• expired

[QLD] Solar Boost Plan 20c FIT @ Origin Energy


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

OP UPDATE 6 - 19/11/2021 - Just got off the phone with Origin Retention's Team. It looks like the number in my post randomly goes to either sales or retention's team. If you call the 1800# just ask the rep if they are in the retention's team before wasting your time for an hour thinking that you are speaking with them and in fact, you're just talking to a normal sales rep, who can't offer anything other than what is on their website. smh… I called the 1800# again straight away and this time it went to their retention's team!

The rep was REALLY helpful. She went on to explain that Origin were losing 100s of customers a day due to their FIT rate drop and expect the feedback of this customer loss will send a wake up call to the 'powers that be' and come out with a better FIT rate. However long that takes is the big question!

Anyway, the best they can offer is 12c FIT which isn't as good for me personally compared to the AGL 12c FIT rates. I'll try again in early December and see what they are offering. Keep sharing in the comments section if you come across a potentially better deal! TIA

OP UPDATE 5 - 14/09/2021 - It looks like this deal is fast becoming unobtainable, unfortunately. I've called a few times over the past week and the best I am getting is 12c FIT. They are all saying the 20c FIT is no longer available and they won't even do 15c now… I'll keep researching and will update here if anything comes up that is worth signing up.

OP UPDATE 4 - 24/08/2021 - I called Origin yesterday to help another person get on this deal. I asked several questions to the rep (who was a part of the retention's team) about the offer and why some people get it and others do not. Her response was that the retention's team is the only one that offer better deals over their customer care team or sales team. The offers that they can do fluctuates from week to week. I asked further about this 'fluctuation' which she replied some weeks they can offer 15c whereas other weeks it can be up to 20c. It varies week to week based on what other companies are offering at the time. Yesterday the most she could do was 18c FIT however, she said call back in a couple of weeks time and it could be 20c again (or it could be 15c, which you wouldn't go ahead with). So that's the latest info I've got about this deal.

OP UPDATE 3 - 10/12/2020 - The deal/offer is still going strong! Don't let the reps tell you you can't get the offer. Merry Christmas everyone!

OP UPDATE 2 - 18/10/2020 - Some reps are now stating that the deal is no longer available however, I can confirm that I still managed to help a friend get this deal as of 16/10/2020. You just need to get the right rep and they will sign you up to the deal. Currently their website is saying 9c FIT which is terrible! Keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

OP UPDATE 11/7/2020 - This deal is still available for those that are in the market. I helped sign someone up to it yesterday no problem at all

Ok this deal requires some explaining so I'll do my best to give you all the details and steps to follow. Please note that this is specific to QLD, possibly even SE QLD and probably only beneficial for larger Solar Systems installed in your residential home or those who can generate high feed back to the grid per day.

I had a 15kw system installed just going on 12 months ago and shared my experience - details here. At the time it was very good value for money and I am so glad I went the larger system. I am currently predicted to have it fully paid off in under 2yrs based on credit generated through high FIT rates from energy retailers. After 1yr I haven't had a single electricity bill (was approximately $450/qrt) and have generated about $800-$1200 per qrt = $4000

When I first had it installed Origin and AGL wouldn't offer me anything competitive due to my solar system being over 10kw. Energy Australia (EA) at the time were offering 16.1c FIT so went with them. Earlier this year EA dropped their FIT rate to 11.5c and was no longer competitive. AGL then came to the party and offered me their 17c FIT rate so transferred over to them mid FEB.

This current qrt I am forecast to have a credit of just over $900. As I always do, I regularly check to see what's available and my brother who has a similar system to mine was looking to come over to AGL as well. He was with Origin at the time and upon making the move to come over to AGL, Orgin called him and offered him 20c FIT with no cap (as per their current plan of 15c FIT capped at 8kw per day then reverting back to 7c FIT) to stay.

Which brings me to this deal:
I called Origin to get the details as I was concerned they may have added in the fine print the 20c FIT is capped at 8kw but was pleasantly surprised to see it was unlimited with no cap. This deal can't be given over the phone with a typical Origin Energy Sales representative (as I found out) and had to call this number - 1800 557 700 and speak with a member from that team who can offer special rates outside of the standard.

As per the screen shot I have as the link, according to my spreadsheet (which works out exact costs by imputing exact usage and feed back to the grid figures) switching over to this Origin deal will increase my credit by approximately $800 per year. I have several other retailers costs on my spreadsheet that spits out the credit I would make and Origin beats them all.

