This was posted 4 years 5 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free AT99 Microphones @ Audio Technica Australia


Edit: site down due to being ozbargained

Good gesture from Audio Technica.

Whether you’re working from home, creating content or just need to make an important call, Audio-Technica is here to help!

We’re giving away over $250,000 of great microphones to get you through your isolation.

Below are the options, each microphone serves a different purpose so make sure you select the right tool for the job and you have the right inputs for them to work as intended.

Please fill out the form below and answer a few questions our team will handle the rest!

AT9947CM – Mono Shotgun Microphone.
The AT9947CM features a tight pick up area for incredible sound isolation and clear audio with a DSLR camera. This microphone is designed to pick up a single sound source such as an interviewee, a presenter or a commentator. The AT9947CM rejects background noise so that the person speaking stands out from the background.

Requirements: Designed for use with DSLR or small digital recorders with a horse shoe mount.

Connections: 3.5mm gold-plated 3-pole mini (L-type)

AT9903 – Mono Mini Electret Condenser Lapel Mic.
The AT9903 is a compact, lightweight low profile microphone designed to record a single presenter for video commentary or an instructional video etc.

Requirements: Designed for use on portable recording devices, digital cameras and desktop computers.

Connections: 3.5mm mini jack

Please note* Includes power module and LR44 button battery. Designed for personal recorders or can be used via USB powered audio outputs (ie. ATR2USB) without power module.

AT9920 – Stereo Condenser Mini Boundary Microphone.
The AT9920 is designed for digital recording devices and is ideal for recording vocals, meetings, conferences and even instruments and room acoustics. This microphone has been used in episodes of Bondi Rescue on the underside of the beach buggy roof to capture the dialogue whilst minimising vibration and outside noises.

Requirements: Designed for use on portable recording devices, digital cameras and desktop computers.

Connections: 3.5mm stereo mini jack

Please note* Includes power module and LR44 button battery. Designed for personal recorders or can be used via USB powered audio outputs (ie. ATR2USB) without power module.

Edit emails are being sent out. Also supplied code CWP for 15% off microphones.

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Audio-Technica Australia
Audio-Technica Australia

closed Comments

      • +1

        Stuck at home - what shirt?

    • +1

      either the shotgun one, placed towards your head about 30-50cm away, or the laviar/mono condenser. Will work out of the box with minimal tuning either in Windows Sound Device manager or Discord's voice/video settings.

      The stereo condenser wont be recommended purely because it'll pick up your keyboard/mouse click etc.

      If you go the shotgun mic - look into a cheap Neewer BooM arm or a desktop mini tripod with hotshoe to 1/4" adaptor.

      they all ideally require battery/external power considering they're not xlr nor have USB connections. Sound quality requires amplification.

      edit: laviar/mono must be placed on your collar or can be modded onto a headset

  • +1

    Thanks. Like most freebies, I don't expect to actually receive it, but will try anyway and unsub from the spam.

    • +2

      Unsub isn't the issue. With 80,000+ clicks I can guarantee they'll sell our details.

      • If you're that sure why did you even enter your real details. Can easily make up a name, throwaway email and a fake phone number. All they have is an address which is the only thing you need for the mic in the unlikely event that they send it

        • +1

          Temporary lapse of judgement.

  • +7

    I was number 77901. Gonna get this mic for sure! $250k divided by $120 a mic = around 2,100 mics

    • +2

      That's the spirit!

    • +3

      How do you know your own number?

  • +2

    Any LR44 button battery deals? Haha

  • +12

    Due to overwhelming response we are suspending the promotion as we’ve received more entries than microphones. We will be contacting you via the email address provided to let you know if you were successful. We appreciate the response and we’re sorry to anyone who has missed out!

    Now on the page, Don't give away your details for nothing.

      • +2

        "Can't believe I fell for this shit"
        Don't blame Audio Technica here, they were straight forward about it. They are doing a really generous thing here.

