Found Cold Sore Cream in Housemate's Bathroom - I'm Worried

Calling on all amateur and professional OzBargain doctors here!

The issue at hand: In true OzBargain fashion, my wife and I recently rented out our spare bedroom. We thought it might be a good way to help with the mortgage and we've both lived in houseshare/flatshare arrangements before. The tenant is totally lovely and we have no issues with her as a housemate. However, while cleaning out her bathroom over the weekend (We have our own ensuite and do not share a bathroom) I noticed a box of cold sore cream on the sink.

A bit of research online suggests that she either carries the herpes simplex virus (HSV), or the more serious genital herpes. Some literature seem to suggest that HSV it is highly contagious, particularly during a breakout, while others think its not an issue and the only real way to catch it is through intimate contact. Either way, once you contract herpes, there is no way to treat it which is our main concern here.

I'm in bit of a dilemma. We like her as a person, but we are really worried about infection, especially since we are planning on having a baby in the near future. The major issue is that we do share a kitchen and washing machine and I just want to know what are the likelihoods of contracting the virus. And given that it is a rather sensitive topic, how would I even be able to bring it up with her if I feel the need to?

It's time like these that I wish there were tiny little bikiettes you can hire to solve all our hygiene issues.

EDIT: Thanks for everyone's reponse. Just want to clarify, since many of you seemed to think that I entered the bathroom without permsssion and getting into her private business. We've discussed beforehand that I will occasionally clean the bathrooms and she has no problem with that. Also she left the cream out in the open and Was pretty hard to miss. Shes made no attempt to hide it meaning probably means she doesn't think it's a big deal which seemed to be consistent with the majority of the people here


      • +1

        Google HSV encephalitis. Kills newborns.

        • +1

          World gone mad. I agree with you on something!

  • +1

    I can't wait to read this thread again whilst enjoying my waffle bowl. Ozbargain at its best

  • I had no idea! cold sore was such a bad deal? been treating cold sore since 10 years ago actually as i could remember. The last time i had one was probably 2years ago. they last 1 week ish and is pretty annoying to eat with, but that about it.

  • Finally I figured out why we frequently see very expensive items posted on this web site. Apparently there has been so many doctors in OZB. ;)
    Anyway good to be such an elite group.
    I too have experience with this cream. I remember about 7 years back I had some cracks on my lips after spending a whole day at beach on a hot day. Doctor said it cold be Cold sore and could be transferable in air as well, as I didn't have any close contacts with anyone apart from wife. He gave me a cold sore cream. I used for couple of days and it made my lips worst. Then I went to another Doctor and he said it was wrongly diagnosed and told me not to use anything and just drink lots of water. After 2 - 3 days it totally healed. I should still have that cream in my house somewhere though it's expired by now. At least OP reminded me to find it and dispose otherwise ppl like OP can easily get scared.

  • can u get cold sore through grinding

    • +5

      No but you can get it through Grindr.

      • …and just plain sore, too, a shy friend told me once.

  • +3

    That's enough internet for today.

  • +6

    hello, i am the girl tenant in question. dont worry Op, when you and i had our hot steamy moments over couple of nights a few weeks ago, i was all clean and healthy.

    the cream is for your wife but she asked me to hold them for her.


  • OP.. Check her cabinet for asprin.. That would also idicate a serious addiction to drugs..
    Meh !

  • -2

    You are a nut job

  • +1

    if this is such a concern maybe you and your wife should refrain from kissing your flatmate

  • Comedy gold

  • +1

    Let me guess!

    You are worried because you've slept with her and you're worried you partner will find out?

  • +1

    unless you plan on rimming her, toungue kissing or sharing a glass with her, there's very little to worry about.

  • +2

    Jeez…. 2 pages of responses, and only a handful of actually helpful ones. The majority are being offensive unnecessarily, and like the OP clearly stated he WASN'T snooping, and is simply asking a legitimate question.

    OP has never had a cold sore. Neither have I. Or my Mrs. Or my kids.
    Whilst OP has been a little naïve in his questioning, responding with "oh well, most people have it so you may as well not worry just get it yourself" is quite frankly pathetic advice. No one WILLINGLY wants herpes.

    OP, as has been advised already, have an open conversation with your house mate.
    Explain your concerns and why you have them, in particular the baby thing.
    Explain that you don't wish to offend, but that in the rare instance she has a cold sore outbreak, be extra cautious in how she could prevent their spread.

    It's a genuine medical concern. It's not a private matter because a) person left cream in open, and b) he had permission to be there cleaning.

