Buzz Telco outages

Hi folks,
Today since 2:30pm we are experiencing internet outage.

Now I have serious question,, How good is Buzz Telco infrastructure? Which they can't restore even after this much long outage.


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Buzz Telco
Buzz Telco


    • I'm on FTTN. Received new logon details on 14 Sep.

  • I got connected after a day when i called them at midnight to get hold of staff, during day it was long delay. Got new login and it worked.

    I am still waiting for credit for last month because of speed issues, and refund of extra payment they made with different name and then advised it was billing glitch.

    Time for logging case with obudaman.

  • +1

    Does anyone have a one month free trial code with Aussie Broadband?

    Thinking about trying them before deciding to move on.

    • +2
      Thinking the same although my order is still pending with Buzz.

      • Thanks for the link. I have to move to nbn soon so will use this

    • Just signed up & running in under 1/2 hour FBFREETRIAL

      Buzz down for 3 days, no username email for me. Bunch of A*********s

      • You mean it only took under 1/2 hour to switch??? Tempting…

        • Yes onto 30 days free trial

      • Lucky, I signed up to Aussie Broadband 90 min ago and no update yet :(

        • Keep us updated fam, if they have some kind of automated activation I'm keen on switching.

        • @dyl: UPDATE: The connection did go through an automated process, but in my case it failed and I will have to wait for the provisioning team on Monday :(

        • +1

          @BL5965: NBN is comprehensive name. We should start mentioning
          Because diffent technology need different time for activating/migration and also attainable speed varies.

        • @Enjj0y: My service is FTTP so activation time should have been 15-30 min.

    • Switched from Buzz to aussiebb last week before this breakdown and couldn't be happier.

  • They have issued Oct, Nov invoice to me. These invoices not due until the particular month.

    Any reason why these invoices were released early.anyone has the same like mine.

    • +1

      Hopeful Revenue raising… Lol

    • +2

      Same. Just paid this months and already received for next month. I think this company is under some financial crisis and may go bust soon.

    • Planning to bag the money and do a runner.

  • The connection has been down since yesterday and there is no support available - trying to call them since morning. We should be able to call the bank and get the payments chargedback.

    • -1

      …You're calling them on a Saturday mate, lol

      I'm not defending them - this downtime is pathetic… But I don't think many support call centers are open on Saturdays….

      • Yes, they are. Most of tech ones are including Buzz…

        • Agree, they are open on weekends and have been able to get through previously (sales & support both were available on weekends). We all may be being harsh on a start up company but internet these days is not luxury but basic need.

  • Back on now. For anyone on NBN who hasn't received their details via email - reach out on Facebook and they'll usually send it to you within the hour. Had a few issues, changing the modem settings. In the end I did a full factory reset and just walked through installation via the wizard. Didn't have to change the uni-d port like it seems like others had to. Speed seems ok too.

    • Lucky you

    • Was this over the weekend? Messaged twice and no reply yet.

  • Still down myself going on four days on fttn adelaide. doubtfull i will be returned to service before tuesday. i have cancelled and moved to aussie broadband. Looks like buzz are in financial trouble i also was debited a month early they must have not wanted to pay the bill and are now reaping the consequences!

  • -1

    Has this got to do with the submarine cable damaged?

    • no

      • OK got it.

        and I thought OPTUS cable was bad ~_~, maybe I should just stick with cable until something reliable comes out.

        Wow 8838 clicks on Buzz Telco ozbargain post…. I wonder how many people actually sign up. It has to be more than 181 upvotes.

        • 3,000 was the limit according to Buzz.

  • Do we need to return the modem if break the contract now?

    • Hopefully that's it- they can come collect it!

  • +1

    Stay away from Buzz Telco. I had the worst experience ever.

  • +4

    I have a great idea for Buzz Telco tag line. Wait for it:

    "Buzz off, we're busy"

    Like it? 😜

    PS: Still no email. I've got another provider running concurrently but I'm keen to see if I ever going to receive the email after all.

  • I asked the guy how many clients and he said about 1500. Got my email but it's not working 12 hours later.

    • When did you get the email? Are they still going with it over the weekend??