        Why the mods here allowed this to be posted as a "deal" is beyond me.

        Thanks to eternalconflux for posting it ofc, much appreciated but this wasn't a deal.

      • +3

        The self entitlement of some people here is just pathetic.

        • -4

          The naivety of some people is quite pathetic too.

          When something is offered for free in today's world, you are the product.

          Nurries is absolutely right. They harvested thousands upon thousands of people's personal details, which have now been squirreled away to God knows what 3rd-parties (and they will absolutely make good returns on selling that data), while their faux-goodwill has simply evaporated and there's zero accountability as to how honest their promotion was and whether they will make good on their promises here (for all we know, they'll give away less mics than originally promised and/or arbitrarily not give mics to some users even though their submissions were received well within the promotion's timeframe).

          If you're going to give people something for their submitting their details to you, that's one thing, but to continue to take people's personal information when you have zero intention of fulfilling any promise, is just deceitful.

          It's absolutely trivial for a company like AH to simply tie that web front-end to a inventory database and simply register one less stock count for each click on the 'Submit' button.

          • @Gnostikos: Three points:

            1. Your rant is entirely speculative.
            2. No one has been forced into giving out their details.
            3. Your rant is entirely speculative.
            • +1

              @dm01: You forgot to mention is entirely speculative.

              • +1

                @xoom: You sure 'bout that, or just speculating?

            • -4

              @dm01: Assuming multi-million dollar corporations who do not care about consumer will, are always acting in good faith is entirely speculative, bordering on delusional.

              No one has been forced into giving out their details.

              Like I said, it would have been absolutely trivial to have this give-away promotion be tied to a fixed amount of stock and when that stock count reached zero, the promotion could have neatly ended and every participant could have been allocated a freebie.

              Instead they've gone radio silent and haven't even confirmed with participants whether their claim will or will not be honoured. They did however, data mine an enormous amount of personal details, and probably continued to do so well past the point at which they realised the number of submissions completely outweighed the amount of stock and now those personal details cannot be revoked by their respective holders, many of whom will not receive anything in return. That's my issue with this promotion.

              They've taken something for nothing and have gone about this so-called "goodwill gesture" in a very poorly-planned and deceitful way.

              • +2

                @Gnostikos: Once again another purely speculative post from you that is entirely devoid of fact.

  • must be sold out, can't see any form to fill :-(

  • Has anyone recieved the email?

  • Highest ever upvoted and clicked deal??

    • +4
      • What happened in 2018??

        • Nothing exceeded the 2560 set in 2017 until the 2019 deal

          • @spackbace: hmmmm I see how the OZB community has progressed in 5 years …

            .. from thinking a $1.40 McFlurry was a good deal in 2014 … 2840 votes
            .. to thinking a $164,465 Telsa was a good deal in 2019 … 1738 votes

            Wonder how many people purchased McFlurry's vs Tesla's … a purchase-to-vote ratio would be interesting ;)

  • No email for me :/

    • Same

      • +2

        The emails may not be sent straight away.

        Let's see if anyone gets an email by end of Monday before we completely give up.

        • None for me. I thought i got i fairly early in the shark frenzy too.

  • +3

    Why didn't they sell a capped number of items?

    • +3

      Because they didn't anticipate being ozbargained or they wanted a buttload of newsletter sign ups.

    • -5

      Because their primary intent was to data mine thousands and thousands of personal details so they can spam people with advertising and/or sell their details to 3rd-partry advertisers for money.

  • hmmm assuming $99 RRP average for the microphones that leaves 2,500 odd give aways. Divide that into 80k clicks from here (dont forget the original email clicks and other ozbargainy sites) I think we are all going to be very disappointed :)

    • Although it should be noted that there were plenty of database errors.

  • So the chances of actually receiving one of these is very slim?
    Anyone received any kind of confirmation email yet?

    • I sent them an email and they said they ran out within hours and they won't give me one.

      • What time today did they reply, out of curiosity?

