Hand Sanitiser not available

I have underlying medical condition and I am at very high risk if I get this virus. I want to take this opportunity, to say to all horders and people selling hand sanitisers at massive markups, that karma will bite you one day!

I am normal person with normal salary, I have been to supermarkets and unable to source any sanitiser. Ebay has auctions going on at more than 10x the actual price. https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/76241/aqium-antibact… should be around $15.

Currently washing hands 20 to 30 times a day and it's crazy routine! Life is not same. People be considerate and think about other humans. Daigou's must stop f'in shyt too.


  • +3

    If you are home, use soap or liquid soap. Leave hand sanitizer for public places or businesses.

  • +4

    In a pinch, visit places that are near larger commercial buildings. Many have hand sanitizer in their lobby for public use.

    But honestly if you're in an at risk group, minimise going out.

    • Wish I had option to stay home. Not as lucky as some :s.

      • Yeah fair enough. Stay safe out there.

  • +1

    Just minimise what you touch in public and avoid touching your face. I went to the small local chemist they advised they wont get any hand sanitiser till April. In any even just use soap at home and when out try disposable gloves. Best just to minimise PT and close contact with others. Can you work from home. We are all in this together.

    • Just minimise what you touch in public and avoid touching your face

      This is technically possible, like it's technically possible for everyone reading this to run a marathon tomorrow.

      But most people are going to be like the lady reading advice about not touching your face, who then put her fingers into her mouth to turn the pages of the advice she was reading out aloud.

      • @diji1 We are habit based beings. If you change your habits by making conscious actions you can reduce you risk. It might be hard to start, but already we are seeing our staff just wave to keep distance.

        • +2

          We can train ourselves like how we train kids - put chilli oil on your fingers. Rubbing your eyes or mouth will be a mistake you only make once.

          • +1

            @HighAndDry: There is a muscle ache rub called Finalgon, it is like deep heat on steroids. the man rubbed some on my neck and didn’t wash is hands properly before going for a pee. He only made that mistake once. We now use plastic gloves, and cotton wool, to rub in it.

      • +1

        work from home.
        opening "push" doors with your hip or foot. open "pull" doors with your sleeve or elbow.
        use contactless payments.
        don't lean on or touch any surfaces unnecessarily.

  • +1

    I was considering making this a work and distributing to public. Unsure of legal ramifications however its easy to make


    Will look weird but can wear disposable gloves, if your ad risk then something to consider.

    • I couldn't see any legal ramifications if you do it hygienically & safety. This is exactly what WHO does in areas where they need to produce large quantities of the stuff to distribute to people. Seems fairly easy to make if you have the three ingredients & the containers.

    • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/304946 broken tissue was thinking something similar in melbourne. can we make like a network? Pm me if youre interested.

      (Sorry i dint know how to do the links here)

      To mods: I’m not considering selling here, maybe just a small cost to cover out of pocket expenses. Thanks.

      • Bulk materials are cheap.

        You dont need absolute ethanol because you adding water to it anyway, its expensive. Can replace Ethanol with iso-propyl alcohol that you buy in bulk from Bunnings.

        I'm in Sydney, have a chemical background.

  • +1

    Bought some today from Woolies, you have to ask at the counter.
    Also available at Costco.

    • Might try this. I can't imagine they would put it on the shelves as it would just get stolen constantly.

  • +2

    To those saying "just wash your hands, soap and water is better than alcohol based rub!" - Yes, this is true, until you need to wash your hands >20 times a day. Soap is great at removing things including natural skin oils which keep your skin from cracking and drying out. This allows places for bacteria/viruses to wedge into as well as a new portal of entry. Alcohol based rubs dry the skin out much less than a vigorous 30 second soap and water scrub, and is more convenient than looking for a sink with soap and some way to turn off the tap without touching it directly (i.e. paper towel).

    Homebrew hand santisers have questionable efficacy, and some "recipes" I've seen online are pretty dodgy with no scientific backing behind them. Theoretically 70%w/w isopropyl alcohol + water would be suitable but you'd have no way of verifying it's efficacy.

    To all hoarders out there: please stop. You do not need a 1 year supply of hand santiser, or pasta, or toilet paper. Society is not going to break apart and fall into chaos. It won't be every man for themselves. There is enough to go around for everyone, but only if people purchase sensible quantities. Also please stop stealing masks and hand santisers from hospitals and clinics - healthcare workers on the frontlines need to use them to look after their patients. Healthcare workers don't get the option to work from home, or practice social distancing.

