How Often Do You Shower?

Was chatting at work, and apparently some shower once every two days, some every day, some twice a day. One young bloke longest streak was 6 days he said, he realised it was too long when he got pimples on his back.

I'm interested in your longest streak, but more interested in ozbargainers habit.

Perhaps interesting to note that Steve Jobs used to shower only once a day. He was so stinky that nobody wants to work with him, so he works at night.

Poll Options

  • 969
    Once a day
  • 337
    Twice a day
  • 84
    Once every two days
  • 15
    Twice a week
  • 24
    Once a week
  • 22
    Depends (chat below)


  • +61

    On average one a day, often twice a day in summer (cause of being more sweaty), sometimes every two days in winter (just showering when my hair needs washing which is every two days).

    Another interesting question would be when do you take your showers, I usually have mine before I go to bed (showers make me feel cosy, warm, and sleepy).

    • +6

      Do you work? if so, you go to work without shower?

      • +23

        Yes, and yes - not every day I would skip a shower, just maybe 1 day in 3 or 4 in the middle of winter. With no major physical activity, deodorant, and clean clothes every day, shouldn't be an issue (or if it is, I can't smell myself, and nobody has said anything to me!!)

        • +2

          Same here - if I don’t get at all sweaty, I don’t usually need to shower.

        • +24

          I don't think people can smell themselves.

          If you are spend enough time in a public toilet, it would smell less stinky the longer you stay.
          It's like when you eat a very salty meal, the normal meal would taste too plain.

          And people don't usually say to other people that they smell, unless they are very close.

        • -1

          Thanks for bringing this up.
          Some people make me feel…. bad!
          The other question is how often changing/washing clothes/undies after that spicy food or sweating work out or work in!

        • +1

          My partner will tell me if I smell. If you live with other people (who care) it shouldn't be a worry that you can't tell that you smell. If you live alone then it's probably a good policy to shower everyday just in case, like you said.
          I can tell when I smell bad though, I once didn't shower for 3 days because I had a week to myself and never planned to leave the house but by lunchtime of the third day I cracked as I couldn't cope with the stink following me everywhere I went

        • +7

          @samBee: Most people don't sleep in shit.

        • +1

          @boohooimissout: Too right, with smell it’s a physiological process called ‘olfactory inhibition’. Strong or unpleasent stimuli are reduced with exposure.

      • +9

        Yes. I have a shower right before bed. I get up in the morning, put clothes on and go to work. I don't get dirty or smelly lying in bed.

        What always bothers be are people who don't shower at night. That means they're putting their dirty body into the same sheets every night - like wearing the same clothes for a week.

        • +4

          If I had to shower once, it’d be in the morning. I just feel much fresher and confident going out after a shower. I can still put up with not showering before bed (usually when im too tired and sleepy) as long as I get my morning shower. But these days after getting married I always shower twice a day.

        • +2

          Yes they put their dirty body in bed but hopefully they shower in the morning haha

          I shower before bed too

      • +1

        Some people at work from certain country have strong body odour, not sure if its because they don't shower or its their strong curry.

        Ps: expecting lots of negs from the curry lovers:)

      • +2

        I have a shower before bed, and since I sleep in a nice clean bed and not a mud bath I don't shower in the morning.

      • +3

        Two Daily Mail articles. Very well documented indeed.

    • Another interesting question would be when do you take your showers, I usually have mine before I go to bed (showers make me feel cosy, warm, and sleepy).

      Doesn't it make your hair again look like you hadn't taken shower for days when you wake up in morning to go to work?

      • I'm not sure what you're talking about. I usually brush and style my hair before I go out anywhere.
        If you mean because it will then be 10 hours or so since I washed my hair, actually, my hair looks best between 18-24 hours after washing, when the oils start to come back. Right after washing it is dry and frizzy. It only starts to look oily at the 40-hour mark.
        Everyone's hair gets oily at different rates, some may need to wash it every day, others once or twice a week.