    OP, your answers have been given by those kind enough to address your concerns at face value. I'd ignore the hordes of fools jumping on the bandwagon to give you a hand time. Neither fair nor friendly in the circumstances.

    • -3

      Lol shut up

      • -1

        Lol enjoy your herpes :)

  • I lived with an ex for a while… Actually she started leaving stuff at my place, then 1 day I came home and there were letters for her in my mailbox and cat hair everywhere O.O

    Anyway, I caught toxoplasmosis and toxoplasmosis-induced depression from the kitty.

    Edit:The mild-to-moderate depression could also have been the result of unrequited love. Now that I think of it, so could have been the fever and the heart palpitations…

  • +1

    The amount of bullshit thrown at the OP here by bullshit spewing PhDs and internet bullshit warriors really surprises me!

    • +4

      Not been on the net long? Or just not been on Ozbargain long?

  • You must wash your hands every time you touch everything anywhere, not only in your house. The chances for you to get the virus is pretty likely anywhere. Alternatively, you can cover your whole body with plastic wrap when you go anywhere.

  • +1

    According to the World Health Organization 67% of the world population under the age of 50 have HSV-1
    "Herpes simplex virus". World Health Organization. 31 January 2017.

  • Share the love, housemate with benefits.

  • +1

    Medical opinion.

    Urgent steps to take:
    * Disinfect everything.
    * If it can't be disinfected, throw it out.
    * If it can't be thrown out, burn it.
    * Speak to her, calmly and rationally. Explain the problem clearly.
    * Perform a visual inspection of her mouth, lips, and perineum.
    * Take swabs, take photos, and take photos of the swabs.
    * Document everything.
    * Gather all the evidence and have it couriered to your psychiatrist
    * Await diagnosis and comply with treatment.

  • HSV1 and HSV2 is different.

    She has HSV1 which isn't genital herpes

  • +3

    I'm in the part of the population that does not have HSV-1, neither does my Husband.

    A good OB will screen you when you are pregnant as it can be deadly to newborns, which is why I know I do not have it.

    Very sadly though someone infected one of my young children, it impacts their life greatly when there is an outbreak. To a young child and their peers it's not just something to be shrugged off lightly and causes great distress. Luckily with taking Lysine tablets each day and using cream at the slightest tingle we have been able to keep outbreaks to a minimum.

    If you have a child in the near future, I would hope that your room mate knows that there are serious consequences to a newborn catching it and would be hygienic when she has an outbreak.

    • Did you have any housemates? Did they have coldsore cream???!

      • +1

        No housemates, it would most likely have been another child at school, it is amazing how many of them don't wash their hands after toileting.

        Unless OP's housemate has the hygiene of a child, it should not be a big issue. Our child with it has managed not to infect any of the rest of our household so it can be avoided.

        I also grew up with my Mother having cold sores and she never passed it on to us children because hygiene.

    • +1

      Screening for IgG is not recommended - I'm not sure what screening procedure you and your partner had performed. A high proportion of the population never develop symptoms so I think it is a bit naive to claim you do not possess the antibodies.

      • +3

        It may not be recommended but many private obstetricians do their own thing. If their obstetrician did the test and it was negative, then it was negative, I don't think that's naive. I am not at all surprised they tested her for it.

        Not sure why baycie got downvoted for that post, I have corrected it.

        • +3

          Exactly right on both counts.

      • I have a private OB that is very thorough and has checked with each of my pregnancies, not with each personal checkup. If you are positive then they keep an eye on it because a break out during labour means it can be passed on to the baby.

    • +2

      I agree. As an adult I'm not concerned but would be when a baby comes into the picture. I read this the other day… and it has me worried. I have a friend who gets cold sores & she is also the type who would enthusiastically kiss a newborn without a second thought (even during a breakout because of ignorance as to its effect). The risks may be low but it's there and after 9 months of pregnancy and difficult labour you really don't want to chance your newborn getting very sick or worse. It's a legitimate concern the OP has.

  • I started getting cold sores when I was a child. It is mostly bought on by the weather or stress in my opinion. I treat mine with Lysine and over the counter cold sore cream. Maybe I was born with the virus. I was married for 15 years and my ex-husband has never had a cold sore. I do not have the genital herpes version.

    • -2

      At what point did this thread become 'are you among those in the hepres and non-herpes group of the population'…. As fasinated as I am with the STI status of fellow OzBargainers….. ….. Wait… I can't get Herpes from OzBargain can I?

