How Safe Is Your 2020 Job?

My heart is breaking after seeing people losing their job and started looking for another one.

Airline crews are losing theirs for up to 8 months. Restaurant maybe open for take away only, waiters are jobless. Other businesses are depending on people with a party/event coming up.

So far supermarket jobs are the winners here. And they are hiring through agency. Not sure which.

I wish you all good luck there. Hope virus vaccine will be ready soon.

Poll Options

  • 843
    My job is secured
  • 10
    Losing my job for up to 4 weeks.
  • 21
    Losing my job for up to 3 months.
  • 29
    Losing my job for up to 6 months.
  • 7
    Losing my job for up to 12 months.
  • 134
    Losing my job until virus is fully gone.


  • Banking. Not sure how safe it is but office is currently advertising for new roles. We have been hit with requests for repayment deferral and this new $250k loans.

    • yeh, mate of mine just got hired in banking sector and my company has a few positions advertised too.

      • I work in banking as well and was the CEO advised that there will be no redundancies which was nice to hear.

        I hope those that have been impacted have been able to get assistance from Centrelink to get them through this tough period

  • Safe for me for now. I work full at woolworths. Yes it has been crazy. people panic buying everywhere. And we have pulled on a few new casuals to help.

  • +4

    Need to have different poll question regarding security no losing your job in duration ie
    My job is safe
    I'm a little concerned
    I'm concerned
    I'm going to lose my job soon
    I have already been played off

    Something kn those lines…most people in these situations don't get a whole lot of notice when they are given the ass

  • Banker. I'm rather busy right now.. just not doing what I'm generally paid to do.

  • your job may be secured now. But what if the lockdown continues. there will be knock on effects through the economy. hearing this from US political news - what if the cure does more damage than the virus?

  • Secure but not take it for granted or assuming things wont change. Overpaid idiot CEO has announced he leaving fortnight ago and we're hemorrhaging huge amounts of money already. Takes his golden parachute while its full steam ahead towards that iceburg.

    Feel really sorry for everyone else. Drive towards casualized workforce and permanent full times being rare.

    I really hope things will change for most people after this. Its really unfair.

  • +2

    My job is safe, but i am a little concerned.

    IT/Management Consulting.

    • I am in the same sector. Been getting so many calls from IT recruiters looking for leads and placements. i.e. Alot of IT sales/service people being let go

  • +7

    Should be another option, being "safe for now".

    My job isn't directly going to be lost due to covid, it is a high risk of being lost because of the economic collapse as a result of the effects of covid.

  • Lost my sales job on Monday night, lost my BA job today. Going to be a very tough year ahead. Wife also lost hers as we both work in the same industry

    • Sorry to hear.

      You had a Sales and Business Analyst job at the same time?

      Good luck.

  • +1

    Owner of a bottle shop and managing director for panel beater and mechanic

    Stood down 2 casuals at the bottle shop and kept the 2 managers running it. If the managers fall sick, the casuals are re-rostered back on. If they fall sick too then I'm on along with my business partner.

    We took an inital sales hit but seem to be back to normal. We haven't had panic buying customers.

    To other private bottle shop owners, I encourage you to make contigancy plans with your staff and anyone who can help if staff fall sick. Centrelink is compensating casuals if they fall sick due to COVID-19.

  • Got payrise, job secure.

  • I convinced myself my job is secure, but now i'm starting to have my doubts as things escalate and the govt drags their feet. Partner laid off already and not elligable for Jobseeker/benefits :( Unsure what the future holds at the moment.

    • Are they not eligible because you are working?

  • +1

    Pharmacist, secure and very very busy

  • IT here providing support for health services, huge surge in Telehealth and of course significant demand for WIH arrangement. Very busy.

    My wife is a financial accountant, her job secured too

  • Not sure if my job is safe. But I’m definitely shit scared.

  • Insurance for multinational corporations. Client always have insurance demand and are big enough to weather it out. I give a 8/10 job security. believe someone in the team that will get chopped first if it comes to that so… slightly more security.