    • -7

      You do not need a 1 year supply of hand santiser, or pasta, or toilet paper.

      You do if the this pandemic becomes uncontrollable and lasts more than a year….

      • +2

        In a year's time:

        1. We will have developed a vaccine, cure, or treatment, and/or

        2. We'll have developed herd immunity, or

        3. The only people left will be those who're naturally immune or resistant to it.

        There's no scenario in a year's time where hand sanitizer will still be relevant to coronavirus.

          1. Yes - but how long to make 1 billion doses? If we're very lucky, we'll get the vaccine in a year and need another year to manufacture doses. AFAIK we've never developed a vaccine in under year, even by skipping animal safety trials (!). We'll need to subsidise it for poorer countries if we want to protect everyone. This is going to take a long, long time.

          2. Depends - if this overwhelms us, best estimates I've seen is 40%-60% will have this. We need 90% for herd immunity (most of the time). This isn't going away for a long time and there will always be those at risk who aren't immune - they'll need disinfectant.

          Hand sanitise was relevant before covid-19, it'll be relevant after, but hopefully it won't be in such high demand. Until the next bug.

  • +2

    Have you tried at some of the independent pharmacies as some of those are getting their local labs to make some up for them? About a week ago I got some from Fitch's Pharmacy on Hay St Mall Perth and in the last few days I heard The Dispensary in Mount Lawley/Inglewood had some.

    It's more expensive than the commercial brands used to be. I got 100 ml from Fitch's for $10, but they had bigger bottles too which I assume were more cost effective. They're not trying to profiteer, it's just genuinely more expensive for them to make these.

  • +1

    I have heard pharmacy 777 has been getting stock. Similar to above it is the locally made stuff so more expensive but maybe try calling a few places and getting put on a waitlist. I would call and ask rather than go in every day if you have a condition. Call every pharmacy in Perth if you have to.

    I found anti bacterial wet wipes at woolies this morning so definitely still stuff out there just need to keep trying. Be first in line wearing gloves and DIY mask if you have to.

  • -3

    LOOK….. you DO NOT need specialised hand sanitisers…..

    You just said you are so acceptable to the virus so why are you willing to RUN AROUND in the crowds.

    You have been conditioned so much that you have lost the ability to think laterally, and logically.

    If your house is clean, then so are you.

    JUST USE SOAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • +1

      He must want trivial items like… food or medicine..

  • -3

    Rockmans have some hand sanitisers and face masks for sale.

    https://www.rockmans.com.au/preparedness/who-approved-hand-s… Sorry, don't know how to post a short link.

    Please "healthy" people don't hoard or buy up all these so that the people with pre-existing conditions can't buy any. If I get this disease it will be a very bad (most likely fatal) outcome for me.
    Stay well people.

    • $60 for a litre is insanely expensive.

    • +2

      Please Note: This is a Pre-Order. Product will be shipped in 10 weeks time in a separate order.

    • +1

      The consumer advocate group Choice is singling out Australian brands for using “disgraceful marketing tactics” to take advantage of the coronavirus panic.

      They found examples of ads with phrases like: “Stock up now before it’s gone!”,

      “Limited stock – shop now” and “Stock up and stay safe”.

      Choice singled out Mosaic Brands – the parent company of Rockmans, Millers, River and Noni B – for emails telling customers to “stock up now before it’s gone” on face masks and hand sanitiser.

      Choice said they would be “closely monitoring” the behaviour of businesses and called on their members to let them know if they saw anything similar.

      • Except these companies are stating fact. We are hoping for a B2B shipment next week and even a large quantity will go in days. Sure, we're not advertising like this but if we did, it would be fair to state that quantities are very limited, which they are.

        Even then, emphasis on the word hoping, just like every supplier.

  • +2

    Actually I just read from an overseas source the following:

    How many people fully and entirely change their clothes and shoes after venturing outside?

    Washing hands is important but clothes have been rubbing and touching potentially contaminated surfaces.
    Starting with seats on public places.
    Long hair against head rests?

    An interesting thought indeed.

    • +1

      Me. If I go to anywhere public, the moment I enter house, head to bathroom. A change of clothes and/or head in shower immediately or at least damp-towel off, hair too. I air jackets and coats in sun then sealed in plastic bags. Any clothes that has contact with public seats are washed the same day. Shoes stays near entrance in sealed box. I spray them occasionally.

