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Free Quarter Pounder on National Burger Day (28/5) @ McDonald's via App


Maccas is really stepping up their game for free burgers. Last year it was Big Macs, now get ready for Quarter Pounders!

Only available for a day on 28th of May 2019 via the app under "My Rewards" section.

  • Limited to 250,000 burgers

This offer is now fully redeemed. You will receive a new replacement offer in your rewards (most likely French Fries for $1) that expires today

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closed Comments

  • Can swap the beef with chicken?

    • did you know that ms Khalil used to work at Maccas ?

      • wha???

  • +3

    Yeh I went and got my free burger.
    Funny thing was, it’s been a while, and the size of the QP now entices me none whatsoever to go back and buy a second.

    • +1

      The price today was just about right.

  • Just got one at Macca's Chatswood. App wouldn't load this morning, then kept showing no deals, then kept logging me out. Then it finally showed up and I used the barcode to scan at the kiosk. Really quick, got my quarter pounder in less than 2 mins even though there were heaps of people around. Keep trying guys!!

  • +1

    Absolute mayhem at McDonald's over the lunch period.

    • +1

      That's why I went at breakfast :)

    • The effort just to save a few dollar 😃😄

  • 1:15pm still just ordered one. still going.

  • Went and ordered at Bankstown Central Shopping Centre and I saw people just showing the free quarter pounder from there phone and staff just registering into the cashier machine.

  • Keep in mind that this offer is not available in all areas. I tried in Scoresby, VIC and it came up as not available in this area.

    All your phones are belong to McDonalds now.. I reckon the app will be trending heavily..

  • Lol chaos at George street. They aren't even calling out numbers. Just handing out burgers as quick as they can make it to the huge mob of people. Pretty bad.

  • Just had one at Milperra, it was lukewarm and the cheese wasn't melted lol. Still tasty but so much for their new fresh and hot range. There were only 2-3 cars in the drive through though.

  • +2

    free burger is free….but thanks for reminding me how nasty are the burgers from maccas :P

  • got mine WOOHOO

  • 55 orders before me at Maccas broadway

    • +5

      Go home bud

  • Thanks, ordered mine and just finished it!

    Other than a big chunk of raw onion I didnt really notice much difference. The ordering experience and cost are worth a + though

  • Boom.

    Local maccas is going off.

  • so many ppl literally order just the free quarter pounder and have it for lunch. is that gonna fill you up? at least top it up with some fries!

    • Less cholesterol less chance of heart attack and blood clots

    • +1

      shit food, as if pay for it.

  • +3

    It was chaos in Melbourne Bourke St at lunch hour. So many people tried to grab my order and I got smacked by a hungry customer's mobile shoved in my face!

    BUT it was worth it LOL! Came out with the burger and another meal with all limbs intact. Next time I'll wear a helmet!

  • +1

    I think my meat was moist. A little too moist.

    • But was it hawt?

      • I like it "hotter& juicier"…. That's what he said

  • Just picked up my freebie at Stanmore. Ordered through the app as I was walking to the store and my number got called a couple of minutes after I arrived.

    • +1

      Yep, Stanmore not getting smashed too hard.

      Except by me, I'm on my third.

      Depression is a serious disease.

  • +1

    Barely a queue at the Midland branch in Perth..

  • Got mine from Elsternwick at 3pm. Next to no que in the drive through. Didn't work in the app (said not valid at this restaurant) but they scanned it at the window just fine.

    Was expecting a hastily made slop burger, but was actually very good.

  • just nabbed one 3.32pm

  • +1

    Tuart Hill, WA just put signs up to say the limit has been reached.

    • +2


      edit: can anyone confirm?

      • -3

        It's seperated by store. So unless you're going to that specific branch, give it a crack.

        • +1

          I thought the 250k limit was national?

        • Ok I misinterpreted the store reps comments about not being split equally between all stores. I have macfailed you my beloved community.

      • Was working at an another store 10 minutes ago…but that could be it.

      • +1

        Check your Rewards - no longer there, replaced by $1 large fries for me.

    • +1

      They probably just ran out of patties at that store.

  • +4

    Free QP replaced by $1 large fries (today only) in my Rewards😢

    • Whew, managed to grab both at the same Maccas! I thought I was getting "rewarded" again so I though why not.

    • yes for me too :/

  • Too slow damn

  • +4

    poor WA people… they get done by in any limited national deals cause people over the east are 2-3 hours ahead

    • +1

      Nah, we just ordered via the app, at 5am, and picked up later in the day :-). While WA stands for Wait Awhile, we still get our goodies. We just have to be more strategic…

      • Cool. I've still got one ready for pick up then.

  • Got one about 4 pm at central station maccas

  • Ohh. I didn't know it was "$1 Large Fries Day" as well.

