Survival Tip for a Month without Money and No Food

Hello Mates,

I just want to get some suggestions regarding my situation.
So the thing is i want to survive for a month without money and no food (only 2ltr milk and 3 small biscuit packs). Please give me genuine tips to spend a month without money.

PS: I understand some people might make joke of my situation by commenting rubbish.

Update: Thankyou people, i appreciate that some people gave really polite and good advice. Thank you again. In conclusion i have decided to buy rice & potatoes and probably some carrots to somehow survive a month. To be honest i do not have much friends here (asked for some money from 2 friends, got rejected already), so thought asking advice here regarding what to eat and buy, thanks people i love you.

Update 2 (7/4/19): Buyed 1 kg rice + frozen vegetable mix (peas/carrot/sweetcorn), let's see how many days it last. Again there were many helping hands today as well which touched my heart, but i rejected taking help.

Update 3 (9/4/19): Everything is going ok, following each person's advice per day. Till now followed some great advice and can able to afford 1 good meal per day. Not taking help (money/gc) from anyone yet because i am still able to satisfy my hunger. If my will power breaks then only i will take help. The motto for this post was not to steal other peoples money by creating false/fake situation, i just created this post because i felt i can divert my mind from negative thoughts to something meaningful. Hope people will understand me.

Update xx: Probably.



                • @Ughhh: …well that's how it is in starbound…..once it hits that time, it's instantly turned into rotten food………and you got nothing to do with it except drop or trash it……

  • +2

    Fruits in the bush are free to pick and eat. The ground is free to sleep on. The oxygen from plants is free to breathe. The darkness of night is free to look at. The silence of the outback is free to listen to. Native girls don't cost a dime to pickup. And the rain will give you a free shower.

    You can survive in this world forever on nothing. It's only luxuries that cost money…

    • +5

      And do you live by this philosophy?

      • +12

        They clearly don't, as technology is not free

    • +2

      Lol I gave you an up vote for the 5 seconds of inspiration but we all know we live in a different world then that of 5000 years ago lol

      • Actually all those things represent the future not the past. Darkness is in front of us not behind us…

    • Native Fruit is also seasonal and regional, so there might not be anything to gather for the month OP needs it.

      • I live in a warm environment, near native wooded areas, and I'd be hard pressed to find anything around which provided more nutrients than it took to harvest (except, perhaps, a kangaroo).

    • Some of us require medical care though. I sure hope OP is in good health.

  • +44

    Check out the salvation army for financial and food assistance in your local area:…

    Most people will fall on hard times and there's no shame asking for help.

    Emergency Relief (Bills, Food & Utilities)

    If you're struggling to make ends meet, The Salvation Army's may be able to provide practical assistance. Please contact the where you willl talk to a friendly and trained telephone support worker who will assess your situation and refer you to a local 'Salvos Connect' site to receive assistance. Please note that your circumstances will be assessed with regards to your needs and available resources.

    Most people only need to access emergency relief once to help them with an unexpected situation that has caused financial stress. Others may require addtional support over a period of time to move forward. Our team are also able to refer you to other services if they are relevent to your circumstances.

    To speak to a person from the Salvos Assessment Line, pleace call 1300 371 288 between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm on Mondays - Fridays.

  • +23

    Is there nothing you can sell? What about the device you’re using to write and respond to this thread?

    • +2

      no food or Iphone XS MAX hm…………………… not sure tbh

      • +1

        It is a gorgeous phone though, so fair enough.

    • Now if i think of it i have $10 gift card from ebay too :o
      Any place where i can sell that ebay gift card and get instant money :\

      • +2

        Why not used the ebay gift card to buy something to eat?

        • Yo, please tell me how, do i have to order from ebay and wait for 5 days to deliver or i can use it in coles/ww ?

          • +4

            @Freeza: Coles are on Ebay aren't they? Click and collect. Check weekly catalogues for 1/2 price deals at Coles / Woolworths / IGA. I'd get 10KG rice (on 1/2 price sale if possible) for a staple, then the cheapest peas, carrots and corn you can find (if you have access to freezer). Stir fry for month until you can work out what else to supplement your diet with.

            Anglicare, Salvos, St Vinnies and other organisations may have like a call-in kitchen you can take advantage of if possible (depending on location).

  • +9

    Find a local soup kitchen. Salvos, st. Vinnies etc

    • +2

      Yep. Absolutely no shame in using it when required. Sometimes the needy is you.

  • +9

    Have a look for your nearest available charity food options, like city food shelters, homeless shelters; have a look at the Salvos as fossilfuel has suggested. Please don’t let yourself go hungry if there are alternatives around.

