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Learn Mandarin (Adult Online Introductory Course) - 2 Sessions Free @ K.T Chinese Learning


Now is the perfect time to learn basic Mandarin online, sign Up to our 2-week FREE (2 sessions) online class at K.T Chinese.

This free course is for 2 lessons over 2 weeks, with one class each week. We teach in Mandarin and Simplified Chinese.

Please message us at www.facebook.com/ktchinese for zoom link, or email us at [email protected] for free trial zoom link.

This course is suitable for:
- Over 15 years old

Our first class starts soon, don't miss out!

Our professional teachers will ensure you will have fun and learn Mandarin including speaking, reading, and writing. Our students love our classes!
Lesson 1: Greetings in Chinese, Chinese strokes, Chinese Pinyin system introduction
Lesson 2: How to introduce yourself in Chinese, Basic conversation in Chinese, Chinese pinyin, Number 1- 10

Time Zone:

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Sydney Time (Every Saturday)

90 minutes, 10-minute break

Once after your confirmation, we will send you the ZOOM 24 hours before the course starting time

Have a fantastic journey of Chinese learning.

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closed Comments

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: As someone that has written in both simplified Chinese and Japanese which features kanji, god traditional is so much more of a pain to write than simplified. You can call it beautiful, but the purpose of language first and foremost is to facilitate communication. Traditional just takes so long to write on a traditional medium.

              • +1

                @HentaiEnjoyer: Start using an alphabet, then!!!!

                All languages started as pictograms and developed into phonetic alphabets.

                Traditional Chinese is beautiful as it looks like something like what it is supposed to represent. Simplified is just a mess.

                • @[Deactivated]: Agreed. Simplified Chinese look like characters written by halfwits or someone forgot the strokes of the original traditional characters.

          • +4

            @HentaiEnjoyer: speak for yourself. I speak Hakka and if someone speaks Mandarin or Cantonese to me… they may as well be speaking Korean

            • +2


              speak for yourself. I speak Hakka and if someone speaks Mandarin or Cantonese to me… they may as well be speaking Korean

              haha i was gonna say the same.

              And my experience is exactly that, I've had on many occasions mando tourist ask me for something (directions presumably) and when i speak canto back they seem to not understand.

            • +1

              @Creamy: I am speaking for myself, I literally lived in China for a few years

  • -4


    • +12

      One of the three Ts. Tiananmen, Tibet and Taiwan.

      • Tsaiwan you meant

    • +4

      why is this getting down-voted?

      • +7

        China is basically at war with the West. Foreign journalists have been kicked out or have fled. It's a nasty place at the moment and they are trying to use 'soft diplomacy' to win over Western citizens.

      • +2

        Because it's meant to be
        he wrote it in simplified Chinese that the PRC implemented in the 1950s as opposed to real traditional Chinese characters that have thousands of years history… Which pretty much only Taiwan and Hong Kong still use.

      • because blind people can't read/translate it and don't know the meaning of it
        but they could easily hate things/people they don't understand

  • +1


    • I heard this a lot overseas.

      • +1

        And 那个那个那个 (that that that)

    • +17

      Whatever does a language has to do with politics.

      Is this how you think? Better not learn arabic because… Better not learn english because…

      • +2

        onqqonqq asked a question. S/he did not say it has to do with politics.

        • So the fact is always exactly what s/he claims?

          • +1

            @RimofLeo: I have no idea what you were trying to convey. Your question made no sense.

            • -3

              @alvian: Why not try to use your brain effectively, then?

        • +2

          Dude he’s literally asking to translate “glory to Hong Kong, revolution something…”, is that not politics or can you not detect sarcasm? That crap doesn’t belong here.

          • @unfinishedsentenc: I see a person who is curious to know what that slogan actually means, and so asked a question but forgot to type a question mark.

    • -1

      https://fanyi.baidu.com/ said: Glory to the Chinese Communist Party, may it rule over us forever.

    • -3

      Make HK a colony of the UK again?
      Thanks for globalization, the country which exports riot now has a pain in her ass.
      Black lives matter!

      • +3


    • +12

      Free Hong Kong, revolution of our time.

      On another note there’s a lot of China people on oZbargain hence why any comment on this post which goes against their belief will be downvoted, biggest downvoting brigade.

      • +3

        There's no hope for hk. Corruption and no freedom.

        • +5

          Corruption and no freedom is taking over the world. LNP prime example, trying to herald FTTN as their own, gas after coal didn’t work out, buying land from LNP donor billionaires.

          • +3

            @ATangk: yea, but press freedom is not removed. As long as there is press freedom, everything you said continues to be reported.

            If we were China, you'd think we have the best internet in the world lolz

            • +3

              @cloudy: Press freedom… most of the bullshit pushed by Murdoch makes me think its not even true.

              If we were China, we would have 5G and still complain the internet is slow. Truth is everything there is not in HD or 4K so their bandwidth usage is much lower. Its only the western world that is obsessed with picture quality. Wechat and everything else still sends images that are hundreds of kb.

