• long running

[NSW] Pay What You Want for Groceries @ OzHarvest (Kensington)


Ok Ozbargainers.. new Ozharvest supermarket offers free food however you can donate in-store.

Located in Kensington NSW.

Happy shopping!

P.s do the right thing and pay ..

  • What is available in the OzHarvest Market?

A range of products from fresh fruit and vegetables, bread, tinned goods, frozen meals and drinks to toiletries and home products. What we have in-store will vary each week depending on what is rescued or provided by our generous food donors.

  • What is rescued food?

We rescue food that can’t be sold by supermarkets and food retailers due to being past its display by date but is still perfectly good to eat. We also rescue products which are surplus for a variety of commercial reasons, such as change in packaging or incorrect orders.

  • How much does it cost?

Our philosophy is ‘take what you need, give what you can’. If you can’t afford to pay and you’re in need of food, please take what you need. If you can give something, then please do; every dollar donated can help OzHarvest provide two meals to Australians in need.

Hours: 10AM-2PM, Tue-Fri
147 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW

via News.com.au

Mod: See note

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    • +1

      Inappropriate as in:
      1. "Free groceries" - They are not free
      2. There is no bargain here to cheer for. I can only see a Charity business who's helping those who're in need.

        1. Ok, I see your point. Maybe rename the title as pay what you want groceries.

        2. I do see your point, but no one had a problem with ozharvest free lunches (there were a few post about not taking advantage of the free lunches, but no negative posts) 12. This is just a more permanent setup.

        • Literally the first visible comment on that deal (both links are the same) is someone who 'had a problem' with it

    • Students?? Ewww!!!

    • I don't think this is an inappropriate post as this location is right next to a major uni and I am sure that there are uni students on ozbargain that live on annual incomes below the poverty line.

      So all packaged noodles will be out of stock?

  • -2

    I've reported this as inappropriate. Hope everyone does the same.

  • +1

    There's some very tall quadrupeds here today. Slow bargain day?

    • It's like this deal is a d-head aggregator.

  • +4

    Nope. Leave this food for people who really need it, regardless of whether you intend to pay or not.

    • +4

      “Every dollar that we receive allows us to provide two more meals to people in need,”

    • They need people to shop there why you people think it will be free, be honest and sincere and estimate the cost of reduced items in woolworths or fruit, cake shops etc. and pay them as well for them to help more

  • +10

    The food doesn't have to be free.

    This is a great way to donate to charity and stop so much food going to waste from our supermarkets. Is this any different from going to the Salvos and buying a bedside lamp at $5? With the exception, OzHarvest offer a free option for those who really need it. Surely, people can be trusted to do the right thing?

    • Is this any different from going to the Salvos and buying a bedside lamp at $5?

      Don't think you're allowed to go into Salvos stores and take things without paying for them.

      • Not sure about Salvo but I know those in need are given vouchers to "shop" in Vinnies. Do you count that as paying too?

        To me, that's the same as people in genuine need getting free food from the OzHarvest store, except that the OzHarvest store works on an honesty system.

        The OzHarvest store is a good idea - not just to serve as a food bank for the poor, but also as an avenue for us, as a society, to reduce food waste (the food that they salvaged will eventually go off if not enough people go there to purchase them) while raising funds for a charity (even if people are paying a discounted price for the items because they've passed their best before/use by date).

      • +1

        I clearly defined the difference you have raised.

        "With the exception, OzHarvest offer a free option for those who really need it"

    • If you're buying it at normal price to donate to charity then it's not a deal.

  • +4

    Just here for the comments

  • +2

    thanks op. good to know there are safety nets like this should i need it one day!

  • +5

    "Now I can save more for my 6th investment property" - cormann

  • making sure it gets to people who need it most

    Yep so OzBargainers

  • Just a few points to make:

    • This campaign has been pushed out to the media and is being covered by newspapers (front page of news.com.au) as well as television networks (e.g. The Project, news). It would be quite strange for OzBargain to not show this deal.
    • The forums aren't the dumping ground to randomly throw deals. This post meets the deal posting guidelines so it qualifies as a deal.
    • It's VERY assuming of people to think that only well to do people frequent OzBargain. There are people who don't have a lot of money (e.g. pensioners) who frequent this website.
    • OzHarvest deals have been posted before with a similar concept. In fact there have been numerous places offering free food giveaway which ask for a donation. Just last week Zeus Greek did.
    • OzHarvest, as well as other organisations, has for years been trying to inform the public of the massive food waste. Much of the food from supermarkets is thrown away (look up freegan & dumpster diving). Just a couple of weeks ago, I witnessed ALDI staff throwing away loads of perfectly good food but which was reaching their past display dates.

