How Safe Is Your 2020 Job?

My heart is breaking after seeing people losing their job and started looking for another one.

Airline crews are losing theirs for up to 8 months. Restaurant maybe open for take away only, waiters are jobless. Other businesses are depending on people with a party/event coming up.

So far supermarket jobs are the winners here. And they are hiring through agency. Not sure which.

I wish you all good luck there. Hope virus vaccine will be ready soon.

Poll Options

  • 843
    My job is secured
  • 10
    Losing my job for up to 4 weeks.
  • 21
    Losing my job for up to 3 months.
  • 29
    Losing my job for up to 6 months.
  • 7
    Losing my job for up to 12 months.
  • 134
    Losing my job until virus is fully gone.


      • Worst case scenario, we won't need them.

    • +2

      Nsw health official…I could have a lobotomy and let 2700 people of a ship , without health checks

  • +7

    Wow so much optimism, unless a very disproportionate number of health workers are represented, I don't think this level of optimism is at all realistic. Good luck to everyone.

    • +4

      What optimism? The poll shows 20% (120 of 600 total votes at time of writing) of people have lost or will lose their jobs in the near future.

      During the Great Depression unemployment in Australia peaked at 19.75% and it took years to get to that bad.

      • And it will happen very quickly this time, hopefully it will quickly reverse too.

  • Front line health professional. I'll never lose my job unless the human race becomes extinct.

    • I'll never lose my job unless the human race becomes extinct.

      No offence, but that is very optimistic of you considering that you are more at risk of contracting the virus than the rest of us.

      • I guess he'll just lose his life before losing his job /s

        • I guess he'll just lose his life before losing his job

          It all depends on his HR team. Some are more pro-active at advertising vacancies than others :P

          I thought his insinuation that he will outline the rest of the human race was funny and overly-confident.

  • I am a 3 year old kinder teacher which is privately run by a committee of parents whose children attend the 3 year old kindergarten. My job at this stage is secure. The fees for term 2 have already been collected from the parents, however as it is a not-for-profit kinder we are hoping that the kinder gets the stimulus package funding to help pay us in the event we need to refund money to parents if school does not go back after the 2 weeks school holiday.

    • +3

      "I am a 3 year old kinder teacher" …………What?????

      • I am a 3-year-old-kinder teacher

        Would this have been better?

      • -2

        Pretty sure it's just a child care worker that believes they are above other child care workers because of their supercilious job title.

        • +3

          I sounded to me as if they were a teacher who's three years old.

          • -1
            • +1

              @field1985: And you my friend can go get yourself a supercilious job title. I answered a question not to be put down.

              • @babezaves: I'm sorry, but your job title is literally a "put down" to all other child care workers and teachers. Do you actually hold a teaching qualification?

                • -5

                  @field1985: I don't need to justify anything to you. I came on here to answer a question not to answer to you and I didn't realise you were the "occupation" police.

                  I don't have time for people being rude and making unnecessary comments. Picking my comment apart just means you have too much time on your hands and obviously someone who thinks wayyyyy to much about things that really don't matter.

                  Good luck on your life of being judgemental to others.

                  Peace out!

                  • @babezaves: I'll take that as a NO on the teaching qualifications then. lol. I hope you have at least a Cert 3 in childcare.

                    People claiming professional job titles (which require specific qualifications/accreditiation eg police, teachers, surveyors, solicitors, psychologist, etc) they don't actually hold is deceitful and in some cases illegal.

                    Wonder what the parents would say if you told them you don't hold any teaching qualification?

                    Who doesn't have too much time at the moment? LOL

                    Good luck.

          • -5

            @DashCam AKA Rolts: Wow - Really????

            "I" sounded to you like a 3 year old teacher?

            You sound like a 3 year old…..

            • +2

              @babezaves: Just the way the job description was written. Having taught mid-school for 40 years, I tend to being pedantic and a grammar nazi at times.

    • +2

      Childcare jobs are about to be in a world of trouble, people are pulling their kids out left right and centre. I would have a look at your numbers, the further they drop, the less likely your job security is, my guess is if it was run by "A committee of parents" they weren't exactly stashing away cash for a rainy day.

      • It's a not-for-profit sessional kindergarten for 3 year olds. Our wages are dependent on enrolments, so you are correct. Only time will tell what everyone's future is.

      • Childcare jobs are about to be in a world of trouble, people are pulling their kids out left right and centre

        They still have to pay though.

        Source: I'm a parent of a 3 year old.

        • +1

          Not if you remove your child from the centre (giving up their place) might be more of a risk if places are in short supply but there is a glut in many areas so no real risk involved. Most people don't want to pay fees for a service they won't use for the next x amount of months.

          • @tryagain: No glut in my area unfortunately.

            • +1


              If you haven't checked in a while, it might pay to do so, there has been many new centres open in a lot of places in recent times.

              • @tryagain: Our youngest is in an employer-sponsored childcare centre with great staff. We wouldn't want them to close down or have to let-go of their staff. Happy to wait for a little longer to see what happens when we go in full lock-down.