        • Yea wondering too, entered 10 mins into the post going up lol

        • 11:53am. Why?

          • +6

            @Emerald Owl: So you negged the deal because they wouldn't send you one?

            • +1

              @dm01: Of course. They made out as though I was going to receive a microphone when I was not. Their website has out of stock and inventory management. Why didn’t they use it?

      • -2

        I sent them an email and they said they ran out within hours and they won't give me one.

        So they ran out within hours but it took them a further 18 hours to edit the promotional page so that the submission form was removed and people were aware there was no possibility of receiving a free microphone?

        Oh yeah, as I suspected: a dishonest marketing ploy designed mainly to harvest people's details.

        I'll be amazed if anyone receives any of these mics from AT in the next 3 months.

        • Why’d you upvote?

          • @Emerald Owl: Thanks for reminding me. That was back when this deal was first published. I'd like to neg, but that's not possible now.

    • still no email here.

      • I haven't received one either and I put my "order" in within 15 minute of it being posted. I'm a teacher so could really do with this as I prepare for online teaching and learning!

        • +1

          In 15 minutes, this probably was already clicked over 5000 times. How many people got through submissions is unknown though.

          The deal went live at 5pm so it was already 2hrs 52min after so it could be that ozbargain users completely missed out, although unlikely since OP got through.

      • +3

        It's going to take them a while. I think they are manually going through each entry by first come first serve basis until they reach their $250K allocation.

        After that, they will contact everybody to tell them they either got one, or didn't.

  • +12

    Update as per deal webpage

    Thanks for responding to our ‘CREATE. WORK. PLAY. FREE AT99 MICROPHONES’ offer.

    As you can imagine we experienced an overwhelming response, unfortunately too overwhelming for our $250,000 allocation of microphones!

    We received over 30,000 responses in a very short time and allocated the 2,000+ microphones on a first-come-first-served basis. Unfortunately this means the majority of entries were unsuccessful. We will be in contact you with directly over the next two weeks if you are going to receive a microphone – if you were unsuccessful we will only contact you with an update once we’re able to do so. We’ll soon be organising a discount on home recording and content creation microphones to anyone who submitted an application for a free microphone – for the latest news on this please stay tuned on our socials and website.

    Many thanks again for participating – it’s great to think over 2,000 recipients will be enjoying a great quality audio experience during these challenging times.

    Thanks again from all of us here at Audio-Technica Australia

    • +5

      Thanks for posting, seems like a reasonable response to me.

    • +5

      It's what usually happens when a free or heavily discounted product is posted on OzBargain. I think at some stage it will come to the point where some businesses will blacklist themselves from this site. I only realized the sheer number of people on this site when an Amazon item posted after midnight last night got OzBargained within minutes.

  • Then I wasted my few minutes

    • +4

      Did someone have a gun to your head forcing you to go to the website?

  • +1

    I just wonder if ANY, ANY one of us, has received the microphone from them?

    • The guys that worked there may have hooked up their friends based on facebook comments from a staff. That would have taken up a few but dont think that many were taken prior to this being posted here.

  • +2

    Interesting just saw they replied with this on their facebook:
    "We are sorry, but by now all mics have been spoken for. If you are among the people who filled out the form in time, we will contact you via e-mail to confirm your free mic. However, for everyone who missed out, we will have a 15% voucher for our website."

    Possibly why they kept it open? To give everyone else a 15% off coupon as an incentive to purchase.

  • anyone received email yet?

    • +1


    • +1

      I just received an email that I'm going to receive a free AT99 microphone!

    • Received the email this arvo.

  • +4

    Got one!

    We're contacting you to let you know that you're going to receive a free AT99 microphone! As you can imagine we received an overwhelming response so we needed to take the time to handle this properly and safely. We've got a separate dedicated team packing and preparing your microphone as you read this very message, it should be with you within the next 5 - 10 business days.

    • Same! I'm getting one too.

      (How do I remove a negative vote)?

