Buzz Telco outages

Hi folks,
Today since 2:30pm we are experiencing internet outage.

Now I have serious question,, How good is Buzz Telco infrastructure? Which they can't restore even after this much long outage.


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Buzz Telco
Buzz Telco


    • +1

      My invoice was generated and auto debited few weeks in advance due to a human error which they never told us about. Only notified when I contacted them.
      Was promised a refund, which I am still waiting.

      • Yaa me too

      • Theres a lot of that going around. Welcome to the bank of Gaggy.

  • +7

    I hate to say I was right but I saw this coming from a mile away, I predicted issues in their very first thread because their offer was simply "too good to be true".

    AAPT wouldn't just cut off one provider for no reason or unexpectedly. If this happened through no fault of Buzz, AAPT would simply fix it. So why go through a last minute migration to another provider. They are obviously not paying their bills to AAPT.

    With a company like this, time on Vocus will be limited. I suggest looking into other providers so you can change on your own terms.

    • +1

      You need to read this interesting facts from Fastel NBN; Frank Buijk on Whirlpool. AAPT is notorious

      • +3

        That occurred 2 years ago. I'd hardly class it as "notorious". Obscure one line answers, and it is just one side of the story.

    • +1

      sound reasonable

  • I had network outage last week along with many other users and it lasted for 5 days. Finally they moved me to new provider.
    They had outages few weeks ago as well and I am getting little worried as it is happening on regular basis…
    I have asked Jeremy about their plans as he promised they work proactively to allocate network bandwidth.

  • has anyone been able to get their voip service back up and running?

  • I was wondering what username and password would be. Is it the same username to login the client portal and randomly generated password?
    They should have used the client portals u/n and p/w to save a lot of their time.

  • +1

    Been waiting for username and password for more than 36 hours (follow up phone call 24hours ago), and still received nothing from them.

    • Same here. Been waiting since yesterday for u/n and p/w. Sent another msg on messenger this morning and got reply asking my a/c name since then no reply no email at all. I should shop around for another provider I think.

  • I had the same outage issue on the 13th around 2.30pm too. I was in the queue for about 40 minutes before I got to speak to anyone.
    They provided me with a new username and login. And ever since, my internet has been back to normal the same day.
    Hope that helps.

    • same here, except voip service is still down for me, no new details

  • +2

    Signed up last month during the deal, since then no contact. Put in a ticket for an update two weeks ago and still nothing. Sent in another request for disconnection. What a joke.

    • How did you send in the request for disconnection?

      • Through the customer portal. Logged a ticket

  • I'm started losing hope. I'm guessing I'm at the 30.000 km down the line of the new user name and password.
    Even if I get the email, there is no guarantee that the new email will work.
    Even if the new email works, there is no guarantee of the speed where it could be 93Mbps or 1Mbps.

    • You are not alone. May I know when did you contact them?

      • Thursday at 5pm.
        I stopped chasing them as it slow them down.

    • When I had the service for nearly 2 months. It never went above 50 MBPS. uploads were around 35MPS. If you haven't gotten an email with new username & password, I would call them

  • Spoke to Aussie Broadband and they said they could get me connected within 1hour - 5 business days. I'm on NBN HFC. I think if nothing from Buzz over the weekend I might bite the bullet and move.

    • +1

      I'm on fttp and I'm connected within an hour of speaking to them. Thank Kevin Rudd for fttp!!!

    • I am on HFC too. Is there any update?

    • 4pm is my cut off time before I speak to Aussie broadband.

    • You can try Aussie Broadband for 1 month free. If you have FTTP, you can have 4 active services at same time. You can test and see if it works.

    • I wouldn't hold your breath for HFC churn. Expect a lengthy delay moving to another provider

    • Yeap I did the same too. I signed up online with the code wpfreetrial for a 30 day free trial and got connected in an hour :)

  • Ok just got through to them on the phone. They said that to be really honest it is unlikely that HFC users would be back up and connected until early next week. So no internet over the weekend. They are waiting on NBN to get the network transfer completed.

  • I am on FTTP NBN with Buzz Telco and received the email for new login details.

    At first, it doesn't connect me to internet. But after unplug my modem and router (apple time capsule) power plug and plug it back to power after 30 sec waits then it all work fine and speed and ping is amazing.

    BUT I have to say this kind of unplanned outage is very disappointing.

    • When did you receive the email?

  • Been disconnected since Tuesday midnight or around then. Nothing, nothing and still nothing.. At least some out there have login details… Just have to keep playing the waiting game. 1st month with buzz off to a great start.

  • Has anyone else not received any new login details?

    • For the record, still haven't received mine, it's been over two days. Fortunately, already up and running with another provider as I anticipated Buzz to still be f@rked for days or weeks.

