This was posted 5 years 3 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free #StartAdani T-Shirt and Stickers @ Adani Facts


I love coal almost as much as I love bargains.

Get your FREE Adani Supporter pack today!

Email [email protected] to request an Adani Supporter pack, including T-shirt and stickers.

Mod: A free T-shirt is a valid deal (as were the Free Stop Adani Sticker Packs). As always, negative voters are also free to express their opinion against the deal, as long as a reason/explanation is given. See guidelines, writing 'agree' is not valid. Debate is fine, but name calling, trolling or inflammatory comments will be punished. Thank you.

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closed Comments

  • -2

    I'm a Queenslander. You're welcome Australia!

    • +1

      Thank you. You've made the country proud.

    • +2

      The only thing good about Queensland is the Barrier Reef. And considering that could be gone fairly soon, then there will be nothing going for Queensland. Can you guys secede from the Union or something so the rest of the country can progress without you holding us back?

      • Can you guys secede from the Union or something so the rest of the country can progress without you holding us back?

        From your perspective, the current Queensland female Labor premier and the state's majority yes vote for SSM held the country back?

        The only thing good about Queensland is the Barrier Reef. And considering that could be gone fairly soon

        What year please? I'll put it on my calendar so I can check back with you on OzBargain.

        As always, you guys don't lose well.

        • +1

          The sad part is, you've already lost and you don't know it. Climate Change will bring storm surges and hurricanes to Queensland with greater regularity and intensity. By 2050 winters will disappear from Australia. The Queensland summer will bring on scorching 50 degree days. Smart people will see the writing on the wall. I anticipate an exodus out of QLD. The people that remain will thin out IQ levels to double digits.

          • +1

            @knackers: 2050? You're a bit smarter than the average climate change doomsayer, make the date so far off to avoid facing the inevitable ridicule. If only Al Gore, Prince Charles, AOC, and countless other believers were so cagey.

            • +1

              @rokufan: The winter calculation was done by climate scientists at ANU. Storm surges/hurricanes are already increasing in regularity and intensity. Let me guess, there's a global conspiracy by scientists to mislead the world. Fossil fuel companies have no reason to muddy the waters.. I hope you're not so gullible out in the real world.

              • @knackers: In Australia, according to the Bureau of Meteorology data rainfall has increased and drought and cyclone frequency has fallen.

                Let me guess, there's a global conspiracy by scientists to mislead the world. Fossil fuel companies have no reason to muddy the waters.

                Don't need conspiracies to explain a certain mindset that is prone to embrace end of the world scares, history is littered with such examples. And green rent-seekers don't have reasons to exaggerate?

                I hope you're not so gullible out in the real world.

                Mate, I'm so sharp, I cut when touched. BTW, answer your ringing phone, Greenpeace wants your credit card details for monthly donations.

                • @rokufan: Yeah because scientists are so well known for their end times predictions… Let's ignore the trillion dollar fossil fuel industry and let's focus on some silly idea that academics are profiteering from spreading a lie. People that stumble at long division should temper their "opinions".

                  • @knackers: Well some have decided to beclown themselves. The hangers-on are the worst and more common though, politicians, activists, media, celebrities, etc.

                    FIFY. Let's ignore the trillion dollar green rent-seekers industry and that some academics are profiteering and expected to fall inline with group think. See the recent Professor Peter Ridd's legal win against James Cook University.

                    People who call others gullible should expect return fire (metaphorical, of course).

                    • @rokufan: "People who call others gullible should expect return fire "

                      You're not just gullible, you peddle in conspiratorial nonsense. If you have evidence that counters the claims made by climate scientists then present it and go collect your nobel prize.

                      • @knackers: Tell me exactly what conspiracy I have peddled?

                        In regards to evidence, I gave you evidence from BOM, which I note you ignored.

                        Speaking of the credibility of Nobel prizes, Al Gore got one. Hahaha

                        Insults are not an argument.

                        • @rokufan: Aung San Suu Kyi got a Nobel. The monetary prize funded genocide.

  • +3

    More to lose than to gain. So far from a bargain. Killing the planet for a free t-shirt isn't a very good deal

  • +3

    I prefer to breath clean air. Keep your T-shirt.

  • +4


  • +3

    No deal!

  • I will also get a stop adani shirt if there ever was one

  • +6

    As stated above not a real deal as free product but expensive long term, regardless of politics and whether or not you like the barrier reef.

    • +1

      Wearing shirts are expensive in Long run?

  • +6

    This is just wrong

  • +2

    My neg on this post was revoked….

    • Good

    • Good

    • that's what happens when your opinion is different from admins and mods . normally it happens to me, surprised it hasnt yet

  • +2

    Where does everyone think the raw materials to build their houses, cars, and other gizmos come from?

    • +5

      We've done more than enough damage already. The point is the current approach cannot go on; thus, the notion of 'sustainability'.

