Trump Suspends Immigration Temporarily…

Trump is signing executive order to suspend immigration to US..I'm not sure it's large scale implications…open for discussion..


                      • +3

                        @TheBilly: Yeah of course, I'm a Chinese spy browsing Ozbargain and pretending I do live in Australia. Why don't you keep accusing people who don't believe in rumours?
                        Fine, BBC is a liar. You may accuse all the mainstream media to be liars. But which media do you believe? Is your source of information reliable and trustworthy? If you believe evething they said, is there a chance you are fooled by your "trustworthy" source of information?
                        I'm simply asking you stop making things up and have some common sense. The Cold War is over.

                        • +3


                          I'm simply asking you stop making things up and have some common sense. The Cold War is over.

                          They killed Covid 19 whistleblowers are currently hurting Uyghurs, but it's all good because Africans weren't mistreated. Even if I'm wrong, one thing I am not wrong about is they have very bad characteristics that are overlooked and excused. I don't just judge a book by its cover, I'll read a few chapters and that is my judgement.

                          I'm a Chinese spy browsing Ozbargain

                          Don't be ridiculous. Obviously you are not. But there is a very large number of so called Australians with an overwhelming desire to support the motherland at the cost of their adopted country. Think Daigous, Greenland group, CCM political lobbyists, business men such as that billionaire that owns Victorias power and all the carparks etc. Nobody is a spy, they are hard and expensive to train, Chinese Communist Party Patriots is a better term which is even more dangerous.

                          • +1

                            @TheBilly: Man, I'm really concerning your source of information now. There were two famous whistleblowers In China during this Covid19, both doctors. One named Li, was taken to the police because police thought he spreaded the wrong information. He didn't get fired or killed, but died because of Covid after 20 days' treatment. One named Zhang, alive and still very famous. I'm not sure which whistleblowers you are referring to. But think about it, if there is clear evidence whistleblowers got killed, it is such a fantastic opportunity for the mainstream media to critize China. But they didn't. Why? Because they couldn't find anyone got shooted.
                            I do not sympathize China. But they should not get blamed of something they didn't do.

                            • +8

                              @ty99234: let not start sucking china's D**k just yet, china sure knows how to play the victim when they themselves are known to be the most prejudice regime in existence, Chinese Muslim concentration camps and prejudice towards Africans with The expulsion of Africans from their homes in southern China, this regime is as bad as they come but when someone blames them for something they clearly caused (A global pandemic with hundred's of thousands of causalities potentially will reach millions)

                              they do sure like to call people out for being harsh towards them, hypocrisy at its best. they should be sued by all countries and we need to shift manufacturing to India or other smaller asian countries than lets see how china holds up after that..

                              • +1

                                @striker5950: Wait, I'm not denying any evil things China did. I'm simply saying his source of information might not be correct. There is no evidence that China is blaming Africans for distraction. If Mainstream media can't be trusted, why would you believe other media can be trusted?

                                • @ty99234: I research my own news, definitely not a fox news watcher or any other one sided news channel local tentacle > sky news australia owned by Murdoch that cockroach

                                  • +1

                                    @striker5950: That's great, that's what everyone should do and that's what I'm doing as well. So I still have no idea how he reached his point of view. I questioned his source of information that can prove his point, then I was accused to be a Communism sympathizer.

                                • @ty99234: If you don't think China people are attacking Africans - well yes they are.
                                  Is the Government? Well I saw video of two Africans being arrested by the Police and them saying what have we done wrong?
                                  Is this official CCP policy? Probably Not. Is this unofficial CCP policy? Probably not.
                                  Is this racism Not rejected by the CCP? Certainly.

                              • @striker5950: the overwhelming majority of your assertions have little or no factual basis, and in the absence of such have absolutely no merit except personal dislike.

                            • @ty99234: "taken to the police because police thought he spreaded the wrong information"

                              • +1

                                @meowbert: Whistblowers got fired for saying Hospitals were out of PPE in US.

                                • @ty99234: There was a case of a Nurse stating that she couldn't use her Mask, rather she had to use their "worse" masks (they were 95's).