      Also who did you ask?

      • I am on fttp and still nothing. fml

        • Same here, FttN though.

        • @dyl: And i thought i was the last one.
          on FTTN. Apparently NBN had server issues. Called Buzz this morning and re-sent the order. Just went online.

      • They were working. Got through sat night, email in 4 hours. only connected Monday 11am

  • So far im happy. SPeeds have been better for me - im on the basic lowest speeds but dont need more and dont trust any service to give me a good speed.I think its like anything these days- u have to keep on top of things and make sure things get right - sometimes it means u keep calling to make sure things get done.

    • When did you get your email with new login?

    • Don't get too used to it- the activation email suggests that we are all jsut connected and subject to being put into the categories we paid for. (12, 25, 50, 100)

      • What do you mean? Could we be on wrong ports currently..?

  • I should have see this coming. Sign up for 100/30 but getting 30/1 speed. Open a tickey for more than 2 weeks but no reply. Then outages. Been 5 days now without internet. All those promises from them seems like fart.

  • +1

    The lack of any communication is the part that really ticks me off. I don't have FB but the missus checks for me every day or so, even then the last official **update was two days ago.

    No email for me yet, fttn.

  • Damn I got lucky, was reconnected the same day it went down.
    Loving the new speeds, hope they stay similar when everyone comes back.
    Overseas connections are WAAAAAY better for me (25/5 FttP)….I could hardly stream from my vps in hungary before, now no problem what so ever.
    Really hope they dont go out of business.

  • Did anyone get "reactivated" on FTTP and not have the service work at all? The email yesterday said it would be up and going, but no good

    • the email came on friday and worked for me, but using 30 days trail with aussiebb atm

  • Got mine all connected now, maxing out sync speed (~1mbps under sync), happy customer.

    • how much do you get in the speed test?

      • +1

        ~41mbps on 42267 sync speed.

        Has been solid all through usual peak times

        • Damn thats pretty good and what plan type are you on?

        • +1


          100/40, sadly I'm quite a while from the node. It says max line rate is 43657, current 42267.

        • @dyl: I guess once nbn comes to my area, i might as well transfer to their basic plan as i barely get 3mb download and 0.4 upload with tpg adsl

        • @BrodenIt:
          Personally would recommend 25/5 so your upload speeds are high enough to actually manage things like HD video calling and content uploading (ie images/screenshots/photos), but 12/1 will still be more than an upgrade from 3/0.4.

  • All this doesn't sound good at all, I signed up on the recent deal with a delayed activation for 20 sept. Got charged pretty much on signing up but haven't heard from them since. Maybe I should've stuck to Activ8me….

    • similar feeling here too…
      will feel a little better if i at least receive the modem.

      • Hmm.. yea.. thats not going to hapoen anytime soon.

    • I went down the same boat, but the day I was connected I received an email with router details etc. Compared to skymesh who I was originally with, communication was 10 fold better with skymesh.

    • I also delayed my activation until 20 Sept. Hopefully they've sorted all this by then or I'm guessing our activations will get caught up in their migration mess.

  • All good on my end now. FTTP and I got the email late last night so they are still working on them. Speeds were OK as getting around the 70 mark and they say they will pick up once it was all sorted. (In saying that am paying the same as before with previous provider and that was on the 12/1 plan) I was getting ready to jump ship but now that it is up and running again and they must be busting their gut and working some long hours to get them sorted out. So will hang on for a while longer.

  • +1

    So… Day 6.. Who still waiting for an email at least?

    • +1

      Frustrated HFC user here, no direct communication at all so far. The natute of HFC is the only reason hold me off from jumping ship already.

      • +1

        In same boat… So annoying and made worse by complete lack of buzz communication

    • +1

      I'm still waiting.

  • Still waiting for a login 😕

    • Ring them. I only got my login details from ringing them directly. They gave them to me last night over the phone. Took three calls over three days.

      • It's sad you had to chase them up. 3 calls.. Common.. What was the phone demeanour like? Also any mention of a invoice reduction or credit?

