Advice on New Housemate Pissing Me off and Using Too Much Bills

Hi guys.
I m new to this house subletting thing. I got a new housemate who seems to behave outofplace and just annoys me. The day he moves in, I wated to quickly pick something inside and didn't have my key on me as it was in the car on the street, I then ask him to open the door while entering then he says somelittle off things about opening the door for me which I snooged off. I traveled for work nd come back a week later and coincidentally we (him, me nd my gf) were trying to enter the house. He got to the door first, so he wanted to open with his key, puts the key into the keyhole then retracts saying he wants to be sure I live in the house I rented, and asks me to open it. I felt smugged on the face, but he then says it is a joke after I opened it.

Also, the day he moved in, he calls me on the phone asking me to call my neighbors to take away their dog. The dog harmlessly sneaks into the compound once in a while, but this new guy just wants the neighbor to take it out, and goes to their door knocking which I found really annoying(as the neighbor is my landlord)

All these have past by, however what may now be a problem is his cooking all the time.
I came back from travel and found out he used the oven too many times a week. Too much the smoke goes to activate the smoke alarm. I told him about it the next day I see him do it, nd he says he told me before moving in that "he cooks everyday" which I do not have problem with. When he said that I said "no problem, but its a fair usage of the bill otherwise, its capped".

I was assuming he is a normal person like my previous housemate who I perfectly went along well with, and we didn't have to be too strict with rules. He also did cook everyday and we were just mature about using up stuff. I even remember when he did use the heater, we never agreed prior, but I felt it was ok since those days were quite cold, and it was just for a couple of hours before he turned it off

What I really do have problems with is this new guy making burgers or other fast foods with the oven too many times a day, The rent is pretty decent and a very good deal, but I did it on the assumption of fairness. I just think he wants to eat his cake and have it. He should just go and rent his one room apartment and pay bills if he wants to enjoy using up utilities.

I ve told him to limit it to cooker use and very limited use of the oven, but I think he still uses it often. What I am saying is that he just cooks every little thing all the time, but wants to pay little rent for it. We didn't have any written contract, just casual verbal agreement.

He hasn't really stayed long, but I am not finding him comfortable again to live with. Are my annoyances out of place, can someone help me see what I am not understanding, as I am relatively new to the housesharing concept
I do feel he is taking advantage of the fact I like things casual and not too strict, especially with someone you share same house with, and in turn expecting people to behave maturely.

I ll add that the only clause he significantly mentioned before moving was that he cooks everyday, and in hindsight, I am wondering who really mentions that to a prospective subletter unless they ve had that as a problem with previous subletters


      • -1

        Realistic. Women want attention. Guys gone a week. I couldn’t a hand full of lonely nights banging.

        • +1

          Sorry to hear you had such bad experiences with women :(

  • +15

    Wow. Sometimes you think you’re doing somewhat okay being frugal and living the ‘OzBargainer’ lifestyle, then you read comments like some in this thread and you realise you’re not even scratching the surface.

    • +2

      The Ozb lifestyle is being cautious with money, and getting good deals on stuff.

      I don't understand when this meant becoming obsessed with frugality in and of itself. Lately, it seems to have become a morbid contest of sorts… folks competing to see who is the bigger tightarse.

      • the sunday roast came about because it was cheaper to use the oven on sunday.

    • I reuse toilet paper after it's wiped. ;)

      • Indeed, toilet paper has two sides for a reason.

      • … but do you buy 3 ply and separate the layers before using for 3x the saving? :)

        That gives you additional 100 XP.

      • +1

        I just take a shower ;)

        • +1


    • we might need another forum call ozsaver!

  • +8

    It's a sad life if you have to worry about not using the oven to save money.
    And this is coming from a poor person. Cooking good food at home is cheap and nutritious even with the oven costs counted. A hot long shower is also one the cheapest luxuries in life.

  • +5

    Ovens are like what ? 1000 watts so he’s spending let’s say a hour a day 50cents a day. That’s $15 a month you want.

    Sorry dude the problem here is you. The guys fine. You just are upset about something else.

  • +1

    Communication issues perhaps? Your English is, well, not very good in written form. Maybe you simply haven't explained things well enough to this person.

