When Have You Bought Something Because of a Discount, Then Kept Buying at Its Full Price?

Most OzB members only buy stuff when it is discounted and would never consider buying things at full price if they can avoid it. When have you been encouraged to buy something because of a discount, then liked it so much that you continued to buy it at full price?

In my case, the other week the butcher had a notice on his blackboard that chicken kievs were $5. I thought that sounded nice, and the supermarket didn't sell any nice prepacked chicken things so I gave it a try. OMG they were the most delicious things I had ever eaten. Delicious buttery sauce going all through the veggies and mashed potato. Crumb perfect and crispy, just perfection. A billion times nicer than anything I can make myself or anything prepacked at the supermarket. I went back to get some yesterday and they were $6.50 each :-( But I bought them anyway without hesitation cause they were so nice. And I will probably continue to do so once or twice a week (maybe getting two each when they're on special instead of one).


  • +3

    I notice that car parts companies try to do cheap oil deals. People purchase it and then people think they need to stick with the same oil brand for life.

  • +5

    San Remo do a fairly new range of GF pasta made almost entirely if not entirely from vegetables, BUT it cost $4 for 250grams, significantly more expensive than your regular pasta, I had it on sale for $1.50 when it first came out and now it's the only pasta I eat.

    • +3

      Maize Starch, Soy Flour, Potato Starch, Rice Starch.
      Rice is the OzBargainers' gluten free pasta.

    • im interested? im trying to lose weight and cut back on pasta but i freaking love spaghetti.

      Is it in the pasta isle?

      • Most of the gluten free pastas around won't help you lose weight. They usually contain a higher carbohydrate percentage than regular wheat pasta. If anything you'll be consuming more calories with gluten free pasta than you will with wheat pasta. There are some good quality gluten free pastas with higher protein content, these usually contain quinoa or buckwheat rather than rice or corn as their main ingredients - however they are also pretty pricey.

      • They are next to the pasta in Woolies, I would recommend having a look at the ingredients first, as they have a few different ones, but they are not made from the same stuff most GF is made from. this is my favourite. https://sanremo.com.au/products/pulse-pasta-red-lentils-spir…


        • pretty cool. Hows the texture?

  • -3

    Kiev for $5 - rip off.

    One of our nearby butchers are $3 ea or 4 for $10 all the time.

    The 4 kievs is more than enough for our family of 5.

    • +7

      I wonder if they are as big and tasty as these ones though

    • +2

      Yeah those ones are probably not as good though..

      Better to buy good quality for some things than just cheap and nasty.

    • +3

      This is like saying I bought a car and it cost me 30k and your friend pipes up and says what a rip off I bought a car for 15k. How on earth can you call something a rip off when you have no idea how big it is/ what type of chicken they use/ what they put inside it.

      • +1

        Weeeell, OzB thinking goes more or less like this;

        A new Camry is definitely worth 15k (as a new one can be had for 20-22k or so). Therefore, by deduction, any other new car that costs 30k is a rip-off.

        IOW; Why would you pay more for a fridge with wheels than I paid for my fridge with wheels?

  • +1

    Devondale Dairy Soft. Only ever used to buy it when on special but it never goes on special any more.

    • +2

      You know about Devendale and cheese contract with Coles all most sent company broke. bank owned plant made them rent it back.

    • Try Duck River butter mate, made in Tassie.
      Tastes better than Devondale I think. It's one of the few things I happily pay regular price for.

      • +3

        If it's not Lurpak it's not worth having.

        • We get the Mainland Buttersoft. It is made from Cream, water and salt. Tastes delicious and spreads well. Watch the prices for when it is on special but will buy at full price if we run out.

        • I am so annoyed when I run out of Lurpak and it’s not on sale! Hate having to let go of that $5 :(

  • +4

    the $5 ones were probably old

  • +1

    Gotta be cocaine!

  • +1

    Maui Jim’s never go on sale.

    • +1

      You can always use discounted catch gift cards and ebay sitewide offer on iframes

      • I took a gamble and bought a pair off iframes through their ebay store a couple of weeks ago. I say gamble cuz I thought they were a little dodgy but everything turned out great!

  • Yup if some worth it. like kievs.

  • I suppose beers like that, if you want what you enjoy you will pay the extra tenner or so. Agree with the canned tuna observation. Dr Oetkers for over $7 though for me isnt worth it

  • +5

    A mate who works for an airliner once offered me heavily discounted business class tickets. Now, I fly economy everytime because i cannot afford business class tickets.

    • +1

      Yeah, but it is hard to go back to that end of the plane isn't it? We got the cheap Virgin round the world business class seats last year and I keep hoping I can get more of that goodness. The advantage is between that, and a recent trip he did, my other half is now Platinum class so we get the lounges, and priority check in, even if we are in pleb class as long as we are on Virgin or partner airlines. It is beginning to affect what airlines we want to book with though.

  • +3

    Sanitarium Up & Go.