                                  Unfortunately Hospitals cannot test the effectiveness of PPE (labs do it), so if she was not prepared to work, they were right to fire her.

                                  Latter came out she been fired from 2 or 3 other hospitals.

                                  I have read only a handful of cases (5 total) and those people have the option of suing via whistleblower lawsuits (2 are).

                    • +1

                      @ty99234: Spent a few months in that province last year. There are quite a few Africans there and occasional grumps from some of the locals.
                      People are all the same. Fear of the other is in us at a basic level as the cave people that sang Coombyah to others that wanted their cave/hunting ground/water didn’t get to pass on their genes. We are smarter and there is not the same need for that now, but we need to recognise it, name it and choose to operate differently.
                      So yes, some Chinese are racist, and so are people in other nations too. It is the mark of individuals that do not know any better, sometimes through a primitive culture or simply choose to be for their own reasons. There are mostly pretty decent people in all cultures, some gems and some ass@@es. We all know some examples of each……

                      I do feel sad for the tragedy of America at the moment, and worry about the Murdoch and other vested influence in Australia.

                • +5

                  @ty99234: To be fair you have to be pretty naieve to believe western media is an oracle of free information. murdoch and his goon has manipulated and made or broke goverments for decades. the media is easily used to manipulate. we are just better at it than the chinese in it's much more subtle

                  • @May4th: I understand both western and Chinese media can't be trusted fully. But there shouldn't be a place for rumours.

                  • @May4th: Much has been made of Murdoch breaking Governments - but if you look at he usually nominates a candidate very late in the game usually after it is widely known who will win (like backing Blair or Not backing Gordon Brown) or baking Boris over Corbyn.
                    (please tell me we are Not surprised by who he backed).

                    If it is true - how come Murdoch is so more effective than the left leaning media? (Guardian, Independent, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, even the BBC & ABC, etc).

                    My guess is his influence is greatly exaggerated (though Politicians find him useful as a foil or a 'heel', much like Soros was used as a heel in Hungary).
                    Useful to counter media criticism (just like the right and the ABC & certain SMH people).

          • @TheBilly: I was there last year and no problems getting outside info. Mind you I was using a VPN so I'm not sure what the rules for locals are on that score.

            • +4

              @EightImmortals: It’s probably different if you live there and are a Chinese citizen. They’d play with a nastier set of rules then.

              • @Icecold5000: I've heard Thailand apparently care less about Farangs discussing stuff about the King in English (up to a certain extent) but get very heavy when Thais are discussing it in thai.
                Seems quite obvious (Language, can Farangs vote? well not enough to make a difference).

                Would not be surprised if its same in China.

                • @Other: Thai courts will give you 10 years in the Bangkok Hilton but you’ll be pardoned after a couple of years. This was under the old King however the new one is a nutcase so you may end up doing to whole bit.

            • -3


              I'm not sure what the rules for locals are on that score.

              Probably death or similar, maybe kidnapping and torture.

              The exact numbers of people executed in Mainland China is classified as a state secret; occasionally death penalty cases are posted publicly by the judiciary


              • +2

                @TheBilly: This discussion here makes me realise that even if the western world is not strictly controlled by the government. It really makes no difference because the media influences their ideology anyways to implant the thought into the average citizens anyways.

                • +2

                  @centrelink: You're going on the assumption that we are not critical of the western world and only critical of the Chinese - there is plenty done wrong here as well. Illegitimate wars, war crimes, commodity market speculation and fixing, inflated bureaucracy, corrupt and bought media, social engineering. However right now the limelight is on China mishandling this whole situation so that is the review point.

      • +12

        Between them throwing Chinese Muslims in concentration camps and shooting whistle blowers, I'm seeing a similar pattern of behavior of both

      • +1

        There is no word from the presidential level in China that suggests they are "going after Africans".

        Meanwhile, in the real world Trump is blaming anyone and everyone but himself.

        Stop making rubbish up.

        • +1

          LOL why would they announce something bad happening officially?

          • @TheBilly: why do you write stuff that has no factual basis?

            • @petry: Your comment applies to you as well. You have not proven that I am writing non factual things.