        • When I wake up, my hair generally is dry and more annoyingly unmanageable, after changing sides a few times on pillow during my sleep. It is hard to get them to normal shape and comb them even after spraying water on it.

          Looking fresh aside, they don’t even look normal as some hair are standing and some look hard pressed on scalp. Typical head look when one wakes up. For this reason, I prefer to shower in morning before work. My precise question was if you face the same problem with your hair when you wake up and how do you tackle it without shower/shampoo? Shower/shampoo is the only way my hair get back to normal look after long night sleep.

        • @virhlpool: oh I see what you mean

        • @Quantumcat: No worries.. How do you tackle that issue (referring to my comment above)?

        • @virhlpool: most days I do my hair either in a plait (if cycling or riding my motorcycle) or half ponytail (if driving or catching the bus) so I'm not really affected. Also I have a feeling that long hair doesn't get as affected as short hair - maybe something to do with less percentage of each hair strand squashed between your head and the pillow, and the weight of the non-squashed part has an influence on the squashed part. Now that I think about it, if I'm ever going out somewhere nice and want to have my hair out I generally wash it that morning. Must be for the reason you describe - it won't look as nice "au natural" if it has been through a sleep cycle with you.

  • +5

    Once a day but twice a day 2-3 times a week. Sometimes working long hours or in the sun a lot requires an extra shower.

    Longest time without a shower? 8 days and not by choice. We'll just call it training 😉

    • +6

      Solitary confinement?

    • Does the training relate to the colour green?

      • +1


        • +2

          Clear showers in American money

        • +2

          @Kangal: Hundred dollar bills baby. All from my high yield investment car

  • +44

    i shower when i have scored a good deal on ozb.

    • +19

      every 10 mins? Lol.

      • You mean every 10 days, since by the time you log in its Out of Stock, or Pick up only from 300km distance

  • +58

    It depends when i get to run a hose from the neighbours tap.

    • +10

      You Sir/Madame, are in the running for Ozbargainer of the Year.

      • +3

        Ha, except I've got a hose from his tap!

    • +5

      The neighbour drenching you to get you away from their windows really doesn't count does it

      • +1

        Hahaha even better!

      • My neighbour is pretty hot so she gets me wet automatically

        • +1

          ^That's the first time anyone called my uncle hot

  • +33

    If you’re a bloke, once a day should be the norm. Nothing worse than sitting in a meeting room with someone who hasn’t showed that day. Don’t get me started on those who cycle to work and don’t shower…

    • +2

      fellow coworker prides himself on not showering after using the gym and riding to work

      • +10

        you are making me gag just thinking about it.

      • +8

        That's just disgusting….

        • really this guy is nothing to a previous co-worker from years ago as i've mentioned in a below comment

        • @myusername:

          bo is bad what i dont understand is why people use deodorant which has a real stench in itself.

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          Agreed. I hate the smell of most deodorants.

      • Filthy bastard.

      • I had a teacher in High School who was like that

      • +2

        I think someone needs to let the air out of his head, and his bike tyres…

      • +1

        Plenty of girls can't smell their own stink. My ex would do a boot camp workout then think it was ok to go jump straight into bed. I discussed this with other people and a couple of girls would wash hair once a fortnight.

        • my mrs don't believe that she sweats lol

    • +7

      I like the connection nearly everyone makes between hygiene, showering and ethics. They are only loosely connected, but people treat them as being in lockstep. For example, knick007 thinks everyday should be the norm. It might be the case for them, but it is unlikely to be the case for every man, every day.

      It is true that some people can’t smell their own scent, but most can - and shower appropriately.

      • Simply not true. You cannot trust men to clean themselves. You have guys out there who don't know how to roll up their foreskin to clean their knobs. Most men are filthy. End of.

        • +1

          Your knowledge on knob hygiene should be kept a little private.

          Also… Seriously?

        • +1

          @tshow: Why? Knob hygiene is important.

        • +5

          @Munki: Funky Munki under his junki

        • -2

          Seems pretty sexist and detailed.
          How often do you wash your box?