    • The more kind a teacher is; the better.

  • +1

    I have a small business sevicing the wealthy/very wealthy people's Sydney gardens.
    The gardens don't stop growing and the rich folk aren't going to start looking after their own gardens.
    So far so good but I'm not being complacent. I still lay awake at night worrying.

  • I'm a single operator IT Consultant / Managed Service provider.

    So far I'm making more money than previous as there has been some additional work setting clients up to work from home. For the most part everyone was ready to go so not an insane amount of work / money….but there have been some minor things where clients opted to not pay the money and heed my advice and now have things like phone systems that need to be jerry rigged to work from home.

    Going forward, I'm praying that all my clients get through this and we all stay afloat. I'm fully expecting to lose some.

  • obviously this is not a representative sample of the economy since we're all bargain hunters.

    but the poll suggests an unemployment rate of 18-19% which is depression level unemployment, not recession level unemployment

  • +1

    Very safe. I make medication for you lots.

  • Safe…for now.

  • Thankfully mine is secure as i work for one of the big supermarkets.

  • I work for fashion retail company but I work in head office. Very likely that we are getting all our shifts reduced. Sales are down 68% from last year same period so we've been hit pretty hard.

  • I'm working at a fund manager that mainly owns/invests in energy assets, so that wheel will never stop spinning (thankfully).

  • +2

    Don't worry.

    If you are a hairdresser.

    Women's hair colour is more important than appropriate close contact times according to the health people /guvnuts

    • spoke too soon. hairdressers to shut down too…

    • +1

      Some women will be unrecognisable when they come out of lockdown : darker roots, bushy eyebrows, their real eyelashes, their real nails, no foundation, no fake tans…πŸ˜‚

    • I think that spending more of your time with a fewer number of customers would be safer than less time with more customers

      • I think you have not read constitutes significant exposure.

        You also fail to understand that they will see the same number, just longer each time. Ie each customer is mutually exclusive.

        I just fail to see how colours / foils / more advanced requirements trump public health policy.

        Vanity over sanity.

        • I don't understand how shorter appointments don't equate to having more customers during the day, but I suppose hairdressing isn't my field. I'll just stick to being a registered nurse instead.

          • @Tonyh87: Due to the finite number of customers.

            Eg as a nurse in ed with 6 presentations. You can either be with them 15 minutes each or 30 mins each.

            If all hairdressers are working (which they should be as they are essential workers according to the pm) then they still have the same client base as before (though I would argue less atm temporarily)

            I have read exposure guidelines

  • Work in the airport, all of our flights suspended until May, so jobless until then

  • -1

    If your job is secured then gtfo here and go back to work.

  • Taking a break from wfh.

    Both my wife and I in ICT (Infrastructure). Different company but both are in digital marketing. Have been busy assisting staff with their WFH arrangements and business continuity. WFH but on-call and may need to go to data centre if needed.

    Secure for now but we don't know for how long. Traffic increased recently due to companies sending out notifications and announcements.

  • +5

    Work in ICU so there's a job for me but the job is going to be extremely high risk for actually getting covid myself

    • Thank you! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

      Scomo has not acknowledged and thanked healthcare workers yet.

      It has been crazy since the outbreak in General Practice. Especially as my surgery has many chinese patients. For us, this is the 2nd wave.

      But we will be closing our doors from tomorrow snd only doing phone consults.

      Lots of cases now coming back positive and many with pneumonia requiring hospital admission. The next 3 weeks will be devastating for you.. Please use triple PPE! pneumonia is airborne and highly contagious. 6k Italian healthcare workers infected. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» Thank you

      • Sal if sounds like it is crazy out there in GP too. Its good to hear you will be loving to phone consults but one has to wonder if people will out off required care. Still, you have to take care of your own first. If you don't have enough PPE and you get sick you can't help anyone. Stay safe and look after your family.

        • We are working from home, if necessary we will ask pstients to come to clinic.

      • +2

        As much as I dislike Scomo and the LNP, he definitely has acknowledged healthcare workers.

        I believe it was the first thing he did during his Tuesday evening address.

  • +4

    am on a 40% pay cut temporarily (3 days a week FT), it sucks but definitely beats lining up for centre link payments.

  • Wife and I both work in education (she's a teacher, I'm IT). Both working from home for a while but jobs are secure so pretty thankful for that.

  • +7

    Job is Centrelink, secured

    • If you're from NZ, it's unlikely (unless you have dual citizenship).

      • I have quad citizenship: UK, Canada, AU&NZ.

  • +2

    I see a lot of people voted their job is secure, even myself because there is a lot of task in my company that require me. But are these people been realistic? I feel many do not see they are just a number and when budget comes, if they need to reduce the headcount, you may be one of those head that need to go to make the balance sheet looks good.

    I sincerely hope myself and no one lose their job, it is a shitty sitation.

    • +2

      People overvalue themselves. Plus no one wants to think that the worst can happen to them if possible.