      • That's how Jonestown started…

    • +2


    • -1

      I'll take mining for 200 Alex.

    • +1

      Don't conflate dirty coal with other commodities. Natural gas is a cleaner and more efficient alternative and we have a near abundant supply.

  • +5

    This is my first Neg vote on OzBargain.. And I have to make some comment to neg it. So, coal is a very dirty future aye.

    • +1

      So, coal is a very dirty future aye.

      The current generation of coal power stations are actually quite clean. We need them to help charge up all the new electric cars Bill Shorten said we must have… Unless of course, we got nuclear !!!

      • Or we could focus more attention on solar. Also, I live in a hydro powered state. So solar seems like a more natural progression.

        • Or we could focus more attention on solar.

          Need a baseload for electricity. Solar can't deliver that…

          Also, solar stops working when there are clouds and at night, when the electricity usage peaks.

  • +3

    Tempted to apply for a Adani job. Happy not to if someone else wants to offer me a 6 figure salary.

    • +6

      good luck… according to their website 18,600 people have applied for 1500 jobs (most of which will be filled by Indians). Adani will have its own dock and shipping vessels.. so ferrying undocumented workers from India to Australia will be super easy. #StoptheAdaniboats

      • +2

        Australian Indians?

        • American Indians…

          • @jv: lol… so Adani will be smuggling in their Indian workforce in secrecy on their ships now??

            • @Lichen6420:

              Adani will be smuggling in their Indian workforce

              they won't be using 457 visas, if that's what you mean.

  • +6

    Also my first neg vote on OzB. Major issue with retailer - coal is not the future and there's no jobs when we're all dead.

    • +1

      and there's no jobs when we're all dead.

      Who's your cult leader?

  • +4

    Nope…. Wouldn't be a deal of they paid me to take a shirt

  • +5

    I hate the idea of Adani. I don't believe that this will be good for Australian people and the country as a whole.

    That said, I have still requested for the pack, because i'm an Ozbargainer and will take a freebie. But I will not wear this in public to support the cause and will take satisfaction in the knowledge that they spent a few dollars in getting this to me without actually reaping any benefit. As long as they lose more money in worthless marketing which means lesser money spent in getting their mine setup; I am happy! I hope they get ruined!

  • +4

    Tragedy of the commons

  • +2

    A great deal for the individual! A great deal for Queensland! A great deal for the country!

    Thanks for getting the word out OP!

    • +5

      by individual you mean Gautam Adani? he gets to dig in our backyard make 100's of millions, divert profits to Virgin Islands. I fail to see how this is a great deal for any Australian, aside from the officials that were bribed.

      • Which officials were bribed? Can you name names?

        • +3

          More importantly name the one Australian guy that will benefit from this mine.

          • @knackers: George Christensen, depending on his residency status.

          • @knackers: Are you familiar with the word royalties ?

            • @Lichen6420: Royalties?.. yes, the patent process is familiar to me. I invented a toroidal ICE and a geared CVT in my 20's and a wind turbine more recently. And I co-authored patents for various defence contractors in the LSD(V bottoms, armoured shielding). What would you like to know?

              • @knackers: So you invented what is essentially a rotary engine.. super efficient and reliable i'm sure? That's why your a billionaire right… and your the grandfather of CVT lol? Thank-you for your gifts to the world. I dunno what we would do without you Knackers.

              • -1

                @knackers: Indeed, some 'shinning' examples of your work. What stopped the success of your CVT? Strange claim, given none have been efficient, robust or successful. I like your over-unity device the best.

      • +1

        Sorry, all that doesn't fit into a catchy slogan. I'll go with Seraphin7's point of view.

  • +4

    Coal generation is very complicated subject… and even with a power engineering degree & many years of experience I struggle to fully understand all the little intricacies (let alone explain them!). Sadly, "informed" parties such as newspapers/websites/etc are more than happy to present whichever part of the story suits their personal agenda.

    I expect that there IS a place for coal in Australia's & the world's energy mix (at least for the next decade or so)
    But that proportion will slowly reduce over that period.

    Coal/Gas are great for frequency support, spinning reserve, dispatch, etc.
    Solar/Wind are great for low running cost & environmental benefits… but can't be dispatched as needed
    Grid Size Batteries are a great new concept… but are still only small/short-term when considering the GigaWatts of Power used by a State… also Lithium requires enormous amounts of energy to mine and process. (they are also hard to recycle later)

    So… everything has pros & cons… there isn't a perfect solution.
    But each type of solution has cons that can be balanced out by the others.

    Unfortunately, because it has become so emotive… it's difficult to have a calm rational conversation on the subject :(

    • +4

      Problem is we don't really have another 10 years of burning Coal. If we do that, you start locking in unavoidable 3 degree + global average temperature changes.