    At this point the deal will remain.

    • +4

      I was hoping most OzBargainers are rich because of all the money they save.

      • +9

        Unfortunately any money saved on an item ozbargainers needed, is wasted when they buy 20 things they didn't need but were on sale.

      • +1

        People save on certain things in life but not everything…

    • +7

      Wanted to upvote Neil's comment but can't. Maybe only have the +ve button :P

    • I want to be able to like this comment. But it's seems moderator's comments don't allow that.

      • +5

        They dont care if you like their comment

    • I love how the ozbargin police claims the fine print to justify posts then pulls down the neg votes just because of some little thing. What a joke mod

      • +4

        Agree, I suspect the negative vount count would be much higher otherwise. Mine was one of those negs revoked.

        It's a shame, because the negative reaction to this 'deal' actually makes me proud of the community here. It's honestly disgraceful and borderline unbelievable that this wasn't swiftly deleted.

        • +2

          It's honestly disgraceful and borderline unbelievable

          Disgrace to… Who exactly?
          If the mods weren't as lenient as they are now people negging this deal would have been banned from the site.

          On this site we enjoy freedoms that I get annoyed about because people that unbelievably think every deal should be handed to them on a silver platter (look at the ebay threads), then grab pitchforks and hit the neg vote button (which is what a lot of users are doing in this thread).

          The neg vote button is not a YouTube dislike button. It's supposed to highlight important flaws in the deal. The following reasons are the only valid ones
          - The deal is not the cheapest available
          - Defective product
          -Major issues with retailer

          It's honestly disgraceful

          It's honestly disgraceful people don't read the voting guidelines..
          Educate yourselves here
          Stop negative voting when it doesn't suit what you think. OzBargain is about a community of people saving money. Everything can be abused. It's like voting down a deal on Panamax because "cheap prices encourage overdose"
          Just like how in this deal "free food encourages people who don't need it to take it"
          How is that a valid reason to neg

        • +2

          @cwongtech: I'm not going to get dragged into a lengthy argument, but I will say that we shouldn't be rigidly pointing to voting guidelines. The website Ozbargain has official rules, sure, but I'd like to think as a community we've established a culture / set of values that can see that posting something like this as a deal isn't morally right. It sends a message that goes beyond bargain hunting and into exploiting charities territory.

          Totally agree with you on the eBay deals (I don't like that side of the community either… or the 7c David Jones bag sense of entitlement) but I do think this is a different kettle of fish.

        • Look, I'm fine being made to be the jerk here, it comes with the job. However, we will act consistently to enforce the deal posting guidelines as well as the voting guidelines.

          As for the deal, I'm not going to repeat my comments but I implore people please read beyond the headline and learn a bit about the event and OzHarvest.

        • @cwongtech:

          It's honestly disgraceful people don't read the voting guidelines..

          Agreed. Unfortunately adherence to the Voting Guidelines isn't enforced and neg voting is abused.

          You can get away with neg voting a deal with any comment that isn't proscribed in the last section of the Voting Guidelines, no matter how irrelevant it is to the actual deal.

    • +1

      Have the mods not considered the possibly significant negative publicity that will accrue to this site when, inevitably, it is discovered on other forums, in the print media and by word of mouth that the ensuing inundation of freeloaders into the store may have been largely effected by its promotion here, or is any publicity good publicity?

  • +2

    Just emptied store and donated some eneloops. Please mark as expired.

  • My town has a 24 hour food cupboard, this is sort of the same except they give people the oppertunity to pay for items to help them keep aquireing more.

    While its moraly questionable to go get things for free if your well off enough to pay thats a personal issue. Go ozharvest for doing this, if it was in my local id go give em a $50 for something small.

  • +1

    good deal :) my fridge is full for once :)

  • +3

    If someone needs food and finds this through here then good luck to them. Thanks for posting it.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting. I sent the link to someone on gumtree asking for free food/toiletries as their partner lost their job. Wouldn't have known about had it not been posted.