      I have two health risks thus taking extra precautions, want to be responsible to self and family.

  • that sucks..

    one thing to do is get like 99% antibacterial toilet clener etc but it in a spray bottle dilute with water and use on hard surfaces etc…maybe could test on skin then wash with soap.

    if colourless can spray clothes as well and then leave it out to dry etc

    something like this

  • Everything is gone in price either because of people hoarding or contributed by the low value of the dollar. Seriously, those hoarders should be penalized because of their selfishness they not only cause the price to go up but also preventing those that need the most unavailable.

  • Small bottle soapy water and bottled water for rinse. I carry that everywhere, easy, less harsh on skin.

  • mate make your own heaps steps online

    • The base ingredients are sold out everywhere aswell.

  • +2

    Mitre 10 hardware stores has isopropal alcohol

    • +1

      Not for long.

  • +6

    The active ingredient is either ethanol or isopropanol; you need approximately an 80% by volume dilution for it to be effective.
    But you could also use an iodine wash.

    For ethanol though, the easiest source of ethanol I know of is Diggers Methylated Spirits.
    Full disclosure, MSDS:
    As you see in the MSDS:
    Skin contact: "May include burning sensation and/or a dried/cracked appearance. Prolonged contact may cause defatting of skin which can lead to dermatitis."

    So, for an 80%v/v effective solution, I dilute in aloe vera gel which does 2 things - cools and moisturises.

    So, if you need something:
    Grab a shot glass, or some other measure, and make up
    8 shots of Methylated Spirits to 1.8 shots of Aloe Vera gel.

    In the lab we use 80% ethanol for decontaminating surfaces of bacteria and viruses. We use bleach to destroy DNA, RNA , fungus etc. and Benzalkonium chloride to kill just about everything in solution (it's a pretty damn good biocide, aka anti-life chemical).

    Diggers Metho is ~95% Ethanol and ~5% RO water, with a few additives sprinked in (I think trace Benzene) to make you vomit if you decide to drink it. You could just do 8 shots of metho to 2 shots of aloe vera and just assume a starting conc of 100% ethanol in the Metho, but it isn't, it's ~95%.

    • I believe they put in a dash of methylethylketone MEK to make it undrinkable.

  • wear throw away or washable gloves when out.. make sure you turn it inside out when you take them off and wash or leave out in dry for few days. rotate gloves. relying on hand sanitizer is not sustainable.

    sanitize your place.. door handles, tap handles, fridge handles, phones, keyboards..etc every second day. isolate.

  • We need some hand sanitiser for a childcare centre in SA - any clues appreciated - PM me Thanks in advance

    • A bit hard to send them to you as sanitizers are considered DG

      • The only real issue is with corrosive 8 in my experience. Flammable 3 can be shipped easily.

  • +1

    I am not sure if daigou is the culprit this time - i havent seen any daigou ads on hand sanitisers.
    Unlike infant formula, my wife's friend has been trying to sell her face mask and hand sanitisers from China.
    But i agree daigou should be stopped - the shameless advertising done through social media exaggerating features of various products (formula, supplements, cosmetics etc) and 50% mark up just make me sick.

  • +1

    Keep an eye on distilleries, especially ones with a shopfront that have now closed. A lot of them are turning to making fancy (albeit expensive) hand sanitiser.

    Archie Rose is one - they've sold out, but keep an eye on it as they'll likely release more stock once they've made it:


  • +1

    Ask at your local pharmacy.
    The local pharmacy near me in Perth (i.e. not a chain) doesn't have any stock on the shelves for sale but are able to take orders with 1-2 day turnaround.

    • Yeah do this! I went to a local pharmacy and asked, they didn't have any at the time so I put my name down. That was Saturday and I got a call today to pick up. 500ml for $25.

  • If you are very high risk why are you walking around in public risking your life. Go home and stay there.

    Hit up your friends and family to bring you what you need.

  • -2

    Don't understand why the OP hadn't already been buying in bulk and stocking up on items to survive if they had an underlying condition. (I am talking about pre corona virus)

    That is a fail on the OP's part for not properly stocking up in good times. Given that hand sanitizer has an expiry of about 3 years, OP could have easily built up a 3-6 month stock (which i imagine would be about 2-3 boxes worth at most)

    • You can’t be serious?

      Who would thought an item as common as toilet paper would be out of stock in the normal days?

