• long running

[NSW] Pay What You Want for Groceries @ OzHarvest (Kensington)


Ok Ozbargainers.. new Ozharvest supermarket offers free food however you can donate in-store.

Located in Kensington NSW.

Happy shopping!

P.s do the right thing and pay ..

  • What is available in the OzHarvest Market?

A range of products from fresh fruit and vegetables, bread, tinned goods, frozen meals and drinks to toiletries and home products. What we have in-store will vary each week depending on what is rescued or provided by our generous food donors.

  • What is rescued food?

We rescue food that can’t be sold by supermarkets and food retailers due to being past its display by date but is still perfectly good to eat. We also rescue products which are surplus for a variety of commercial reasons, such as change in packaging or incorrect orders.

  • How much does it cost?

Our philosophy is ‘take what you need, give what you can’. If you can’t afford to pay and you’re in need of food, please take what you need. If you can give something, then please do; every dollar donated can help OzHarvest provide two meals to Australians in need.

Hours: 10AM-2PM, Tue-Fri
147 Anzac Parade, Kensington, NSW

via News.com.au

Mod: See note

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      • +3

        maybe i didn't buy anything and just made it up

  • +4

    This is not a 'deal' in the traditional sense that we're chasing. This is for the genuinely needy who have no means to fend for themselves.

  • +4

    yeah no.

    If you're in it to get free groceries then you're doing this deal wrong.

  • +6

    i thought this was ozbargain, not ozripoffcharities

  • This post offends me and I hope you're proud of yourself OP /s

  • +3

    Jokes on the scum who want to take more than their fair share, there's no parking available anywhere near this place thanks to the light rail construction. You'll need to bus it in like the poor people who actually are in need.

  • +4

    This is a terrible post. There is no integrity in leeching from charitable organisations.

    I would hate to see a place like this get "ozbargained" with everything stripped and pillaged away with nothing left for those who actually need it.

    • There is no integrity in leeching… Equally applies to some "charities":

      4th on the worst list: American Breast Cancer Foundation, with $59.8 million paid to corporate solicitors. Its founder, Phyllis Wolf, hired a telemarketing company run by her son, Joseph Wolf, to whom the charity paid nearly 75 percent of all the money raised. (Has since changed)

      1st goes to..The Kids Wish Network, tied for lowest-rated on the Times and CIR’s list, has paid nearly $110 million to corporate solicitors and another $4.8 million to its founder and his own consulting firms. Only about $3.2 million of the total $127.8 billion raised by the charity has gone toward helping the dying children for whom it supposedly exists

      This is US data from an old report from 2013, but you get the gist.

  • +4

    OP how low can you go? I love ozbargin for low prices but I still have this thing called self respect. Please leave the food for people who genuinely need it.

  • +3

    Not a deal, this is a service for the most vulnerable in our society.

  • Great, now all the backpacking tourists will know exactly where to obtain their needs.

  • +1

    The ol' OzBargain Sheep Syndrome is strong today.


  • +3

    Be sad to see leeches take food away from the needy, almost negged the deal as it isn't in the spirit of OZ B usual deals :(

  • +3

    People have already started justifying taking food for free from here, even though they have plenty of money. The comments about homeless people having the latest tech and low income earners not needing this service. They've justified abusing this and helped many other people do the same. Disgusting.

    • Even had a mod defend it :)

      Just because it may fit within rules, doesn't mean it's right.

      • +1

        Just because it nay fit within rules, doesn't mean it's right.

        That's exactly what the rules are for, or do you want to subjectively determine what is right or not?

        • It's called decency. Ripping off a charity for the needy is about the lowest form of shit you could do.

          Enough people have condemned it.

        • +1


          Ripping off a charity

          You're making assumptions, where did anyone rip them off?

        • @Scab:

          I'm not wasting my time with trolls. Go spend time volunteering for these NFP Organisations instead of being a pedantic keyboard warrior.

        • +2


          I'm not wasting my time with trolls.

          Instead of calling people names, how about you back up your claim that people are ripping them off?

          I see no evidence of anyone that has "ripped them off", just conjecture, righteousness and speculation.

  • Waiting for jv to accuse everyone of virtue signalling

  • +2

    If your not needy do not PLEASE do not use this "DEAL".
    I know for a fact that in South Australia OzHarvest is actually short on food and there are organizations who are in need of OzHarvest's help, but there is just not enough to go around.

  • +4

    I personally have a moral dilemma of this being on Ozb and do not support people's views of this as a 'bargain'.

    Do people who can afford a meal go to food drives and expect a feed? These services are extremely lucky that they're in existence as Ozharvest have gone out of their way to accomodate for the less fortunate.

    I won't be hindering on this opportunity to those who need it. Sorry OP, but bad taste in my opinion

    • I personally have a moral dilemma of this being on Ozb and do not support people's views of this as a 'bargain'.

      The negative vote button is NOT a personal dislike button.

      The views of "don't take if you don't need" is supported (otherwise you're just doing what OzHarvest is setting out to do.. not waste food..) I'm sure is supported by all of OzBargain but the scumbags of society.