  • My head hurts from reading this.

    • Lol

  • Buy a cheap air fryer for $80 off eBay. No preheating required cooks small portions of food quite quickly and efficiently. Best kitchen item we’ve ever bought.

    • +2

      If the chap is being so incredibly stingy that he is causing a fuss for 10-20 bucks a month in utilities, do you think the cheapskate would actually spend $80 for anything?

      • Perhaps he could suggest to go halves with roommate?

  • It's not really fair to ask someone not to cook in their own house. If the power use is increasing the bills, then show him ths bills and discuss with him about paying more if he is increasing the bills.

    It sounds like a lot more than just the oven though, so consider asking him to move out for your own sanity. Just be aware that people can't just up and move on the spot, so I'm the mean time, try and talk about the problems you have.

  • "Using too much bills" Are you a duck?

    Also in b4 mod post: "Closing as OP has received more than enough advice on how to deal with the situation"

  • +6

    Op: to help save water , i recomend flushing your toilet only once a day

    What you do is, all 3 of you dump it out, but only the 3rd person is allowed to flush

    Think of the turtles man. Save the environment.

  • +2

    It is not unreasonable for your housemate to cook every day. You are being unreasonable trying to impose your lifestyle and eating habits on someone else. It sounds like your housemate would have grounds for a complaint against you trying to restrict his ability to prepare meals in a flat he is paying rent to live in.

  • +4

    Wow. I got as far as the guy using the oven too much. I think you need to live alone.

    edit: I couldn't help myself - read the rest. You need to live alone.

  • +3

    God, you sound like my friend's landlord. I visited him ONCE in his house - for 10 minutes to help him get ready for a citizenship ceremony, wasn't noisy, didn't leave any mess, just helped him pick out a shirt and tie. All othertimes, I wait outside the house in my car.

    After my visit, the landlady posts a sign saying NO VISITORS ALLOWED. She didn't even have the balls to tell him directly and why.

    I told my mate to move out ASAP.

    Some of you people expect the tenant to not exist and give you money for rent!! People need to live normal lives

    • I've come across some landlords that are like that. These people just expect you the live like a beast in isolation without any visit from friends and family.

  • +10

    You are the problem.

    I 100% get where you're coming from - I am frugal and use things like appliances conservatively. But - people like you and I aren't really cut out for living with other people who don't share this approach.

    I recognised this, and no longer share.

    • You should replace OP's housemate then.

      • +6

        Nah he still sounds like he's pretty high maintenance.

  • +9

    You sound like the maniac, and thats after only hearing your side of the story.

  • +2

    Share houses sounds really fun. OP get a grip on reality, if you don't want another human sharing things with you, pay the full amount with you and the missus and move on.

  • -1

    kick him out ~

    move on.

  • Buy one of those small counter top electric ovens

    or make a solar heating oven

  • +4

    These threads are the reason I visit OzBargain.

    Never change.

  • What I really do have problems with is this new guy making burgers or other fast foods with the oven

    Burgers in the oven? I've never made a hamburger in the oven, am I missing out on something?

  • +1

    Using oven multiple times a day to cook small meals is basically a waste of energy in itself.
    But you cannot restrict him to use oven once a week. Maybe once a day?

    Or maybe he could use the electric or gas stove for cooking. In that way, it won't make much of a difference even if he cooks 1-2 hours a day. He is expected to clean the oven every day or after every use, is he doesn't do that then you can ask him to leave for not being clean.

    Everyone has different needs, some people like to cook more than others, some are just too lazy and eat out most times of the week. But all pay equal bills.

    Some people take shower everyday, whereas others take every other day.

    Some people take hot shower, whereas some others take cold shower (saves energy).

    Some people need heater in winters, whereas others don't.

    Some people do laundry 2-3 times a week, whereas others do once a fortnight.

    In sharing, it is not always equal division of utilities.

  • +2

    This was so hard to read. I suggest you stick to verbal agreements or a template in the future to potentially avoid making the same mistake twice (ie writing a forum post).

    • …or a template

      Two words: Sheldon Cooper.

      • Yes!