This would only be beneficial if you have a large solar system and can feed back to the grid a good amount (30kw+ per day on avg) and only buying back from your retailer approximately 6-12kw per day.
FIT offer: 20c/kwh
Usuage costs: 24.915
Daily Supply charge: 116.061
Daily Solar meter reading charge: 6.974 (Origin say it's $6/qrt)

Side note - A good price for a similar system to the one I have with 3 phase power (including Smart meter, slightly larger panels 330-350w and Fronius Inverter) with quality materials and workmanship is about the $9k mark now. For anyone with single phase power you can still get an 8.2kw inverter with 10kw worth of panels (have to have a Smart meter installed so it caps your feed back to the grid at 5kw/hr as per Energex regulations) with same quality as above for about $6.7k

Sorry for the long post but if you have any questions or don't understand my method/reasoning for the deal feel free to ask questions. Happy to help where ever I can. I must stress and reiterate that I am NOT affiliated with any Energy/Solar company. I just love doing my homework and research and love sharing it with others who can benefit.


Mod 17/3/22 - See Forum Post to continue discussion.

Referral Links

Origin: random (365)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Spike: random (136)

Referrer and referee get $10 of Spike Points

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

    • Dammit. I have talked to 3 different people with no luck so far. Do you remember the name of the lady by any chance?

  • Hey Croccy! Just need some advice. We're already with Origin and have been for years. Had 5KW system installed like 7years ago. Realising now they aren't performing as well (gave them a clean few weeks ago). On a good day it's only 23KW feed-in. Was more when it was performing at its peak. So i think i should upgrade/get it serviced. Though we bought from Euro solar and i think they're now bust?

    Anyhow, i could sign up to your awesome deal now but being only a 5KW system that is working sub-optimally, i'm thinking I should upgrade to like a 10KW system, then go the 20c plan. What are your thoughts? Main worry is if i sign up now then upgrade to a larger system they might try to jiff me off on a crappy plan.


    • +1

      Sounds like your system is working. Perhaps you need to get your panels cleaned?
      A few splashes of bird poop may well cause your panels to perform suboptimally.

      • Actually I did climb up there and cleaned it myself with mop and soapy water. Panels were real dirty with water coming out black! But seemed I made it worse than better tbh lol

    • +1

      Being 7yrs old would mean the tech/quality would not be as good as current panels. Depending on funds, cleaning could do a good enough job to get them working better (you should clean them regularly anyway) but will probably never be like they were when first installed.

      If funds are not an issue, I highly recommend getting the biggest system you can! You don't need to get the top of the range panels to get great value for money.

      Even though you only feed-in 23kw on a good day, what is your total production? You could well be using most of what you are producing throughout the day. Without knowing the layout of your roof (what direction your panels face; how many panels you have; shading issues etc..) I can't really give you any better advice than what I've mentioned.

      Feel free to PM and I'll gladly go through it all with you.

      • +1

        Thanks! :). Sent you a pm for when ever

  • +1

    Very happy with my solar. Got 15kw inverter (3 phase power) installed a fortnight ago with 13.32kw panels.

    So far, average total production is between 70 to 90kwh per day….and I'm putting around 50 to 70kwh back into the grid per day. I'm glad I got the 20c thanks to this deal!

    CrocDundee - how are those numbers for the system I have? Seem pretty good?

    • Hey mate - great numbers! But could/should be better… Why did you only get 13.32kw of panels with a 15kw inverter? I personally produce on a good day 110kw-123kw per day with my 15kw inverter but have 19.8kw of panels.

      Overall though, you'll be getting a credit come next bill! :) Well done!

      • Yeah will be getting credit for sure which I'm stoked with.

        I only paid for a 10kw inverter but they were out of stock and upgraded me to 15kw for free! That is why my panels are only 13.32kw. However I always have the option now to add more if need be :)

        • Now that is awesome getting the free upgrade to a 15kw inverter!! tbh - it shouldn't have cost much more to get the extra panels up to 19.8kw but something down the track you can look at with the credit you make.

  • +2

    Just adding to the list. Rang up today as my solar went live this morning. The first rep I spoke with gave me 20c FIT on the solar boot plan (no discount on reference rate tho). I'm in SE QLD.

  • +1

    just got on it as well, 1st call, fantastic, thanks OP

  • +1

    Tried in SA but only got an extra cent off what their website had, better than nothing I guess

    • Yeah well done for getting something slightly better. Unfortunately I have no idea what SA rates are.