  • I work in Radiology at a large public hospital in VIC… Secure and I expect crazy times ahead

  • Solicitor in a boutique firm.

    Bosses been saying that it is a trying time and everyone is fighting for work out there. Not secured and I am concerned.

  • IT in a news company, I should be safe hopefully.

  • Lawyer for government. Pretty secure.

  • Business Intelligence Contractor working on site for a Manufacturing company. Were told yesterday that our project was being shelved on Friday. Most likely won't be able to find anything until some normality comes back.

    Thankfully financially we are in an ok position to ride out this storm. Absolutely feel for others not as fortunate.

  • Gas and Chemicals. Essentials business as plant operating around the clock for Medical graded gas and research etc. Secure.

  • Unsure. Work has quiet down as people don't have as much cash to pick up, or have opted to close down or have been forced to close down. I'm a banking courier, so as long as the country doesn't come to a complete halt, & people continue to take cash sales… I should have some hours. Saying that, I'm in the process of trying to get onto Centrelink, but not stressing money wise, so I'm going to wait until it settles down a bit as there is more people in need of money than I am currently.

  • 55% salary cut in discussions :(

  • +1

    Pretty secure, Im a IT project manager working at a big Tech company deemed "essential" and my work is for a big 4 bank also deemed "essential". We've been told that if all projects get cancelled (unlikely) we will be moved to BAU work.

  • -1

    Why the F are bottle shops still open? wtf?

    • +3

      Because alcohol kills the virus. I'm taking it literally and drinking vodka purely for medicinal purposes.

    • To make the virus drunk so it won't infect others??

      • At least give it a bloody bad hangover

  • I work for Services Australia/Centrelink, my job feels fairly secure at the moment.

  • Permanent, State Government. Feel fairly secure. At least I hope it is.

  • +1

    I’m a nurse, so it’s pretty safe unless I get sick.

    • -2

      Hi can you explain this? Because I'm sure the health department got it very wrong.

      ~~~ If you are well, you do not need to wear a surgical mask as there is little evidence supporting the widespread use of surgical masks in healthy people to prevent transmission in public.

      please tell me your answers before I give you mine.

      • Well you should also wear safety glasses too

  • Secure for the foreseeable future. I work in an industry that isn't directly negatively affected by the virus and I'm able to work from home. The only risk is the flow of work slowly drying up due to clients being preoccupied by the virus.

    My wife also works at a hospital so she's set for the near future.

  • i write software for the restaurant industry, he dev team are ok, but the sales team are on leave…. its not good id say im 50/50 ill prob try find a job in another industry like a bank or something just for more security and more money in future… oh wells

  • I work in events. All events cancelled for the foreseeable future. Have been able to move over to online events, however many of my industry friends haven't been so lucky. Tough time for everyone.

  • I am currently employed and secured. However ive applied for an internal role (contract) currently higher level than mine. I guess it's for me to question when I am offered it but i believe if I accept then no, my employment is not secure after contact date.

  • Lost it about a week ago, business announced closure this week.

    • +1

      I really don't understand how businesses can shut down and fall apart so quickly. A week ago we didn't even have any major lockdowns yet, the worst of the regulations is just starting now

      Sounds like there's a wider issue of too many businesses living pay cheque to pay cheque. That shouldn't be.

      • Not enough Working Capital

      • +1

        I really don't understand how businesses can shut down and fall apart so quickly

        Greed or living it up - not saving for a rainy day..
        Taking that 5th 4 week holiday in Europe for the year… Another Ferrari in the shed.

        Then you have the franchise stores - the owners of those will be in a massive world of hurt..

      • +1

        They might be cutting further losses and as such shut earlier rather than later incurring more loss with a bad outlook if they decide to stay open. Few food joints around here are closing.

      • It's not really that simple.

        Most business aren't "shutting up shop" they are cutting staff so they don't start to hemorrhage cash and implode, they are rationalising in an attempt to survive.

