How Often Do You Shower?

Was chatting at work, and apparently some shower once every two days, some every day, some twice a day. One young bloke longest streak was 6 days he said, he realised it was too long when he got pimples on his back.

I'm interested in your longest streak, but more interested in ozbargainers habit.

Perhaps interesting to note that Steve Jobs used to shower only once a day. He was so stinky that nobody wants to work with him, so he works at night.

Poll Options

  • 969
    Once a day
  • 337
    Twice a day
  • 84
    Once every two days
  • 15
    Twice a week
  • 24
    Once a week
  • 22
    Depends (chat below)


  • Everyday before work and most days after work. Weekends once a day.

  • -2

    Shower - what's one of those? And I've also heard mention something about a product called sope (I think that it's spelt that way) - what's that???
    Be like us Pomms, use deodorant.

    I do however have a regular routine as far as my underwear goes. I change it every four weeks, whether it needs it or not!!!

    • No wonder the poms I met smelled funny, all that layers of built up deodorants!

      • Do you know what a deodorant is?

        • Educate me ;)

        • @ganymede:

          Try asking Google. It's amazing what you can find out using their search engine - lol

  • save water, shower when it rains

    • Haven't the police warned you about being naked in the back yard?

      • who said anything about being naked, I shower with my clothes on so you wash both at the same time.. save time, money and water.. win win win!!!

        • Well played. I'm picturing a soggy dirty bloke.

    • Save electricity, shower to warm or chill your body.
      Don't use soap, use KFC wet wipes instead.
      Instead of shower, fill your tub with water n dunk yourself to cool your body,then use the free kfc wet wipes

  • Anyone here take cold showers the majority of the time?

    • +2

      Not completely cold, but minimal hot tap. Just enough for it not to be icy. Heaps more refreshing than hot water. I don't understand how people can have their shower so hot that it steams out the room.

    • No, cannot tolerate cold water, start off hot and then keep increasing temperature as I get used to it until I go pink

    • +1

      In very hot day I do. A few times in fact. Save electricity on aircon

  • and what about washing hair? I have short hair and I wash it every time I shower (twice a day)

    I've had this conversation with friends and they only actually wash their hair once a week - trouble is I can smell their oily, dirty, smokey hair!!

    • I wash my mouth length hair once a month with shampoo and conditioner. No one complains about smell and the longer you go without using cleaning products on it, the less naturally greasy it becomes. A vigorous scrub without any products under water is all it needs.

      • Maybe people around you trying to be polite?

        • Nah; my mother wouldn't be polite about something like that, and I see her a few times a week. I also come from a very forward friend group that I'd like to think would let me know, as I would with them.

          Maybe you just have it ingrained in your head that you need to regularly wash hair with shampoo and conditioner, when it's not actually the case at all? Your hair is supposed to be naturally a bit oily with sebum. It's what protects it. Just doing it every few weeks, or like me; monthly, is fine.

          Like I said; the longer you go without cleaning your hair, the less 'disgusting' it gets and the less it requires washing and you'd most likely find that if you were willing to put it into practice.

          By all means, give it a vigorous rub with water everyday though. That's what I do.

        • +1


          of course you, and they can't smell your dirty hair - you're used to the smell!

          you probably can't smell your own rancid breath either!

    • +1

      I have no hair and wash it daily

  • Haha what a question. I shower first thing in the morning as a rinse and brush my teeth in there as well. It also helps with bed hair and if you sweat during sleep. I also shower after work, usually before dinner to be clean. I hate going over to people's houses and you can smell the sweat/dead skin on people's couches and you can see the marks, yuck. So it's general personal hygiene of mine to shower and not make my place smelling like a gym where noone wipes down the equipments, yuck. I used to be more OCD and shower before bed to make sure I'm clean getting under the sheets but I learnt how to use a washing machine lol

    • Lol although, the people who don't keep clean are probably the people that don't get sick when travelling in Asia.. haha

  • I shower once/twice a day as required most of the time BUT that doesn't always mean I wash my hair, that averages about once in every two days or so.