  • Tell him to get an airfryer…or just get a life and let him be

  • Does he only take the rubbish out when it's full? If it's not full it's left in there for days for things to rot and desintergrate?

    Housemates suck

    • Housemates suck

      Yeah, people like OP especially. Next he'll ban flushing the toilet if you only take a piss.

      • +1

        Generally I find you can get about 4 pisses in before it really benefits from a flush.

        Pooping is different, generally 2 poops.

        • well you can generally combine them, so 4 pisses and 2 poops before the need to flush, works like a charm!

        • @h4zey:

          Or collect the piss and use it to flush the poop. Ew.

        • +1

          @Ughhh: mate, that's fckin clever!!! we need to meet and discuss about this! We could revolutionise the way toilet works!

    • I think that'd be OP - to save on bin liners, of course.

  • Suck it up and find a better place to live without roommates, live with your gf maybe? i live with only my gf now as i had a similar situation with my gfs brother kicking me out of "his" place (he rents it and his argument was that he was there first so he owns it even though we split the rent 3 ways). long story short gf and i moved out and he got shitty and said dumb shit to her so we don't speak to him anymore.

    you're better off moving in with your gf because moving in with friends or family that isn't your parents house is shit.

  • -1

    Get a life, mate. :)

  • +1

    I bet the OP runs 20 computers in his room mining crypto and doesn't mind sharing that part of the electricity bill.

    • +1

      honestly though, I can't believe anyone who is saying that limiting his use of normal parts of a house is in any way normal. Or the ones who don't ever cook their food because it uses too much electricity.

  • +1

    This is a joke post right? Why is everyone taking this seriously.. am I missing something?
    This is an Anglo using bad grammar to send up a Chinese student complaining about an Indian student or something.. right… right????

    • If that's true, they did a good job. I've laughed out loud a few times reading this.
      Free entertainment!

    • The guy he has a problem with is obviously white… eating burgers and using the oven a lot. My guess is it’s some Asian guy who only cooks with a frypan and thinks that is free whilst an oven is expensive.

  • +3

    If I was the OP's housemate, I'd agree to only using the oven once a week.

    Of course this would mean turning the oven on at the start of that week "nd" then turning it off at the end of it.

  • +2

    Most ovens are 2kw to 2.5kw.
    Most electricity costs can range between $0.3 to $0.6 per kw hour depending if it is a smart-meter.
    Ovens are expensive to run, there's quite a few people who commented in here who doesn't understand this.

    Look I can understand there's now an increase in the power bills.
    It just means you didn't account for potential increase in costs due to someone else living at the home.
    As other had pointed out, it could be other factors such as hot-water usage; additional electronics.

    You either absorb the additional costs or increase the rent.
    Or come up with the system where you can measure before/after the housemate moving in and impact in costs.
    Request for additional or tell them to leave.

    I feel the people on ozbargain are a bit too mean to you.
    Most people are not really showing empathy because its easier to ridicule.
    What I find the most insulting from this community is people ridicule based on race.

    • This thread tells me people don't like being told ovens are expensive to run

      • +2

        Cost more than using a stovetop… sure.

        Expensive? Only if you're in a very constrained financial situation.

        • +1

          Sure from your personal perspective it might be 'cheap', but have some empathy that not everyone is in the same financial situation.

        • @redslert:

          Like I said, its only expensive if folks are experiencing severe financial hardship. If that's indeed the case, fair enough mate.

          OP never said he was that destitute. Besides if they were under such financial duress, they should be charging extra for utilities instead of absorbing the cost.

        • +3

          @redslert: Why not have empathy for someone wanting an oven cooked meal that he is allowed to have under the rent agreement where he is also paying for utilities ?

        • +2


          share house tells me that they're all in financial hardship

    • +1

      Most ovens are 2kw to 2.5kw.
      Most electricity costs can range between $0.3 to $0.6 per kw hour depending if it is a smart-meter.

      Let's do the maths

      First off, it's about $0.26/kwh, who the hell pays $0.6/kwh? That's outrageous.

