Anti social neighbour

So my neighbour has been steadily waiting for my bin to be emptied each week in the early morning, and refill my bin with at least half full of extra rubbish right after the garbage truck put it down on my natural strip, then he happily wheeling his own empty bin back to his property.

Apart from talking to him, which doesn't seem to have any effect, what else can I do?

Council said they don't have the manpower for this and wish me good luck.

closed Comments

  • film him doing it then empty the bin on his front door step.- any questions you were just returning his property

  • +1

    Best thread, much better than other troll threads. Save your energy and just put a lock on your bin. Or literally go up to him and ask: Hey why are you putting your rubbish in my bin? (Then stay completely silent even if we gives you an answer and just keep on staring into his eyes).

    He must have a family if he has so much rubbish. You know what to do.

  • +8

    Make an ozbargain post about it, get 100 different solutions, and then never post an update with the outcome……..

    • What if he's already got that down-pat? What next?

    • I think we have to wait a week for the next bin collection to see what happens next. It's like a TV drama with a cliffhanger and all - "Naughty Neighbours - Game of Bins" airs next week, tune in to see the drama! Are the Lannisters going to fill the Stark's bin - is there going to be sword-fighting in the street and dragons blasting the neighbour's bin and melting it down to a lump of smoking plastic?!

  • -1

    The night before collection, just take this guy's bin for a long walk down the street. That's mild revenge.

    Alternatively, a more practical solution is just steal his bin, take the number off, and if anyone asks say you always had two/bought a second one. Now you'll always have enough room for your garbage, even if he uses one of your two bins.

    More intense revenge, super glue his mailbox, front door lock, or car door lock.

  • +1

    I live in a street where people walk dogs.
    If bins go out the evening before collection dog walkers use it for their canine waste.
    Worse still - I have found stranger's doggy waste in green garden waste bin - some folk are evil.
    Now the bins go out at midnight.

    • doggy waste in green garden waste bin

      Doggy waste is green garden waste…

      • Doggy waste doesn't break down like compost.

      • Doggy waste is green garden waste…

        Far from it, it is a toxic environmental pollutant.
        It can't be used on gardens, it can't be used for fertiliser and it carries all sorts of really harmful microbes that can cause the following diseases:

  • +4

    My friend come to your house, put bomb under his car and blow him to f***ing sky.

    • +2

      Ok Mr Darryl

  • If his bins are kept out the front, instead of dumping his stuff on his property, just refill his bin with his rubbish (and maybe a bit more that wouldnt fit because he filled up yours), so now he has 1/4 the space for a week.

    And as others have said just have video of him doing it and of you catching him and telling him not to before taking any action.

    As satisfying as dumping it is, its probably only going to escalate matters.

    And big negative to the council for that shit response, id tell them again and keep escalating the matter, i don't think they would accept "i don't have the funds for this, good luck" in response to why have you paid your rates.

  • +2

    The solution is in front of your eyes: Empty the bin back into the mtherfcker bin lol
    You will see how things change :)

    • +1

      you mean go onto the neighbour's property to find their bin, and then if it's available put the contents in?
      isn't that breaking the law?

  • -2

    Did you already try talking to him about this or not?

  • +2

    Cmon guys, we need to think of way to reenact revenge.

    Buy a teddy bear, rip it’s head off and leave the teddy at his doorstep alongside a note containing the words “I know what you did” in various letters cut out from magazine headlines. If it continues repeat the note but with different items that make less and less sense as you go on; a cooked chicken from Coles, a zucchini accompanied with a condom to finally an inflatable sex doll covered in peri-peri mayo.

    • +3

      a cooked chicken from Coles, a zucchini accompanied with a condom to finally an inflatable sex doll covered in peri-peri mayo.

      Were you outside my place last night?

  • +9

    The only appropriate course of action is to return the rubbish to the neighbour. Most important - make sure they are aware the rubbish has been returned, I'll explain why.

    I had a neighbour on my street who would walk his dog each evening. Nearly every house on the street had concrete/paved or gated front yards. Not mine. I had beautiful green grass. His dog would do bear sized shits on my front lawn pretty much…..every….single….night.

    At first I simply returned them to his lawn. However the bear sized shits on my lawn did not stop appearing. I suspect because they did not notice the addition of shit to their own front lawn.

    One night checking the mail after work, and nearly stepping on another bear sized shit yet again, I grabbed a plastic bag and flung the shit onto the neighbours car windshield. I never had any deposits on my lawn ever again. This demonstrates the importance of making sure the other party is aware so they have the proper opportunity to correct their behaviour.

  • +9

    Zero updates/comments from the OP since posting…OP is an anti social poster.