  • You're overreacting to a very very very very common condition.

  • +2

    Does she have Listerene?

    If so, better get her checked for AIDS.

  • +6

    Wow a lot of nasty people on here. You know it doesnt harm to impart some knowledge without being rude.
    People have strengths in different areas the OP's might not be medical. A simple gentle response would have been sufficient rather than the savgae display put on here

    • -4

      Cry me a river

  • I have HSV too.
    Trust me it's not that bad. You can have mine.
    It's rare. E series
    Expensive to manage though.

  • +1

    Another serious post here- yeah not worth being concerned about - just be thorough with cleaning cups and not sharing anything that might touch face. The bigger concern is if you have kids in the immediate future do not let people kiss your baby. Cold sores in babies can be deadly - and they may be contagious without the virus yet having blistered.

    But yeah, its super common, interestingly the facial herpes virus can break out in 3 locations - the nerves it travel along come out on the lips (most common), the nose (ever get a strange zit in your nostril? Might actual be a cold sore) and finally in your eyeballs. Yup. Let that one sit with you for a few moments…. And yes, a cold sore can become genital herpes if you receive head from someone with an outbreak - so maybe rule that one out with your housemate…. They are treated differently tho, assuming it was zovirax or a generic aciclovir cream for cold sores - she's likely just one of the majority.

  • This is a classic Seinfeld moment ("Fungus?"). You are assuming (just like in the episode) that she has the condition based on your Google detective skills.

  • My initial reaction is to cover my face with my hands and just shake my head. However, some just haven't received education on what I feel is a very common ailment.
    Dear Hydrool,
    I'm sure a quick scroll through these comments has eased your mind. However, here is my two cents worth.

    I'd do a quick google on cold sores if you're looking for some more 'professional' information.

    If you've had chicken pox or shingles in your life, you have the Herpes Simplex virus in you.
    8 out of 10 adults have the virus in them -…
    Most just don't show symptoms, I however got the short straw. I suffer cold sores from time to time, usually due to general sickness - Cold & Flu.
    I make note not to share anything with others while I have a cold sore; As in beverages or cutlery (cutlery you are currently using, not cutlery that has been washed and reused, as this of course is perfectly fine), basically anything with my saliva on it. - my partner does not get cold sores, we have been together for a few years now.

    Cold sores are not dangerous unless you are a teeny tiny infant. - therefore, keep your hygiene levels tip top, especially around said infants. No kissing babies cute lil hands while you're contagious.

    All will be fine. Unless your housemate is a filthy hobo. Then i'd kick them out regardless of their bathroom creams.

    here are some helpful links for you,…

    oh, please note that HSV 1 (cold sores) are not STI's. If that was the case I must of had a terrible childhood…
    Cold sores are NOT sexually transmitted, unless you're keen on oral sex with HSV-2 infected people/person… ughh.

  • I've had coldsore virus (type 1) all my life and never passed it onto any partner, even though we've had direct mouth to mouth contact in the time which is said to be most contagious (just before it pops up).
    I don't know so much about the downstairs variety, but if its just type 1 that she has - you'll be fine.:)

  • Michael Scott, is that you?

  • Just remembered I have a small tube of Cold Sore Cream sitting on my sink at home from a few weeks ago when I had one.

    Dabbing it onto washed hands shouldn't contaminate it, so I'm not throwing it while theres heaps

  • Oh noes, look at what your housemate did now……

  • While it appears that you are perhaps an overly worried, naive person, I'm curious to know, what made you decide to google the cold sore cream in the first place?
    I'm assuming you must have picked up the cream and specifically read what it was for, because most I know who live with other people don't make a habit of reading labels and packaging information for personal items when cleaning a bathroom.

    I know most creams don't specifically have anything on the box about the Herpes virus etc, so I'm curious what made you decide to further investigate?

    Would you have also read the label/box for any other medication or creams that you came across when cleaning? And would you have also done the same google research if you had stumbled across say anti depressants?

    While I can see that you are clearly uneducated on the matter, which isn't really a problem in itself, I do however feel sorry for your housemate who clearly has no privacy, sure you were just cleaning the bathroom as agreed, but there was no need to even take notice of what kind of cream they had left out, let alone go and google about it.

    Just clean the bathroom next time and ignore anything left out that is of a personal and sensitive nature.

  • I thought something like 60%+ of human race carry the Herpes Simplex virus that houses itself in the central area of the brain, and travels along nerve fibres to infect your lips, under suitable sensed conditions.

    Not a big worry I think.

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