      Let's do $0.30/kwh just to be whatever:

      1 hour a day cooking at 2.5kw oven = 1 hour x $0.26/kwh x 2.5kw = $0.65 a day. So if the person cooks every day, OP really (profanity) up, he should've bumped the rent up $4.55 a week to balance out this ridiculous level of cooking

      • In addition, most ovens cut off when they hit the desired temperature, so it's not like as if its a sustained consumption for an entire hour.

        • Yeah exactly, takes 15 mins to heat up then cycles on 1/3 of the time.

          If he's using it several times a day it might add up…but what else does he do? Is he unemployed? Regardless, the cost of the oven will still be insignificant compared to rent, right?

        • fan forced option?

      • Peak hour electricity in Sydney is higher than $0.60/kwh… which is the likely time that people cook dinner.

        • +1

          Most of Sydney/Australia don't have that dodgy peak off peak rubbish that Victoria has, we learned from that fk up

          Good in theory, abused the fk by the energy companies

    • Most ovens are 2kw to 2.5kw.

      Rated - at 100% power. I don't think OP's housemate is burning their food to a crisp.

      Most electricity costs can range between $0.3 to $0.6 per kw hour depending if it is a smart-meter.

      The housemate uses it, say 3 hours a day. Oh no, around $3.00 at most. A DAY. OP pays half, so OP's only hit with $1.50 a day, likely far less.

      Ovens are expensive to run

      Literally 99% of OP's other costs would cost him more than $1.50 per day. He should stop driving or taking public transport and start walking to work, for example. Also don't buy shoes because that much walking will wear them out, calluses are free.

      • $1.50 a day is a lot… over a quarter thats $135,

        AS said several times here by myself and others, if its not considered much the flat mate should pay what ever is over the past bills… considering this is a share house hold I dont think he'll like that

        • +3

          It's $1.50 per day at most. Very likely nowhere near that, because I don't think the housemate is eating burgers for breakfast, nor do I think he's putting it in the oven for an hour each time (because I don't know anyone who likes eating char), and I doubt the oven is running at max at any point.

          if its not considered much the flat mate should pay what ever is over the past bills

          I'm not sure you or OP understand the concept of housemates.

  • +2

    You sound like the worst person to live with. He's using the goddamn oven. It's normal. You're not only being annoying, but you're being a stinge. Next are you gonna monitor the amount of times he flushes the toilet or the amount of water he drinks a day?

    If you want to share a space with other people, learn to share fire. You can't expect everyone to live their life the way you want.

    I can understand the smoke being an issue - but I wouldn't be surprised if you're overstating that just because you don't like him cooking. But if there is an issue with smoke, tell him to clean the oven properly after using.

    Honestly, I'd be surprised if isn't looking for another place ASAP. And if he does, I'd recommend you don't look for another person.

  • +3

    And this is exactly why Sheldon had Leonard sign a roomate agreement.

  • Wow. You’re reaching top tier levels of crazy and tight arse OP.

    If I were that guy, and you asked me to stop using the oven, I’d have polite stern words with you reaffirming as such. Take a good look at yourself.

  • If there's a verbal agreement he has no recourse if you ask him to move out. He's entitled to what he's paid for but beyond that he's left the door wide open to being evicted at any time and for no reason.

    I rented a room on a verbal agreement and despite being well behaved the landlord couldn't be bothered adjusting to having a person in the house. I wouldn't rent without a lease again as otherwise the landlord has way too much power in that equation and is not motivated to solve issues as getting the boarder to leave is easier.

    • A verbal agreement has the same standing as a written agreement… the only difference is that it becomes a "he says, she says" and harder to prove

  • -1

    You sound like a shit person to live with, angry because he cooks heaps and uses the oven, also over a joke, he is better off living in another place, im surprised you got a mrs, probably sees her once a week to save money…

  • +1

    Nah, op don't listen to this mob that said you are a bad person. You see the situation face to face, you know it felt out of the ordinary.
    Talk with the guy, if its not working, give him his notice and boot him out. There are many renters out there that will fit in. Why the stress living with someone you can't cope?

