• expired

FREE Key Finder + Free Shipping. 1 Per Member Limited Stock


NOT A DUPLICATE. NEW URL!!! just same freebie for all those that missed out :)
http://www.ozstock.com.au/1300 (if you've gotten one before - please do let others have one…thats the point of having this freebie again!)

Keys are annoying when you can't find them, which is guaranteed to happen. No matter where you leave them, they usually end up down the back of your sofa, or in the dog basket, or in one of your shoes.
clapping, whistling (any sharp noise will trigger it)

orginal price = 12 dollars
now = $$$0.00!!

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closed Comments

  • got one sweeeet

  • +1

    am very happy to see dis freebie again…..i got one:)

  • +1

    Thank you. I missed the previous one.

  • Super got one. :)

  • +2

    thanks for the interest in this freebie :) - (thanking for the company… haha)
    they deserve the credit

  • finally got one!

  • cool, last time i couldn't even load the site. yea got 1 this time!

  • +3

    great that this freebie is back up, i'll leave it for people who want one though, not for me :)

  • Sweet!

  • Good stuff ozstock!

  • thanks bob :)

    • +1

      thanks for you interest…as always :)

  • thanks ! ordered one

  • +2

    Not buying because I don't think I'll use it.

    Nevertheless, a good deal for those that have terrible short…um……

    • hahaha…nice comment :)

  • website down 2:56 pm

    Edit: Persistence pays off. Got one little guy on the way to me now.

  • Missed the last one. Got one eventually but the site is being hammered and times out several times during the transaction…

  • too much interest again~
    just like last time…give it a bit of time.
    its still day time, just make sure your back before 5 when ppl go home to check for freebies and hopefully it wont be sold out yet

  • YUP! I'm having trouble too… But thanks for the opportunity to get another one. :-)

    EDIT: Let me clarify, I didn't get it the first time…

  • Finally got one, bit of a battle, but I wanted to travel back in time to 1994 to when these were cool

  • Thanks Wangkar. I missed out last time but got one just then. I hope the people who got it last time wont be too greedy and try to get another one :)

  • damn it, finally got it going, and in the last step.. sold out..

  • Sorry, today's product is sold out. Your order is invalid. :-(


  • 1500+ guests under 60mins not bad, must be all the rich people with their RSS feeders at work on their iPhones snagging them :p thanks again bob for finding this exclusive offer

    • +1

      they should suscribe to me~

  • sold out…………….. :(

  • Just spent 45 mins trying to access the site and register. Finally got in and got to the end of checkout and it told me it's sold out :(

  • got one this morning from last deal, its very hard to whistle it on, at least for me. Don't know what tone it after, tried different combinations for a few minutes, but it only beeped a couple times, very week beep and no flash. Came with two extra button batteries, but don't know how to open it and exchange the battery. So basically the one I got is useless.

  • I'm stuck @ checkout :(

    • you already got one didnt you?
      + its sold out i think

      • No missed out on the 1st deal too.
        Oh well… hope I guess more luck with next freebie :)

        • oh well…im sure there a lots of greedy ppl out there~
          this is for all of them =.=

  • sold out.. lol

  • Thanks for the freebie!!

  • Nooo missed out on both the first one and this one hahaha

  • +1

    What, no negative votes? :p

      • +1

        this is the first and last warning to people who vote negative for stupid reasons* - the next offence will involve some banhammer.

        the above example is an example of a stupid vote.

        It takes time revoking votes for stupid reasons, please dont.


        *i'm talking about troll/ridiculously stupid neg votes here.

        • thanks davo, yeah i was going to refer him to some official guidelines about intentional stupid voting but don't think there are any yet, there's a difference between stupid voting and voting cos you truly think your right but everyone disagrees with you. and this guy is just wasting everyones time :)

    • Still it's free. You literally had to fill out your address to get a free bit of plastic, and you feel this deserves a negative vote. Looks like I spoke to soon with my previous comment.

    • band

    • lol…i dont think it deserves a neg…
      you chose to fill in the form yourself~
      i never said it was good or anything…

    • +4

      You're about to get banhammered.


              • @POWERevolution: sorry, foundit has spoken

                • +2

                  @Davo1111: Power struggle between the mods?

                  • +1

                    @tomsco: awesome :) :P

                    Not a power struggle. I just popped in, left my 2 cents and Davo's decided he'll leave it to me and what the community seem to have said.

                    Thanks Davo :)

                    I do the same thing in reverse, every now and again :)

    • Wow, imagine if you actually paid for them.

