What Do You Have for Breakfast?

If you pick up any health magazine, the discussions regarding Breakfast are extreme - from people criticizing cereals as being extremely unhealthy to people having a zero carb breakfast.

Sooo..what do you have for breakfast and why?

Let me start:

I have two Weetbix biscuits along with Milk, nuts (Pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, Almonds sliced, Goji Berries), Blueberries, bit of honey, youghurt and a seasonal fruit cut into pieces.

I have been told that Weetbix are full of Carbs and nuts are fat blah blah but I don't care.

Reason: For my metabolism, it seems to keep me almost full till lunch or I might have a protein snack in between if I have an early Breakfast.

Plus it's easy I don't have to cook anything.


          • @AlanHB: As a kid it used to be cereal on schooldays and eggs/cheese on weekend. Pretty much stopped around Uni due to laziness and therein continued.

      • I tried intermittent fasting and once I got over the misconception that you must have 3-5 meals/day, it was easy. I then decided to only eat when I was hungry and now if I eat breakfast I feel bloated

  • +1

    * 1 x Banana
    * 1 x Man-shake
    * supplements based on the needs of the moment.

    • Working ?

      • +2

        Surprisingly yes.

        It took me a while to find flavors that I liked (most are ok compared to other lines) to the point that I wouldn't be tempted to go for something less unpleasant, but I did get the results that I was hoping for.

        • suggestions on flavours?
          have you tried other brands, for example, I like vanilla and coffee from Aldi

          • @diddy50: I suspect that it comes down to personal taste, but the flavours that I have settled on are the coffee, vanilla, and to lesser degree chocolate. I'd avoid the caramel… it has the weirdest chemical taste which lingered and repeated for most of the morning.

            I haven't tried the Aldi line, but I've tried a few of the pharmacy big brand names that the missus was buying. Worked for neither of us.

  • Banana, protein shake and coffee during the week. On the weekends it'll be a protein smoothie or 5 eggs.

  • +1

    Tuna on rye toast 💪

  • +1

    4 eggs, 3 egg whites and only one full egg. A piece of sandwich bread with a bit of cheese and a cup of coffee.

    • What do you do with all your yolks? Custard and creme brulee for dinner?

      • -2

        Throw them away.

        • +1

          Hahaha. Love the neg votes! What are you supposed to do with your egg yolks? Put them in freezer bags and mail them to the less well fortunate?

          • +1

            @SnakeCasablanca: Just eat them? That's where all the nutrients are..

            • +1

              @elli0t: Depends of what you are looking for. I want to reduce fat and increase protein intake, that is why I'm more interested in Egg whites. One egg yolk daily is enough for me.

        • +1

          Starving bodybuilders on the Gold Coast could've eaten those!!

    • Suggest buying frozen egg white from the supermarket, cheaper & no waste!

  • -1

    i normally had awesome for breakfast but since its sunday, i'll just have success then

  • +1

    Coconut yoghurt, chia pudding, cashews, almonds and a bit of dark chocolate

  • +7

    Monster 500ml can

  • +2

    Kids leftover is my meals now. Cheap, small portion and mostly nutritious (we try not to give them unhealthy foods)… see how long before my wife notice I lost so much weight…

    • +1

      see how long before my wife notice I lost so much weight…

      Guess you need to leave the kids somewhere overnight and then the Mrs might see what shes getting hey?

  • +1
    • Two white toast and deep in full cream milk (with jam along side) bite after bite. Tea on the side.

    • fried egg cooked with tomato and served with naan.

  • A cup of water when I wake up and and a cup of coffee while driving to work during weekdays, early lunch or brunch on weekends around 11am. I am surprised so many people have time to eat breakfast!

    • In general I'd take less sleep over no breakfast; there's always time, it's just a trade off between what you miss out on :D

  • Protein shake and a coffee.