      • +1

        Maybe change your vote from a neg to a + :)

        • How do I do that :p?

          • +1

            @BarginGrabber: Try going to the top left under votes and then revoke the neg. Not sure if you can upvote after that?

            • +1

              @illz: Thanks for that, got it removed.

              Sadly, can't upvote :/

  • Got the email too!

    Titile: Audio-Technica AT99 Work.Create.Play - Free AT99 Microphone

    Hi XXX,

    We're contacting you to let you know that you're going to receive a free AT99 microphone! As you can imagine we received an overwhelming response so we needed to take the time to handle this properly and safely. We've got a separate dedicated team packing and preparing your microphone as you read this very message, it should be with you within the next 5 - 10 business days.

    Whether you're working from home or just need to enjoy your favourite music we definitely have something for you so in addition to this microphone we'd like to offer you a 15% off coupon on the Audio-Technica Australia website valid from now until the 30th of April. Simply enter the code CWP at the checkout!

    To help you get your microphone up and running, we've prepared some quick guides for you below. Please remember that not all setups will work with these microphones and we also understand that in the rush of filling out this form you might've selected the wrong microphone - if you can't get the microphone to work with your setup please consider passing it on to someone who needs it.

  • btw, thanks OP

  • Got one, thanks OP!!!!!!!

  • Woo! Got an email too. Happy days

  • Got my e-mail too, thanks! :)

  • Got my email too, thank you

  • +2

    Got my email. I forgot which one I picked though lol

  • Just a FYI, they're sending out the emails now! I'm so happy I get to use it for work! (I put in my application ~20 minutes after deal was posted)

    • I was about then as well. I saw the original post then thought I would wait till I got on the computer to look into which microphone would be more useful for work. Then when I got on the computer saw it had thousands of clicks already.

  • got one, was late to the ordering party too!

  • Got the email. Awesome!

  • +1

    Awesome got the free microphone, was hidden in spam, thanks heaps for sharing OP! Amazing work by AT, will definitely look to buy their products in the future after this.

  • So we don't know which one we will get, is it? The site was getting hammered when the deal was posted and after million refreshes I have no idea if I was supposed to pick a specific microphone or not, but at least one is coming.

  • +3

    Can I just re-iterate this from their e-mail:

    To help you get your microphone up and running, we've prepared some quick guides for you below. Please remember that not all setups will work with these microphones and we also understand that in the rush of filling out this form you might've selected the wrong microphone - if you can't get the microphone to work with your setup please consider passing it on to someone who needs it.

  • Well what a (welcome) surprise to actually get one. IIRC I only saw this after a few thousand clicks so didn't expect to get it.

    • Did you do it when website was crashing 8:30pm ish

      • Most of us did. You just keep clicking submit as Chrome keeps the form data cached until it's submitted correctly.

  • Thanks OP, got the email. :D

  • I guess I won't been receiving one. I did it when it crashed at 8:00pm

    • +1

      I did it when it was crashing as well and I'm getting one.
      Don't give up hope yet.

  • We're contacting you to let you know that you're going to receive a free AT99 microphone! As you can imagine we received an overwhelming response so we needed to take the time to handle this properly and safely. We've got a separate dedicated team packing and preparing your microphone as you read this very message, it should be with you within the next 5 - 10 business days.

    Woot woot

  • i got the email too! \o/
    shotgun mic incomingggg

  • Got the email, stoked as!

  • i received an email confirming i'm getting a microphone

  • No email. Sad face.

    • +1

      You can still get 15% off. That's better than a tumour.

      "in addition to this microphone we'd like to offer you a 15% off coupon on the Audio-Technica Australia website valid from now until the 30th of April. Simply enter the code CWP at the checkout!"

  • Got an email confirming I'm getting one! 2020 isn't so bad af…oh it is.

    • -1

      ! :D
      4:04pm Free AT99 mic on the way; not sure which one as all the mics start with AT99 code

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