        Many have lost 50-80% of turnover in 2 weeks, you cannot afford to retain the same amount of staff and remain profitable.

  • +2

    I'm tipping many people who have been given the pork sword in recent weeks may have thought their jobs were safe too.

    Nobody knows what the future holds… it maybe all clear in a month, or 18mths…

    IMWO if it goes 12mths, I'd say 90% of the poll answers will have changed.

    • -3

      If you work for a small to medium business, I'd agree that nobody can really say that they're safe. Big businesses are different. Their hiring process is tedious and costly and they spend too much time finding top staff so they're not likely to throw that away just to save some money over the year. Even if they sustain a loss they'd want to keep their top performers around to help them recover after the virus.

      I guess it lends credence to the same old saying- make yourself indispensable (and don't work for Qantas, but I guess they deserve their hard times for supporting the Brunei government)

      • +2

        What you say is true until it isn’t.
        If this lasts three months, by then the big banks will be announcing 10,000 job losses.
        The big businesses know how to cut when the time comes.

        • What you say is true until it isn’t.

          Yep, people would have said that childcare workers are safe, with the number of parents pulling their children out, they are now anything but.

  • dont feel to secured yet, we dont know how bad the ripple effect of this going to be.

  • +3

    Victorian Public Service, permanent, full-time, same role 3+ years (pay increased 75% in that time).

    Job can easily be worked from home, but requires a degree/expertise (ie can't be offshored). Also have 12 months of salary saved in cash. No debts, renting, own car/motorcycle, no kids yet (early 30s).

    I've been preparing for a major economic shock for quite some time due my fellow Australian's indebtedness (200% of their total annual income on AVERAGE) and our historically over-inflated housing market. Property prices will take decades to reach the same levels.

    Good luck to all those savvy "property investors" with portfolios of multiple properties built on debt and rent-seeking. LOL

    • +11

      will be interesting to see how the property market will correct itself. funny to see real estate people still trying to talk up property in the media. saw one article which said that properties are being snapped up and you need to get in before it's too late. h a h a h a

    • You made some good points but ruined it by LOLing at the end! Hopefully time will teach you some compassion..

      • +1

        Compassion will be depend on which side of the fence you're on.

  • +1

    this pandemic has revealed weaknesses in offshore call centres and support. maybe this will reverse the outsource and create more jobs internally.

    • I was considering that earlier too, but this event is unlike anything we have seen in the past 100 years. Because of that I don't know if call centres and support centres will be moved back onshore, not completely anyway.

      Although there are organisations that do see the value in re-shoring.

  • Just finished up interviews with two potential new hires today. The only difference in operations is everyone is working from home (no layoffs or hiring freezes). I'm in Pharma/Life Sciences/Healthcare.

  • +4

    Its kind of cringe seeing the well paid "Airline crews" complain, while they only show a few seconds (probably stock videos) off baggage handlers the ones that will have it harder..

    • Where did you hear they are well paid? I'm pretty sure it's like 60-70k

  • I'm in advertising and it's secure working from home.
    My heart goes out to many affected and struggling at this time.

    • +4

      I thought companies would be cutting back on advertising. They usually do in recessions.

      • They probably will later, they've asked for force annual leave for many for now. We were also fortunate that a few people resigned to ease the blow. Time will tell.

  • +2

    I run a retail shop so my job is secured but bleeding money right now and can't be sure how long I can last.

    • +3

      Sorry to hear

  • +11

    Truckie… feel pretty secure… someones gotta get the stuff people are hoarding from A to B

  • +7

    Secure, until it isn't.

    • +5

      Yes, surprising to see what people think is a secure job.
      In the 90s, big business savagely cut staff, with no regard to who was the star performer and who wasn’t. Just “that team is no longer needed”.
      So much employment is built on discretionary spending, that looks reliable and consistent until it stops dead.

      There is a bunch of “whistling past the graveyard” going on in this thread as people reassure themselves they are essential.
      Note: my job is busier due to this emergency, but when the overall pie is shrinking, even the companies doing ok tighten their belts. So everyone should be cautious.