    • +1

      Ah they just replied to me stating that they can't get there. Any other organisations around the western suburbs of Syd?

      • +2

        Sydney trains

        • +5

          Yeah I'm not bothering…

          Check out the convo…..

          I just don't get it.

        • +1

          @CVonC: His ute is hitting a brick wall? Mind you, Blacktown to Kensington is not casual.

        • +3


        • +6

          Wow, just wow, basically told u to get stuffed. Must be high on the drugs that all the money was spent on :/

          Was nice of u to try tho

        • +3

          @PJC: True, but if you're that cash-poor, you're generally time-rich. So hopping on a train for a few hours for a week's worth of free groceries would be a pretty good use of time. Also kinda funny that the person shunning free food signed off with "i'm trying hard to feed my kids but am hitting a brick wall". You were literally just offered free food with which to feed your kids…

        • +1

          @bohdud: I absolutely agree. I realise I am generalising here and there are exceptions, but most genuinely disadvantaged people have an Opal cap of $2.50 so the journey would be worthwhile.

        • +2


          dude, something is up here. I smell a rat. You mentioned a 2nd ad they had? Check again. They have something to hide. Was the 'no judgements` comment added after your interaction?

        • -1

          @bohdud: >True, but if you're that cash-poor, you're generally time-rich.

          You have no idea of what you're talking about.

        • +5


          Yeah the other ad was put up a few hours before the food one. Mind you the food one has been reposted a lot this whole month.

          The other ad was about offering a delivery service with their ute.

          And no, that was always there. However they took out something about no "sick phone calls" or something :S

          The fact that they are screaming the whole time in the ad would normally make me ignore it. But I thought I'd give it a try after seeing this thread. I was actually considering picking up stuff for them too since I'm near them. Wouldda been a good excuse to visit my sister as she lives out that way. So much for trying lol.

        • +1

          Turns out she is a scam artist loool!

        • +1

          @CVonC: No surprise there.

        • +2

          @seamonkey: You were right.

        • +2

          Thanks for letting me know. Hope we all keep this kind of behaviour at the back of our minds. Not all people out there are as nice as us ozbargainers :) :) :)

        • +1


    • My point exactly . Well done

  • +5

    It doesn't make sense to open a store like this in Kensington. Would be far more purposeful to open it in the poorest Sydney suburb of Auburn.

    • +2

      I would have thought Mt Druitt or similar would have made more sense. But I guess the point is for the affluent of the eastern suburbs to visit to do their good deeds and pay a higher than expected donation which helps them profit and can do more good work.

      • +3

        Not quite sure about that as a few research studies have shown that the poor donate more than the affluent. And at the same time it would be reachable to needy. I doubt they would pay train plus bus return fares just to get to Kensington and back. It would easily take 15 dollars to do so, the maximum Opal charge per day.

      • I would have thought Mt Druitt or similar would have made more sense.

        Then they'd have to pay security guards and would barely receive any donations.

    • +1

      But grocery is already cheap in the less affluent suburbs & there tends to be more homeless people in the city than in the other suburbs.

      Guess distance from "suppliers" is also an issue. (eg the posher restaurants tend to chuck out more food)

      Besides, I think it's also close to OzHarvest' headquarter.

      • I doubt it is accessible from city also, would take you over an hour to walk to Kensington and another one to go back. On buses you cannot take a free ride unlike the trains.
        Also I don't agree groceries in the West are necessarily cheaper, depends on the suburb. In lots of them you don't have much choice, either Coles or Woolies.
        The other things you mention are valid, but should not be the primer concern for a charity the core purpose of which is to reach the needy.

    • If i remember correctly there was a a store in auburn which was offering very cheap groceries for those in need, but they seem to have moved locations.

      • Where in Auburn?

        • Dont remember the address but i think it was called food for life?

        • +1

          Found it online. Thanks for the information.

    • +2

      They got the floor space for free, that is why they open up in Kensington.

  • +2

    Honestly if I lived near there, I'd visit. Not because I can't afford elsewhere but because so much food is being wasted and this would be helping (although the food I don't buy will end up being their in a way). I'd much prefer to donate a similar amount to the retail of the groceries to OzHarvest then buy from Colesworth.