              • @TheBilly: its pretty obvious that people are working together in this thread to promote extreme ideologies and spread hate - there's even different tags writing in the same manner using the same phrases which theoretically isn't allowed but happens increasing frequently here. fake news and hate speech have achieved the global spread of covid, and since racism is a form of mental illness clearly we now are forced to survive in a world run by mad people.

          • +2

            @TheBilly: Well, you sir just confirmed my point. Where is your proof that they are going after them? You have none.

            If you have no proof then you are just making up unsubstantiated rubbish.

            • -2

              @mychips: Does a robber announce before they rob a house?

            • @mychips: Africans are being attacked and arrested in China.

              Go look it up on google. its not hard.

              As per my previous post - China might not have offical policy towards it (or even unoffical policy) but it is certainly allowing locals to demonstrate racism against Africans.

              • @Other: China has denounced racism towards Africans just like the government here has denounced racism against Asians No-one is saying there is no racism against Africans in China, racism exists everywhere including Australia which has had numerous cases of anti-Asian attacks.

                Perhaps you should read this entire piece as it explains what has been happening.


                Chinese did the same. Started going after Africans.

                China might not have official policy towards it (or even unoffical policy) but it is certainly allowing locals to demonstrate racism against Africans.

                [Australia] might not have official policy towards it (or even unoffical policy) but it is certainly allowing locals to demonstrate racism against [Asians].

                You could argue the same for Australia as there is racism here which exists towards Asians (physical attacks, verbal abuse, etc).

                If you're not willing to accept that statement then it only proves that your logic is flawed.

                • @mychips: Start ignoring what they say, and start focusing on what they do or what they don't do.

                  If the Police turn up to your home, that pretty official, even if its not the word from the Central Government.
                  If they demand you goto hospital for a test and your the only one, and its due to your skin colour then thats racist.

                  A few choice paragraphs:
                  Africans sleeping on the street in Guangzhou, after being unable to find shelter.
                  Guangzhou Public Security Bureau did not respond to CNN's request for comment.

                  [Nonso] received a message from their landlord at 7 p.m. on WeChat, a Chinese messaging app, saying they needed to vacate their flat by 8 p.m.. "I told him I can't vacate in one hour,"

                  Nonso called the police, who let them ​remain in the apartment for the night. But in the morning, ​Nonso says the landlord returned with a different officer, who said he had to leave. ​Nonso says he has struggled to find a new apartment to rent. "We have contacted a lot of agents none of them are leasing to black foreigners," he said.

                  Africans kicked out of their homes with no recourse - Try doing that in Australia and see what happens!
                  You could go to the discrimination tribunal or Consumer Affairs Tribunal (QCAT, VCAT, etc).

                  Oh and 90% of COVID patients are Chinese.

                  • @Other: So they tested African locals at home. Do you know definitively that they have not been testing Chinese people at home as well? I don't agree with all their policies but your implication that they only do this to Africans.


                    A few choice paragraphs [from the article you quoted]:

                    "No one had evidence of a government directive asking landlords or hotels to turn away or reject foreigners."

                    Your entire argument is that this is from a government level is predicated on the article you quoted which states there is no evidence to support the claim other than anecdotal claims. As I said earlier, racism exists in China but this does not seem to be a government directive. You have yet to prove this government directive.

                    Africans sleeping on the street in Guangzhou, after being unable to find shelter.

                    There are homeless tourists here too that don't have a safety net and can't afford rent that need to resort to couch surfing. Although technically illegal, most real estate agents here do not lease out to temporary residents in fear of not having an ability to pay rent and thus affecting their commission.

                    Africans kicked out of their homes with no recourse - Try doing that in Australia and see what happens!

                    It occurs here as well, there are many boarding houses where landlords illegally evict tenants with no recourse as their tenants do not know their rights. Do you have a legal background in China? How do you know that those evictions aren't technically illegal there too? Cops aren't lawyers and don't always understand the law 100%.

                    • @mychips: Did you even bother to read the article???

                      No seriously - did you even bother? Every point you have made was answered by the article.

                      I want you to category state whether you actually read the article.

                      but this does not seem to be a government directive. You have yet to prove this government directive.