  • +1

    Mon-Sat:Prep night before :
    1/4 Cup rolled oats, 1 tbspn LSA, 1tbspn ground flaxseed, handful of frozen blueberries. Pour over boiling water. Cover with plate. 1.5 min in microwave in the morning, milk over the top, and a huge bowl of tea.
    dubday: toast, maybe with eggs, honey, tahini and tea.

    • Similar.

      Oats, flaxseed, wheat germ, frozen blueberries and soy milk. Also some veg stew, seasonal fruits and nuts. Usually fruit/veg smoothie for morning tea.

    • Instant noodle
    • Half boiled eggs with toast
    • Home-made muesli (no added sugar)
  • Liquid meal replacement
    Some form of Chocolate
    Last night's leftovers
    Sometimes I have a spoonful or 2 of whatever spread I have with that being Peanut Butter or Nutella, yum.

  • i boil an egg as soon as i wake up then do my morning routines…
    Chop up an avocado, add 2 slices of ham, put in a container and bring to work. Also the hard boiled egg.
    Get my coffee on my way to office. Once i get to office i will add the egg into my avo and eat at my desk…

  • Am i the only one that prefers a savoury breakfast?

    • +5

      Am i the only one that reads the replies above before commenting?

      • Sometimes what we consume is different to our preference due to time constraints, proximity to shops etc…..

  • +3

    My tears …

  • Oats

  • +1

    Home made buttermilk pancakes with blueberry compote for me and beer,bacon and maple syrup for the Mr when he behaves.

  • +1

    WW home brand muesli (basically rolled oats w/a few raisins), with added sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, mixed nuts, coconut flakes, fruit (generally banana) and almond milk (previously normal milk + unsweetened yoghurt, but recently discovered lactose intolerance has unfortunately canned that option, and almond "yoghurt" is… not yoghurt). Sometimes added fresh berries if they're hanging out in the fridge. Black coffee once I get to the office, plunger or from a cafe along the way.

    Two days a week I skip eating until dinner, so no breakfast those days.

  • Toasted ham and cheese sandwich with freshly cracked black pepper. Or tuna on toast.

  • how much time do you all give yourself between waking up and leaving for work?

    since I give myself about 40mins, its generally just a coffee and a bowl of cereal before I have to rush out.

    • +1

      Wake up
      5 more mins snooze
      15 mins bathroom & shower
      5 mins get dressed
      5 mins shoes, bag, keys etc
      Head out

      • The next question should be shower before bed or when you wake up?

        • Men shower when you wake up. Woman before bed.

          • +2

            @Hybroid: What if man was sweating all day during work? Wouldn't the bed be smelly or is that not unhygienic? I always take a shower before bed and I'm a guy.

            • @gezza90: Oh yea if it’s a particular hot day or been to gym and sweating all day then defo shower soon as home. Still shower in morning too though. Bed sheets should be changed every week or two max anyway for hygiene.

        • +2

          The next question should be shower before bed or when you wake up?


          I'm commenting from the bath right now!

    • About 15 mins usually, but then I ride to work and shower there.

      Breakfast is either skipped, or a couple of slices of Vegemite toast.

  • +1

    Anyone who tells you to cut out entire food groups isn't worth listening to. Your breakfast sounds fine. I usually eat some concoction of overnight oats with milk and yoghurt and nuts and stuff, a fruit/nut/protein smoothie, or a couple of eggs on toast with a piece of fruit.

    • And a bottle of red, white and bubbly sweetie darling?

    • -1

      Not true.
      Humans haven't really evolved to eat grains, we don't digest them well. Not to mention fructose is basically the same as straight sugar, which we all know it's horrible for you.

      If you like the taste, go for it. But it's not good for you…

  • +1

    Bacon and egg wrap with avo and onion, large cap extra shot.

  • Cereals is a general term and can vary widely in nutritional content. Carbs aren't really bad if the cereal is full of nutrients (eg fibre) and low in sugar such as oats, weetbix and bran. Highly processed cereals such as crispix and fruitloops have no nutrients and are ~1\3 sugar. I love crispix but they are more than your sugar RDI (World Health Organisation recommendation of 25 grams per day) in one bowl and hurt my teeth.