    Research this now so that you are not looking for food options when things are tough.

    • +9

      Ozharvest and second bite work with local neighbourhood centres etc to provide food to people who need it. Their websites show local centres.

  • +8

    Let me tell you about the uni special………

    5 meals for $2.75….. or cheaper at your local asian supermarket

    • +1

      Its still $6.50 per kg in weight cost.

      If you bought Woolworths Pasta Spirals 500g

      Low price always
      $ 1 00
      $0.20 / 100G

      Thats $2 in weight costs.

      • True…. but is eating bland pasta worth it?

        The uni special meal at least has some flavour with it :)

        • Condiments are cheap too. But man those are some cheap meals.

  • +3

    You can water fast for a month

    • +1

      Yes i think it's possible, but i tried it for 6 days and it's not working for me anymore. Maybe i don't have habit of fasting since childhood that's why.

    • +8

      Technically, you can water fast for the rest of your life

    • If you have any health issues intermittent fasting with 1 meal a day would be a much better way to go.. That's what i do as a normal way of life and only eat 3 meals a day on the weekends.

  • +20

    I posted a helpful comment, but I also feel a little frustrated that international students are in this situation.
    It isn’t a good outcome to be in another country where you have a limited support network and no financial resources - both because it is unpleasant and dangerous for you, and places extra stress on the local community support who already are running very lean.

    • -4

      That's a shame, there really should be more support for international students.

      • +10

        Studying internationaly is a luxury. As harsh as it may sound, you shouldn't travel to another country, whether it be for holiday or study, unless you have your funds together. In addition, the Australian education industry is essentially a business, here to make money off internationals.

        • +7

          The Australian Government knows this and actually forces you to have a certain amount of funds in your bank account to prove you can support yourself.

          The problem is the average international student not coming from a rich country will simply use loans to pretend like they have enough money, and then they will give the money back once they come to Australia.

  • +1

    Walk around supermarkets and scab free samples, ie brumbies/butchers

    I have no shame doing this , I have a little routine in my local shopping center

    Loaf of bread and rice

  • +8

    Your uni will have resources. Both the actual uni, and the student union will have aid for this situation.

    e.g. UoM has
    and UMSU

    Even if just hang around campus a lot you can hunt down free food pretty often.

    As you are religious your place of worship probably has support programs as well?

    • -1

      I hit my uni up for some Coles gift cards more than a few times.

    • thats not a great deal, 55 cents per pack, it has to be under 50 to be ozbargainable (asian shops are often at 50 per pack in places like glenferrie or box hill)

      all i can advise is dont buy something weird because you are hungry and it seems like a good idea, i did a month on 700g of rice and curry paste/ketchup as a student over ten years later i still dont like curries (maybe some japanese ones are ok).

      As hungry as i was I dont think i could have resorted to dumpster diving

  • Isn't there a vegan restaurant in Sydney where you can pay whatever you want (even $0.00) and is all-you-can-eat?
    I don't know the details, just heard one of the coworkers talking something about it.

    • He needs free rides from Malben to Sydney and back too

      • +5

        Malben. Just wow.

    • +9

      $0 sounds about right for vegan food.

    • Pretty sure it closed down to no one actually paying.

      Lentil as anything.

  • +1

    my local anytime fitness occasionally has free fruit.
    If you have a spare kid, take them to woolies for fruit
    "Try grapes" before deciding they are no good
    Hungry Jacks shake and win chips for free
    Depending on your profession, free catering with presentations / conferences

    Or just ask a friend for $50-100 which should last you a month.

  • +1

    Sign up for a zip pay account and buy Wish gift cards to do grocery shopping at Woolworth's with, then pay off your zip account when you get paid later. Or just pay the minimum $40 repayment until you can afford to pay it off, but don't leave it too long the $6 a month fee for having a balance on your account eventually adds up. If you've got a job that will pay you money in a few months time then a $6 a month fee isn't much. Even better would be to get an actual credit card, but some people can't help themselves. At least zip pay has a $1,000 limit, pretty low risk credit amount for anyone.

    • +2

      Noooo. Taking on debt like this is an awful idea.

      • +12

        You'd rather eat on $5 per week on food just to avoid a $6 a month fee? What if he feels weak and cranky after two weeks of that and it affects his ability to work, even losing a single shift because you've been starving yourself would make the $6 fee seem trivial. Invest in yourself and eat real food, $6 fee be damned.

        There's people here suggesting he shakes down his friends regularly over the next month for food money. I value my social networks way more than saving a $6 fee, I'd bother people for money only if I really needed it, if I have a perfectly good line of credit already why not use my credit card and pay it back next month, and if should unexpectedly lose my job or something then I'd think about begging my friends for a line of credit. Social networks are more important.