                      Who cares what the directive is. What is the end result???!!!!
                      This is the equivalent of ex leaders accused of War Crimes saying we didn't order or have a written an order for mass killing - it just happened.
                      Well people aren't idiots and thats why, if you acknowledge the Police is an Agent of the State, and if they knock on your door and order you to leave, then for all intents and purposes been evicted via the State.
                      Unless you are saying the Chinese policeman is acting illegally - then can you tell me what crimes he was charged with? And whether has been stripped of his badge.
                      I'm sure you can even complain to internal affairs to trigger an investigation into this entirely illegal Act.

                      Or is accepted? Hence the "Guangzhou Public Security Bureau did not respond to CNN's request for comment."

                      Yeah ok. So its not official written policy - but its tolerated, hence it basically is official policy.
                      Plus we know China is famous for not being entirely black and white in terms of rule acceptance.
                      Witness the gross violation of IP which is illegal (according to the international agreements signed by CCP) but is actually practiced by the CCP itself - where does that fit in your government directive?
                      Oh the CCP didn't order us to hack the this or that, but we work in a Chinese Army computer hacking Unit and have been identified by the FBI, but somehow amazingly not been charged by the CCP even though we have broken Chinese Government law… Come on.

                      There are homeless tourists here

                      The article states that these people have to re-enter multiple times because China won't give them a longer visa (which is entirely acceptable!). That means they pay for an airfare back and forwards. So who the hell pays to fly back and forth multiple times, but then is homeless? Additionally if they are that poor they should not be allowed into the Country (nearly every country via customs can ask for you to prove you can support yourself during your stay).
                      Being homeless is a crime in China as per this article:
                      Why weren't they picked and barred from ever returning or at least asked to show proof of funds?

                      Plus some in the article were already renting and in advanced. Hardly homeless if your renting.

                      can't afford rent

                      The Article states that one person was 2 months in advance plus deposit, and provided for an additional example of this.
                      This means that they can Afford the rent.
                      Rent paying is NOT the issue.

                      Although technically illegal, most real estate agents here do not lease out to temporary residents in fear of not having an ability to pay rent and thus affecting their commission.

                      The difference is that some of the people mentioned in the Article were ALREADY renting and were being kicked out.

                      It occurs here as well, there are many boarding houses where landlords illegally evict tenants with no recourse

                      There is actually recourse.

                      1 Phone the Police ('000') to stop any immediate eviction action (which is illegal). They will come very quickly.

                      2 Phone QCAT/VCAT/etc and ask for an emergency hearing (where the Magistrate will legally prevent the landlord from Evicting you, and if they try - the Police can actually arrest the landlord for not only trespass, but breaching a court order).

                      Thats a pretty big recourse.

                      In fact is actually ILLEGAL for them (personally) to even try and evict you - the Police MUST evict you.

                      Additionally the landlord can be fined (so I would advise the tenants to file individually, so for example 4 tenants x fine of $2,000 = $8,000 in fines) and will have to pay for any damages (meaning they must pay for your accommodation while you are homeless as well as property that they damage or get rid of).

                      So you are completely and utterly wrong.

                      Do you have a legal background in China? How do you know that those evictions aren't technically illegal there too?

                      Did the pay rent? Yes, Were some in Advanced? Yes; Hence that means they are renting. That means you have rights to abode, as per the contract stipulations. If the people are paid in advance, and they have not destroyed or vandalise the property then you cannot just kick someone out in 1 hour Without a Court order.
                      This is BASIC understanding of contract law and tenancy law - or are you saying that on a whim a landlord can kick out a tenant because say they wore the wrong colour shirt? Is that what you are seriously suggesting?

                      Cops aren't lawyers and don't always understand the law 100%.

                      1) Cops do actually have legal training.
                      2) Why are they evicting if they are unsure of the law? Why not tell the landlord to go get a court order if they don't understand the law 100%?


                      My guess is that you are chinese troll, because:
                      1) You didn't read the article
                      2) you have less than zero knowledge of any basic legal concept in Australia.