    • Got nothing

  • I'm on FTTP NBN and still no email with the new log in details. Already messaged them three times with no response

    • try facebook messenger app if you havent already, i got quick reply (within 2 hours).

      • Yeah I actually tried FB messenger on Wednesday, the day the outages began. Then FB messaged every day since then and also called and live chatted on Friday where I was told the email would come through in a couple hours. It never came through so sent another few FB messages until finally I received a reply just then where I was told that first email was "sent incorrectly". Really not building my confidence with this company..

  • None here yet.

  • Anyone who has been restored using the phone service as well? Has that been restored as well? Still waiting for my email but when we moved to Buzz , the phone took a week longer.

  • Damn I signed my father up on 2/9 and still 'pending' should have been a warning sign when he said today he hadn't received the modem yet….maybe I should cancel and put him with another provider, or leave him with Telstra and let them change his adsl to nbn I just don't want constant tech support calls from him

    • Hey mate, where are you seeing "pending"?
      I did the same and signed up my dad on 2/9 and haven't heard squat.
      Did a live chat about a week after and they said can take at least 5 business days for them to port the home number over and that's the last i heard

      Wonder how hard it is to cancel and refund the month's charge and modem rental fee…

      • They are now not responding to cancellation requests either. I had to request a chargeback on card. See post below.

      • Plot twist. Dad has a second family.

  • Buzz did an early debit on my credit card. Anyone experienced the same issue?

    • Yea. Got stung by that too. Sent a cancellation request after getting fed up but no response. I had to ring the bank to request a charge back on my card and block future payments.

      I suspect these guys are going to go bust. Cannot see how a business can survive. I am not going to wait to find out. Best you get your money out or limit your losses while you can. This is getting uglier by the day.

    • +1

      They can try if they want, zero funds on my account lol.

  • Try Dodo guys. Been with them years and never a problem.

  • Thank God for Aussiebb service trial, hopefully the outage will be settled before the trial is over. Which I'm still waiting to be connected, HFC is fast but downtime is terrible.

  • Buyer beware at this time.. sound like they didn't pay the bill hence getting cut off..

    The fact the don't have the staff numbers or systems to support the customer numbers subscribed is fairly obvious at this point..

    Now people getting charged early.. hmmmm

    • AAPT offers their wholesale services with "bursting up to full access speed" according to their wholesale website. I would assume BuzzTelco was purchasing and using this service as if it's guaranteed, dedicated bandwidth.

      Note as stated, I'm assuming and can't know for certain, but I'm sure it would be some kind of conflict of this nature.

  • +9

    Hi all, here is a bit of an update.

    I have a friend that works with APTT and can confirm that Buzz had their service agreement terminated with APTT due to lack of payment of relevent accounts despite repeated warnings. Apparently Buzz have been missing payments deadlines for a while and still owe APTT considerable amount of money.

    I was really dissapointed to find this out anout Buzz. So much for "unplanned outage". They knew this was coming. I wonder if all the promotions were just to shore up their funds??

    Thank goodness I cut my ties with these guys earlier today.

    • +5

      Starting to make plenty of sense why they are doubling down on invoices for services not yet received. Trying to get as much cash as they can to either make payment or do a runner. F@#king red signals everywhere.

    • +2

      that is unethical and unacceptable. How come they lie to all of their customers? Is this the aussie owned and operated company we used to know?

    • Really hope this isn't the case..

    • +7

      I wish I had friends who work for APTT……

      Idk if someone that spells it wrong 4 times has a lot of credibility….

      Edit: Can neg this if you want, but my point does still stand… I'm not sure I believe someone saying their friend works for APTT actually knows someone who works for AAPT

      • +3

        Sorry for the typo. Was posting on phone as soon as i got the call and the damn autocorrect put APPT. I think people have enough sense to know what i meant.

      • It can be wrong spelling, but you get it, dont you? Phones can have annoying auto-corrects..
        AAPT cant just unplug Buxx without any notice.

    • Um you should probably delete your post. Your mate will likely get the sack for sharing that info.

      • +12

        I can see it now. Boss storms into APTT office (yes, I said APTT), red in the face, veins popping out of his neck and bellows, "ALRIGHT which one of you $hit&ead$ is mates with Bluberry?? Bluberry from Ozbargain?? Is it you, Karl?? You know, you always looked like someone who was mates with a Bluberry! Jenny, was it YOU?? You the one who leaked corporate info?? You're FIRED! In fact, you're all fired until I can figure out who Bluberry's mate is!"

        • +1

          Blueberry from woolies. Maybe someone call strawberry.

        • Lol they track user accounts on their system. Would take 5 seconds to check access records and identify Bluberrys mate.

        • @vinc: hey hey leave my friend strawberry out of this :)

        • what is aptt?

        • @Bluberry: whats aptt?!