              Nationals just wanted to remove an article because it didnt align with political views.

              • @ATangk:

                most of the bullshit pushed by Murdoch makes me think its not even true.

                read ABC dude, the fact you call out murdoch first suggests you dunno where to look for your news.

                Nationals just wanted to remove an article because it didnt align with political views.

                And yes, another example of press doing their job, something that doesn't occur in china. thanks for reinforcing my point.

                • +2

                  @cloudy: ABC is being cut back by the LNP who are backed by Murdoch.

                  If there is an example of press doing their job, much of the Uyghur criticisms come from a single source, someone who worked with China for many years and suddenly backflipped after being sponsored by the US. Why do they keep 'pushing' dubious sources then. Media are not doing their job they're only appeasing to their audience.

                  • @ATangk:

                    ABC is being cut back by the LNP who are backed by Murdoch.

                    ABC like many government organisations have been receiving "productivity" dividends for ages now. Spreading falsehoods that somehow only the ABC getting cut because of Murdoch is just false news.

                    much of the Uyghur criticisms come from a single source, someone who worked with China for many years and suddenly backflipped after being sponsored by the US

                    Can you link me to such reading, I've seen much of it and I've read and heard from a few media organisations citing many sources covering the Uyghur situation, not a single source as you state.

                    • @cloudy: True

              • @ATangk: I thought China was the greatest nation with the mist modern technology and the highest number if Gucci handbags per capita.

          • @ATangk: There's no comparison at all.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Why are you not more concerned about things that happen in your own back yard. Corruption here affects your tax dollars. Things overseas affect your holiday.

              • +3

                @ATangk: There is corruption everywhere. Here it is on a tiny scale compared to China where it is all encompassing.

                Why should we only concern ourselves with our tiny (population-wise), alnost insignificant corner of the world. We are all humans and all humans deserve rights.

    • Username checks out.

    • They teach simplified chinese in the class, probably not going to cover traditional chinese.

    • That's not Simplified Chinese so maybe they cannot

  • +10

    I prefer Oranges.

    • hahahaha, the joke of the day!!!

    • I prefer Mandarins.

  • +39

    Every Chinese related deal has to be political

    • +23

      sooner or later this is going to turn into OzPolitics

      • +20

        Thanks to the brutal totalitarian Chinese government

        • this is a media meme Chinese satisfaction with government is amongst highest in the world: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-sur…

          • +3

            @abctoz: China will finally compete with North Korea in the funny ranking 🤣

            • +4

              @nanoxz: You have to be experiencing life in China and speaking to locals who grew up there to understand why the satisfaction level is high over there. It is all relative, most people are being gifted new apartments when their old ones are trashed to build even more expensive apartments. QoL is improved significantly, and in the day to day, the government is very irrelevant in the average persons life.

          • +4

            @abctoz: Agree or be imprisoned

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: i mean that's the meme but if you check incarceration rates the US is more than triple that of China:


              much freedom very democracy

              the average guy strives for a better life, everybody is busy earning money and trying to make a living, that's why this human rights shit is so ridiculous if you've lived in China - particularly if you know what poverty is like, something something maslows hiarachy of needs

              • +3

                @abctoz: The US is just (profanity), a first world country trying its hardest to become third world. Australia is following them whilst the LNP are corrupting every corner of the nation.

                • +1

                  @ATangk: Don't discount the US they have great strengths and a leader in research and innovation, this is the end of a big 100 year debt cycle and the fourth turning:


                  basically the dogshit/chaos/war phase of the cycle where inequality peaks, if they get through this period in one piece they will come out strong in the coming years

              • +1

                @abctoz: Yeah right.

                The US isn't perfect, so it is just like China.

                That's why the rich in China are leaving to go there, Australia, NZ, Europe, SE Asia, Canada, etc.

                I don't see many people dreaming of living in the PRC!!!!!

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: i'm confused where did i say the US is 'just like china'?

                  i don't understand what you're trying to imply with the second part, is it not natural for people to desire to go where the standard of living is higher

              • @abctoz: Those guy have never been to china, they don't know what they talking about.

        • You better watch some foreign youtuber who living in china, including australian youtuber who live in chine for more than a year, hear what they said about china?

          I have questions for you, have you been in china?
          There is almost no crime, you can drink beer on the road, you can hangout out until midnight no one will put a knife into your belly.

      • Not before it's Oz pre order at RRP

      • hahahaha, ozbargainers are so funny these days
        or i'm being too sensitive during vic lockdowns
        lol anyway

    • +3

      Trump started to educate people the separation between Chinese and CCP. You can say CCP related has to be political, but not Chinese.

      • +3

        CCP is bad. China is good, but at the moment, CCP = China.

        Make China Great Again!!!!!

    • no need dude, you need learn some if u want to date a chinese girl….you can't just use body language.:)

    • +20

      As a Vietnamese marrying a Chinese, I'd love my kids to learn Chinese.

    • may we know why?

