Anti social neighbour

So my neighbour has been steadily waiting for my bin to be emptied each week in the early morning, and refill my bin with at least half full of extra rubbish right after the garbage truck put it down on my natural strip, then he happily wheeling his own empty bin back to his property.

Apart from talking to him, which doesn't seem to have any effect, what else can I do?

Council said they don't have the manpower for this and wish me good luck.

closed Comments

    • idk… meth lab?

  • +1

    Install a ring camera or other motion sensor that points to where the pickup is. Turn on motion alerts.

    Pick up the bin before he gets to it. He'll probably just use some other neighbour's bin, though.

    or just move house…. people are just intolerable sometimes

  • +2

    Wake up earlier and grab your bin before he has a chance to get his hands on it?

    • he shouldn't be doing it period.

  • +13

    actually another idea. wheel your bin away a few doors down when putting it out so it's not in front of your place anymore. Yeah sure it pushes it onto the neighbours, but at least if all of you are pissed off council might do something about it

  • +1

    Leave the pile of rubbish in front of his door. Leave a large cardboard sign "number XX, I saw you dump this into my bin AFTER the garbage truck has left. I regretfully return them to you. Next time this happens again, your rubbish will not be returned in their original bags, but strewn all across your lawn, car and porch. Thanks, enjoy your day."

    • +4

      Don't leave a sign. More plausible deniability that way - if you admit to dumping it on his land, could be liable legally. If you don't… he'd have to admit to putting his rubbish in your bin first to accuse you of then dumping it.

  • +1

    Tell the mofo you have evidence of him doing it.

    Any future infringements of this sort will result in you tipping the entirety of the bin on his property.

  • +7

    Not that I recommend this or condone it, but if it's his rubbish…. an option might just be to tip it out on his land. What's he going to say? Hey! You've got my rubbish on my yard! Wait…

    • +4

      Just be careful not to accidentally tear the bags as you use a sharp stick to empty it.

  • +4

    Put one of these on his bin the night before the truck comes.

    Then remove it after the truck gives up and bring your empty bin in.

  • +8

    Smear dog doodoo under the handles of your bin the night before.

    • +15

      That's a bit short-sighted.
      It's like "slash your own car tyres so it can't be stolen"

      • +1

        You knock the car tires routine but it works, I tried it once. I was drunk at the time and slashed my neighbours tires but hey, they still had their car in the morning. Mine was gone but their's wasn't, it works.

    • Wouldn't you need to handle the dog doodoo twice yourself to do this? Presuming you would remove it for yourself…

    • Smear some peanut butter on the handles instead. Same psychological effect on him, none on you.

  • +30

    You'll need to assert your dominance over him. When the truck empties his bin, walk out in your birthday suit and dump your rubbish into his bin whilst maintaining eye contact.

    • +10

      Truck driver: "weird hood ere!"

    • +12

      For a moment there I thought you were going to suggest peeing on him, glad it didn't get weird.

  • +4

    then he happily wheeling his own empty bin back to his property.

    It's this that gets me. He's pretty much saying "(profanity) you" to you. Just dump the rubbish back onto his property. If he does it again, tell him you'll be forced to send the video evidence to council or something.

  • +21


  • +4

    chuck it on his roof

  • +6

    In my home country such neighbour would have his ass kicked. Usually one time is enough to stop such behavior.

    • +3


      • +1

        Spot on

  • +15

    Swap your bin with his bin the night before, then swap them back the next day after he returns it

    • +1

      Might be a bit hard if it is numbered.

  • +4
    • This is actually the correct answer that solves the problem without resorting to communication.

      • +3


        • -3

          I guess we discovered the source of the neg vote. How is it not the right answer? The neighbour will be unable to put anything in the bin unless he turns it upside down, shoves the rubbish in, closes the lid without any falling out, and turns out the right way up again. Surely no one would go to that much effort.

          • +6

            @Quantumcat: Did you watch the video of how it works? Won't help in this situation.

            • +3

              @John Kimble: You're right, I made an assumption about what it is which was wrong. I was sure there was a solution with a key to open but that opened on its own when tipped upside down - maybe I imagined it

      • You simply have to lift the lever and it'll the video…

    • Would work if the neighbour was a cockatoo…

  • +7

    Had a similar problem when we lived in Sydney.
    So I decided to not take our bin out to verge for two weeks (we barely had any rubbish so worked ok).
    Whoever had been dumping rubbish and soiled nappies in our bin found another target and started dumping things in that bin. After those two weeks I started taking out our bin as usual and didn't have the same problem.

  • Stab him. Only reasonable course of action

  • i didn't think you could get this to the front page.
    You win haha lunch on me.

  • I was told pouring some fish sauce in a car's aircon vent can cause it to smell like **** forever

    • +4


      • +2


    • What if you're a fan of fish sauce?

  • +2

    Apply some industrial strength glue to the handles. The next time he opens the lid, he will regret doing it for the rest of his life.

    Alternatively, you can tie condoms filled with starch to the handles…

  • +7

    On bin night just empty your bin into his so no need to have your bin out to be emptied

    • his is already full though.

      • +1

        So. That's his problem

  • +3

    Well, I would like to know why he's doing it?

    • +4

      Trying to be social, contrary to OPs belief about him being anti social.

    • because he has more rubbish than his bin can hold.

  • +8

    Just place the torso of your previous rude neighbour in the bin. When he opens lid to fill your bin, sees the torso, he may reconsider his ways.

    • +4

      Why not put the torso of this rude neighbour in the bin? That will definitely solve the problem.

      • I don't think this will work. Pretty sure he uses his legs to walk to the bin, and arms to open it.