  • +8

    i was waiting for this to be show up, whilst it may not technically be against OzB rules, I think its wrong.

  • Well whats the point of discussing if it is alright to post it here on Ozbargain? Has been all over the mayor newspaper already today, is no one reading newspaper?

    And do people here seriously think that everyone on Ozbargain is a rich person buying tons of new Smartphones all the time?

    I am sure there are plenty of people here on Ozbargain who are actually in need of such an offer, so stop crying around like a crybaby.

  • +17

    This is the equivalent of posting a Red Cross homeless lunch. This is not meant for people wealthy enough to waste time browsing ozbargain on their smartphone.

    • +1

      homeless people have the internet and smart phones too you know.

    • +1

      Services give out smart phones so the ppl in need can be connected and have access to more..

      • Post it as a deal?

  • -1

    If Oz Harvest was really trying to help poor people it would come out west to Pemriff where I'm from.

    Go the mighty Pantfers.

    • +2

      Don't think the shop is purely there to feed the poor (they already provide free cooked meals for the poor) but more as an educational & fund raising event for masses.

      They raise funds in Kensington & they can then use that money to help feed the poor all over the city / country.

    • penriff full of poor people?
      you lie

  • -4

    Waiting for the moment Ozharvest gets Ozbargained 😂

    • How is that funny?

  • "every dollar donated can help OzHarvest provide two meals to Australians in need."

    50c per meal seems a bit unrealistic?

    • +3

      Ingredients cost next to nothing.
      Labour cost next to nothing.
      Cooking in batch.
      50c per meal seems very reasonable.

    • For OzBargainers, 50c per meal would be a luxury.

  • -1

    Does this have free delivery?

  • +10

    I agree with everyone else. This should NOT be a deal. I know for a fact that a small percentage of people on OzBargain will take advantage of this.

    • Can you suggesting people on OzB are morally corrupted and unable to do the right thing?

      • +4

        they are mostly liberal supporters so yes.

      • Any chance I can answer this?

        • +1


  • Most of us would do the right thing, but posting it on a 'deal' website doesn't seem appropriate.

    If this post helps some finally disadvantaged people out then great, but more realistically it will encourage people (the kind of people who love saving money… ozbargainers) to take advantage.

    Do the right thing, and let the people who need this know about it.
    Otherwise don't go there to get a bargain - go there to make a reasonable donation :)

  • +1

    I love this idea

  • If you can afford to buy them at full price, just pay that if you go here. It will help these people keep running their store and help people who actually can't afford to buy food. I love a good freebie but there's a limit to who pays for the loss/ lack of profit.

  • +2

    Disagree that this is a deal. There are soup kitchens every night outside Flinders Street station - are they also deals? Check out Money suit social experiment. A sobering reality check > www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_nuPlE2KU8

    • +2

      Hey, just letting you know that's a staged video, certain youtubers fake pretty much every single one of their 'experiments' mainly due to time restraints. You might get a genuine reaction similar to those in the videos, but it takes entire days of shooting video to get it. Most people just don't interact. Trust me, I've done a number of social experiments for university projects, takes a while. That colby guy in particular gets on my nerve cause he loves to put a 'feel good spin' on his videos and pretend he's making a difference. It's an insult to the intelligence of his audience.

      • -5

        I know you're trying to be helpful but I've worked in film and television for 20 years and don't need the insights you've gained from your extensive experience in doing uni assignments. The point of posting a link to the video was to draw a parallel between the many negative comments made in response to this 'bargain' and the similar comments made on the video. Reasonable people agree that when someone can afford the necessities of life then they shouldn't take food/money that is intended for the needy. The process of making the video is irrelevant.
        This is not a bargain.

  • +11

    Wow this is unbelievable. Absolute low life people who take advantage of this. I spend my day helping just these types of Organisations.

    • -5

      thank you for helping me get cheap food

    • -1

      Absolute low life people who take advantage of this.

      That's really rude for those who do take advantage of this. Calling those in need, low lifes??

      • +1

        That's what you interpret? Troll somewhere else.

  • -3

    thanks op bought a kilo (8x 125g punnets) of blueberries for 3.99, what a bargain. Got a few funny looks from people but that's probably because they're scum

    • +3

      Why do you need 8 punnets? I hope you are making a massive blueberry pie to give to the homeless.

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