  • +4

    I think you guys need to relax a little instead of getting up in arms about it.

    There has been widespread media coverage on this and you think that taking it off ozbargain is somehow going to help?

    Face it, there's good and bad people everywhere and there definitely will be people doing the wrong thing. But have a bit of faith in that the majority of the population aren't there to take advantage of the deal.

    If anything, I hope this helps ozharvest out even more. As a donator to three charities, i'm more inclined to support these guys instead of the other ones where a massive chunk goes in "admin" fees.

  • +2

    this is not a bargain, this is for charity. It's pretty unethical to call this a 'bargain'

  • +1

    Yeah sure it's technically not against the rules, but it's still unethical to list on a website like this. It reminds me of the Grill'd one where many OzBargainers ripped the burger chain off by pretending to raise money for charity to get free burgers, only worse. You'd think the owners of OzB wouldn't want the website to be known as one that exploits charity, but it seems like that's where we're heading.

  • +1

    Similar charity deals posted in ozb before and there was no problem. Mod already removed the 'Freebie' tag so it's now more appropriate.
    It's covered by TV and newspapers, so if people are going to exploit them they will do it anyway.

    When we try to 'protect' the charities from people exploiting, it may also hide the message from the people in actual needs.

    • I agree that exposure is good for these type of organisations, however I think it would be more appropriate to list them on their own OzB wiki page, instead of in 'Deals' section where it is commonplace for users to exploit the retailer (i.e price errors). It might give the wrong impression.

  • -1

    UNSW students are going to have a blast, I'm surprised they setup shop so close to a uni (and generally the well-off eastern suburbs)

    • -2

      Uni students nowadays might be richer than you and I.

      • nah that perception is mainly created by some 20% of the population, while not poor, the rest of the student population are tighter than you and I.

      • Just thinking about the debt students incur and why lower socio economic students are disappearing in the big city. Uni just for rich kids …… Mmmmm hasn't benefitted the majority of Americans in recent decades

  • I just broden the store thanks

  • -1

    I hear the next stores will be opening in Mosman and Double Bay … Make the rich feel like they're helping those in need.

  • -3

    Frankly this absolutely disgusts me. That this is allowed to be posted as a freebie then deal. This will be exploited by people who are well of and aren't HUNGRY.
    I am also disgusted by the mods who removed people's neg votes, it's morally right to neg this deal, unless you have no morals! There are people will exploit this "deal".

    What if ACA TTN reported about this being posted as a freebie then a deal on Ozbargain, that'll be "Great" media coverage!

    PS. I am not attacking the mods, or OP. the mods do an excellent job on this site, it is one of my favorite Websites and for that i am extremely grateful to Scotty and the mods and to the many users who post such wonderful deals.

    PPS. Waiting all "those" people who will exploit this, to down vote me.

  • Anything marked as "unwanted gift" on Gumtree yet?

  • +2

    This shouldn't be a deal.. This is like posting up a free feed for the homeless and everyone is invited.

  • -2

    IF YOU USE THIS SITE TO MAKE YOUR DOLLARS STRETCH A LITTLE FURTHER THEN THIS IS A DEAL! Maybe you can pay 20% off everything, maybe 30% off - it depends on how much money you have.

    As for me personally, I use OzBargain to punish sellers who charge too low of a price -I especially like bankrupting small retailers who are naive enough to offer free pizzas or burritos.

    If you care about me filling up a trolley and walking out paying 35 cents them do the right thing and DONATE TO THIS CAUSE, HELL WHY NOT DONATE SOME OF THOSE USELESS CONSUMER GOODS YOU BOUGHT FOR CHEAP JUST FOR THE DOPAMINE RUSH OF STICKING IT TO THE MAN!!!?!

    (I am not associated with Ozharvest.org)

    • Thank you for joining OzBargain 48 minutes ago. Here is your first neg-vote.

      • -2

        I'LL SEE YOU IN 29 days and 12 minutes

        <spoiler alert> you're gettin negged

        • Neg me to oblivion but I sincerely hope you never actually need to shop at OzHarvest.

    • In your analogy you are filling the trolley for 35c therefore you should do the right thing. For anybody with an authentic need to benefit from OzHarvest's admirable effort, paying little or in some cases even nothing is acceptable.

      • This WEBSITE is clearly for ANNOUNCING to tightarses to attack retail like a plague of locusts. If you don't want 35cent trolleys of groceries then learn HOW CAPITALISM WORKS?!! #

        • OzHarvest is not retail. It is charity resembling a shop. You joined OzBargain and immediately mocked a charitable enterprise. Learn how charity works.

        • @PJC: I UNDERSTAND CHARITY more than you I Need TO SPEND under $2 a day on FOOD SO I SHOP at ozharvest and ozbargain.


          There's more to charity than preaching when you sHould and SHOULDNT USE A DEAL

          free food is the best

        • @FringeClass: If that is your need then why mock OzHarvest? Especially since you know so much about capitalism.

  • These pay as you wish deals on OzBargain are getting out of hand…
    No deal here, should rather be directed at homeless people and those in need.

    • It is useful information for OzBargain members with a genuine need, though.

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