  • +1
    1. Take a video
    2. Following week, Wait down the streer and hail the garbo to stop.
    3. Show him the video and ask him if he can do u a favor…"do not empty the guys bin"
    4. Walk up, see ur bin has bee emptied, look at thy neighbor and laugh into the distance
    • +1

      As someone who lives on a street with lots of street parking (small street,with 3 apartment complexes and a 4th nearly done) my bin has been missed at least 4 times in the last few years, and with 2 small kids we produce a lot of smelly rubbish, it only requires a simple visit to the council website to log a missed bin collection and next morning bin is collected, so its barely an inconvenience.

  • Simple solution go bunnings buy a drill machine, lock, chain, combination lock.

    Step one: drill holes lid and bin to fit lock/chain/combination lock.

    Step two…wait and see what happens

    …NVM didn't expect the neighbour to be an early bird that gets the trash lol

  • +1

    Watch him put it into your bin, and then proceed to put in his bin FULLY LOADED. MAKE SURE HE SEES IT because that is the important part to show dominance.

    • +1

      Hmm game of checkers eh, wonder who gets the last laugh lol.

      • +4

        Everyone except OP and their neighbour.

  • Any updates?

    • +1

      not bin day yet

      • Might actually be a troll post

        • Might truly be. It is fun tho.

  • +2

    Take a photo of him in action. Print it out A3. Put a red circle and a / through it. Like a no smoking sign. Stick it to the lid.

  • +4

    glue the wheels on his bin so they don't roll…
    or electrify the handles on your bin, some sort of taser arrangement

  • Wake up earlier than him and do the same thing to his bin?

  • +3

    How about attaching the bin to a retractable cord that goes to your front wall? The cord must be just strong enough to pull an empty bin but not a loaded bin. Once the truck empties the bin, it will be pulled from the street straight back to your house.

    • +2

      deff an idiot proof solution

      • +4

        Until the bin falls in and takes the corner of his house with the truck when it drives off

        • My /sarcasm tag must have fallen off
          Nvm will ask scotty to make it the default! :)

    • +4

      I can see it LAUNCHING right out of the grip of the garbage truck the second it's emptied - and it's a beautiful thought.

  • +28

    Everyone's a comedian. A lot of stupid suggestions here.

    Seriously OP, I suggest you wait by the bin as it's emptied then jump inside it. When he opens it, jump out like a jack in the box.

    • +1

      ha brilliant!

    • +5

      OP will fall asleep and get covered in garbage.

      • +3

        Either way it's funny for us!!

  • +4

    Depends how bad your neighbour is.
    I'd probably just wake up early on bin collection day and walk out when you see him walking toward your bin. Then say 'hey mate, do you mind. I need that room in my bin.'
    That simple, they are probably just as concerned about confrontation as you are.

    • +8

      Someone like that has definitely been confronted so many times they're immune to it, hence why they continue to do obviously deplorable things.

  • +5

    you should put on an act with your wife/family member: Lots of shouting swearing and "gun shots" mention mental asylum a few times, get your relative to dress up as mental workers, and drag you out of the house. The next day when he comes out meet him at the front with a big smile and lipstick on and say hello how are you, did you sleep okay ?

    ……then he'll be scared stiff that he'll do your bins for you for a year.

  • Take it out and leave it on his verge then put yours in the backyard. If all else fails grease the handles.

  • +4

    Buy a bluetooth alarm, attach to bin, when you see the neighbor open the lid, sound the alarm

  • Clearly a d*ck move by your neighbour. I'd respectfully ask them to stop, and explain to them the obvious reason why. I'd try to keep good relation with the neighbours, I have two wonderful neighbours and life is good - friendly chit chat, fruits left on porch, easy fence repair discussions, keep an eye while on holiday etc.

    But if for some bizarre reason they don't agree, I'd tell them that if they fill the bin after it gets emptied again I'd return it to the front of their house. Fair dinkum!

    • +4

      Unless the neighbour is a 21 year old who doesn't know arse from elbow, any halfwit can tell you that throwing your rubbish into your neighbour's bin when you have an empty bin is a blatant dick move.

      This person obviously has no respect for anyone else. Taking a soft approach is going to diminish whatever little respect he has for OP.

      • Totally disagree with your last point. There are many people who do these types of things and still respect your request after you confront them. Why be so quick to start a war when it will take you 1 minute to ask them to stop?

        • +2

          Apart from talking to him, which doesn't seem to have any effect…

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: Not conclusive that OP has asked them to stop. Could be they've talked in the past and there is a language barrier.

          • @[Deactivated]: So asking first and then returning the rubbish on a repeat offence is "soft" to you? Sheesh.

  • +5

    Stick assorted terrifying objects inside the bin lid.
    Secretly record his reactions.
    Make a YouTube channel.

    • Turn the pain into some monetary gain!
      Op might make a career out of this and quit his/her day job
      Very good suggestion

  • Continue to use your bin like usual. When your bin is full and can no longer squish anything in, then just throw your surplus rubbish into the a$$hole's front yard at night when no one sees it. Just make sure the stuff in the rubbish can't be tied to you.

  • Try putting your bin on the further edge of your property, away from him, for a few weeks.

    Spray to top of your bin with something foul and clear.

  • +4

    If in doubt send the pregnant lady from coles to sort him out

  • +2

    contact jackass ..hide The midget guy from jackass in your bin when neighbour opens bin, midget punches him in head…

  • Start a compost and cut down on plastic. Otherwise buy a carton of beer for your local Garbo. They might have some creative ideas and assist with some revenge.

  • +1

    When the neighbour isn't around, dump his rubbish over his fence into a corner of his yard where he won't easily see it. After a few weeks call the council and report illegal rubbish dumping on a neighbouring property…

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