    Only discovered them in the last year when buying them on special to help me get some calories in the morning (never been a breakfast person unless it's a buffet on holiday).

    Since trying them, I can't start my day without a strawberry one. If there's no special on the 6packs then I'll buy a 12 pack at the normal price as it's close enough to the special on the 6 pack.

    • -1

      Isn’t it has lots of oil and no milk

      • +2

        And more importantly, lots of sugar

  • +1

    OP your post about Kiev's has made me hungry :(

    I'm ready to go and buy the closest ones i can find, regardless of price!

  • My UFC Fight Pass subscription.

  • +8

    Guzman Y Gomez, the first time I only went to a store opening because it was free. Now I'm hooked.

    • +7

      It's all the little cups you can put various hot sauces in, I tell ya

    • +1

      Seared Barramundi soft shell taco's with smoked chipotle on the side in those little cups.

  • +10

    Grove orange juice.

    I don't buy OJ often but when I do it's worth paying extra.

    • Yeah I totally get you on this one. I live that stuff or the all natural juice that's like $4 for a 750ml bottle I think it is. Can't remember what it's called but it's got at health star rating and has every fruit under the sun in it.

      Can't outdo proper fruit juice.

  • +3

    Perino tomatoes, especially the yellow ones

    • Perino tomatoes are the best. I realised that buying the 1kg bags of tomatoes from the fruit shop we never actually got through even 1/4 of them before they went bad. Switched to cherry tomatoes and then bought perino once when they were on sale. Never looked back.

  • +7

    dating —-> marriage.

    • dating was on special? :D

      • +2

        Compared to the cost of maintaining a marriage, sure.

  • +5

    Mainland Cheese, I got it when it was free and now I'm spending $9 on a 500G block of cheese every couple of weeks. Damn successful marketing techniques. lol.

  • +1

    The only product I buy without a special price is fuel, and even then; unless I'm in a hurry, I'll go find the cheapest place in my area.

    Everything else is bought on sale and generally stockpiled unless it regularly goes on sale, then I'll just buy what I need.

    Edit: Netflix gets bought at full price. Forgot about that, despite how much I use it.

    • Are you not on board the 711 Fuel App trick yet?

      • Bit hard when 7-11 isn't in South Australia.

  • +4

    McDoubles were great at $2 this year but then the price went up to $3 and I bought one…

  • +1

    Medicine. Used to buy for 30-40$ on special, now just pay the full price.

  • I'm a sucker for boost juice. I got a free one on my birthday last year, then would buy them occasionally for $5 through the app on Tuesdays… now if I'm really wanting one I'll shell out the $7.40

    • The competition for Boost is gradually increasing their prices, in such a way that Boost almost seems great value now. Similar to Nando’s. Five years ago they were both hideously expensive compared to the competition.

      • I guess it's the opposite to what happened to 7/11 Slurpees. Used to be about $2.8 for large, but after a year or so of Hungry Jacks and Macca's having $1 frozen cokes, they finally gave in and dropped their prices.

        I kinda justify the price of boost because at least it's somewhat healthy, compared to frozen coke. Course, water is healthier, but no where near as tasty.

  • +2

    Paid 1.39 per litre for petrol last week, come back today and paid 1.59 per litre. I made a promise not to fill the tank until it dropped back to 1.17 per litre, the old girl has been surviving on $30 top ups for almost half a year now.

    • It’s probably costing you more having to divert to a petrol station more often. Definitely costing you more time and energy having to constantly worry about running out of fuel.

  • +1

    Got a few free blocks of Mainland Cheese from a Woolies promotion about six months ago.

    Used to buy just Coles/Woolies/whatever cheese was on sale, but now only buy Mainland Cheddar now :/

  • +1

    toothpaste, bought it when its $2 still buying it when its $3

  • Premium Unleaded 95. Motorcycle just purrs so much more nicely and it goes further too. It's like a new bike compared to Unleaded 91.

    • You should never run motorcycles on 91… Try 98 from BP,makes my bike run even better.

  • +2

    It started at $1.50.
    Now everybody, but a true OzBargainer, could find it normal to pay $4.50+.
    I'd rather die from falling asleep while driving.

    • $1 @ 711

    • instant coffee is hella cheap?

    • But a Nespresso next time there’s a sale + cashback!

      I have a pixie with an aerocino frother and it’s great 👍🏽

  • +3

    Mayver's cacao super spread. Bought at 50% off a year back and full price since.

  • +6

    god dam spotify. Free > single membership > family membership

    • +1

      Sign up via phillipines, then it's half the price of a single membership.

  • +1

    There's a bakery my wife and I went to because we got a Scoopon for it one time. Still go there pretty much weekly 5 years later. The worst part is the place isn't even that good anymore, but it's just kind of become part of our routine :P

    Also, I'm not sure if it counts for the purposes of this discussion, but PlayStation Plus membership. Got a few free months as part of the compensation package after the infamous PSN hack / outage a few years back, ended up being impressed enough that I continued paying for it after the freebie ended. Although I usually only renew it when it's on sale, so I still don't actually pay full price for it.