  • +3

    50/50, but I don’t worry. If worry fixes the worries there will be no worries in life. Better not worry.

  • work in hospitality industry that does not subject to closure, yet. Secure for this week, but who knows what will the top position will do when the revenue is historically slashed.

  • "So far supermarket jobs are the winners here." You cannot do better than to have a government job; no matter what happens to the economy you will always get to keep your well remunerated position. Only the private sector is vulnerable to downturns.

    • +2

      False, I know of a few people in 'government' jobs that should covid/lockdown continue, will face retrenchment. Yes probably more secure than private sector, but still not a guarantee.

      Probably the only areas that are guaranteed right now are health and aged care, police, and logistics.

  • So far pretty secure, work at a small civil/structural engineering consultancy and both our clients and builders are still generally going ahead with work. A small time construction site only has a few people for a site a few thousand square meters. Only time will tell though if/when the supply chain dries up for them. Had a chat with some of the builders yesterday and they said there's no issue on getting supplies yet but they're holding their breath.

    • building services engineer here too. We have a decent amount of work going at the moment but a number of projects have already stopped. Hopefully it doesn't dry up completely.

      • Yeah, similar on our end now too as a fair few of our clients have now decided to hold off on certain projects.
        One's pretty obvious - construction of a gym… No point rushing to build it when there's no one to even sign up right now.

  • Not sure honestly. I do work in an essential industry, but my role isn't essential. If I had to guess, 90% secure.

  • -1

    As a professional Centerlink payments receiver :P Income should not be a problem

  • IT consultant seems secure so far, semi-gov, we are being encouraged to take annual leave when possible though

  • +3

    Stood down, part of the skeleton staff for 2 days a week 3 days annual leave until full lock down then i may be fully stood down which means i have to take my full leave .. that will tie me over for a month then its no pay .. since im in the retail sector this is going to be a lot longer than 1-2 months so im expecting to have to look for work in about 4-6 weeks time. Being an IT infra manager they want me back and are quite scared that they'll lose me and my team but unfortunately their backs are against the wall and if mine is i'll have to do what is right for me and my family … going from a retailer that was flying high to bottom of the barrell in a matter of weeks is devastating on a level i've never experienced.

    • +1

      Tough times. Those 1-2 months start looking for jobs in the private school sector. Plenty around that are hiring infra / ICT at the moment for remote learning and migration into the cloud.

      • Thanks for the advice, appreciate it. Yes it's my plan to look in or around that time frame. I also don't want to impact the business if/when they get going again… It's really tough to make that decision, look after me and my family or help the business get back on its feet.. :(

        This just sucks…

  • Sysadmin at a K-12 school. Feeling secure based on the heavy dependence on IT to facilitate remote learning.

  • +11

    Lost my job as a robber since everyone is staying at home…

  • +1

    My job is secured, just got a 100% pay rise for the next 6 months 🍺 πŸ˜‚

    • +4

      Let me guess, you're a well trained and invaluable centrelink recipient?

      • with years of experience in the field obviously 😁 double pay but less work as I have been told to stay at home, no more seeking πŸ€₯

  • I work in IT, never been busier

  • +4

    Secure. People always need Oxycodone…

  • Secured unless I catch the virus and die due to shitty cleaning practices of work environment.

  • Work in healthcare no contract. So no idea as their isnt many permanent jobs. Like to think it's secure

  • My job is secure..for now at least. I work full time in childcare. We could be closed down any time though, only time will tell.

  • +1

    We keep forgetting a group of people safe from all this: politicians.

  • Work at a bottle-o, it’s (profanity) bizarre the way things have been

  • Secured - work as an ICU physiotherapist. things are about to get busy

  • I work at a major power station. My job directly involves keeping the turbines spinning. Electricity usage has increased since people started WFH. I’ll be fine

  • Sigh, another millennials/young person taking things for granted.

  • I work in a condom factory, I’ve had to do 14 days straight as demand is high.

    • This is a great service.

      After seeing how people are reacting stupidly, I think we should provide even more condoms to the masses.

  • Is social worker jobs secured?

  • There's a lot to do at a telco and the customers we have that we make real money out of will mostly stay afloat.

    • Yeah telco industry is still plowing ahead .

      I have so many projects it’s crazy . Carriers want to get their 5G up and be the fastest network in Australia .

      Not to mention demand for internet use is on the rise now since there is a lot more people working from home .

      Good thing is I am working form home full time as well .

      2nd job is age and disability care related and that’s still good at the moment especially the ones that depend on care workers .

  • Private tertiary tutor - secure until all my students lose their jobs, then not secure.

  • restaurant owner - closed dow restaurant

  • Service desk lead for a major pharmacy chain and pharmaceutical wholesaler. Should be somewhat secure, but there will be significant changes to the way we do business from this

    Good luck to all those affected by this

  • I work in FMCG, non-food unfortunately. Large business however sales are down like most other non-food due to lack of consumers.
    I have a large amount of LSL owing, so will hopefully buy me some time, if I need to go partial or full leave. If it goes over 6 months then it will start to bite

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