This was posted 4 years 5 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Online CBT Course for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Stress, Chronic Pain and Insomnia via This Way up (Normally $59)


Hi all, first time poster.

This Way Up, at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, is a specialised anxiety clinic that has produced some excellent online CBT programs.

This Way Up is currently waiving their registration fee for patients for the month of April. This might be a useful resource for those who are currently experiencing anxiety and would benefit from accessing internet based CBT resources.

"With the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its extensive media coverage, it makes sense to be concerned about your health, the health of your loved ones, and the uncertainties that lie ahead.

Being alert to potential threat is a normal coping mechanism, which helps us to detect danger and take steps to protect ourselves.

However, when our worries become persistent, excessive, and begin to negatively impact on different areas of our lives, anxiety can become a concern in itself.

Anxiety affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, so if you have taken reasonable steps to prepare yourself and are following the official guidelines, but are finding yourself feeling worried, panicky, overwhelmed, or compelled to do things you may not otherwise do, it may be helpful to focus on strategies to manage anxiety.

Below are some ways to take care of yourself and manage your thoughts, feelings and reactions to the COVID-19 outbreak:

Tip #1. Make a note of accurate information from credible and reliable sources that provide facts on how to protect yourself e.g., Department of Health, and follow the official guidelines, even if they go against your plans and feel disruptive or disappointing.

Tip #2. Consider seeking additional information on a “need to know” basis only – if it’s not helping you make an important decision or take appropriate action, the additional information may not be useful and act to exacerbate anxiety.

Tip #3. Set a daily limit on the time and frequency of consuming information – this may mean unfollowing accounts on social media or taking a break from live TV.

Tip #4. Focus on the things you are in control of, such as washing your hands, maintaining good hygiene, and sticking to a normal routine where possible.

Tip #5. Try to be mindful and fully present during your normal everyday activities to help you shift your thinking away from worrisome thoughts.

Tip #6. If you notice yourself persistently thinking of or imagining the worst case scenarios – try to balance these thoughts with considering the positives that may come out of this situation.

Tip #7. Engage in your favourite hobbies or relaxing activities at home – while we may be constantly exposed to uncertainty elsewhere, you can try to consciously create a calming environment at home.

Tip #8. If you’re feeling lonely or isolated, speak with your friends, family, or people you know on the phone or via Skype – try not to passively follow updates on social media. Social distancing doesn’t need to mean that you can’t stay connected with others!

Tip #9. If you have been or are currently in treatment for a mental health condition, speak with your health professional about options to continue your sessions over the phone or via videoconferencing.

Tip #10. Try to maintain a sense of calm and hope by focusing on the small positive things that are happening – each day before settling for bed or upon waking up, try to bring to mind three positive things that have happened during the day, no matter how small, or the three things you are looking forward to in your day.

Finally, try to take it one day at a time and stay in the moment – you can download our free short mindfulness meditation to help you refocus on the here and now."

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This Way Up

closed Comments

  • +10

    Great initiative and advice guys!

    • +1


      • +2

        TLDR; an effective therapy

        Via the linked OP's Link…

        Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a method of treatment for psychological disorders, that takes a practical, task-based approach to solving problems. It is designed to help change negative thoughts and behaviours, by providing more positive and fulfilling solutions

  • +19

    Much needed atm. Have to say my anxiety has been crippling this past couple of weeks, thanks OP.

    edit: in regard to tip 2 i have definitely had to stop following all news about it, it's been a net negative for me and i just had to tune out altogether and engage in some good old fashioned diversional therapy.

  • Nice post zarraar!

    • +3

      Wow you should be a therapist you just fixed my anxiety which I've been dealing since I was as a kid, I don't need this course at all now, phew what a relief!

    • +1

      Generally you get what you put in to these methods of therapy. However, it seems like you'd benefit more from DBT mate.

  • +1

    Nice one! Great first post, thanks OP.

  • I prefer Minfulness-Based therapies for my anxiety and OCD. But an upvote for people wanting to give this a shot.

    • +5

      Then this has exactly what you're looking for, I just signed up for the Mindfulness Based CBT for Mixed Depression and Anxiety. There are also a few more Mindfulness ones below them.

      • Cool, thanks for letting me know.

    • Tried that, I'm definitely a CBT person myself. Good to see you've found what works for you though. Many people struggle with even just that!

      • Have you tried MCBT? It is a modified form of cognitive therapy that incorporates mindfulness practices such as meditation and breathing exercises.