                      • @Other:

                        2) you have less than zero knowledge of any basic legal concept in Australia.

                        I actually know quite a bit about Australian law and don't need a lecture from you. In fact, it is likely that I know more about the law than you do as I have studied it before.

                        I never said that it was legal in Australia to evict someone without cops and stated earlier: "there are many boarding houses where landlords illegally evict tenants with no recourse as their tenants do not know their rights."

                        Boarders have rights but don't receive any remedy if they don't know their rights. Ignorance of the law means they don't utilise their rights under law to its fullest extent.

                        Perhaps the Africans don't know their rights there either as they are not local and have a limited understanding of the language but you and I do not know this for a fact as neither of us understand Chinese law let alone the language.

                        English is quite limited in many areas in Mainland China.

                        1) Cops do actually have legal training.

                        It doesn't mean they know the law well and follow it 100% all the time, hence why there are complaints against cops in Australia. They only receive a short course on the law and have much less working knowledge than lawyers would.

                        The entire police course is 31 weeks, including firearm training, tactics, procedure, hierachy, etc whilst a basic law degree takes 3-4 years.

                        You're conflating basic training with competence - two entirely different things. Many cops do not know the law very well.

                        2) Why are they evicting if they are unsure of the law? Why not tell the landlord to go get a court order if they don't understand the law 100%?

                        That's why the original cop didn't evict them? "Nonso called the police, who let them ​remain in the apartment for the night. But in the morning, ​Nonso says the landlord returned with a different office"

                        You don't know what their rental agreement was, if it was informal, etc. Different country = different rules and laws.

                        This is a rhetorical question but do you know what the laws are over there? I highly doubt you do.

                        Who cares what the directive is.

                        You understand the most basic tenant of law is innocent till proven guilty. Your article only has anecdotal evidence with a few stories and does not prove much, especially when it comes to your outrageous claim that their government is "going after Africans".

                        Do multiple stories of Australian physically assaulting Asians prove a government conspiracy to racially discriminate against Asians? No

                        If you only had a basic understanding of China, you'd realise it is not even remotely in their political interest to discriminate against Africans as it serves no gain and if anything, costs them much more in reputational damage with their trading partners across the African continent.

                        If anything; these anecdotal stories are more indicative of local landlords/hotel owners being racist which has been my point, whilst yours is some conspiracy that China wants to discriminate against the Africans.

                        "Frank Nnabugwu, a Nigerian businessman who has lived in Guangzhou for a year, said he was not allowed to return to his rented accommodation last week after being released from two weeks’ quarantine. “The security guards said to us: ‘No foreigners are allowed’. I was upset, very upset. I slept on the street,” the 30-year-old said.

                        Police eventually found a hotel willing to rent Nnabugwu a room."

                        As I stated earlier, the racism there is most likely on an individual level. Why is the cop helping him find accommodation if the government directive is "going after Africans". Derp much


    • +4

      its just another classic Trump distraction blame others for his incompetence.

      He doesn't always blame "others". Sometime he blames inanimate objects too. For example, that time he blamed energy-efficient lightbulbs for his orange appearance

    • +2

      Yep. Darwinism at its best.

      Also their complete lack of insight using the 'my body, my choice' slogan, when most of them are anti-abortionists.

      Beggars belief.

    • -2

      It’s nice to see that you sprout such unsubstantiated claims from the mainstream media. What incompetencies are you referring to? He has shown great leadership, focusing on public health along with social security. He also fought off a sham impeachment in this time as well.

      • +1

        he's a bullying psychopath given power by oligarchs.

  • +1

    As long as he doesn't ruin the intake for DV Lottery winners. I'm good.

  • +13

    +40k deaths, you really think this clown has an iota of a good idea up his sleeve?

    • +18

      hah, at that rate, who'd want to immigrate there anyway?

    • +1

      40k when all the experts predicted millions then revised that to 200k is pretty good

      Per capita the death rate is also good

      • It's more a case of the experts got it wrong than Trump got it right.