        • +1

          @idonotknowwhy: Yo, I'm a dude.

        • @idonotknowwhy: hate to break it to you mate, but women do every time they shower. It’s part of your body, you clean it. You don’t have a set day per week to wash your “box”

        • @Beansbeansbeans: Exactly my point. Men wash their dicks every time they shower as well.

        • @idonotknowwhy: I dunno, I know I’m not the only one of my friends that’s dated someone who rinses over the foreskin and that’s it. I’m sure it happens in women and we have the benefit of the vagina being somewhat self cleaning but… I think there’s often a big gap in Australia especially with young guys, their dads are from an age of circumcision and they’re not. I’m sure there’s plenty of guys who don’t know how to clean themselves properly, just like I personally know a lot of women who’ll use your average block of soap to clean themselves and wonder why they have chronic yeast infections or irritation.

        • Could you be any more ignorant and sexist ?

          Whereas women shower all the time and between their legs is pure roses.

          people are people, men are gross sometimes women are gross sometimes neither are gross all the time.

      • It's not at all a connection with ethics but rather consideration for people who have to be around you. If it's as you say that most people can smell their own scent then it magnifies the lack of consideration these people have for their friends, family and coworkers when choosing not to shower appropriately.

  • +1

    Once a day, timing is usually evenings after dinner (not directly before bed)

  • +20

    worked with a guy years ago who would brag that he only showered when he shaved, and he only shaved once a month.

    the guy would literally smeel like a farm, not sure if any of you have ever been on a farm but that smell after a horse has been out riding all day and sweating, yeah he smelt a bit worse than that. myself and other coworkers would buy cheap soap, deodorant etc and leave it in his work area. dumb prick never got the hint he smelt literally like poo.

    • +9

      Sounds like a great way to get soap etc for free.

      • +2

        yeah he would always throw it away.

        he tried to get me pulled in front of HR for workplace harassment lol

        • +2

          Obviously not an OzBargainer, at least eBay it.

        • +8

          Couldn’t have taken him to HR for health and safety? 😂

        • @D C:

          Why ebay it, he should have gone dumpster diving and found some receipts with the same soap and returned the soap for a refund.

        • @ninetyNineCents: we would always complain to the boss but the two of them went to the same church together

        • @myusername:

          Well the bible tells us that jesus never washed his hands before eatting, so i guess you can hardly blame them for copying his example.

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          Absence of proof is not proof of absence…

        • @Kangal:


          You are right… let the bible tell us itself. It tells us several times

          google >jesus wash hands<

          Luke 11:38 But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that …

          New International Version But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal. New Living Translation His host was amazed to see that he sat down to eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony required by Jewish custom. English Standard Version The Pharisee was …

          Matthew 15:2 "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders …

          For they don't wash their hands when they eat bread." Young's Literal Translation 'Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they do not wash their hands when they may eat bread.' Study Bible. Tradition and Worship 1Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, …

          Mark 7:2 and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that …

          1Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus, 2and they saw some of His disciples eating with hands that were defiled — that is, unwashed. 3Now in holding to the tradition of the elders, the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat until they wash their hands ceremonially …

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          …extra flavour, and increase immune system.

          PS I didn't remember those verses, I thought it was talking about the Old Jewish practices of "cleaning" blessing food before eating.

        • @Kangal:

          K: extra flavour, and increase immune system.

          PS I didn't remember those verses, I thought it was talking about the Old Jewish practices of "cleaning" blessing food before eating.

          99: I clearly said Jesus in my original comment. Given Jesus is never mentioned by name or title in the OT, and his "life story" only appears in the gospels it wouldnt make sense for me to refer to Moses laws.

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          I thought your original comment meant that since it didn't say he washed his hands explicitly, then it meant he didn't.
          I forgot about that verse (and many others). Yeah, I read the bible in entirety but it has been several years ago.
          You know Jesus was a Jew? King of the Jews?

          Reading back, I remember thinking that first verse applied to Jews (in those days) with their practice of blessing the table from bad spirits before eating. I had to google it to see it meant to actual hand-washing.