    • +1

      Hmmm I can see this as a very legit neg

      If it goes off when there is just anyone talking at normal volume:
      - it'll chew through your batteries
      - if you replace the batteries frequently, maybe it's costing you more than getting another device
      - also, depending where you keep the keychain it may be
      - annoying (eg if you hang your keys on a hook in front of you while you work)
      - inappropriate (Female boss - "John, your pants were flashing throughout the entire talk on appropriate conduct" … :P)

      If either of those are a problem for a person, there are possibly other uses for it.

      Resell on eBay :P

      Seasonal office gifts for that person you just don't know :)

      Surprise in someone's birthday present

      Bonus in a package that you sell on eBay

      I'd leave it as a legit neg. :)

      • no worries, the tribe + foundit has spoken

      • +1

        i thought the voting scheme was for bargains…
        not the products from the bargains…
        hence, not making much sense to me

      • Imagine sending it in the post, how annoyed the postie would get :)

      • +1

        lol foundit, as previously mentioned he was the one who signed up for this freebie when it could've went to someone else, he didn't pay a cent, so he doesn't have the privilege to neg vote, his opinion is welcome however.

        I appreciate the imaginative points you have stated, but let's face it none of those are going to happen if an individual dislikes the product, they'll simply no longer use it. Hence none of those statements are very reasonable. Eg. you're not paying for batteries, other points aren't very probable

        As for the product itself, it works quite well! but not perfectly if you are going to intentionally exploit it, but you can't expect much from paying nothing. It may work better for others in different circumstances.

        Surely you know the guidelines for negative votes as they've become stricter over the years, but I won't disrespect you by pointing anything out in particular, hopefully you can see some light in the deal and not allow anyone in future to neg a deal like "ssa" has. It's nothing subjective, you're a great mod, but this sets a bad example and allows future potential trolls to neg votes like this.

        • Thanks muchly :)

          Guidelines have narrowed what is considered a good reason for negatives. I was just putting in my 2 cents on why I could see someone voting a negative.

          Is it a reason for a negative? Well, we do say if there's a problem with the product, that is one reason to neg.

          If the device is getting triggered all the time, some people may want to think twice about whether they should get this freebie or not, if it's not behaving the way they expect it to.

          Overall situation
          - ssa seems to be trying to help people in general
          - the deal had more than 20+ with just the one or two negs
          - one neg shouldn't hurt the deal given the amount of positives
          - Davo's asking for public response
          - the neg seemed reasonable to me
          - I figure it'd be good to show ssa that someone else can see how it could be a problem, given many people have already voice that they don't agree

          • I didn't override Davo :) if that's what it seemed

          • Davo just weighed up everything that was said the votes he saw and my comment too

          • I don't think I've set a bad example

          I can seriously see people choosing not to get a freebie if it won't behave the way they want.

          That would just be accepting what is for them, junk. It'd be much better for the freebie to go to someone who will get more use out of it.

          Hopefully the above explanation will help, if anyone tries to use what I said as justification for a negative that does go against the guidelines.

          • @SomeGuyOnOzB: SO your saying…once i get a freebie…and i dont like it or its not working properly (which i can easily lie about) ? i can vote neg.?

            the world just started spinning the other way ;)

          • +1

            @SomeGuyOnOzB: Thanks for the kind response, the problem is, I find this product functioning very efficiently as opposed to what some may say which can be misleaading. Although it's hard to determine it's true functionality when we have people with different experiences.

            I guess it would be dependent on how the product is being used perhaps, in what environments etc. and ssa's neg vote + comment was very straight forward to his personal conclusion, although the judgement alone could have been helpful to some, it's not exactly true for everyone.

            I think the comment alone was sufficient for what he had intended and not the negative vote that went along with it. We can't allow an individuals conclusion to deter others from taking part in the deal when it won't necessarily affect them, his comment seems to be judging the product overall which can cause that. Everyone is entitled to voicing their own experiences and conclusions but allowing one negative vote to slide with it, results in an over-weighing conclusion of the product based on that one individuals experience.

            Glad to hear you won't allow anyone to use your ruling as a justification, as this will prevent the ongoing problem of 1-2 trolls who think they can get away with neg voting on good deals.

            • @Cripto: I'm backing up the decision to let the negative vote stand. While his negative vote may seem ungrateful and it's something that I personally (and I'm sure many others too) wouldn't do from a morale point of view, his justifications for the negative vote has merit.