  • Hi OP, I am wondering does it have CCL2 rate as well because I had peak and CCL2 (hot water system) before installing solar panels. Or do I need to connect hot water system to peak as well?

    • +1

      Yes - you can connect your CCL2 rate as well. I don't have that so don't know the details but my Dad has it and still gets this FIT 20c rate.

  • +1

    Can 100% confirm this works. Called the number in the OP and spoke to a 'Clair' as mentioned by a few others, she was fantastic to deal with and the number is specific to her team.

    Very timely given I just got an email from Energy Australia that their FiT will go down from 11.5c to 8,c in January 2021

    • Also got 20c FIT 2 days ago

  • Just spoke to Origin and was offered 18c FIT, with 0% off the reference rate. Couldn't manage to get the 20c FIT.

    • Are you in QLD (more specifically SE QLD)?

      • Yup, 4211.

        • That is strange! They only have the 20c FIT offer or 15c FIT with 23% off usage and supply… I have never come across the 18c FIT offer before…

          • +1

            @CrocDundee: https://www.originenergy.com.au/solar/feed-in-tariff-rates.h…

            hidden deal on their own site for "Solar Boost PLUS".. which normally is only an option for VIC

            • @dsp26: Good find! Well done - however, you should be able to get the 20c FIT plan.. still, 18c is better than nothing.

              • @CrocDundee: Yep, got it today.. called the number in your OP.. worked a treat! Thanks

                Funnily enough, tried to get Energy Australia to match via live chat.. mysteriously "lost connection".

              • @CrocDundee: Am wondering though if you could renegotiate, especially after the many referrals you gave. The current plans supply and rate, is slightly lower than your original post too.

                How did you even find them? The number you posted is for the OUTBOUND sales team.. their not even meant to be getting inbound calls.. making their quotas and bonuses easier thats for sure!

                • +2

                  @dsp26: TBH, I am happy with my 20c FIT. It is still the best going around for me and I actually just re-locked in the other day (in case the special plan wouldn't be offered when my plan was due to expire in 6 months time) restarting my 12mth plan.

                  Originally my brother was offered the plan as Origin were no longer competitive and AGL had a better 17c FIT plan at the time so he was in the process of switching to AGL when Origin called him back to offer him the 20c FIT plan. So I looked at it and thought, "I want in on that!".. lol

                  I then called Origin and the sales rep said that he can't offer the plan and that it was only through their retention's team. That rep gave me their direct number so I called it and was offered the same 20c FIT plan. When I have helped other friends and family members get on the same plan I do get asked by the retention team, "How did I get this number?".. which I always say, "the sales team." They have no idea how many people I have sent their way. Probably in the 100s now. I have never told Origin.

                  • @CrocDundee: How did you relock in? Would be interested in the same thing.

                    • +1

                      @kulprit: Yeah pretty simple - just called the same number and said:

                      Me - "I know I still have 6 months left on my contract but was wondering if I can re-lock in for another 12mths by restarting today"
                      Origin Rep - "No worries"
                      Me - "Thank you very much"

                      App updated instantly and now shows contract end date of Dec 2021 :)

                      Side note - Received my bill the other day which was in credit $1,381. Nice little Christmas bonus!

    • +2

      The lady I spoke to gave me her direct line… send me a private message if you wanna give it a go

      • Appreciate it, I’m only in this house for another month so happy with the 18c FIT until we move. The next house though.. I’ll try harder for the 20c FIT 😉

  • Has anyone got the name of the 23% off plan? or the plan ID? I've read pages and I cant see it? Bonus points for a link to it on 'energy made easy'


    • Took me 10 seconds to find :)

      Same plan name as the OP. You just choose which offer you want to take up when calling the number in the OP.

      • Thanks, that's actually not helpful. 1. The plan seems to be called "Origin Solar Boost" and that's not referenced in the linked thread 2. There are multiple plans called that, hence asking for one of the ones with the Id 3. I did call the retentions team and the claimed not to be able to provide it, hence needing more information to drive them there.

        It's also possibly not available if you don't have solar panels.

        • +1

          You didn't mention you don't have solar? That's a requirement to go on a "solar boost plan".

  • Hi OP, thanks for sending through your spreadsheet. I'm still confused which company and plan to go with.
    I have a 5kW system installed in 2012 and still have the government 44c FIT till 2028.