    • +2

      OPs head must be spinning reading the solutions that have been provided in this thread.

    • +2

      He's too busy doing a duke in the neighbour's bin.

  • Give back his rubbish with a note "Please dispose of your own rubbish". You don't want to put something smelly in his bin as that is just as bad as what he/she did to the OP.

  • +1

    Set the rubbish aside, and when he puts his bin out next, open the lid and put the bag on top, the garbage truck will refuse to lift the bin and they'll be left with a really great situation.

    • +1

      Lol a mate really hated his neighbour and they were warring, the guy poisened his hedge so for 5 weeks he took some the guys rubbish out to his bin put enough bricks ect to make the bin to heavy to lift and put some rubbish on top. Then as the guy woke late he would just remove the bricks and add the extra bin of rubbish back in 😂

  • Obviously just wheel your bin over to his side and pour his garbage into his front yard.

    It's his property afterall.

  • Video his rubbish, especially if it has letters with his name and address on it. Put the rubbish back into his bin and light it on fire. NO more bin

  • +3

    wow not a single reply from OP

    • +4

      OP probably tried the jack in the box suggestion and got stuck.

  • +2

    Is it possible The OP is actually the guy dumping in neighbours bin and he is looking for more ideas to torment neighbour….that’s an ingenious plan if so

  • -5

    I empty garbage on my wife's 'natural strip' on an almost daily basis.

    • +2

      Photos or it didn't happen.

    • Are you sure no one else is illegally dumping garbage on the nature strip

  • +2

    get him a larger or additional bin as a gift so they no longer have a need to use your bin.
    just order it through the council.

    • +2

      They would get charged too ha

    • This is brilliant. I ordered a new bin and they just charged it to my rates.

  • +2

    A swift kick to the bro-varies followed by an Austin 3:16 will sort it

  • +1

    Had the same thing happening to me, however my recycling bin would be filled with my neighbours rubbish. One time they packed so much stuff in there that half the bin didn’t empty which really pissed me off. They always had an overflowing bin, was very obvious they were doing it.

    Thought about cameras, but the street was too far from our door.

    I called the council and said the bit that worries me was that it would contaminate the recycling. They soon dropped a letter down the whole street about how it was bad form (I forget what they said exactly).

    My next step was going to be a “calm” note on the inside.

    The final step was to put on some gloves, and put some animal sh1t on the underside of the bin handles. Kind of glad it didn’t get to this… I can be stubborn but what was I going to do after the fact!?!?

  • I agree with another poster here.
    Wheel your bin to his front gate and dump all his rubbish there.
    Now that would be a good look for all the neigbours!

  • All of the above

  • There is 1 solution. Save up a big bag of small crap like plastic containers ect, take what he had plus your extra bag, break them open on his lawn. Go up and ask for medical expenses for you bin as his rubbish made it vomit everywhere.

  • +1

    Put Zyklon b in a balloon and rig it that it pops in his face when he opens your bin

    • +2

      This is the final solution.

  • -1

    Put some fast setting concrete into his bin, GL to him putting that back into your bin…

    • So they have even less room in their own bin 🤔

  • -2

    Dump the rubbish back on his lawn and then egg his house with rotten eggs.

    If that doesn't work, save a years' worth of your shit and then buy a cheap second hand car. Fill the car with said shit then drive it into his house.

    • +2

      I hope I never run into you.

  • Just ask them to stop and if they don't, ask them again and warn them if they do it again, you will be returning their rubbish to them.

  • +3

    Has the OP responded to anyone so far?
    Is he a successful troll?

  • Just cram his rubbish in and around his letter box. You're just returning it.

  • play a series of elaborate mind-games on him

  • -5

    Why don't you spray paint or stick your house number on the bin like 90% of house owners.
    Then they won't take your bin, or if they do then you know who has it. No need to record anything.

  • My folks had his issue in the past. They used to collect the bin as soon as the truck left, wheel the bin to where they keep it and lock the lid down with bike locks.

    This had the double benefit of stopping people from knocking off the bin.

    That said, my vote is for the glitter bomb. Although…how to set it so it doesn’t get the garbos but gets your neighbour could be tricky.

  • dump the contents of the bin in front of his door.

  • -1

    Take a turd in his bin

  • find a material that is sticky and cleans off easily as well. Maybe peanut butter??

    Smear the stuff under the handles used to open the bin. Just remember to wipe and wash the handles when you bring the bins back in.

  • Update, OP? We're dying to know haha

    • +1

      He's trolling..
      Look at all these people who could have spent their time better.

      • Yep…OP has commented on other posts since, but not this one.

  • The thread was posted 1 week ago but OP has never commented despite a large number of replies, we've therefore closed this thread.

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