    Current brekky: protein pancakes: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 large banana, 1/2 cup of oats, tbsp flaxmeal. Can add protein powder if wanted. Strawberries on top

  • +1

    Whatever is cheap/free .

    Reason: Because I'm poor, plus (more importantly) love a bargain and a cost-saving .

    Trying to improve my nutrition. I'm sure I am lacking certain vitamins etc.
    I have noticed the acai bowls (free with credits on HeyYou app) when I have the acai bowl, I do feel very much more energized (both physically and mentally) therefore I hypothesize that the reason for this is I am most likely lacking something, which the acai bowl provided. Its usually got about 3-4 fruits, acai, some cereal, coconut

    • +4

      Porridge can never be beaten on a budget, its incredibly cheap and good for you

      • And the cheapest oats make the creamiest porridge.

  • I prepare my breakfast the night before. So I usually boil 2dozen eggs every 4 days and glad wrap my cereal.

    My breakfast:
    - 3 boiled eggs, only eat the whites and 1 yellow
    - cereal: 2x wheet bix, 2.5scoops quick oats, 1.5tblspn chia, blueberries, some strawberries all with almond milk
    - cup of 5g superfood power, 5g BCAA, 5g creatine
    - 1x multi vitamin tablet, 2x fish oil and 1x vitamin d

    Yes I have been eating this for breakfast for the past 4 years 95% of the time.

    • +1

      Hows them gains?

      • As always, never enough.

  • Vegemite toast & a mug of tea or a manshake

  • Nothing, unless I'm doing physical work or something, then I'd force myself to eat something. Never been a big breakfast person

  • A cup of coffee can't eat that early in the morning

    on the weekend I just have cereal and a coffee

  • +1

    Rice and curry.. (Sri Lankan heritage, can't be satisfied with anything less.😛) Well, for those who may not be aware, there are quite a few rice varieties with quite a few ways of cooking them. There are hundreds of curries with thousands ways of cooking them. That simple explanation is for those who wonder "aren't you fed up with eating same thing everyday". Lol

  • +6

    A ****ing VB, LONG NECK!!!!

    • +2

      Obviously a true blue Aussie

      • +1

        Get that up ya!!!

  • -1

    I can’t be bothered having breakfast. I usually start eating around “morning tea” at work and I tend to have an iced latte and a microwave meat pie.

  • +1


    One banana.
    One cup almond milk.
    Handful of raw almonds.
    Squirt of honey.


  • 1 cup egg whites (pure egg whites) with coconut water, spinach & a piece of fruit blended

    Oats with skim milk + Natural peanut butter mixed in

  • +3

    This post also shows why Australia has an obesity issue. Just look at the crap people eat to start their day

    • Ok, I Respect your opinion - can you enlighten us more on whats best to have then ?

    • This post also shows why Australia has an obesity issue.

      No, this shows what people eat for breakfast, which they have all day to burn off.
      The obesity crisis is most likely caused by sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy snacks between meals, high calorie (sugar) soft-drinks and nightly beer.

      • +1

        You're joking right? Jam, cereals, bread are all packed with sugar. These aren't actual meals. This is all junk food.

        If people are eating this to start their day imagine what they are eating during the day.

        As the saying goes abs aren't made at the gym, they are made in the kitchen. What you put in your mouth has a huge impact on your body.

        • You're joking right?

          Most of the time on Ozbargain, I am. Not in this case.

          Jam, cereals, bread are all packed with sugar.

          Yep, this is a fact. Let's stick with facts.

          These aren't actual meals.

          Breakfast is a meal. These things can be part of it.
          The bacon and eggs I eat are not meals either, the meal is breakfast.

          If people are eating this to start their day imagine what they are eating during the day.

          It's possible for people to eat this stuff in the morning, and then eat healthy food later in the day, and be at or below their calorie requirements.