        • @Hirolol: Typo. Should be AAPT.

        • @Hirolol: AAPT Private Transaction Teller (APTT)

        • @Bluberry:
          oh, i was trying to work out what it meant for so long.
          it made it difficult coz some of the guys after you wrote it that way too

    • service agreement terminated with AAPT* due to lack of payment

      Makes sense. Why else would AAPT pull the plug on Buzz?

      I'm glad I didn't switch from ABB to Buzz.

  • I called them around 12.30 p.m . I was on hold for nearly 1 hour & 32 min. After messaging to send me new log in details this morning no response. Finally managed to get the new log in details. I had to change connection from WAN to PPOE. Got the modem working with in 10 min. Connection speed is around 35 MB down & 30 up. I am glad I jumped shipped to another provider. They have charged my credit card twice on Sep. 8 . This is going to take time to resolve this. They only have 9 people dealing with their customer base.

  • Ok for those of you who are leaving Buzz, have you signed up to a 24 months contact with them? What would happen if I terminate now if I am currently on contract? Can you legally just tell the bank to refuse all future transactions associated with them?

    • I'm keen to know as well.

    • +1

      you should be able to break contract because of poor service.
      They will probably give you trouble and then you will need need to go through the Telecommunications Ombudsman.

      • I'm on 59 per month, 100/40. Any reliable Telco do similar deal?

        • No.

        • i don't think there are reliable telcos with good deals.
          if you want to have a good connection you need to pay a bit more.
          i have heard aussie broadband are reliable but expensive. Leaptel are not as expensive and they offer a speed guarantee and if you dont reach the speeds you either don't need to pay or you can cancel your contract.

        • You can try Telecube special for $69 100/40 1TB peak and 5TB off peak plan see whirlpool post

  • first in last serve. 3 days now. I am still waiting for the email and no sign it will be sent this weekend.

    • Who says no sign in will be sent this weekend?

      • I think some people will have the same feeling as well. Called, texted, promised, and nothing be solved. They are losing their reputation now. How can we see the sign after all of these?

        • According to chat they'll be working pretty late tonight setting it all up. I assume they'll keep working over the weekend with this in mind.

        • @dyl: Let's wait and see! Hope it can be solved.

        • @vinc:
          Pigs do fly you know?

        • @orly: day 4 now. And even you chase up with them, no $hxt will be given.

        • +1


          (narrator's voice); "And so it came to be that the number of f@rks given that day was exactly zero".

  • +1

    Just saw this on their FB;

    **UPDATE: We are now over half way through the reactivations. We would like to thank everyone for their patentice and understanding during this outage. Our current goal is to have all non-HFC customers back online before Monday morning.
    With HFC Customers, we are working with NBN to ensure these are done successfully, there is a lot of HFC orders to process, however, if everything with the HFC Connections keeps going to the plan NBN did up yesterday, we will most likely have all HFC Customers back online by either Close of Business Monday or Tuesday.
    - Jeremy

  • i shouldn't laugh but this is amusing, i went back to look at their deal that had 158 up votes!!!

    guys if you want to find a new provider and dont mind going on a plan below 100mbit then i recommend leaptel.
    these guys have a speed guarantee and if you dont get within 10% of the max speed you dont have to pay or you can even cancel.
    although slightly more expensive, you get what you pay for!!!

    might i add their customer service is good as well.

  • Does anyone know how to set up PPPoE on R8000 router?? I finally got new username and password from buzz. I setted up login information on advanced set up but internet is still down. I did both advanced internet setup and ipv6

    • -1


    • Go through basic setuo on router, click PPPoE and put in details. On most routers it'll only even ask for the username and password.

    • +1

      If you're a basic user, just factory reset.

      Set up yourself (don't use Genie)
      Internet tab
      Does your Internet connection require a login?
      Internet Service Provider
      [email protected]
      Leave everything else untouched.

      If this doesn't work - you need to call them. Mine was FTTP, down for 3 days. Got issued new credentials twice as they informed me that NBN couldn't connect me. Second time worked.

  • Anyone on FTTN has received new username and password?

    I believed people who have received new logon details are those on FTTP?

    • Few on FttN on whirlpool have got new login.

    • I'm on FTTP and still no login details despite getting assurance through FB message, live chat and on the phone yesterday that it would be sent through in a couple hours.

      • Same. Waited til late yesterday to actually contact them because I knew they were working hard since it all started. Got promised to receive new login email within 2-3 hours and here I am. Still waiting after 17 hours.

        • I waited a day but didn't get the email. So I called them to get the new username & pw. Not sure if they are on Sunday but I would give them a call I was on hold for 1hr .32 min.

      • Finally received the email just then 2 days after they said they sent it. Apparently the first email sent incorrectly. Had to send multiple FB messages to chase them up for it

    • No I haven't yet

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