    Guess they need to accommodate all creeds and belief systems, regardless of how alien these practices may appear to the rest of us.

    There's enough hours in a day to celebrate everything.

    • +1

      As far as I understand this fries offer is to replace the free QP for the rest of the day cause they finished the 250,000 QP

  • No quarter pounder in my deals stuff macaas going to hungry hacks.

  • -5

    Bugger. Lucky I got two earlier….lunch
    Was going for two later….dinner

  • +1

    So glad I got mine this morning. There's no way I'd bother going at lunchtime with the crowds just to save $6.

    • Even worse if you planned for dinner

    • That's why I went at 10:20 am…. No crowds, No waiting time just a free quick QP

  • +2

    Not even free fries as a replacement….

    • It's international burger day; maybe wait for international chips day?

  • +4

    Noooooo. Was planning to have it for dinner. Oh well.

    • Same, local store was sold out "ages ago" apparently…

  • +2

    I got the 'We've run out of QPs, sorry' from the cashier. Not to be defeated by a multinational I went outside, ordered my freebie from the app and picked it up a couple of minutes later.

    I win this round!*

    *My cholesterol may disagree.

  • That was quick they had finished giving this out this year!

    Last year, they had given out 300,000 free Big Macs.
    This year 250,000 free quarter pounders.
    Hopefully next year wont be 200,000 free hamburgers!

  • +3

    No more at 6pm when I tried to order via app. Sad times.

  • Hmm I got the codes out of my app before they went offline I wonder if they will still work?

    • Same. Standing by

      • +3

        I had the code screen shotted. Still wouldnt accept.

        Pretty pi$$ poor by mcdonalds. You would have thought saving the code would have been one of the 250k burgers to be used when you see fit throughout the day.

        • Seems out of luck then…

        • Did you try entering the code in the self service kiosk?

        • +2

          Update: just went into a different maccas for the hell of it on way home. ..and they accepted it without blinking. Bit random

          • -2

            @Bullion78: So it depends which one heard that every store is limited stick

    • +2

      Edit: Added words "4-digit pick-up"

      Once you’ve got an order and your 4-digit pick-up code, you’re set :-)

    • Confirmed. Placed order at about 11am this morning. Just picked up now, 1055pm.

      Have to go through all the way to checkout and checkout. Then it doesn't matter when you pick it up, as lomg as it's before midnight.

  • -1

    I’m am pissed off wtf, I have screen shot and was rejected the code should give you guarantee it’s 250k vouchers

    • +5

      the codes change so there's no point taking a screenshot

  • -4

    Doubt they even sold 250k they just pulled the plug some reason. I actually went at 3pm sharp but after showing the girl my phone my phone died it was one 1% then just now when I tried it this happens, my god.

    • 278,882 to be exact; don't ask me how.

      • Get out!

  • No crowds in Darwin, easy pickings :)

    • -3

      Yeah I know Dodgy, maccas and their shady practices, amazed they get away with it.

    • +2

      they did it properly…
      they said limited to 250k and they gave away more than 250k!!

      It's not their problem that you guys went late?

      • -4

        Highly doubt it even went to those numbers, they would post any numbers and only a fool would believe. It’s called marketing absurd numbers which are not honest numbers.

      • +3

        No, that not the issue most people are complaining about fairly. I went at lunchtime to two local McDs. Wasted my time as they said the limit was reached. Complete bs as others were still getting them hours later from other stores and posting on the McD Facebook page into the later arvo. The vouchers were still in the app and McD were misleading people on FB and selectively not responding. ie, ignoring questions from people asking if the limit was reached including my own, but responding to others with positive statements.

        If there was a limit per store that's very different from an overall limit drawn down on (with no indication of number left).
        McD could have pulled the voucher if the total was reached (they didn't till much later in the day) and nothing was post on social media to the same effect or to clarify.

        It seemed more of a 7-Eleven promo where your luck varied depending on the dodginess of the store manager.

        • +1

          Don’t forget it’s up to the managers discretion, offer is up to individuals shop owners as it is franchised. Manager could do as little or as much as they like, it is dodgy indeed, nothing can be done regardless. Instead of wasting everybody’s time they should have posted each stir quantity and

  • -5

    I went to 5 mc Donald’s and all rejected jez., they need to compensate the genuine people with the codes.

  • +1

    Can someone please think of the Cows

    • -1

      Dang where are the extra negs when you need them :(

  • +1

    It was the cheapest and worst QP I had - small part of bun was wet, the whole box was smudged with blackish hotplate grease.

    Worth it. No tongue-in-cheek complaining here. It was free, they day was busy. .

  • "It's back on!".

    …were the three words I kept coming back to this forum for. But it never happened :(

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