          What you put in your mouth has a huge impact on your body.

          Absolutely. But the main issue with these foods is not what they contain; but rather, what they're lacking.
          I agree that these same calories could be made up of more nutrient dense foods, more fat (yes, it's 2019, we know fat is healthy now) and protein. But these factors are more likely to cause malnourishment rather than obesity. And again, this could be offset with consumption of nutrient dense foods throughout the day.

          As the saying goes abs aren't made at the gym

          Well to take this literally, I didn't have a visible six-pack until I started targeting my abs at the gym (Prior, I ate the same strict diet I'm on now, but only did compound lifting). Body fat percentage didn't change much, but abs are now defined.

          I know where you're coming from. People think they can eat whatever they like and then work it off, and this idea has been promoted by the food industry. While that's true, the laws of thermodynamics still apply.
          **Δ weight = calorie intake - calorie output **

          So I can't see that eating empty carbs for breakfast by it's self, causes obesity.


          The Japanese for example, have very nutrient-sparse food for breakfast:


          They have some of the lowest obesity rates in the world (but very hight type-2 diabetes).

          • @idonotknowwhy: To be fair and impartial you would be in the very small minority with no abs showing at low body fat.

            Otherwise your post makes sense.

            • @DaneD:

              To be fair and impartial you would be in the very small minority with no abs showing at low body fat.

              Yeah, I was in 2 minds about including that part since it's an anecdote.

  • +1

    One scoop WPI protein with light milk.

    Not a brekky person, i could go without eating anything at all. I have the shake cause it's quick and easy and gives me a good start to the day.

  • Usually rice with the Korean version of miso soup. Its rather difficult to spell it out in English..
    + Side dishes, but then when Im lazy cereal is the way to go :)

  • +5

    My wife

  • Nothing

  • +1

    Two glasses of alkalised water with apple cider vinegar, then a smoothie of blended alkalised water, organic spirulina, activated almonds, maca, blueberries, stevia, coconut kefr and two organic, free-range eggs.

    Just kidding.

    I usually grab English breakfast tea or instant coffee (with lactose free milk) right after I wake up, and if there's bread or banana / apples left in my pantry I'll eat those.

    If it's a burning hot day, either ice coffee or a iced matcha latte.

    Too lazy to prepare breakfast so half the time a protein bar will fill me and I eat it while I work.

  • Breakfast of champions
    Cigarette and coffee followed by Cigarette and coffee
    Then off to work
    Smoko is where the food is at

    • and a couple of bongs in between

  • Nasi lemak & teh tarik!

    • roti telur bawang and teh o for me ;)

  • +1


  • +2

    A fried egg or omelette with spinach. Quickest to prepare in the morning before work.
    Nutrigrain at my desk once I arrive at work. No milk.

    I used to take a fried egg in a plastic bag to work in my backpack. It was hot so i often put it in a hidden compartment inside, separate from other items. Forgot about it one time for over a week, and noticed a wierd smell from my bag. I got confused about the smell and only after checking all the compartments did I find the egg I left and nearly threw up trying to dispose of it.

  • +1

    Practicing intermittent fasting for an year now. So I skip breakfast go straight to lunch at 12.

    • Hows that working for you? Are you doing 8/16?

      • I started it when I cancelled my gym membership ( I used to hit atleast 4 times a week).

        I eat heavy lunch & dinner between 12 noon & 8pm. However, I haven’t put any wait thus far. My metabolism is very low so I used to gain weight quickly. Other than that I don’t feel any difference.

    • Technically, you're having breakfast (break-fast) at 12.

  • Nothing, trying to lose weight.

    Maybe a black coffee

  • 6 wheetbix with full cream milk and nuts
    10 eggs - 3 yellows rest whites

  • +3

    Slab of beef.

  • +2

    Fried rice + Taiwanese braised pork

  • Paying retail price

  • left over pizza

  • +1


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