  • Sounds like you are the problem here. When you choose to live in a shared household you have to accept there are things you'll use more and things they'll use more. If the power use of the oven is such a problem, then ask them to chuck in an extra few bucks a month as they use more power. Don't limit their access to the oven. That is petty and makes you the ass.
    Maybe you need to go find a single apartment. It seems you don't play well with others.
    I would be careful kicking him out if the landlord doesn't know you are subletting to another person. You might find you are out on your ass too.

  • It's pretty simple.
    If your name is on the lease and you don't like who you are sub-letting to then give them their notice.

  • +5

    My gut-feel is that I'd have more issues living with you than your new housemate…

    • +1


      Couldn't of said it better myself!

      I can't stand living with room dwellers.

  • You realize that subletting a rental is illegal in most states?

  • +4

    I have lived with many people in a small apartment, here are some basic rules

    • They can use the kitchen, toilet, oven, fridge, walls, floors AS MUCH AS THEY LIKE, THEY LIVE THERE TOO
    • They can cook fast food, slow food, burgers, vegetables AS MUCH AS THEY LIKE, THEY LIVE THERE TOO
    • They can be weird, cooky, have strange hair, weird clothes, as long as they pay rent, keep the place clean and do not infringe on your ability to peacefully enjoy the property LEAVE THEM ALONE

    If you have shared costs that are unfair be an adult - discuss it, if they pay their share then who cares?

    If they have a problem with a neighbours dog, follow the council guidelines.

    You can't tell someone not to cook everyday? What is wrong with you? Who cares??

    I strongly recommend getting a one bedroom apartment and never sharing with others, you seem to really not understand that when you share, you don't get a say in what they eat, what they cook, how often they cook, if they "might be racist"

  • Crumble up a digestive biscuit under his bed sheets (when target is not present).

  • +2

    Op, don't be so petty and learn to let things go. You might have been brought up to not use the AC, heater, dishwasher or oven (I was) but it's unreasonable to enforce that on another individual. I can't imagine how one can be happy if they get upset over such little things easily; constantly calculating about every single thing if it's in their favour or not. Learn to let small things go and stop being so petty.

    • Thanks for this

  • Who knows what else he's up to when you're not home. He's probably be using all your stuff in kitchen and bathroom.

    Move out ASAP. Let the bikies be his new house mate!

  • How about we find out from the op what his rent is and how much he is charging the 'power thief' to stay?

  • I cook food everyday too? That's never been an issue with even my craziest of flatmates. I think you need to let it go or move out mate.

  • You should have him signed the roommate agreement and put that in the agreement before he moved in.

  • I've spoken to the wife after reading how much an oven costs to run… We now only eat once a week. Just can't justify the cost anymore.

  • I think people are missing the point here. The problem is not the new roommate cooking everyday, it’s the fact that they have to split bills or more likely that OP is paying for bills within a certain threshold.

    The issues continues when the OP isn’t using the appliances as many times as the new roommate. I doubt many of you would pay for someone’s daily habits that you don’t feel comfortable with. OP has stressed fair usage and the new roommate is ignoring it.

    But having said that it’s not fair on the new roommate if he has to adjust the way he has to live which also isn’t fair. I’d say the only thing to do is to find out what you use on average and get your roommate to pay the remainder since he is using more than you.

    It’s only fair he gets to live the way he wants but soon he’ll realise it comes at a cost.

    • +3

      Unless you have meters on all your outlets and keep logs of all times your lights, etc are switched on then you just need to accept that in a sharehouse you may pay for more (or less) than what you have used personally and just be happy in the fact that any loss is far counteracted by the reduction in rent and the fact that shared utilities will generally be cheaper. If you're only going to be satisfied with someone who has the exact same usage habits as yourself then you're going to spend a lot of time looking for new housemates and losing rent on an empty room. The best you can do IMO is to only have housemates who work full time that won't be at home all day every day using power and to make sure that people turn things off when they are not in use.

      • -2

        Of course you accept that, the op had no problem with prior room mate or other current room mate.

        So the new room mate I have to presume usage is inordinately high, especially to ask on a forum for advice.

        If someone told me they cooked all the time, I would assume the cook top, not the oven. After this experience the op would/should know to ask about oven use.

        • +1

          The number of people in this thread calling out how crazy monitoring oven usage is hasn't given you an inkling as to the fact that it is not mainstream?

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