      • +2

        Just getting started

        • 50k now, 3 days later, just in case you wanted to know neg man

      • +6

        The experts were predicting millions if nothing was done; the most affected states in the US put in quarantines that Trump wants to, now, dismantle. Who knows where this will end; they aren’t over it yet and, I doubt, the red states would react as well as NY did. Me, I’m not an epidemiologist, but what is happening will provide them with a stack of data to analyse for years to come and a bunch of different approaches for the next one.

        I’m just pulling out the popcorn, watching the show and being glad I live in Australia.

      • +6

        The experts did not predict millions or even 200k, they said there could be millions if they did NOTHING.

      • Only the start of many rolling peaks, especially now that some governors are lowering restrictions.

    • +4

      can't believe you got negged. Trump is an idiot-buffoon, with the attention span of a toddler and the insecurities of a teenage girl, set to doom the US and the world through sheer incompetence, if nothing else.

      • +6

        Don’t worry, little padawan, the stupidity is strong with the Trump supporters. I would take issue with you comparing him to toddlers and teenage girls; that is a big insult to toddlers and teenage girls.

        He has, already, written off 60,000 Americans and will consider anything under 240,000 as a win. He may get lucky, the disease may not have penetrated far into the red states to really take off; they are pretty insular (read inbred). This may be one hell of a ride, it is, certainly, a massive gamble.

        Me, I’m just going to sit back and be glad I live in Australia.

      • +6

        The media likes to portray him as an imbecile, I doubt someone that dumb could survive politics let alone become president.
        I guess only time will tell if he's really incompetent. Guaranteed the media will go silent if he ends up correct

        • +6

          He’s never been in politics. He ran for President as a clean skin. People voted for him because he was outside the system. Maybe he is a “stable genius” but what we are seeing from him is an incredibly good form of camouflage if he is.

          I agree, time will tell but the right wing media will support him no matter what; they always have.

          If he wasn’t playing with so many lives this would be a fascinating case study. Who knows, he might get away with it if the number of cases isn’t too deep or if there is, already, a huge number of people who were asymptomatic so most of America has already been infected. I look at the daily figures on worldometers and NYC cases are dropping, the issue is going to be if other centres start ramping up. Given what we have seen, elsewhere, if he does pull this off it will be luck, there is no science involved. If the cases do start to spike will the Governors back off or will they sacrifice their people to ideology?

          • +1

            @try2bhelpful: Seconded, and also take issue with the teenage girls reference. No insecure teenage boys out there?

      • Trump is the definition of delusional

        • +3

          If he's delusional , what would you call his supporters? Isn't crazy to think that there are people out there who looks at Trump and think , "That Oompa loompa is my hero. I want him to be in charge."😬

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: a plethora of gronks

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: I wrote a long depressing reply to your post and decided it is bad enough out there without me being a “downer”.

            The man and I have this theory that, they’ve had a black president, and they were on track to elect a woman, so in total disaster movie trope, the disaster was lined up so the competent President could provide leadership to deal with the situation; whilst some scientists produced a vaccine in a couple of days. Unfortunately, the population went all “Ye Haw”, but it was too late to cancel the disaster.

            • @try2bhelpful: You seem to be suffering from a severe case of Trump derangement syndrome. You should take a a course of Trumpenol medication. You should take the suppositories for faster absorption. November is not too far away.

          • @[Deactivated]: I love Trump. Ama.

      • +3

        Maybe it’s time for Jar Jar Binks to stop being a keyboard politician and enter the world of politics to save the world from certain doom. Your previous assertions that the US economy would have faulted or the world would be at war because of him have come to realisation right? Your falsehoods will make you a great career politician.

        • For 3 years , Trump has blathered and bluffed and bullied his way through an office for which he is utterly inadequate.Trump failed. He is failing. He will continue to fail. And Americans are paying for his failures. I'm eternally grateful that he is not my president.

          And that's all I have to say on the subject.

    • Ironically for you, per capita 40,000 deaths is Very good compared to some other countries.

      • Deaths per million people:

        USA - 128
        Australia - 3

        That's a mighty fine performance. Ironic.

        • +5

          Yes because Australia is the only Western country on earth.
          How many truly international Airports does Australia have (two? - Syd & Melb).