  • +11

    I drive around delivering weed to people's houses. People tell me I'm a hero, I think I might be secure. As long as my supply doesn't dry up.

    • +3

      how do I contact you? serious question

      • I was kidding, a friend of mine in California has this job and I wanted to see the response on here.

        • +1

          Argh. That's a shame. Well you got positive votes so all good. Start the service already :)

  • My job is secure, I guess. My company works on the trucks that transport the goods/food/beer/others interstate.

    So yeah, as long as we keep the trucks running without breakdowns, we are secure.

  • Just passed my probation so looks like it's secure, work in Insurance.

  • +1

    Work for a major monopoly IT firm specializing for the Auto Industry (which in itself was/is reeling) with over 600 employees in Au, Philippines and Italy. I work in a customer facing consulting role for an optional CRM product which the clients pay for. Right now, no travel inside Qld, interstate or overseas for client visits. Have been reassured today that the company's cash reserves are good for 3-4 months and they are not wanting to let go of people. But it is dead slow at the moment.

    I am hoping not to get redundant but maybe asked to take other responsibilities during the next few months when things are extremely slow.

    My partner works as an ESL teacher for International students and it is effed with no International students coming in and she is on casual. So she would be out of work pretty soon.

    We have been saving up for the last 3 years to buy a property and now have to dip into the savings if I get made redundant.

  • im a casual at fcmg..ft workers been ask to take accrual annual leave, have shifts and hours decreasing, same with casual workers with no guarantee of shifts…company supplies to coles/ww/aldi from private and its own brands, now this is what i dont get with the fast food sector especially rules where ppl can only order drive through….whether u order inside or order outside, how is it hurting the numbers? people still have to eat right?…i dont get how there be less demand from the FF restaurants for the goods fcmg manufacturer… we had a factory meeting, they say the FF restaurants are sitting on 2-3 months of excess stock, so they be decreasing factory output and shifts…

    • Unfortunately a lot of people I know, including my own family have drastically decreased the amount of eating out/takeout.

      I have not seen a mechanism to prove that the food chain is uncontaminated - i.e no one who was potentially sick prepared the food. China had one that was imperfect, measuring of temp for anyone who handled the food, but it was still something.

      We basically prepare all our own food now so I am really missing 24 nuggets and a zinger box!

  • +5

    I just started a new business (self employed) dealing with kids activity. Guess what happened to that lol. Now no income no job and a baby on the way (along with staying at home with a 3 year old)…. sigh.

    I guess not secured at all!

    PS: if anyone has remote jobs for me, let me know please! (Finance background might help but I’m gonna do anything)

  • +1

    Very, Government IT.

    Everyone now realises how essential we are.

    • +15

      Anyone fixing that Centerlink website?

      • -1

        It's Government IT, I think that speaks for itself.

      • Not that dept, but it's almost impossible at this point

  • +1

    doctor and nurse will be 99% secure.. doesnt matter if its pandemic, war, recessions or gfc

    • +3

      So far 23 doctors died in Italy. We don't want that happens our doctors and nurses. They have a tough job for months ahead.

  • Graduate at a big Australian company. Who knows? Times are gonna be tough.

  • I'm in gov- so secure for the immediate future, I suspect our next few yearly budgets are going to be slim so that's when there would be losses.

  • Merged from Jobs in Demand Post-Covid19

    What it says up there. Asking for a friend - Same friend who was originally looking for a "sexy job" but has since changed him and is now looking for a job that will pay his bills.


    • Wedding and event planners, celebrants etc.

      • +1

        Will people have money to pay for those services?

        • +2

          People will be throwing parties and concerts of all sorts. And plenty of people would pay for tickets, so yes.

          Lenders will also surely be keen to lend, and interest rates will be low.

    • +6


    • +1

      Virus worst case scenario: funeral directors, grave diggers.

      • When people die en masse, we will skip the formalities.

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