    • Interested to know why..

    • +3

      I really doubt a person who does not love (or even hate) his/her original culture&language would love&contribute to Australia sincerely? One day if the welfare becomes less attractive, s/he will simply immigrates to another country. His/her loyalty to Australia is no better than a kangaroo.

      • +2

        What? I contributed far more than I acquired. I never tried to use the welfare. I moved to Australia simply because it's a civilised country and respects human rights.

        • -3

          "Contribute far more than Acquired"
          Are you saying that you complaining that you are being explioted?

          • +1

            @RimofLeo: Contributing more than acquiring isnt always exploitation, you can do it willingly (ie. people volunteer their time for free for causes they believe in etc)

            • -2

              @Rain Cloud: There is always an exception case, isnt it? Yet I do not expect a person with such strong hatred will do so. A person's behavior is likely to be consistent in all the aspects in his/her life.

              • @RimofLeo: Hatred?

        • black lives matter, white lives matter too

      • +2

        Not all immigrants rely on welfare. They arent even eligible until they have been living here for awhile, all while working and paying taxes

        • +2

          All? Welfare only supports a basic living. That's not responsible for your own life. I am a PhD, why do I need to rely on welfare? Loyalty to original culture is not a trait, it can be a threater when the original culture is toxic

          • @nanoxz: Interesting. As a PhD, how did you get enough education resources (at least before you came to Australia), given that CCP f***ed you badly?

            • @RimofLeo: Don't you know survivorship bias? How bad if everyone gets tortured

              • +1

                @nanoxz: I dont understand at all. The first thing an evil government would do is not get you well educated if they want to torture you. In that case, you dont even realize that you are being tortured.

                • +2

                  @RimofLeo: I meant how bad if everyone get tortured, China is on its way to North Korea but still not North Korea. I am educated because I was lucky and studied hard. I will not say a good word for the extremely unfair and lawless country.

              • +1

                @nanoxz: i know a lot of Chinese families with PhD's and none of them were tortured, not too sure which circles you run in, you don't sound very Chinese tbh

                • @abctoz: There are a lot of non-East Asian people pretending to be an East Asian person on the Internet to troll people. Sad bunch of hypocrites.

            • +1

              @RimofLeo: Nobody said the CCP did anything to the poster

          • @nanoxz: Having a PhD does not guarantee a good paying job. Just saying…

            • @FrugalNotStingy: I understand. Now I am receiving fair pay. I am keeping leaning for a better future

              • +1

                @nanoxz: It’s good to know someone working hard for a better future and contribute to the society :)

      • +3

        Why must one love what they were born into? If someone was born into an abusive family you wouldn't expect them to love the family. Something like "connected by blood", "original culture" does not mean it's loyalty binding.

        • +1

          Of course one does not have to love what he were born into. I am talking about his loyalty to Australia not China.

          • +4

            @RimofLeo: You know nothing about a toxic culture. Loyalty to a brutal country is not good at all. I would say if someone loves totalitarian China, go back to China.

            • +1

              @nanoxz: If you pay off all the flight tickets and other costs (hotel, meal etc), I'd love to.

            • +4

              @nanoxz: Wow, I really do not appreciate this kind of comments. Let me share my opinions:

              1. I am a Chinese and I love China as it is, at least throughout my 22 years ( 6 years of runny nose, 12 years of primary + high school education, 4 years of Uni), I have never been tortured whatsoever. Might have been bullied once or twice in school though.

              2. I chose to come to Australia not to exploit the country, I came simply because I love Australia too, same word but different types of affections, I love China as my home country, at the end of the day it bears 22 years of my memory.

              3. I acquired my PR in 2013 after my Master's degree, working as a well paid software engineer, serving an Australian company, paying my taxes just like everybody else does, but I wouldn't say I don't need the welfare Australia has to offer, or would I say I have offered more than I acquired. You do know (I assume the PhD is the degree not your equipment) welfare is not just centrelink money you get from the government right? It's medicare (incl. every behind the counter medicine you may have purchased over the years), it's the environment, in the water, in the air, in everything, in "Made in Australia" products.

              4. Why do I have to go back to China just because I love my home country? Who gave you the authority to command me to do this?

              Please pack your ignorance up and learn a few things and it might just make your PhD worth its title.

              My 2 cents.

              • -1

                @hjbolide: if someone wasted his 20 years doing nothing else but propagating FLDF and spreading hate speeches in overseas and totally missed the economy booming in China, sold his properties before the price going up, he would hate China like fk without any choice - after had a few talks with broken FLDF people who stood next to China Town

                • @ToTheMoon: Yeah not gonna say anything about them, otherwise it would be like pressing and suppressing them.

                  • @hjbolide: but I'm still laughing at the Master didn't make it through the deadly disease and the guy that wears high waisted trousers is yet to be brought to his global justice. lol

                    • @ToTheMoon: Imagine he was the leader of Laos or some other small nations.

                      But, they probably wouldn't care about what he did anyway if that was the case.

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