          Sydney handles 16.7 million international passengers a year. Melb 10M, Brisbane 5M, Perth 3.5M

          The #1 USA international airport almost handle more international passengers a year than ALL of our airports combined.
          Thats 1 airport. Out of the 6 busiest Airports in the World, USA has 3.
          USA smashes us in terms of transmission points.

          So knowing that lets look at how poorly the USA is doing:
          Belgium = 548 deaths per million
          Spain = 465
          France = 318
          UK = 272
          Netherlands = 235
          Sweden = 190
          Switzerland = 177

          So why aren't you attacking Macron? I mean he must really be doing poorly! x3 more than Trump!!!


          • +2

            @Other: New York = 762 deaths per million

            Enough said.


            Donald Trump has stunned viewers by suggesting that people could receive injections of disinfectant to cure the coronavirus, a notion one medical expert described as “jaw-dropping”.

            At Thursday’s White House coronavirus task force briefing, the US president discussed new government research on how the virus reacts to different temperatures, climates and surfaces.

            “And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute,” Trump said. “One minute! And is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. So, that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.”

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: So high, is it because of the democratic governor?

              • @ozhunter: Donald Trump once said: "You never blame yourself; you have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself."

                The national stockpile of medical equipment is not prepared for a pandemic that seizes the entire nation, and it was not replenished with medical equipment after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. But what equipment it does have tucked away, the Trump administration has been slow to deliver to governors pleading for it — and Trump has even accused those governors of making up what they need, or not doing their own due diligence to get it.

                “He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators,” Trump said in a Fox News town hall last week of New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D), who said the administration had given him 400 ventilators when he estimates that his hard-hit state will need 30,000.

                “Governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work,” Trump has said of trying to get U.S. manufactures to make ventilators, something only the president has the authority to do under the Defense Production Act.

                If Trump had enacted the DPA in February, before hospitals in hard-hit areas were overwhelmed, the ventilators would have been ready by mid- to late April, points out the New York Times. Now, some overwhelmed hospitals are considering do-not-resuscitate orders and how to have patients share ventilators while they wait for more.


                • @[Deactivated]: But it seems like the states with democratic governors have a much higher rate than the repbulicans…

                  • @ozhunter: probably because they are suppressing their death tolls

                  • @ozhunter: “The president of the United States calls the shots,” Trump said, adding that governors “can’t do anything without the approval of the president of the United States.”

                    He tweeted this to Obama in 2013:

                    Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible

                    But now that he is the President, with his so-called "limitless power", he's failing so badly and people are dying. So what does he do? He tries to blame the WHO , China, the Democratic governors, Joe Biden,…etc In brief, anyone else but himself. In his own words : "No, I take no responsibility at all."

                    And you, and others, on this thread are falling line, hook and sinker for his BS. You're too gullible.

                • @[Deactivated]:…

                  That same week, didn't Cuomo end up giving ventilators away to other states…

                  Donald Trump once said

                  Was that even proven?

                  • @ozhunter: From the article , you've linked to :

                    New York City auctioned off hundreds of city-owned ventilators at least five years ago (…)

                    The city began to acquire ventilators and "stockpile a supply of facemasks," which were later auctioned off because the machines broke down and the health department "couldn't afford to maintain them," (…)

                    On Friday, de Blasio warned that New York City would run out of its supply of ventilators by Monday or Tuesday and that the city is in dire need of medical personnel. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) warned on Thursday that the state would run out of its stockpile of ventilators within the next six days if it didn't receive further assistance.

                    A similar report from The Nation showed U.S. military and intelligence officials were aware of the specific consequences of a pandemic but did not take action on reports filed by medical staff.

                    The emphasis is mine.

                    So, not that same week. It happened years ago and they auctionned them off because they couldn't afford to maintain them. Their cry for assistance was ignored.

                    Was that even proven?

                    12 Sept 2005

  • +3

    Trump is signing executive order

    I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!

    • +2

      Mr President?

  • But his retarded supporters want to pretend COVID19 is a hoax

    • -3

      Or should we say. The retarded people that is against him? See the protesters everywhere wanting to end the lockdown.