        • +4

          If he has unreliable cash flow that could exceed a month, any sort of debt like this has potential to escalate, credit card or zip pay. It’s terrible advice. Just cause sponging off mates is bad advice doesn’t make yours good.

          • +2

            @readeral: Completely agree that these sort of schemes are a bad idea, there are alternatives available.

          • @readeral: If his income is just $5 per week, like maybe he’s an illegal alien ineligible for work or the dole, then he should go to a homeless shelter. If not then he should get credit and eat. If this kind of credit is so reliable that EB games offers it to 18 year olds to buy xboxes with confidence they can pay it off even on the dole, then OP can get some food with it too. It’s a tiny amount of credit that you can spend on food vouchers, it’s not a deal with the devil to sell your souls for a loan you can never pay back.

            And if he spends it all on food the worst outcome is he gets a bit fat and pays the equivalent of single digit interest for a month or two.

      • Better than starving for an entire month? He's getting paid next month.

        • +1

          It's not like opening a line of credit is his only option, and it's the worst option. We don't know how much he's getting paid next month, nor do we know if he'll get paid the following month. What other emergency expenses might come up that immediately eat up all of his available cash - but then with a line of credit he makes a poor (easy) decision rather than making a hard decision to find a more stable means of living…

          Credit cards are only a good product for those with good cash flow and an income in excess of what they consume. For every one else, they're significantly problematic. Statistics on Australian debt ought to scare anyone away from credit.

  • +5

    I believe it's standard practice for international students to tie themselves up with packing tape and send a ransom demand back to their parents.

  • +29

    Pull your finger out and go door knocking for odd jobs - cleaning, mowing lawns, weeding etc. I am assuming you haven't done this because you haven't mentioned it. A couple of hours honest work and you'll have easy double your starting money.

    • +1

      Damn good advice.

    • -3

      I was going to offer that advice but I reckon it’ll be more detrimental to his development in life
      People need to work things out

      Better advice would be to stop wasting money on studying since it seems it’s a waste judging by the question this person has posted

    • As opposed to dishonest work, what would that working for Harvey Norman or a large corporation that takes in unskilled workers like McDonalds?

    • Yep you can even do science lab experiments at uni of melb or other unis.

      Maybe go to your local restaurants and ask if you can help out in cleaning for left overs during the night.

    • +2

      Does this actually work nowadays? A random guy with no ABN, insurance, or tools, just shows up asking for cash work and people will pay for it? I feel like a lot of people would be worried that he's a thief.

      • +3

        Not too sure it'd work now. Also not sure if the original advice is coming from a Boomer gen person or later? This ain't the 1970-80's Australia anymore.

      • Yeah pretty much wont work nowadays. People are incredibly wary of enlisting the services of some rando off the street.

      • As opposed to sitting on one's arse and not even trying? One cash in hand job for someone who needs some help and the OP would have easily doubled their money. Worth a try.

    • Exactly! Grab an empty bottle, put some handwash in it from a local public toilet, buy a sponge and wash peoples windows at the traffic lights! Easy $20-30 in an hour or so.

      Sell any valuable possessions that are not necessary on facebook market place, even selling a book or any unused item of furniture.

      Sub rent your accommodation, even for just 1 night. If thats not possible, literally go out and spend a night in a safe part of the city while you airbnb/rent your accommodation out for the night.

      Write a sign saying, "Need a few dollars for food, please help" and beg your way to a few extra $$

      Go to Vinnes, Salvos - they will help you out.

      Use your brains and offer to help other students in your class to study/homework/assignments for a few $$

      In other words, do anything you need to to get some money now to survive, so that you can plan better what to do when you have more money next month. How did you get into this situation? Obviously you dont work so look for a part time job, work weekends, even 1 night a week at a pizza shop will get you enough money to survive for the month.

      Basically, What are you doing to change your situation?

  • +4… not sure where you are but just type in your council and low cost food directory. Most councils have these guides really good resources. Just remember to give back when you can afford it.

  • Dumpster dive behind supermarkets after they close.

  • +5

    only 2ltr milk

    How do you plan on keeping this fresh for the month?

  • +7

    Some things to consider:

    • Do you look like a kid? If so, go to Woolworths, Harris Farm etc. and get free fruits.
    • Go to food courts and grab left over foods before they are cleaned up.
    • Insects can provide a lot of lean proteins.
  • +2

    Sorry for you if its true, you can wait outside of the KFC or McDonald during lunch time and dinner time and ask the people go there if they can spare a drink, some rolls, or some chips.