      Yeah, coal is still going to be used be cause its the cheapest option for baseline generation, but we really can't afford it alas. Ideally we would have had ever coal power station in the world shut down by now, certainly we needed to do that

      • Yep.
        Sadly I think it will take that long to build all the new infrastructure.

        But it goes deeper than that… most of the new generation infrastructure being built now is Wind, Solar PV, Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, etc.

        None of these are an equivalent replacement for coal baseload generation.
        So… it might take longer than 10 years :(

    • +1

      there isn't a perfect solution.

      Oh, but there is…

      • What could go wrong!……

      • Lol yep.
        No CO2 emmisions… excellent base load option.
        But…. significant risks too

        I didn't dare to mention it… we'll end up starting up a brand new ragefest :)

        • significant risks too

          How so?

          Unless you mean 'political' risks…

          • @jv: The upside is… the political suicide eliminates the technical risks :)


      • How dare you offer a viable option with comparatively limited risk when compared with global scale climate change?

        Don't you know that Nuclear is evil?

  • +3

    Quiet frankly the upvotes have nothing to do with free stuff, it is because they support the Adni.

    Election 2019 is the proof. We have too many of those on Ozbargain.

    • +2

      Why do you think the negatives votes are there, then? lol

      • +3

        Why do you think the negatives votes are there, then?

        Brainwashed cult members…

    • We have too many of those on Ozbargain.

      Too many 'majorities' ?

  • +3

    I question the ethics of this company, they are not out to help Australia and never will be. This t shirt is also of very poor quality.

    • +2

      How do you know about the quality of the t-shirt, did you order one already?

      • I used one on my car tyres and it did a terrible job.

  • +5

    The mine proposal does not stack up any way you look at it but the tshirt should make for a decent grease rag.

  • +2

    How is this a good deal? Why bring all these political stuff here.

  • +3

    This is weird LOL

  • +4

    Useless stuff… It's OzBargain not OzDebate.

  • Initial thought: a free T-shirt! I will just not wear it going out so that will void its marketing intent, no harm to the environment!
    After having a look at it: an ugly Tee and probably low quality too and i will most likely never get to wear it. So why waste my time..

  • +2

    Make tax evasion, automation and offshoring labour great again!

  • +4

    Sounds like your a Coal hugger

    • +2

      Where did the electricity come from that allowed you to post that comment?

      • You are aware that there is less and less countries importing coal, so all that money that they are giving away could be used for better renewable research and development.

        Also you will find that all the employees will be imported from india

        • so all that money that they are giving away could be used for better renewable research and development.

          I'd rather see the 1.1 billion Dan threw away cancelling the east-west link or the billions Labor wasted implementing Myki had been used for research.

  • Not a single job will be handed out to a local.
    You show me a 7-11 employing a whitey and I'll give you a job on a mine site.
    Your email will be sold for more than what the T-Shirt is worth. Real Gs know!

    • +1

      Plenty of locals are not white #truestory

      • +1

        Obviously TSH is not watching the footy this weekend.

  • +3

    Considering how much they're going to be gouging Australia, I think they can afford to give us all much more than a cheaply made t-shirt from India.

  • +1

    Nice one op. Post a deal and the forum turns into political debate =D

  • +9

    Negged because not a deal. ‘Free’ shirt comes at the expense of my children’s future.

    • at the expense of my children’s future.

      Are you back Jim Jones ?

  • Just like the federal election, the votes/ results speak for themselves!

    • +8

      The election wasn't a referendum on the Adani mine.. If it was, Adani would have received 26% approval, 18% undecided, and 56% disapproval.

      • -1

        Fact? If yes, link please?

        • +2

          This poll is more damning.. A poll of 3312 people, conducted by pollsters ReachTEL on January 25, found 65.1 per cent of Australians opposed or strongly opposed Indian mining company Adani building the new coal mine in Queensland.

          • +4

            @knackers: Those same polls said shorten will be PM…

            • +1

              @mrjayviper: Federal opinion poll aggregate BludgerTrack 2019 - which draws from Newspoll, Galaxy, Ipsos, YouGov, Essential Research and ReachTEL polls - also had Labor at 51.7 per cent and the Coalition sitting at 48.3 per cent of the vote on a two-party preferred basis when it was last updated on Friday. But as of Saturday afternoon, the Australian Electoral Commission had the Coalition at almost 51 per cent, to Labor's 49.

          • +5


            A poll of 3312 people, conducted by pollsters ReachTEL on January 25, found 65.1 per cent…


            And we all know how accurate polls are after the last couple of weeks…

            • +1

              @jv: We're not talking about a few percentage points… opposition to the mine is 65.1% versus 20.1% support. Not even close.

            • @jv: Well ozbargain seems pretty accurate representation of Australia lol … 2 to 1 for lol…

      • +2

        The election wasn't a referendum on the Adani mine..

        It was for Bill Shorten and his hypocrisy…

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