      • +3

        natural selection at work, let them get out and mingle. pity health care workers will be the collateral damage

        • +2

          Except most won't die since it's ~3% fatality rate, most of which comprises of the elderly

          • +1

            @FireRunner: Disproportionately affects the overweight and those with diabetes which is plentiful in the US.

      • +8

        Can you appreciate why some of them are protesting? It's not just a bunch of Sam Newmans complaining about not being able to play golf. There would be many people who want to get back to work and earn money to feed themselves and their family, pay rent, pay their bills, etc. Trillions of USD are going to Wall Street and large corporations and speculators while the average Joe hardly gets anything. Can you imagine how desperate many Americans are?

        • +2

          They’re definitely caught in between a rock and a hard place. Looking at statistics, people under 40 are unlikely to get very sick let alone die of Coronavirus so protesting against the lockdown seems like a better option. Of course vulnerable members of society become more at risk but it’s hard to think beyond yourself and your family in desperate situations

          • @FireRunner: Also in some States you have got only 100 case and you lockdown a whole state???
            Not surprising some people dislike this, esp. if they desperate.

            • @Other:

              Also in some States you have got only 100 case

              According to the John Hopkins CSSE only the virgins island has fewer than 100 cases.

              That being said, I do understand the plight of the protesters. That $1200 one-off payment would only go so far before you can no longer put food on the table.

              • @[Deactivated]: Is that because they are all Virgins? I crack me up.

                I actually should of said death rates. In 22 States you have had less than 100 people die.
                In 9 states & territories you have had less than 15 people die. (the main ones being: Sth D, Nth D, Montana, Wyoming)

                From my information the following states have less than 500 total COVID patients:
                North Dakota
                Hawaii - currently 150 patients
                Montana - currently 164 patients
                Wyoming - now less than 100 patients (actually 53)

                • @Other: What is your source? Here's mine:

                  State/territory Confirmed cases Deaths
                  New York 263,460 20,973
                  New Jersey 100,025 5,426
                  Massachusetts 46,023 2,360
                  California 39,289 1,525
                  Pennsylvania 38,255 1,724
                  Illinois 36,937 1,688
                  Michigan 35,296 2,977
                  Florida 29,648 987
                  Louisiana 25,739 1,540
                  Connecticut 23,100 1,639
                  Texas 22,625 604
                  Georgia 21,883 881
                  Maryland 15,737 748
                  Ohio 14,694 656
                  Indiana 13,039 703
                  Washington 12,753 711
                  Colorado 11,278 552
                  Virginia 10,998 373
                  Tennessee 8,266 171
                  North Carolina 7,820 281
                  Missouri 6,506 237
                  Rhode Island 6,256 189
                  Arizona 5,772 249
                  Alabama 5,678 202
                  Mississippi 5,153 201
                  Wisconsin 5,052 258
                  South Carolina 4,917 150
                  Nevada 4,208 190
                  Iowa 3,924 96
                  Utah 3,612 35
                  Kentucky 3,479 191
                  District of Columbia 3,361 139
                  Delaware 3,308 92
                  Oklahoma 3,017 179
                  Minnesota 2,942 200
                  Kansas 2,721 113
                  Arkansas 2,599 45
                  New Mexico 2,379 78
                  Nebraska 2,202 47
                  Oregon 2,127 83
                  South Dakota 1,956 9
                  Idaho 1,836 54
                  New Hampshire 1,670 51
                  Puerto Rico 1,230 69
                  West Virginia 967 29
                  Maine 937 44
                  Vermont 825 43
                  North Dakota 709 15
                  Hawaii 596 12
                  Wyoming 453 6
                  Montana 442 14
                  Alaska 337 9
                  Guam 139 5
                  Virgin Islands 54 3

                  Last updated: 23 Apr 10:25pm EDT
                  Source: Johns Hopkins CSSE
                  *Note: The CSSE states that its numbers rely upon publicly available data from multiple sources.

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: You are looking at total cases.

                    You are Not including people who have already recovered.

                    Virgin island does not have 54 cases of COVID - it has 3. 48 people have recovered. 3 died. 3 still have it.

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