OzBargain 2018 Christmas Donations - $31,722 to Charities of Your Choice


  • 13 Dec 10AM: We now have 50 charities in the poll, and will not take any more suggestions.

  • 18 Dec 10PM: We have 672 unique commenters, and a total of $31,722 will be donated to the following 6 charities (at $5,287 each)

    • beyondblue
    • Cancer Council
    • RSPCA Australia
    • R U OK?
    • Alzheimer's Australia
    • Fred Hollows Foundation

It's that time of the year where we get to do our biannually charity donations, where you, the community members, suggest and vote for the top 5 charities to receive a total of $25,000, donated by OzBargain. Moreover, for every unique commenter in this thread, we will be donating an extra $10!

Similar to last year:

  1. Check whether your favourite charity has already been suggested (they should be alphabetically sorted under Poll Options). If it has, vote it up! Otherwise you can suggest it by posting a top-level comment (i.e. not replying existing comments)

    Suggest a poll option

    If you are suggesting a charity, please provide a link & 1 or 2 sentence telling us what the charity does. It would greatly help other OzBargainers making decisions.

  2. Even if your preferred charity has been suggested, leave a comment and let us know! Remember every unique commenter on this thread will add an extra $10 to the donation.

  3. The poll will run for 7 days. After the poll expires, votes will be revealed and the top 5 charities will be sharing the pool of donation of AUD $25,000 + $10 x number of unique commenters. For example if 500 OzBargainers commented in this thread, we'll donate $30,000 to the chosen charities at $5,000 each.

    I am also putting a cap of maximum 1,000 commenters (just in case), making the cap of the donation at $35,000. If we can reach that level the donation will be shared with top 7 charities from the poll (still at $5,000 each).

Which charity should I suggest?

  • It must be a registered charity eligible for DGR (deductible gift recipient). That would unfortunately make NPOs like Wikipedia & Sea Shepherd ineligible.

  • As we are OzBargain, it would be great if the charity is Australia based or benefits Australians.

  • There are many worthy charities. However as it's for Christmas this year, let's prioritise on charities working on social welfare.

  • I will also close the suggestion feature after we have reached 50 charities.

To get started, I have included top 10 most voted charities from last year's poll. Suggestion & commenting starts today (11 Dec) and will close at 12PM on Tuesday 18 Dec. I will then work out the total amount of donation we will send to the charities, and hopefully get all the donations made by Christmas 2018.

Poll Options expired


  • Nice job OzB!

  • Good job

  • Great idea

  • -2
    Suggested Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

    Not affiliated just a supporter and admirer of their very important work.

    At the ASRC, our Human Rights Law Program provides free legal help to people seeking asylum. They’ve endured enough and we believe they must be given the same rights to fairness, freedom and safety that we all expect.

    Sixteen in house lawyers, a network of legal partners and hundreds of legal volunteers have been fighting case after case to stop people being sent back to the country they fled in fear of their lives.

    The truth is that what’s happening to people seeking asylum in this country is shameful.


  • :)

  • -1
    Suggested National Justice Project

    Again, no affiliation but a supporter and admirer. For the past 2 years we have helped crowdfund 2 lawyers. Seeing the results has been amazing and excellent return on investment for our donations. Those kids that Morrison likes to boast he has taken off Nauru? Each one of them the National Justice Project has had to fight against the government in court to bring them here. And won again and again and again, because it is the right thing to do. It's time again to crowdfund for another year.

    From their website:

    We advocate for the development of law and a justice system which is fair, just and equitable, taking on the most challenging cases that will advance human rights.

    The National Justice Project works with some of Australia’s most vulnerable people and communities, providing legal support to people who struggle to access justice.

    We take strategic legal action to advance social justice, with a focus on Aboriginal communities and asylum seekers.

  • Thanks Scotty!

  • That's very nice !

  • Thanks Scotty and OzB!

  • Good on you Scotty +$10

  • Thanks ozbargain!

  • Thanks for doing this.

  • Another great gesture from the Ozb team!

