keep this brain somewhat active during my hiatus, lest I return to uni having lost all my smarts. ;)

  • +2

    Those that have signed up, have you heard anything yet?

    • I just received my eStudent login, can confirm i'm enrolled in CX004

      • Same, received my eStudent details as well. Enrolled in CXA007 (Technology for Healthy Living)

        However, if someone could clarify this for me; on the 'Finance & scholarships' page, it states 'Total Deferrable amount due = $1,002.60'.
        Hoping that will be rectified to show that as $0 when I receive the HECS statement for this course (I already have a HECS debt from previous studies, hoping that this doesn't add to it)

        • are you able to get into MyLo? mine gives me an error

          also just installed office 365

          I have the same deferrable amount on my finance page.

        • @impoze:

          Nope, not able to access MyLO, says 'Problem accessing your authentication'. Presumably, their system hasn't been updated yet, hence the error. Might be fine in a couple of hours, maybe.

          How did you go about installing Office 365? Is there a link on the UTAS website, or did you just do it on the Microsoft site using your UTAS email account?

          Ok, according to this page… (third paragraph), it states that the HECS scholarship/SSAF waiver will be applied but won't appear on our invoice. Can anyone who has completed these free courses, confirm this?

        • +1

          @OptimisticPessimist: I went through this link

 and then you sign in with your UTAS account after installing

        • @impoze:

          Thanks for that.
          Would you happen to know if the Office 365 subscription expires after completing this one course, or only if you 'graduate'?

        • @OptimisticPessimist:

          according to OP, it's a lifetime address so i'm assuming it's also lifetime office365?

        • @impoze:

          Was not aware that it would be dependent on the email. If that is the case, then awesome.

        • +1

          I received a "thank you for enrolling" email but no log-in details yet.
          Considering the course starts in 2 days I may need to call them!

        • @wolfenator87:

          Referring to the OP's post, it does state 'Spring semester starts on October 17th and October 31st', so perhaps yours commences on the 31st, hence not yet receiving log-in details yet.

        • Hi mate,

          Where do you access the Finance and Scholarships page from?


        • @tienourn:

          It should be accessible via the link that was sent in the email that came with your log-in details.
          Otherwise, the link is…
          Once you've logged in, there should be a 'Finance & Scholarships' tab.

        • Hmm, it would seem that I failed to notice an error.

          Technology for Healthy Living, is assigned a unit code CXA004, whilst Foundations for Food and Nutrition is CXA007.
          It would appear that the UTAS system as enrolled me in the incorrect unit.
          Have sent an email notifying them of this and hope they'll resolve the matter soon.

        • @tienourn:
          It looks like we still need to pay HECS fee, just the university will give us a scholarship to cover the tuition fee. May I ask is that tuition fee or scholarship affects… ? I don't want to lower the load I can borrow (or scholarship I can get) in future due to this free course.

  • Question on the free units on the off chance anyone knows the answer - So they offer fee concession for 2 units - whats the time limit on that - like is it 2 free units per year or just 2 free units period?

    • +1

      i just called them. confirmed it's 2 free units in total

  • Had to call the UTAS helpline as no login credentials were sent to me, though the lecturer has sent emails to me - I think they were inundated with OB sign ups!

  • In the eCAF I stated “full upfront payment” but did not specify a TFN as no amount will be deferred.
    Will it affect my scholarship eligibility if I don’t add a TFN?
    I don't want to add a TFN unless I have to, so no surprises later on.

  • +6

    Just a heads up for those who have enrolled, but not yet completed your eCAF forms.

    Ensure that you provide your TFN, and select the option 'Full upfront payment of student contribution'. This will ensure that you will not be incurring a HECS debt.
    This information was provided as a guide from the unit coordinator of CXA004 Technology for Healthy Living.

    I unfortunately was not aware of the guide prior to completing the eCAF, and now have to go about contacting them to resolve it.

    • Thanks, who did you contact to rectify this? I'll have to amend it as well!

      • I contacted Student services via email at [email protected].

        They replied back stating that adding a new eCAF form (filled correctly) will override the previously submitted eCAF form and take precedence. No need to delete/cancel the existing one.

        • They are terribly slow at answering emails. Still waiting…

        • @wolfenator87:

          That's odd. I received most replies quite quick actually, usually within 30mins to an hour.
          Hopefully you'll be able to resolve your issue without much trouble.

        • Thanks, will get in tocuh with them!

  • Anyone know how to get out of the course? The fitbit is not worth the hassle for me and I don't want to risk end paying.

    • Ring them. I am contemplating this too as it is a short course only running till December and I am getting busy with work and other commitments. Not worth the hassle of a free fit bit and running the risk of an incorrectly completed eCAF. Plus, there is a fair amount of leg work involved to complete it.

    • You just need to withdraw before the Census date. The date will be in your course material.

    • I received these instructions to withdraw from the course.
      Navigate to eStudent(, and the 'Study Plan' tab.
      Select the "Withdraw from Course" link on the left hand side of the page.
      Carefully follow the instructions and complete the form you will be taken to.

    • For anyone interested, the census date has now passed. It's too late to withdraw now.

  • For those of you who has done with this unit and successfully receive the fitbit, do we need to attend and participate for the entire course?
    Do we need to complete the Quiz 2,3,4,5 and Reflective Scenario or can we just stop participating in the mid of the semester? Thanks.

    • I would also like to know this. Thanks.

    • +1

      You've got to do the bare minimum before census date (now passed) to qualify for the Fitbit. The course is interesting and you can afford to get a bit slack occasionally, then catch up. It's worth going in intending on getting something out of it.

  • Missed it this time but if it comes up another time, .dDo you have to do any essays, etc for this course? What's the Reflective Scenario?
    Have people got $0 HECS showing for this now? Thanks

    • +2

      5 quizzes worth 50% of your final mark.

      reflective writing assessment is the other 50%. 5 questions of 150 - 300 words each based on a fictional scenario in which you incorporate your own scenario, experiences and what you learned in the unit. last question is to demonstrate your research and summarisation skills.

      quizzes are easy; the reflective writing one is also easy and can be done in 1 day. or perhaps a couple of days if you're really gunning for that HD.

  • Did you guys remember to do the first quiz? It's overdue but you can still do it for a few days before they withdraw you. It's easy, if you are clued in you can just do the quiz without doing any of the modules and get at least a pass mark, though you should watch all the videos it's about your own health.

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