        • +2

          They are really nice on the phone. You just have to wait up to an hour a half to get through…

        • @benjamin:
          Second this… Bit of a wait, but really nice support rep once you get through.

  • The 9am ETA is almost here and I'm still without my email. Anyone else got theirs in the last 24 hours?

    • Few people have posted that they received theirs. Would love to know the order in which they send email. I only signed up late last month, seems its not alphabetical so could only assume ill be round the last to be re connected. Fml

      • Yeah I thought alphabetical as well because I'm a 'W'

        What does your surname begin with?

        • K, I've seen folk with z of on the buzz FB page report reconnection 3 days ago. So who knows

        • @mb403: mine's k as well and i got on friday

        • "C" here and am still waiting…

    • Still waiting for my login details as well. I've got an an fttp connection.

      • Fttn

  • waiting for my login email as well. FTTP.

  • FTTP. No email.

  • Probably worth calling up if still no email. Apparently mine had been ready to send since Friday, they were just waiting for NBNCo confirmation that the line had been moved over correctly or something.

    • +2

      That's just ridiculously poor form. I would be furious if it's been ready since friday and you were only made aware of this when you had to reach out to them despite them constantly 'reassuring' us that emails would be sent to us when ready. With all that's going on you would think they would ensure they are sending out these emails to customers as soon as they are ready to go.

      • +1

        The login was ready, the cable they were awaiting NBN confirmation (which is only usually sent out week days). As far as they knew I didn't even have a DSL sync yet - NBN hadn't told them anything.

        They just wanted to ensure I didn't receive the email then put it in only to find the automatic changer over on NBNs end had failed. Imagine if they provided us all logins before they were sure NBN had done their job, we'd all be ringing up if it failed lol… They'd have thousands of calls at once.

  • Received the email on Saturday, put in the new modem settings but no connection still. Called up Sunday afternoon and they said they can see that we're connected but we'll need to wait for NBN Co to connect something? Not sure if we're on FTTP/FTTN or HFC.

    • Had the same. I know the hold song very well. apparently NBN servers had an issue and "lost" some orders. Tehy resent the order this morning - i received new logins and now online.

  • +1

    Well I just got off the phone to them - took all of 2 minutes waiting, got my email and I'm good to go (apparently).

  • I'm guessing there's no point in calling them if you're on HFC?

    • In all honesty what have you got to loose, seems everyone who gets fed up and calls at least gets some sort of answer. Will call in my lunch break. I guess if you stay silent and wait with no updates your just another sucker who can wait longer before they "Have" to give you anything. Imo anyways

      • +2

        90mins of my time.. which can be wasted on OZB instead.

  • Seems like they just updated their address, and phone no from Ann st to coronation dr. (13mins ago) shame they couldn't post any sort of update (or just don't want to).

    • +4

      lol did they move? may be didn't pay the landlord either…. (internet rumour not to be taken seriously)

      • I assumed they just used one of the virtual office companies that are in the ann st building, I never expected them to actually have a CBD office

  • I still haven't received an email from them. 5 days now and all these empty promises and I'm not waiting a minute longer.

    Signed up to Telecube yesterday night via the whirlpool 10% off offer which also has a $0 Setup fee.

    I just received an email from Telecube saying that my service has been provisioned on my UNI-D-2 port.

  • If anyone is interested in new ISP's due to buzz telco's outage, i moved with Aussie broadband and it took around an hour to get reconnected (FTTN based in Adelaide). Here is a speed test for comparison will update what congestion times are like I signed up for the 50/20 speed pack using the Whirlpool free month.

    So far I'm very impressed with the level of customer service with Aussie Broadband. I wrote negative reviews against buzz telco after not even having a reply sent to me from Thursday when I enquired about the outage…

  • +1

    Rang up just now and got my new service details (FTTP). Took 5 min total, should have done this last week. Seems like Mostlyn and Jeremy are the only two who able to actually get stuff done.

    • what number are yo guys ringing?

      • I used 1800 053 250.

        • Really, I rang that just now to get a recording 'Optus has disconnected the number'. I rang to inform them that the connection details they sent me do not work.

        • @search:

          Didn't work for me either - Try 1800 985 106

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