    You be surprised on how generous many people are, I once give a homeless guy 1 splashy, 1 big chips from my own meal. Then another guy got him a burger and another lady got him a roll.

    He asked nicely, didn't ask for any money, just some food. And people are more than happy to help him.

  • +2

    Work while you are not incapacitated:

    • try a few shops for lighter works; if not successful:
    • walk into industrial warehouses and ask for labour jobs
    • apply online to lots of labour exchange companies where they place you onto unskilled jobs (unskilled: greater chance of getting job)
    • Can I ask why is it greater chance to get a job when its unskilled?

      • Skill matching is more complex than simple labour work. That your of work is also less popular because of less salary

  • commenting rubbish : Scavenging has its own risks.

  • +8

    If all else fails, you can easily make $20 in a few hours by collecting 200 empty plastic bottles/cans and returning to recycling stations

    • +2

      OP is from vic. No chance.

  • +1

    If you expect some money will come in after the month, don't be discouraged from asking a friend for a small loan to tie over. You must have some friends, housemates etc, who will be willing to lend you.

    I was in this predicament once too during uni days. No money until Uni payday (was doing part-time tutoring). Was deliberating if I should ask a friend for a small loan. In the end, I did, promising to pay back on the next payday. Turned out to be a non-issue.

    If you want to eat reasonably on the cheap, consider pasta. One pack can provide 4 meals and costs $1. Try to find the cheapest vegetables (e.g., kale and onions).

    All the best to you.

  • +1, 'upto 5000$ in 60 minutes'

    • Do you have to pay an establishment fee?

      • +2

        Get payday loan to pay fee.

  • +4

    If you can afford to be an international student, you can definitely afford food. Considering how much you pay tuition

    • +7

      I can definitely afford food, i am not begging anyone either for money or free food without self efforts. I am earning well enough to survive, i asked advice for a month ONLY not for lifetime because i will get my income after a month due to some issue and my current account balance is sick. Some people thinking me like i am lazy jobless idiot person who do not want to earn to buy food. -_-

      • +5

        Have you considered asking for that money to be provided ahead of the payment date? Reasonable employees would provide one pay cheque credit if the situation was dire.

        If your income isn't through a job and is instead through, say, a family member, it's probably best to suck up your pride and acknowledge you've got yourself in a bad situation and ask for help.

      • +3

        People aren't thinking that you are lazy jobless person.

  • +19

    Go to…

    Look up "AGM". You can attend one without being a shareholder. They'll usually have free pastries afterwards, usually more than enough for everyone. The good ones may also have free sandwiches. You'll meet a lot of retirees attending for the freebies too.

    As someone mentioned earlier, in food courts there're people on diets or in a hurry who often leave stuff behind.

    • I was going to say something similar. Put on a suit, gatecrash a corporate event and dig into the food on offer.

      • This crossed my mind, but not easy to find one and they usually require name badges (if you're dying of hunger, you'd grab any Tom's, Dick's or Harry's). Easiest way to find one is in hotel seminar rooms.

    • Some meetup events, particularly job networking or corporate stuff, can also have a similar setup with free food.

  • +2

    Human can survive just by drinking water for more than a month.
    A lot of foods are thrown away everyday everywhere. Maybe you can find a way to find and get them?

  • +13

    Mate ,come to any Sikh temple, rest assured food won’t be an issue.

    • Was going to say the same. Go to Sikhi temple and get food without questions or ask at the local mosque and you may get help via food or money. All the best.

  • -8

    The stupidity is real with this

    You don't eat meat and would rather starve

    Invest that 20 dollars into transport to the nearest mental institution. You need help

    • +4

      Sorry but I find the irony strong in your comment …

  • -5

    Offer to do the dish washing at a restaurant for free. Eat all the leftover foods as the bowls and plates come to you.

  • Actually you can try walk into a dominos and see if there are pizzas left over and if you are an international student may be ask your uni for some help. Depending on your bank, you might be able to over-withdrown money from your bankaccount. Yes the interest will be very high, but for a month it will not be that difficult to swallow afterwards.

  • +3

    Buy 1 box of indomie goreng and have that for 1 month only cost you $10

    And buy $2 vegetable in chinese groceries for the noodles 😁

  • +4


    Coles White bread $1.25
    Coles Regular Spread $1.40
    Income Mi Goreng (~$12)
    Bag of Carrots ($2.20)

    • Do what my 3 year old does ~

      Runs into coles - starts eating a grape from each bag…..

  • +2

    Buy sweet potatoes, you can live off them.

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