    My past 12 months usage stats are:
    Peak usage (single rate): 4613 kWh
    Days supply: 365
    CL1 usage: 4971 kWh
    Solar export: 4488 kWh

    I'm currently on Origin Bill Saver Plus plan ending next month, with 21% off usage and supply charges, and 6c/kWh solar FIT. What plan would you recommend to go next?

    • +1

      Stay on the 44c FIT plan! If you have a 5kw system I would not be touching that FIT anytime soon!!

      • Next month my plan will revert back to the standard Origin rates if I don't do anything. Is there a plan, perhaps from another retailer, that has a good FIT and is also compatible with the govn 44c FIT?

        • I was of the understanding that if you are eligible to be on the special 44c Government FIT then you stay on it until you leave or make changes to your system?

          • @CrocDundee: I thought there were some plans with a higher FIT than 6c can be had with the 44c FIT. I guess I will have to call around to find out more.

            • @gazzas: I'm not too sure, sorry. I haven't looked into it before seeing as I don't qualify for the bonus 44c FIT rate.

              • +1

                @CrocDundee: Signed up today with Origin again on Origin Flexi plan. It's a pretty much the same plan as the 23% off total bill but because I have the gov 44c FIT + the Origin 7c FIT, the solar part doesn't change. Benefit period is again 12 months.

                Took me like 10 mins in total on the phone on the first try. Thanks again OP and others that commented!

                • @gazzas: Awesome!! Well done and wish I was on the 44c plan. Enjoy!!

  • +1

    Just signed up, 20c FIT, 23.93c usage, Supply 111.549, Meter 6.974c

    Took 8 minutes,

    My spreadsheet says it'll cost me $363 per year Vs $634 with AGL.
    Edit: First rep i spoke to gave it to me, no questions asked, I just said I have a friend who is on 20c FIT, and I want that.

  • +1

    Just called the number list in OP and a SUPER FRIENDLY LADY (european or indian accent) signed me on the 20c FIT offer straight away without marking around. She also recommended me a broadband plan of $55/month after a $20 ongoing discount each month as long as I am still a customer with origin. Anyone else who is interested in it can ask them when you make the call.

    *** 20c FIT, peak 23.935c, CL2 18.023c, Daily supply charge 111.5, Daily supply charge for CL2 2.587, solar meter reading charge is 6.7c

    • Great to hear!

      They tried to offer me an internet plan as well but they couldn't beat my current deal that I have with Telstra ($70/mth NBN 100/40 Unlimited plan). I have FTTC so get my max 100 down and about 38up. The best they could do was $95/mth which included their discounts.

  • +1

    Just called today - done in 6 minutes - very easy! Thanks!

  • How long do people wait for the transfer to complete? It's been a week in my case and Origin website is still saying: "Your electricity account is getting set up". I have a smart meter with remote access so I'm not sure what is delaying the whole process.

    • Were you with Origin already? If not, it could take anywhere from 2 weeks up to 3 months (depending on your read cycle). Usually it is no more than 3-4weeks though.

      • No, I’m moving from AGL and called them right at the beginning of a new billing cycle.

        • +1

          ok - should take a couple of weeks then. This time of year, maybe a little longer. You'll know that you are changing over when AGL call you to try and keep you. That happened to me - they couldn't match what Origin were offering and the next day I was officially with Origin.

    • Its like Xmas period… just wait it out.

      I did ask all the details from the person I spoke with and she said they don't wait until next read period and will pay to get a reading done as well as any exit fees as they are keen to just get households signed up, but will take UP TO 13 Business days which to me is 3 weeks on top of holiday season.

  • I just signed up and noticed the 10kW limit in the terms and conditions.

    I have a 15kW inverter but wasn't asked what my inverter size was when I signed up. Will my feed in be capped somehow or did I get lucky and will still get the 20c for everything that I feed in?


  • +2

    Just rang yesterday on the number in OP post and got signed up with no questions and she even gave me her direct line to call if had mates etc that wanted to get onboard, awesome!

    • +1

      Sounds like they are more than willing to get people on board now. Much easier than what it was for most people here 3-6 months ago! Good to hear!

    • Would you mind sharing the direct number for the rep who assisted you?
      Have tried 2 different people so far with no luck.

      • +1

        Hey sorry don’t check this place everyday, her name was Anna and it’s this number (03) 8903 9071 :)

    • Are you in QLD or NSW?

  • Does anyone know whats the daily supply and usage rate for the 21c FIT in NSW endeavour energy?

    Do they still give the $50 sign up credit

  • -1

    3rd call. 3rd rep has no idea what I'm talking about

    • +2

      QLD deal though.. your profile says you're in NSW

    • If you're not in QLD you won't be able to get this offer.. Where are you trying to get connected?