          And so, Jesus preferred the extra flavour and immune system benefits ; )

        • @Kangal:

          K: I thought your original comment meant that since it didn't say he washed his hands explicitly, then it meant he didn't.

          99: The text clearly says that he didnt wash his hands before eatting. Thats what it says, anything else is just bullshit.

          K: You know Jesus was a Jew? King of the Jews?

          99: Jesus was never king of the jews, he claimed to be and thats why the romans executed him. THeres a big difference between "claiming" and actually being.

          K: And so, Jesus preferred the extra flavour and immune system benefits ; )

          99: No the text shows us that Jesus was an ignorant idiot who didnt know about germs, and not a god or son of a god.

        • @ninetyNineCents:

          The fact that you're so serious, makes this post gold.

    • “would literally smeel like a farm, not sure if any of you have ever been on a farm but that smell after a horse has been out riding all day and sweating” 😂😂😂😂😂
      This post needs more votes

    • +1

      what a cu**t

      • +3

        What word is that?

        • Oops, typo, sorry. Actually, the extra n is for 'nasty'..

        • +1

          What a cubit

        • +1

          @Yarkin: Or a cuont

  • Twice or Thrice when is getting too hot. Otherwise once a day is a good habit to get rid of any hygiene issues.

  • +7

    The whole daily "toilette" is actually very interesting. The longest I went without a "shower" was when the Longford Gas explosion occured and we couldn't use our gas hot water system. Instead we were boiling jugs and blanket bathing then rinsing off whilst standing in the shower. (Until I found out my work had electric hot water for their showers so then I showered there).

    I shower once a day in the morning and, if I go to the gym, I have another shower after that.

    When travelling I find that getting access to a shower can be almost as good as being able to sleep. One of the reasons I love getting access to a lounge is that it usually gives you access to a shower. When we did our round the world trip (bragging rights for cheap Virgin Business) it was the shower we could take when we landed that was more important than the second breakfast, particularly if we had more travelling to do that day.

    This is interesting to read.…

    • +1

      It is possible (and cheaper) to shower in cold water you know ;)

      • The article isn't that keen on that either. Personally I try to keep my gym shower to tepid.

  • I shower when I need to - probably averaging 4-5 times per week or so.

    Shampoo: I haven't used shampoo for probably around 6-7 years now; just plain water. If my hair is totally filthy (oil, dirt, etc.) I might get the smallest amount of soap suds on my hand and run that through quickly. My hair is as soft/healthy/clean as ever.

    • So where's a chance of showering less than 4-5 times a week?

      • In the middle of winter I might miss a couple of days if I don't feel or smell sweaty. That said there are times I might shower two or even three times in a day - it all comes down to need. Sometimes I'll have a shower straight after a good sitting on the dunny.

        Come to think of it I've probably gone without showers longer in the summer but the beach or other swimming spot has been a replacement.

        Showers are great and all, and surely an important factor in modern health, but I don't think a daily ritual is always necessary.

        • +1

          looking at your theory here i'm guessing you're single?

        • +3


          No. My partner showers more than me and goes through copious amounts of shampoo. We get on fine.

    • +2

      I don't use shampoo either. It's clearly a scam. Strips oil from your hair which makes it overproduce oils so that it gets oilier quicker and you have to use shampoo again. Repeat ad nauseum. Your hair is perfectly capable of maintaining the right amount of oil.

      • +2

        My hair used to flake, fall out, etc. when I was younger. Worked out it was the shampoo and stopped using shampoo and conditioner for about 6 months before it got much, much worse. Changed up to a shampoo and conditioner set with better ingredients (no silicone, detergents, etc.) 3-4 times a week and BAM, my hair could outshine a unicorn.

      • Are you a guy or a girl?

        I'm a guy so I use hair gel/wax to style it, so I need shampoo to wash it out at the end of the day.

        I guess if you're a girl it's ok cause women don't exactly spike their hair

        • Not a girl.. But there's this thing called hairspray that girls use, practically the same as gel.

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