      Check my first reply on the beginning of the thread op

      • Oddly enough there seems to be sufficient supply in Sydney. Prices here are around $3 to $5 for a 60ml bottle of generic branded hand santizer. 300ml+ bottles are $20+ but hey it's demand and supply.

        Supplies of premium brands been low since early Jan. It took me 1.5 months of searching to find a medium bottle of ego at regular price. Maybe they were all being shipped directly to China to help slow down the outbreak resulting in stores not restocked here, and shelf space not being allocated for the product in January.

        I would add if the number of users increased 5 fold. And existing users increased their usage 3 fold, how long do you think 3 shelves of hand santizer going last. In a large pharmacy other products like paracetamol 15+ shelves, lozenges 15+ shelves. Perfumes 200+ shelves.

    • Yes it's clearly OPs fault for not anticipating a global pandemic and the complete shutdown of society.

      • +1

        Anticipating and stocking up last year - not reasonably expected. Realising at least a month ago there was risk of real problem in combination with their condition — yep — pay a little attention to world events in future and be prepared. The government ain't gonna save you.

  • This is my understanding, correct me if I am wrong.

    If I thoroughly disinfect my house (yes I know there will be germs leftover still) and I lock myself down inside my house, allowing no visitors etc. My house should be relatively sterile for some time. Most of the surfaces will contain 'my' germs in any case.

    Is it correct I don't need to practice OCD levels of hygeine? Wash hands before/after eating / toilet / cleaning / etc

    • +1

      Washing your hands after you deuce is not "OCD levels of hygiene" lol

    • germs do get brought in by air, pets, birds in sky, insects, even shared sewer pipes in some cases in HongKong during SARS time. So no sir, you are not 100% safe from diseases, theoretically. lol.

  • Jesus. I have a 5L isopropyl alcohol at home from ebay, purchased for ~$30. They are now going for around $300+.


  • An article on the community radio in Perth mentioned that the sanitiser shortage should be over very soon as the main manufacturer has a substantial increase in production & a large amount of stocks are flowing into stores soon.

    • Yeah, 90k bottles/day. At this rate, you will start seeing it in about 1 years time.

    • None of our chemical suppliers that make sanitiser have given us a firm ETA. We will take packaged 500ml up to 1000L and anything in between for B2B sales. I'll believe a surplus of stock when I see it.

  • Not really a diagou problem. Just everyone buying at the same time. Like you said u wash up to 30 times, a 1 litre wont last long.

  • OP, contact your GP. Your GP should know your situation. He/she should be able to arrange for you to get the supplies you need to stay safe.

    However, generally, regular hand washing is the way to go. It's the scrubbing and rubbing part when washing your hands that is the most effective.

    Work has some hand sanitiser, but every time I use it (required when we enter the building), my hands actually feel a bit sticky, I ended up washing my hands again.

  • +1

    Do you live in the Melbourne area? I can hook you up with some if you come to the Eastern Suburbs.

    I currently make hand sanitizer and disinfectant for people in need and high risk, at around normal prices, $8/500ml bottle. This price covers distilled water, ethanol, 500ml bottle spray, fuel to-from Bunnings, and other materials.

  • Make your own

    Metho 80% + aloe vera gel 20%.

    • Sorry didnt mean to hijack your post yours litereally came up as i pressed send

    • 60-70% as reccomended.

      80% evaporates too quickly and might not be as effective.

      • WHO is 80% ethanol v/v?

  • Sorry to hear that… but you can make your own sanitizer

    Try to find 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and mix it with aloe vera or another moisteurizing skin gel. You may be able to find it at places like nail salon supplies at about $20 for 2 liters. You can also use IPA on its own to rub your hands or rub down surfaces.

    if you cant find IPA then any alcohol source will do, vodka comes to mind first, but even methylated spirits, etc. if you are resourceful you may be able to brew your own alcohol, plenty of guides on youtube, but I hear the main ingredient is sugar, so hopefully you bought your 20 kilo bag of sugar at costco :)

  • Did you check with coles/woolies service counter if they have some?

    I saw the other day a man asking southland woolworths service counter if they had hand sanitisers and surprisingly they did have them behind the counter and sold him for $3. The man wanted to buy 2 but the staff said he could buy only one.
    It looked like 30 or 50ml so portable small bottles they sold.