  • -2

    Why do people need to shower in the morning if they shower before they sleep? What kind of strenuous activities are you doing in bed that would make you sweat and smell? Do you masturbate that vigorously? I need to know. For science.

    • +1

      Shower after the morning dump and just to freshen up a bit. Not rocket science.

      • Not everyone shits in the morning. What then?

        • Or covers themselves in it!

        • Freshen up then.

        • +1

          By your logic, you probably don't brush your teeths in the morning since you didn't eat anything while sleeping?

        • @ganymede: You're assuming I brush my teeth at all. Tsk tsk.

        • @Munki:

          Wait, are you assuming I am assuming you brush your teeth? Tsk tsk tsk.

    • -1

      Not everyone sleeps alone..

      • People who don't sleep alone don't masturbate? Is that what you're telling me? Oh sweetie…

  • sometimes in mornings prefer to wash face and upperbody over a shower.

  • +4

    if you shower any less than once a day, your a disgrance, and a smelly one at that, it does matter…. i mean you private parts are just rank, your b.o, and ass would be horendeous!

    now, if you live with a chick, then i would also recomend showering at night too, before you get into bed together, this one dosnt need to be a wash the hair, one just body shower is fine…..

    if you also go to the gym then shower after that aswell.

    i bet you those that are doing it once or twice a week, never had anyone tell them they stink, and probabley dont know why people dont want to hang around them, thats the problem, people are too nice to tell you, you stink dude! you just get ignored…

  • Screw this heat baby…too hot to Handel

  • +1

    For those who don't take shower before sleeping, how often do you wash your bed linens?

  • Based on poll results and comments so far there must be so many crusty butts out there

  • Would be interesting to know the correlation between number of showers and number of dependents.

    I suspect those with children to wake up, dress, feed, get to school before going to work themselves (and the reverse in the evening) will have less time to shower than those with only themselves to look after.

    • A better correlation might be with showers and spouses! haha

      I can't imagine relationships lasting very long with these rank people only showering once or twice a week, my god.

  • +1

    Twice a day is the only way.

    Gotta wash at night before fun times with your wife/girlfriend, then gotta wash in the morning because of those fun times haha

  • If your seeing a proffessional (who you like and is a genuinely nice person) BE SURE TO WASH BEFORE THEY HAVE TO TOUCH U!
    Examples where I always be sure to bath straight before (especially if stinky or sweaty)
    Physio-massages my back injury.
    Chiropractor-Massages back injury.
    Hairdresser-Wont make him handle dirty or sweaty hair (usally condition to make it easier for him)
    Dentist-Brush teeth well immediately before he has to go in there.
    I feel bad for these people when customers/patients dont make such considerations.
    NOTE My Chiro&dentists are the nicest people ever. My hairdress I like him, but not much. Same with my Physio.
    If the person doing these jobs was rude or not a nice person, Go in stinky and dirty :) lol

    • +2

      And if you're getting a happy ending, be sure to shower afterwards!

    • Honestly as an ex hairdresser, as long as you’re getting a hair wash and your hair has been washed in the last week… we don’t care. A lot of us have handled people who’ve not washed their hair in months and have matted hair as a result of not brushing, I remember I once had a mum bring their child in for a dry cut and there were boogers in her hair, trimming beards we often see old food. Just make sure it’s not super gross and you really don’t need to stress so much.

      • I was thinking that as I wrote the comment (if your going in for a hair wash, no need to wash hair before). Im male though, and dont get hair wash treatments, just cut and style. I am aware that my hair seems to become greesy with sweat, I'm sure the boogers in hair must be much worse for you hairdressers though.

  • 2-4 times a day, normal morning and afternoon, but if I'm stressed or my skin is causing me pain I'll have a few more

  • Twice a day feels like the only way to be. In the morning, so you're nice and clean for the day, especially after all the sweating you do while sleeping, and at night after gym, so you're clean when you go to bed.

  • Twice a day. Generally one before work and one before sleep. Same for weekend as well. Just get use to twice a day.