  • anotha one

  • Alzheimer's Australia is very deserving of this :)

  • Suggested Kidney Health Australia

    Kidney Health Australia

    Great organisation that supports research and patients dealing with kidney failure/impairment. I’ve had kidney failure since 22 and I’m now 26 on dialysis. Hoping they can fund future trials etc where they make bionic kidneys for patients so you don’t have to become immune suppressed for a transplant

    • That sounds like a very worthy cause. Damn, there are so many good causes in here, it's difficult to choose.
      I'm sticking with Alzheimer's for now because I think it's under represented but this one is a close #2.
      I hope they get bionic kidneys soon and that you have access to them.

  • Suggested FOP Australia

    I'd like to suggest FopAustralia.

    Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva is one of the rarest, most disabling genetic conditions known to medicine, causing bone to form in muscles (and other soft tissue) leading to ongoing and permanent restriction of movement. It is a progressive disease and there is no cure yet.

    Aka The Stone Man Syndrome as some articles and videos refer it as.


  • If anyone only posts in 1 thread, make it this one! Love the fact OzBargain gives back

  • Great to see OzBargain doing this - can't go past the Cancer Council as lost both parents to cancer,

  • Great work

  • Keep up the good work :)

  • Great always!

  • +1
    Suggested Miracle Babies

    Miracle Babies — Provides support, education and resources for families of premature and sick newborns.

    "Every year in Australia around 48,000 newborn babies require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN). 27,000 of these babies are born premature and up to 1,000 babies lose their fight for life."

  • Suggested Redkite

    Excellent +10 thanks


    Redkite is an Australian cancer charity providing essential support to children and young people (0–24 years) with cancer, and the family and support network who care for them.

  • Suggested Orange Sky Australia

    Orange Sky Australia

    Orange Sky operates 222 shifts across 22 locations every week around Australia. To date, we've provided 83,488 loads of washing, 6,285 warm showers and most importantly, 138,151 hours of genuine and non-judgemental conversation. Click on any of the location dots on the map to see live statistics and links to more information.

  • amazing stuff

  • Great initiative OzB team. Good luck to all charities.

  • Great work ozbargin

  • <3

  • Kids with Cancer Foundation — Cancer is awful in all cases but having kids of my own I hate seeing any child suffer. This has already been suggested so please delete mine as an option. Great OzBargain festive tradition.

    Merry Christmas to all

  • Thanks

  • Thank you.

  • Merry Christmas.

  • +10 well done team!!

  • Charity yay

  • $10 from me

  • +1

    ┈ ☆ MERRY ☆ ┈

  • Thanks for doing it again this year

  • Thanks for another great year!

  • It's great to see this again, thanks again and wish you guys Merry Xmas!

  • Thanks team for helping out a few charities at christmas :D

  • First time commenting on OzBargain after lurking for many years :D

  • Excellent work guys, great idea!

  • +1

    Title: Xmas Donation
    URL: https://www.ozbargain.com.au
    Coupon Code: OZB$10
    Start: 11/12/2018 Expiry: 18/12/2018
    Category: Other
    Description: Christmas Donation to a worthy cause. Don't forget to use your Xmas gift cards for an extra %5 Christmas spirit. And of course, use your cashback offer for another 2% Christmas cheer. Free shipping and $0 min spend
    Merry Christmas

  • Nice one!!

  • Happy to help with just writing that simple comment. Thanks for helping the others Ozbargain.

  • 10 more

  • Thanks Scotty!

  • Love this post of ozb

  • Great initiative OzB

  • Proud to be part of this community!

  • Great initiatve Scotty!

    Question for the community - does anyone know of any charities that are matching donations for XMas? In the past, I have seen some do this where generous supporters offer to match donations up to a certain amount and am thinking it might be good way to maximise donations. Plus if there are any i am interested in, i might as well donate part of my usual EOFY donation :)

    Only ones i've noticed so far are Opportunity Australia and CBM Australia

  • Great work once again Scotty.

  • Comment

  • $10

  • +10

  • Thanks Scotty!

  • Suggested Muslim Aid Australia

    Muslim Aid Australia


    These ppl do some good work and have been recently very active in providing support to farmers.