  • I am really sorry about your situation. I noticed some websites allow back order or reservations, you might wanna try that.I kept searching online for isopropyl alcohol until I found a 1L bottle for $24 then bought glycerin for 14$ and essential oil for $5 and made my own hand sanitisers in small spray bottles.

  • what about Methylated Spirits? I bought some today hopefully it can do job as Isopropyl Alcohol .

  • Priceline is making their own and selling it, although I am not sure of the cost.

  • I work in warehousing.

    Yesterday we received 10 tonnes of carbomer, an ingredient used in hand sanitiser. About half of it went out today to… I think two customers and the rest of it should be dispatched to a handful of others by the end of the week.

    A lot of our customers have stopped production on various items and are producing their own hand sanitiser.

    Point being, for the halfwits clearing shelves because of a shortage or delay in shipping, stop. We're just one supplier of an ingredient and we are being overwhelmed with different ingredients for hand sanitiser. We're getting some of this stuff air freighted rather than shipped in a container to keep up with the demand. I can only imagine how many other suppliers there are out there in a similar situation.

    • How about the cost using air freight than ship?

    • I would like to look at some carbomer from you >_<", if we are not already in business together. PM me your company name privately!

  • I have been off on leave for a bit, but as someone who works in a compounding pharmacy, i would say go to pccarx.com.au and use the find a compounder section on their website to find your nearest compounding pharmacy. Give them a call, most compounding pharmacies are probably compounding their own. Prices wont be cheap, but that's because the raw pharmaceutical grade material usually costs more.

  • Have you found any yet? Thingz has it for $10

  • -1

    If you are type A blood type you will need more then hand sanitizer.

  • +1

    you've been ordered to stay home unless working.

    If you're at home or working, you can use hand wash or soap, which is not only better than sanitizer, but far cheaper also. Sanitizer is for on-the-go when you don't have access to a tap and soap. It is extremely expensive per hand wash and you shouldn't use it unless there's no other option.

  • Buy antiseptic & napkins. Problem solved

  • Hi guys, i m looking around on ebay, amazon, jaycar, coles, ww and some pharmacies and It is impossible to find hand sanitizer, it is hard to find 70% Isopropyl Alcohol as well. I just have a question sorry if i m wrong. i found that Bacardi 151 has a very high alcohol percent that is around 75.50%, can we use it to make home made sanitizer?

  • +2
    Merged from So Now We Know Why Hand Sanitiser and Mask Is Gone from The Shelf

    Been wondering why hand sanitiser and mask is out of stock everywhere early on, long before panic buying start, please read smh and smh

    • +1

      Australia should put a 300% tax on food going to China. That should teach the CCP scum the cost of draining the country of valuable resources.

      • Why hurt our producers?
        How about a 300% tax of the food we import from China?

        • +1

          They need our food more than we need theirs.

    • +2

      Summarising story for Jackfruit

      Chinese backed companies shipped more than 90 tons of stuff to Wuhan back in late February as support by buying as much as they could in Australia. A month later (now) when we need the stuff, since there’s a worldwide shortage nooone has any left to spare

    • +1

      This is the only article about this on the internet, reviewing their sources this info is nowhere to be found.
      Please don't blindly follow Mr. Murdoch's "Investigative Journalists" who are just creating their own false info with 2 month old photos shared on facebook proven to be false

      • +5

        The first developer had already admitted it saying they felt obliged to help their home country. There are social media posts from them expressing how proud they are to help


        • +3

          You realise that there is no actual evidence besides media outlets all owned by the same person saying this and the idiots all over facebook that have done no fact checking, nowhere else is reporting this.
          Downvote all you want, stay mad and be angry and then claim you aren't racist when you're falling for the media bullshit all over again :)

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: Who are you to call me racist!? You have no idea of my background and all I pointed out were that there is actual evidence from a companies social media posts, that is as little more than "idiots on Facebook". You are being disingenuous claiming there is no evidence.

      • +5

        You do realise this is from the SMH which is not newscorp(Murdoch)?

        • lol!

        • This article was in news.com.au as well, but they pull it out, maybe it hurting the chinese investors.

    • +10

      Honestly, this is a pretty bad article designed to create outrage against Chinese people. The reality is that the Health department should have been locking down supply when it was getting out of hand. The shortage of critical medical supplies to local doctors and nurses is due to the health department not being prepared.

      • Actually it’s only outrage against mainlanders.

        It works though. Just listen to my Chinese (Singaporean/Malaysian) in laws about this.

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