  • OMG!! You guys shower less than 2 times a day. I HAVE to shower in the morning and HAVE to shower again before I go to sleep (otherwise feeling dirty…).

    • Just wondering are you a male or female?

      • -1

        Gay. Makes sense?

        • +1

          Not really, can you explain it to me? I genuinely have no idea why being attracted to a member of the same sex means you need to bathe more frequently.

        • @Cubist:
          He is probably trying to be/act more gay more feminine.
          Im straight, and having been around an infinite amount of gay people (due to my choice in dance music, best trance clubs were usually full of gay people) . Gay people are as diverse as any population.
          However their definitely seems to be an element within many gay males, and lesbian females, where they seem to really try to be a feminine gay or really try to be a butch lesbian.
          As a psychologist in training, I would hypothesize this likely would be encouraged and manifest itself, from someone growing up gay, and having only the stereotypes, as people to influence their 'gayness'.
          If you had been around gay people as much as I have, they are just like everyone else (apart from their sexual preference). Im sure there are gay men then dont shower daily.

  • I shower once a day in summer and in winter (if around 0 degrees) and if I haven't been physical I shower 1x every 2 days, but still wash the important bits plus face daily in the sink

  • Once a day, and as soon as I have access to a shower if I have participated in strenuous exercise. Also wash just my feet before bed. Impossible to sleep with dirty feet.

    • Why feet? I wear socks every day so my feet always clean. But I usually wash my face, feels to sticky to sleep with otherwise

      • We don't wear shoes inside our house and I take my socks off as soon as I get through the door. We have lino floors so the dust/dirt that comes in due to pets/open windows/dust in general sits on top of the floors (where as it would sink in if we had carpets), and we only sweep once every two to three days. Like many issues related to cleanliness in the modern world, I am sure it is just a habit formed and somewhat psychosomatic.

  • Considering on average human poop once a day, you would think you'll need to shower at least once a day to get rid of poop stain no? Can imagine poop stain being comfortable sticking down there lol

    • If you use that xiaomi bidet, why do you need shower? :)

      • Sorry, my poop tend to be stickier, never found the water spray to be effective enough to get rid of stain completely

        • Not even if you spray n wipe with toilet paper?

        • @boohooimissout: You know…some people are hairier than others :P How interesting topic to discuss on public forum lol

  • +1

    Hmmmm a deja vu topic.

  • +1

    Dunno about you guys but I only shower on February 29th…

  • some people… sweat more.. or just stink..

    Saw an article about most Asian's and almost all Koreans have a gene that produces sweat that bacteria doesn't eat… the bacteria causes the BO.

    That doen't mean they dont stink, just less.

    If I've been home all day lazy weekend I sometime dont shower that day, I kinda forget, its not just not stinking is not feeling disgusting

  • I used to go to the ski fields every winter, the family property had a flaky hot water system so I would at best shower once every 3-4 days. I think this was normal in the snow. can anyone concur? or was i just dirty?

  • In summer- When I wake up, before I goto sleep. After gym, sometimes before gym. If I want to freshen up before i head out. Or if i worked up a sweat. 2 - 5 times a day.

    My showers never really more than a 2 or so minutes though.

    Winter - Im guilty of showering to warm up the body. But overall shower less during winter

  • Twice on gym days (3-4 times a week). Once on non gym days.

  • -1

    i shower 3times a week. mainly i change my clothing everyday. i think its more healthy that way

  • Twice a day if I have work, once in the morning/once after. But if I have a day off, just once at night.

  • Once to three times a day, I do support work and sometimes I’ll have a client in the morning that wants to go for a swim and a client in the afternoon that wants to go for a swim. I guess it’s more of a rinse off than a proper shower though.

    • Can I have your job? I'd love to be paid to swim all day lol

      • It’s good for fitness but I’m real tired of swimming hahaha, my skin is so dry now from being in the water 2-3 hours a day 5 days a week.

  • So if you take a shower once every few days but swim in a chlorinated pool, is that regarded as barbaric or civilized?