              I guess it would be dependent on how the product is being used perhaps, in what environments etc. and ssa’s neg vote + comment was very straight forward to his personal conclusion, although the judgement alone could have been helpful to some, it’s not exactly true for everyone.

              Negative votes here are generally used as a warning to others about a deal/product, backed up by some sort of facts. In this particular case, it may be based on his experience with the product. But similar user reports for this product on this deal and the previous deal suggest that it is not just his judgement alone. While his negative vote may not apply to everyone, it may still be a valid warning to the minority few.

              I think the comment alone was sufficient for what he had intended and not the negative vote that went along with it. We can’t allow an individuals conclusion to deter others from taking part in the deal when it won’t necessarily affect them, his comment seems to be judging the product overall which can cause that.

              As foundit has pointed out, the deal has many positive votes so a single negative vote would not affect its visibility nor will it cause the deal to be unpublished. Generally, freebies get many positive votes but on the odd occasions, there will be one or two negative votes. I don't think this alone will deter or affect anyone from taking part in the deal. Sure, if the negative votes do not lie within our guidelines, they will be removed.

              • @pauly: Well said, thanks for your input. I still think if negs keep sliding, the ongoing problem that moderators face when dealing with higher trolls will prevail. I believe it has a significant impact on the organisation (OzStock + others; GB, COTD to name a couple) which can lead to the marketers giving exclusive¹ offers through other channels of promotion (eg. Facebook, Twitter which they seem to use, ¹excluded from being shown on front page) and not OzBargain.

                Through actively following the last few exclusive promotions which caused alot of discussion and 'intelligence gathering' if you will, my point of view is shaped through how I see founders of other organisations respond to such votes/comments and realize that it does have quite a heavy impact.

                It's clear sometimes there is a couple neg votes with semi-valid reasons, but comments witnessed from this deal has no benefits for anyone and should be heavily moderated in future.

                This site is probably the main cause of the server crash, with a couple thousand guests & members within the first hour coming directly from this page alone.

                OzStock determines how they will give away their next freebie, let it be on the front page (which results in this incident again), or exclusively to e-mail subscribers, or facebook as two examples of a more reliable form of advertising, but not OzBargain as they have ungrateful negative person(s) showing no respect for the generosity of OzStock.

                Hopefully somewhere in the near future when this situation arises again we can draw the fine line between an ungrateful person intentionally dishonoring an organisation while showing no gratitude with the negative vote and someone who's warning others through experience with some good faith.

                Even then I still believe negative votes should be handled more strictly as I honestly haven't seen any benefits from negativity/ungratefulness unless there is a predominant reason for such actions. This will ensure everyone is happy including but not limited to the Reps, OP, Staff, Founders of the organisations giving away the freebies.

                • @Cripto: Cripto, I can see where you're coming from and like I said, as a member of this site myself, I personally wouldn't encourage the negative vote. However, we try to moderate reports based on facts as much as we can. And I don't think any of us mods like to over-moderate things, as this would also make many unhappy.

                  I still think if negs keep sliding, the ongoing problem that moderators face when dealing with higher trolls will prevail.

                  I don't think the mods will let that happen. There are ways in which we can find out if a user is a clear-cut troll, and most of the time such users will be banned. And for the more subjective/complex issues, the moderators will discuss and come to an agreement on a decision to make.

                  I believe it has a significant impact on the organisation (OzStock + others; GB, COTD to name a couple) which can lead to the marketers giving exclusive¹ offers through other channels of promotion (eg. Facebook, Twitter which they seem to use, ¹excluded from being shown on front page) and not OzBargain.

                  Just to make it clear, the negative vote was not targeted at the store but the product itself. Any reps should understand that this is sometimes inevitable, considering that this IS a community driven site with high user participation and not just purely an advertising/marketing platform. If at anytime a rep feels offended by any negative votes given to their deal/store, they are welcome to talk to a mod and we will be more than happy to review the case and explain our decisions. We do not give any special treatments to reps more than we do to our members, and vice versa. :)

                  Hopefully somewhere in the near future when this situation arises again we can draw the fine line between an ungrateful person intentionally dishonoring an organisation while showing no gratitude with the negative vote and someone who’s warning others through experience with some good faith.

                  In this particular instance, I wouldn't say ssa has intentionally dishonoured the organisation judging from his comments alone. It's more to do with the product. I think that's where the mods step in - to see if the negative votes are used appropriately and revoke them if necessary.

                  Even then I still believe negative votes should be handled more strictly

                  Personally, I think the mods are stricter with negative votes now than before I joined the mod team. We've had this discussion about moderating negative votes in a forum thread for quite a while now.