  • Jack Daniels.

  • +2

    Uber eats
    Zapals (generally)

    This is why things go on special, have free trials and have referral/welcome credit.

    • Yes Spotify for my Wife. Got her a 3 months 99 cent subscription. She wasn't about to go back to the old one. So now paying a yearly fee with 6 other ozbargainers for around $35. Still cheap but not 99 cents for 3 months.

      • Money well spent imo. Happy wife, happy life!

        • +1

          I really need to get my wife her own Spotify subscription. I used to be the only one who used it, but once I finally got her to try it, she never looked back. Right now she just uses mine (I mostly just listen to it on my phone on the bus to / from work, while she tends to listen to it on the Google Home if she's working from home). The problem is that now she listens to it enough that her musical taste is starting to influence the recommendations I get. No thank you, Spotify, I do not want to listen to Ed Sheeran or Air Supply.

  • +3

    Carman muesli bars. They are rarely offered at big discounts. I usually stock up when they are on specials.

  • Protein FX bars… I bought 3 x Aussie Bodies ProteinFX Energy Bars Choc Malt 65g (36 bars) on Catch for less than AUD 30. I like it but now I cannot find the bars anywhere, and other protein bars I tried are rubbish. :/

  • +2

    I do the opposite.

    If I buy something at full price, then it goes on special, I buy more of it.

    In my mind it makes the 1st one I bought 'better value'.

    Of course, I know it doesn't really.

    • Dollar cost averaging. Works for the share market!

  • +2

    Rarely happens, I am an uber patient guy and usually wait for the next cycle of bargains. I have a list of things that I want that span back 20yrs. My partner is more impulse and her desires ramp up from mere thoughts to a purchase within minutes. Explains why female clothing costs more then men clothing.

  • +10

    The OP is obviously an employee of independent butchers australia.

    I am now on my way to buy chicken kiev from my local independent butcher to experience the delicius flowing buttery sauce.

    Everyone should buy chicken kiev. Today. From your local indepedent butcher.


  • Starburst.

  • aveeno body wash

  • +1
    • hell yeah
      i hold out a little for the specials but occasionally i'll just get a bag anyway.

      thanks for reminding me :D

  • +2

    Electric Toothbrush, used to have a basic one, then got a premium one when they were $50 then you received a $30 cashback which turned out to be nothing as they gave you a $50 cashback instead. Anyway since then have purchased a better toothbrush for over $100. Once you use the better electric toothbrushes you can't go back.

  • +1

    Woolies had an offer for this Pumpkin Seed Bread once. Got it for free the first time. Thats the only bread I buy now even tho its a bit more pricey. True story.

  • +4

    Youtube Red. Got the 3 free months and could never go back to the ads. CBF signing up for new account every 3 months

    • Plus Google music is awesome.

    • adblock takes care of the ads.

      Except on mobile devices which is not where I watch YT anyway.

      • +1

        Yeah I watch all mine on mobile or on TV via MiBox. No easy way to get around the ads I dont think

        • By purchasing it and not using adblock like most of us do, you're supporting the creators you watch which is a great thing.

          I know you need to do it because of the way you watch, but a lot of us have come to expect high quality free content without realising the impact it has on the creators of it.

  • +1

    vegetables :( More specific answer Red Capsicum

  • +2

    I wanted a certain Canon printer because I read youcould
    Get it in America form $50 after rebates. No such deals in Australia and postage on a 20kg printer meant I couldn’t ship it. But by then I was pretty sold on that model so I just paid $800 through officeworks.

  • +3

    Krispy Kreme's. I enjoyed the $10 off online order when I signed up to the newsletter. Now I need my fix at least once a week. I want that white glaze all over my face.

  • Haighs chocolate coated cashews

    Le Petit Gateau after buying through the Entertainment Book

    Some restaurants I originally visited on a Groupon/Scoopon

    Bread from bakeries. Can no longer eat supermarket bread and certainly not Woolworths/Coles imported home brand crap.

    Bonsoy milk.

    • -2

      Woolies bread is baked fresh in house and just as good as any bakery bread.

      • +2

        You need a better bakery.

        • some of my Coles carry these Vietnamese 'baguettes' which are medium sized and OMG they are so amazing. $1.80 for a pack of 6. Use that as our hot dog bread instead.

      • https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.dailytelegraph.com.au/ho…

        Woolworths spokesman Benedict Brook said a percentage of the bread in the bakery section was supplied frozen, or "par-baked" as it is known in the industry, and reheated, but denied customers were being misled."We don't say it's fresh," Mr Brook said. "There are a small number of sourdough and stone-baked loaves that come into the store frozen.

        • The bread I like is not sourdough or stone-baked.

  • Dr Oetker pizza. Always buy on special, but if I’m out, I want one, and it’s normal price I’ll still buy one.

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