  • Thanks again for the donations, and an encouragement for everyone to be generous (that everyone can still donate outside OzBargain too!).

  • Thanks Scotty!

  • great stuff as always OzBargain!

  • Good job

  • Edited: Short Statured People of Australia

    The Short Statured People of Australia (SSPA) is a non-profit organisation that provides support and information for people with conditions of dwarfism, their families and other interested members of the community. The SSPA is made up of volunteers who aim to educate the community, provide peer and parent support, participate in programs that benefit the dwarfism community and promote the achievements of people with dwarfism. The SSPA actively supports the Children’s Hospitals, Bone Dysplasia Clinics and Genetic Support Networks throughout Australia.

  • Thank you!

  • Amazing Stuff OzB!

  • Thanks OzB

  • Suggested Red Cross

    Red Cross. Helping people for 155 years

  • Suggested Autism SA

    Autism SA - https://www.autismsa.org.au/make-a-donation

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the term used to describe a condition that affects development of an individual across their lifespan.
    Social communication, restricted interests and behaviours and sensory processing differences are the main areas of development affected.
    The term 'spectrum' is used to indicate that no two people with autism are the same. The differences depend on the combinations of social ability, communication level, cognitive ability (IQ), age, personality and many other factors.
    This is why it is important to ensure that support and intervention is individualised to get the best possible outcomes and get the most out of life.
    Each person on the spectrum is unique and has both strengths and difficulties. Helping someone with autism begins with acceptance, knowledge and understanding of autism and the individual.
    What causes ASD?
    The cause is unknown at present but it is generally accepted that it is caused by variations in brain structure or function. There is evidence to suggest that genetics plays an important role in the cause of ASD; it is likely to be multiple genes. Genes may create a “susceptibility” to developing ASD but researchers have not yet identified a single "trigger" that causes ASD to develop. There is no medical or genetic screening currently available.
    How common is ASD?
    ASD affects 1 in 100 individuals (Fernell and Gillberg, 2010) in Australia and more males than females. The male to female ratio is approximately 4:1 (Freitag, 2007; Abrahams and Geschwind, 2008)

    Great work OZB!

  • Nice one!

  • Suggested The Heart Foundation


    The Heart Foundation.

    Unfortunately many deaths still result front heart diseases, and the Heart Foundation works on trying to prevent them.

  • New to this site, but every time I have a look on here it just keeps getting better! Awesome work OzBargain crew.

  • Amazing work OzB!

  • Thank you

  • $10 more please - can I have a tax receipt?

  • Where does OzBargain get $25k+ ?

    • From ads. This pays for the staff and webpage. One of the advantages of being a member is the ability to turn off the ads in settings.

  • 💪🤠👌

  • Great initiative scotty.

  • Not sure if it's been suggested - Raise Foundation

  • +1
    Suggested Mercy Ships

    Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to deliver free healthcare and health worker training to developing countries. All staff on the ships are volunteers.


  • Great to see this community giving back at Xmas <3

  • Wow I'd never heard of Lighthouse Foundation… What a wonderful cause!

  • That'll be an extra $10 thanks Scotty

  • Thank you :)

    • You suggested Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) but is there a specific charity that you are thinking of?

      • Sorry, it was Red Nose.

  • I'd like to put forward the Animal Welfare League of QLD. They do great work and deserve all the help they can get. They've been registered for DGR since 2007 as per: http://www.abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View/75521498584

    Website: https://www.awlqld.com.au

    The OzBargain community and owner which just keeps on giving, thanks for bring a top bloke Scotty.

  • Awesome

  • Thankyou!

  • Merry Christmas Scotty and the team

  • Good job!

  • +$10

  • +1

    Here's an update — we now have 50 charities listed in the poll, and will not take any more suggestions. I know there are many other worthwhile charities to donate to — put them on your own list, or wait until our next Christmas charity donations in 2019.

  • +$10
    Thanks for another year fellow OzB!

  • Leukemia Foundation please.

    Great work OzBargain - Merry Christmas all!

  • Thank you ozb

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