  • +2

    Great initiative. I felt crazy anxious a week or so ago, crippling like Iggemo mentioned. I was eating way too many sugary foods at the time too and decided to eat more healthy and start walking. I won't watch commercial tv as the coverage infuriates me, and I watch as little from politicians as I can. I just watch daily international updates from trusted sources. And I worked through worst case scenarios like who can look after animals if we're sick, to get solutions and get those recurring thoughts out of my head. These things helped a lot. Mentioning in case any of those ideas can help others.

    Will check out this course.

  • +4

    OK, I'll bite. Chinese Bat Therapy? Community Based Training? Can't Be Tucked?

  • +5

    This is definitely better than the 24 step kits on sale at Dan Murphy's.

  • +2

    Tip: Stop reading the Ozbargain threads where people are being complete jerks to anyone who's lost their job, lost income as a landlord etc.

    Every time I see a thread promoting mental health events or services on OzBargain I want to spit. Such hypocrisy.

  • +1

    If you are suffering any of these….go to your GP and get a referral to see a psychologist. Govt covers 5-6 free session.s

    The more people I speak with the more have seen one/see one regularly. There is no stigma! you're essentially doing a poor job of seeing one by doing an online course.

    Sure…scary to admit it…but once you do…meh. It's a doctor for the mind.

    Did I mention its free too.

    • +2

      psychologists generally aren't doctors (those are psychiatrists), but i get what you mean

      • +1

        Either or. One can give you drugs, the other can't. They are both still 'doctors' though. Clinical vs medical. Depends what you need and want. Not everyone requires being medicated. In fact, I'd argue it's better to start from a position of not wanting to see someone that is likely to put you onto meds. But that's my take.

        Noted though. There is a difference.

    • +5

      Good tip! Just to clear up, these aren’t necessarily “free” visits. Low income and other populations can access free visits though at times. Otherwise with a care plan and referral you get a subsidy for 6 visits, then an extra 4 (10 per year total) if needed. Psychologists may choose to bulk bill so you have no out of pocket expense, though for a lot of psychologists (reasonably I believe) their rate is higher than the subsidy so there is cost.

      • +2

        Guess it comes down to what they normally charge too yes. If its above what medicare will pay there will be a gap. Ask first. most GP's will give you a referral to a bulk billing place or service if you ask. Same with ultrasounds. Some refer to non bulk billing just becaues they have a relationship. You have a right to not go to their recommendation if you know of someone you prefer.

        I've had a first session with one this week and it was bulk billed. And as you say yes…if after 6 visits they recommend further treatment, and I imagine they need to justify it so its not just easy money to them, you get 4 more.

        Well said MW

    • +1

      I have absolutely no idea why people always say it's free. It's not. People who have never even gotten a referral tend to be the ones who say this the most. You DO get a rebate, but you'll still end up paying about $90-100 per session. Stop saying it's free.

      • +2

        I went to my GP…bulk billed. I then got referred to a bulk billing psychologist.

        Why on earth would I stop saying it's free when it is?

        If you want to go see the top psychiatrist or psychologist you know then yes for sure it won't be. But this isn't about rich people wanting top level service. It's for people that need it that think they can't afford it.

        If you are paying, you probably can.

        And it's far better than online courses imho.

    • OP it's not free,
      some psychologists choose to charge a gap some may not charge a gap and hence it will be free

      • -1

        Yes…obviously if you go to an expensive practitioner it aint going to be.

        No different to a GP. Some bulk bill some don't.

        But you get 6 sessions 'free' within reason.

        Arguing semantics here.

        If the government was giving away solar systems of a certain capacity and size free, saying they were giving away free solar would be correct. Due diligence obviously. If you want the very best and largest system well then obviously not.

  • +1

    I've referred a good number of people to the Chronic Pain programme they run, and it's made a big difference to everyone who has committed to it.

    Think of these programs as giving people more tools to manage how they feel and respond to stress. Good on you for posting this.

  • +1

    Great post OP.
    This will be a useful tool in my road to recovery no doubt. Thanks

  • +1

    Nice first post OP!

  • I dont see Chronic Pain Programme - have they removed it

  • +1

    It's called This Way Up, it's cognitive behaviour therapy. Simply put, it's tools to try to train your brain away from negative thoughts and provide you with a new way of looking at the world. Those of us in the Maintain Your Brain study were given the chance to do it. I very much recommend it for anyone working through anxiety and depression.

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