  • +1

    Once a day. I work in a corner in a office so I'm not doing much to justify a second shower. That and I have eczema - feels excessive showering will just make my skin drier

  • We have a couple of animals at work who smell every day. I don't even know how it's possible to have body odour on a mild morning at 9am.

    Absolutely filthy pigs.

    • If you don't like the smell, don't work at a pig farm!

    • its quite disturbing how bad some people stink, my nose cant handle it.. Thankfully where i work everyone cares about hygiene.

      we do get laborers in from a an employment agency every few weeks and get some nasty ones there, if they stink, then its generally the last time they come.

  • I could easily shower twice a day. I love a shower. I don't shower for longer than 2 minutes though, I also like them cold and I don't use soap or shampoo - I don't feel I have ever needed it.

  • +3

    We tend to believe the more we shower, the cleaner we are. We vigorously lather up our bodies with soap to kill any germs lingering on our skin, but rinsing off every day could lead to more bacteria than we started with. So, how often should we actually shower?

    The answer: It depends. Those of us who work strenuous labor-intensive jobs, live in hot, humid areas, or exercise should shower daily. It's not about body odor, but the perspiration left behind on our skin that provides the breeding ground for bacteria to grow. Excess oil can clog the pores, leading to facial and body acne, or acne-like red bumps and pustules.
    However, regular bathing can be harmful to the body if we don't perspire much. It dries the skin, which can open gaps for infection-causing germs to slip through. Frequent bathing while our skin is already dry may increase the odds of developing a weaker immune system because it strips the skin of natural oils while disrupting the skin's immune system-supporting bacteria.

    So, what's the ideal shower frequency?

    Doctors say when it comes to our health, once or twice a week is recommended. However, we can shower daily and not lather our whole bodies. Focusing on areas that produce pungent smells, like our pitts, butt, and genitals is a better alternative for those who like to shower more frequently.

    Washing our hands and clothes will help remove the dead skin cells and grime our bodies accumulate without us suffering an ill health effects. However, the chemistry of each person’s skin is different, including our scalp, so showering everyday may not be as dangerous to some as it is to others. Relatively speaking, if you’re in good health, skipping a shower every once in a while won’t do any harm.


  • +1

    During hot weather when I get really sweaty I will shower once a day before bed. If it's cool weather in the winter once every 2 days.

  • some people in the office would come back with their hair wet after lunch… you know they visited a brothel during lunch.

    • Hmmm….. lunchtime touch footy game maybe??? The gym?

  • Twice a day:
    - Morning
    2 mins quick shower: just body wash.
    - Night time before bed
    Full shower (body wash and shampoo).

    Male here.

  • I bath daily… and shower every 2-3 days.

  • Once a decade

  • Once every two days is healthier and better for your skin. No joke
    During a hot day its nice to cool off in the shower and may help with BO

  • Once a year whether I need it or not.

  • +2

    There is nothing worse than being on the 6 or 7 am flight for work and having people stink at that time of the morning. I've often wondered if they showered either that morning or the night before and if they did how they could possible smell so bad - Now its clear, they possibly showered 1-2 days before. Based on the comments here, I'm guessing some if not all of those stinky people on planes are Ozbargainers. I'm in shock, I thought at least 1 shower per day was the minimum acceptable standard, with 2 being the norm - I was way off.

  • +1

    I shower when it rains.

    • Jean-Claude Van Damme?

  • probably 20 times a week

    in the morning when waking up
    in the afternoon when I get home from work (blue collar worker, not dirty but just not really clean) or before I go out in the evening.
    If I haven't showered in the last couple of hours then before sex.
    after sex (maybe once a month)
    when I get home from a boozy night out. r
    after working out.
    If I have an afternoon nap then after that (usually when having a big night out)

  • I'd skip days in winter depending on schedule but in Brisbane atm, no chance. Wooo, Brisbane !

  • Research suggests that people shower too much
    Here's a good video on showering

  • Once a day, but I use the pool daily in summer which helps keep the sticky sweat away.

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