                  Seeing that this discussion is drifting more towards moderation and is getting off-topic to this specific deal, I would suggest that you raise any further concerns about moderating in this forum thread:


                  • @pauly: Ok thanks for the conclusion pauly, will raise a minor question in that thread nothing too big.

          • +1

            @SomeGuyOnOzB: We don't think you override Davo. We just think you want to dominate him (for lack of wanting to use offensive language) :)

            I think there may need to be more clarification on freebies. I personally don't think unless there is something that may cause physical or mental harm from a freebie, that there is no reason to deserve a neg. Maybe leave a comment, but a neg vote seems a bit harsh, as the item not only costs the respondent nothing, but they can choose to simply throw it away and suffer no financial hardship.

            Just my 2c

            • +1

              @tomsco: i really agree with tomsco…its a freebie!!!!…

              • @bob_wangkar: yep agreed, more clarification of the guidelines/informal rules, can't treat a freebie like this :) especially OzStock who have generously given these out free. Do you think they will send out more freebies if they get these kind of responses? I bet he [ssa] finds magnet/velcro-straps/stickers (other recent freebies) more useful, but when he see's this deal he gets shocked out of his mind and has high expectations, and becomes upset when it doesn't work to his expectations.

                • @Cripto: Just to throw something else into this mix… these 'whistle' keyrings have always been like that, even when they were relatively expensive and 'cool' back in the '90s. I remember my mum having some and we'd be watching TV and every so often it would go off because of the TV or a conversation or the radio etc.

                  So it's not particular to these keyrings. And I agree, a freebie is a freebie and it may not be worth a positive in your eyes but is it really a neg?

          • @SomeGuyOnOzB:

            I didn’t override Davo :) if that’s what it seemed

            yeah, i just wanted to confirm this. All the moderators regularly report situations to one another for confirmation, we try to be as fair as possible

            • @Davo1111: Just admit, you've been destroyed, power wise :p

              • +1

                @tomsco: lol, i think this is getting off topic

                ill start unpublishing comments soon, as usual starting with my own

      • +2

        i just cant wait till my acc is 30 days old :)

        • +1

          LOL…you're underage to vote -ve ;)
          Only 3 more days though :)

    • +2

      I didn't order one, so I can't say the product is worthless or if ssa talks like Nanny Fran, but I personally think FREE isn't without price if you have to give away your email address, home address and time for something that is really worthless.

      I personally like the occasional deal -vote as it helps me see where people have had problems. Not on deals I've submitted though, thanks. ;-)

  • missed out again :-(

  • +3

    got mine own today.
    not being able to whistle myself, i went to youtube and got other ppl to whistle for me…found that it worked quite well!

  • I bought some of these and they seem to go off all the time - with my general talking voice, with the tv, the dog, kids, etc. Really annoying.

    Guess it's worth a try since they are free though.

  • Got one 2day. my partner tried and worked. I tried and didn't work! Not long after, my partner's phone rang and this went off. we were annoyed so we decided not to use!lol

  • I'm going to close this thread until the items arrive. Someone please report to mods when their items arrives and we can unlock again

  • Mine turned up today, I would be upset if i had paid for it.

    The insulation did not cover the LED pins so the LED would turn on by itself when it touched the speaker, easy to fix with some sticky tape.

    I really dont think it will hold up to use, it pulls apart very easily.

    It has been sitting next to my speakers and has not gone off once unless i whistle.
    Clapping does not set it off either

    The beeping almost spells out SOS

  • +3

    Mine arrived today.

    Mine requires whistling or something pretty close to it, to trigger it. Talking, various other noises from the speaker etc don't seem to trigger it.

    I don't know how to whistle, very well, but there are free wav files and I've found a few that can trigger it. (I'll download them to my phone) However, tests show a range of about 2.5 feet or less is required (or I need to increase the volume when playing back the sound)

    Also, if you have a Nokia and have that noise button application, the robot noise seems to work too.

    I don't see any instructions on how to take it apart.

    It includes spare batteries.

    I was surprised that apart from English, it looks like there is Greek writing on the package. There's also no indication of where it's from. (Maybe that was part of the reason for the freebie? Labelling required before selling?)

    My thanks to OzStock :)

    For those who don't like the freebie as is, it could also be:
    - a free set of batteries if you or someone you know has a device that uses these LR41 button cells
    - a free keyring (you could remove the whistle unit)
    - a gift for office or other parties, where people say, let's all get a < $5 gift and put it in a bag, or something

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