Share Your Laundry Tips

Clothing inside out - protects the shirt printing
Whites separate - colour stains
Socks separate - because it's disgusting to wash them with your undies

Care to share your laundry tips?


  • +21

    How disgusting do your socks or undies get that you have to separate them?

    • +9

      I want to know this too… and I’m confused… is it disgusting to have sock grott in your undies, or disgusting to have your butthole explosions all over your socks?

  • +3

    People who don’t turn their clothes in the right way in my house have to eat that piece of clothing. Same with clothes inside other clothes, socks or undies inside pants or shirts inside jumpers. Just gets separated out and dumped back on the offenders bed…

    “OMG DAD! It’s not that hard to just seperate them…”
    “Then just (fropanity) do it next time…”

  • +2

    Single guy here - wtf you talking about? Darks in 1 load, whites in another, and get washed in whatever way they were put in, be it inside out or normal… Simples

  • +1

    Aspirin tablets in the wash apparently help break down sweat stains and keep whites looking cleaner. No idea if it actually does but can vouch for them dissolving tissues forgotten in pockets that explode over a full wash…

    One wash for darks, one wash for whites and separate for towels and other fluffy things. Why would you separate underwear/socks?

  • +12

    I just put all my clothes into one washing machine, and then after I put it into the dryer.
    I've never seen my clothes run or change the colours of my other clothes including my white socks or work shirts.
    I don't even seperate bedsheets and underwear with towels. Never really thought about it, guess in my mind the washer just cleans everything.

    • +1

      I do the same. Everything together.

    • colour in clothes run… however that is dependant on the fabric of the clothes.

      • +1

        After a few washes this shouldn't be an issue anymore…

  • Always hand wash new clothes to see if they will run. We had one red tshirt we got in Canada that ran like a Mountie; there seemed to be no end to the dye coming out even after multiple washes.

    Once the clothes have been washed a few times there is no reason to separate colours and whites. The outerwear is washed separate to t-shirts/underwear and bras go in the mesh bag. We have a dryer but we seldom use it most of the clothes are put on airer with the larger stuff hung on the metal bannisters.

    Turn clothes inside out, particularly if clothes have metal zips, buttons, studs etc.

    You can get quite large mesh washing bags from Daiso for under $3. I use them if I’m washing something, like a blanket, where I suspect it will shed. Saves cleaning the filter out afterwards.

  • Only clothing I turn inside out, is the kids clothing that have those pattern shapes where you run your hand over it and it changes. All clothes together, run in 40 degree cycle. Use a bit of vinegar in the fabric softener too

  • +1

    Separating lint creators and lint collectors.

  • +2

    I only wash in cold water but pre-soak the kids grotty undies/socks in Aldi Napisan @ 50 degrees beforehand. The water that comes out of the bucket is brown; better out than in.

  • For t-shirts at least it's cold wash only, never put them in the dryer, wash/hang inside out, and blacks only get hung inside to keep the black from fading in the sun. I've got shirts that are two years old that look new.

    • presoak all socks and undies
    • presoak anthing that is white
    • seperate kids from adult clothes.. (thats for ease of sorting and putting away afterwards)
    • separate clothes according type and/or colour (delicates Vs pajamas, Dark Vs Light)
    • bedlinen on its own
    • towels on its own
    • +1

      Presoak socks and undies? How come?

      I put mine on the normal wash with highest spin and always use disinfectant rinse, they come out just fine (no kids so no skiddies though I guess, lol)

      • yeah kids run around in just socks, some times the white ones from school.. so if you see how dirty white socks get, the same is for coloured socks except you don't see it.

        especially myself, i get sweaty feet and have in the past tinea. so just out of habbit to pre-soak sometimes in disinfectant and sometimes in stain remover. depends on how i feel.

        • My habit of always using disinfectant came from having tinea. Also, feminine hygiene means it's a good idea to disinfect the undies too, hence socks and jocks all in one and always with disinfectant.

  • Maybe read washing instructions. I accidentally machine washed my cashmere sweater once and now it fits an oompa loompa.

  • Any tips for removing dog hair?

    • +4

      yes, do it while they are sleeping.

    • Tumble dryer works nicely for us.

      ETA: for the clothes, not the dog.

  • Why do people separate whites from colours? I dump in all clothes no matter what into the same load and never had an issue in 3 years

  • Don't buy any white clothes. Check everything in together. Turn on machine. Worked for me for 20 years.

    My life is too short to waste time sorting though dirty washing

  • If you have something that needs stain treating, tie a knot in it when you chuck it in the basket so you find it at wash time.

  • More post laundry than laundry, but put on fresh clothes after they have been dried (before folding) to minimise folding later.

    My parents went a step further which was to make the guest room a laundry room where clothes dry. No folding needed, just grab something that's dry.

  • During the winter I turn pants inside out to dry on the line so the pockets get dry, I find they stay wet if I don't do it. Also turning your clothes inside out when hanging up in the summer will stop them fading as quickly.

  • +1

    All clothes go in the same wash - Cant be bothered separating.

    Cycling kit washed separately though on delicate 30 degree wash

  • Separate new clothes due to the possibility of staining. Other than that, everything goes inside the washer :D

  • Take the clothes off, chuck them in the washing basket, wife washes them. Nothing can be more simple than that.

    • Yep, except I do the sorting and folding of the clean clothes and put them in the cupboard.

  • +2

    Use half the recommended volume of powder (since the manufacturer always wants to saturate the wash, and it leaves residues on your clothes). Add Sodium Carbonate (washing soda) to boost the PH of the wash, and put vinegar in the fabric softener container to neutralize the pH in the rinse.

    Never EVER under any circumstances use fabric softener. That stuff is just evil.

    • Dare I ask, why you shouldn't use fabric softener and why is it evil?

      Also, wouldn't the vinegar leave a smell on the clothes?

  • Use the delicate cycle for all the washing of clothes. It shorter and less harsh.

    Use cold for most items.

  • When I lived bush I used to wash most of my clothes in the river, well a trough full of river water and I used a washing machine for my going to town clothes.

    It’s much easier since moving to the city and getting married. I put my clothes in a clothes basket and then wait no more than a couple days, after which there will be a pile of clean clothes on the couch so I sort them, fold them, and then place them in the appropriate drawer or cupboard.

  • I chuck everything in. Economy wash. I don't separate. I try not to use the dryer, but my GF is a massive fan of it. I find the dryer shrinks clothes.

    I make sure I rip my work shirts out as soon as they are done, because if you get them right out of the washer, a quick shake and they don't need ironing.

    I also wash my runners (and it makes them look like new), and I also wash dry clean only things, like suit jackets and coats. On a gentle wash they are fine. Sometimes they need a quick iron.

    Dry cleaning is a total scam. I guess if I wore $5000 suits I might think differently, but I don't, I buy my suits at Myer with credit card points.

  • Run the machine on high heat run every now and then to kill the mould. Also I switched to vinegar as a fabric softener, this also cleans the machine.

  • Always check the frigging pockets!

    • Good advice. Coins could wreck the machine, paper or tissue makes a mess, pens are the worst, earphones biggest loss

  • Make sure to read the care instructions on the clothing / fabric.

  • Fold clothes as you take them down from clothesline (saves heaps more time).

    • Dry shirts hanging on non wire hangers. Saves a lot of ironing creases out.

  • Laundry tip! You can remove difficult spaghetti sauce stains off hats and socks by putting them in the dishwasher for a cycle or two.

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