  • +1

    12 minutes for me and all done. Went with the above suggested “my mate said he had a good 20 cent deal and I should switch over to you guys”.
    No dramas or hassle, pricing as posted above
    Thanks @CrocDundee for all your help and support with getting my solar organised

  • +1

    Signed up today. Zero hassles.

  • +1

    Recomend people from SA also call this number - better discount on gas and electricity compared to their advertised rates

  • Will victorians get any offers here or not?

    • +1

      Best to call the number and see what they can offer. Let them know QLD has a 20c FIT deal and hoping VIC has a better deal than what they are offering in VIC at the moment.

      • Thanks, called the same number 1800 557 700, they said it's a different dept. and transferred to another agent who offered 14c. Looks like the calls made from VIC on that number are rerouted to another dept.

  • +1

    I recently got 21c in NSW (Sydney) using the number in the OP.

    • Awesome to hear!!

    • mind sharing how you did it? I called the number in OP but rep said wrong area and transferred met to another rep. I was offered 17c FIT. I am also in Sydney on endeavour network.
      Do you need to with Origin already to get this special pricing? or you need to be a customer with someone else before asking for this deal?

      • +1

        I'm in the Ausgrid area and it did seem to depend on distributor and postcode. I was new to Origin for electricity, but was a gas customer at an old residence.

        In terms of what I did… not much! Just called the number and asked for a quote for a solar tariff. I said I'd heard that 20c might be possible. After going through the address/NMI details I was offered 21c, which I leapt at.

        Good luck - but really I think it depends in part on what the distributor is offering. There's less solar than I'd expect in my area (lots of solar hot water though), so maybe that played into it somehow.

  • +1

    Received this deal today in Qld. Definitely still live! Thanks OP

    • awesome to hear! well done!

    • +2

      Ditto. The signup process was very smooth, it took 15 minutes. Thank you OP.

  • Has anyone had any luck being able to change from 1 version of the deal to the other after signing up? I’m on the 20c fit but now knowing our usage better in our new house, the 15c with 23% discount would suit us better. Haven’t called origin yet as don’t want to waste my time if there is no way to change until the year is up.

    • Shouldn't be a problem. Just call the number and ask to change to the other plan.

      • +1

        Called them back and they switched me over! They said can’t really do that again as they’re not meant to switch between (and I think the main reason is because it has restarted the 12 month promotional period, so a nice win for me!). Cheers

  • Man I can not get this deal. Spoke with maybe 20 people now. Get telling me 15 is the best.

    • Have you tried this number - (03) 8903 9071 if the 1800 number is not working for you? I presume you are located in QLD and have solar?

      • +1

        Thanks for the reply. Yep in QLD and just got my first house with solar 5kw.

        I tried the number for Anna multiple times. It always says she is unavailable unfortunately. I always try her first before calling the main number. I’ve ever left her 2 messages to get back to me.

        I’m not giving up 😂

    • Yeah, I've had the same problem so far (in Qld).

  • +1

    Just signed up right then after calling 1800 number. In QLD and offered same straight away. They offered FIT or the 23% discount offer (went with the FIT). Super helpful lady on the phone.

    • Would you mind advising what you asked them?Everytime I call the 1800 number they just transfer me to sales who tell me a max of 15c is available.

      • Would like to know also. Tried again 2 times today. Both knocked back. Was told I can cancel anytime..

  • +1

    Deal is still going, I just rang the 1800 number and asked for the solar boost plan. Got the 20c FIT. Will help out allot with my young family. SEQ 4165.

  • Can I get this deal if I never got my solar install through Origin ?

    • +1


      • thanks croc, just another question, whats the rate & daily charge on that plan, I am in 4506 postcode

        • +1

          No worries - I don't mean to be rude here, but have you looked at my screen shot attached to the post? It has all the info there…

          • +1

            @CrocDundee: oops I never did, just new to this computer bizo, will look now, again thanks

  • +1

    Just signed up today deal still going strong. Didn't have any issues, using my own 9.2kw system not Origins.They offered me a $70/month NBN plan.

  • +1

    Also just signed up today. Thought this deal would be dead by now, but gave it a go and done in 5 minutes using the OPs 1800 number listed. They did ask if im already with Origin(which im not) not sure if thats why some people are having trouble getting it if they are?

    • Yeah the 1800 number is their retention's team direct number. Great to hear you were able to get onto the deal!

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