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[Preorder] Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson - $23.00 + $5.90 Shipping @ MightyApe


Ooooh controversial deal. Do you love equality, diversity, and inclusion? Hate the patriarchy? Think the gender pay gap is unfair and not a product of natural differences between men and women? Agree with new atheism (like Sam Harris) on the foundation of morals? Then you should probably look for another book- here, try this one instead - https://www.booktopia.com.au/a-left-that-dares-to-speak-its-…

If the above doesn't describe you, read on- thanks for making it this far! Love him or hate him JBP has certainly made a huge impact on our culture and the lives of many individuals. This book- "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life" is a follow-up to his best seller, "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos". This is pretty good for preorder price, comes to $28.90 after shipping so if you've been keeping your eye on any toys/games for Christmas, it's a good idea to bundle for the shipping price.

For reference Dymocks and QBD have a pre-order price (for the paperback version) of $35 and Booktopia has it listed for $31.75 all not including shipping. Book Depository has it for $31.33 including shipping but it's still $2.43 more expensive than this unless you wait for the next great Book Depository cashback deal. Current cashback at CR is 1.4% for existing customers, 8% for new customers - so even if you're a new customer you'll end up 17.4c ahead going via mighty ape and paying for shipping.

Hope this helps someone, maybe more than just financially.

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closed Comments

    • +6

      Typical baseless and intellectually corrupt slander. What are his so called hard right wing ideas!?! Personal responsibility and freedom of speech!
      What a Nazi! Lets lock him up and all his followers!

      • +5

        No, personal self-determination and freedom of speech are perfectly moderate liberal principles. But if you want to defend him, be precise about his stances and defend that.

        He’s vocally anti-abortion rights, citing theories of fetal consciousness he has little grasp on; he goes on the US airwaves and broadcasts to the millions that there’s never been oppression of women in history (because he can memorise and quote select statistics on men’s suicide rates and men’s casualty rates in wars); he labels progressive politics as ‘postmodernist’ Marxism or socialism (we heard a similar line in Trump’s recent campaign).

        He loves to stride the stage and furrow his eyebrows like he’s some great thinker, and speaks like he’s delivering profound wisdom, but really he’s light on the evidence and research. He’s a pseudo-intellectual; I’m not the only one who recognises him as one. I too cringe at cancel culture and out of control political correctness, like many moderates, but Petersen packages that sentiment with far more extreme right wing ideas and sells it to the easily impressionable.

        • +5

          Have you ever watched his college lectures, from before he became (in)famous? Cos that's how I first heard (of) him - and when he's restrained (albeit not entirely) by a topic, his lectures are (profanity) great. Yes he does love to 'stride the stage and furrow his eyebrows like he’s some great thinker", but I would counter that by saying a) he IS a great thinker, even if broad or circulatory, and b) CLEARLY he's a great orator, otherwise why are we here?…

          • +1

            @Popid: I have. Have you read his early book, Maps of Meaning? Or seen his lectures on it? It’s devoid of original academic thought; full of simplistic ideas obscured by convoluted language. Try his passages on “procedural knowledge”. Even in his own area of expertise, he doesn’t articulate his ideas clearly – he hides behind abstraction.

            It’s characteristic of the way he lectures on political matters – say something simplistic, as an absolute, with cherry-picked stats and studies, in a faux-profound manner.

            He denies climate change exists, believes abortion is undeniably morally wrong, believes same-sex parenting causes harm to the child (every systematic review on the topic suggests otherwise), believes in God but can’t offer clear answers on aspects of his faith when probed like on the resurrection of Christ, and criticises areas of literary and political theory he clearly has a shallow grasp on, like postmodernism – it’s apparent he’s read very little on it.

            His soapbox is a problem because he insists on evangelising these beliefs to his undiscerning listeners enamoured by his pseudo-intellectual mannerisms. Climate change denial, anti-abortion rights, same-sex parenting; these are beliefs founded on poorly formed logic that do society harm, and real people harm.

  • +5

    Folks, I'm a bit lost and need some help; am I on ozbargain or r/politics?

    • +3

      Off topic but that place is a hive of toxicity.

      • +2

        Yes. Now will everyone please go back to finding me coupons?

  • +6

    Can't believe this is still listed.
    JP should've just started a gofundme instead of selling a book with no credibility.
    What's next pete evans selling a book on how to manage ones PR?

  • +7

    Oh the left are strong here today.. rather then just let the guy be and sell his book they need to come on a bargain website and push their left leaning agenda for no other reason other then they disagree… they are a sad sad bunch of people. Why do the left always insist on putting their nose where's its not needed, oh that's right if they aren't pushing their agenda down everyone's throat they ain't doing their job! Go back to Facebook and twitter

    • +10

      Lmao have a sook mate.

    • +9

      Rallying about "the evulz left" and Facebook. This is OzBargain, not USABargain. LoL.

    • -1

      I wouldn’t describe myself as “left”. I would describe myself as “genuinely interested in truth”, and “scientifically literate”.

      On a forum like this I can’t resist pointing out Peterson’s anti-scientific tendencies, like how he over-interprets ambiguous evidence to make it look like it supports a narrative he prefers or a belief that he has, or how he tends to cite only the portion of the evidence that looks like it’s conducive to his argument and leaves out the rest of the inconvenient evidence that would give better context to the weakness of his argument.

      I see him doing things like this again and again while being almost worshipped as an intellectual of the highest order by conservatives. And for this reason I feel it is important to draw attention to Peterson’s anti-scientific tendencies. Anyone familiar with the history of science will know that strict adherence to scientific principles is the only reliable way to arrive at truths and probabilities.

      • -1


        • -1

          Is that aimed at Jordan Peterson?

  • +2

    Well my thumb is sore from scrolling through all these rants.

    Let's be honest most of what's said online no one cares about (including this).

    The internet really isn't designed for having nuance discussions.

    It feels like what we write means something and make some really pointed argument but really no one is writing with the idea in their head that their willing to be convinced or persuaded.

    Blah blah rant rant. 1's and 0's…nobody cares

  • +3

    Egotism on parade from people who have never known hardship. I wonder if they know how tough life can really be.

    • +1

      Hi Jordan, welcome to OzBargain.

  • +3

    How to get hooked on benzos and talk smack by Jordan B Pieterman

    • +1

      How to excoriate someone with no afterthought in one sentence.

      • "Egotism on parade from people who have never known hardship. I wonder if they know how tough life can really be."

        How to judge people incredibly quickly based on little evidence.

  • +5

    I am wary of Peterson. While he typically makes good arguments, he has this annoying tendency to resort to phrases like ‘studies overwhelmingly show’ or ‘all empirical evidence shows’ as a means to his argumentative QED. Studies can be as subjective as an opinion, and I’d strong encourage his supporters and fans to independently verify these phrases rather than accepting them at face value.

    • Someone really should go through these claims and show evidence for/against and make their own argument(s) for/against. I'm a 'proponent' of Peterson I guess you'd say from listening way before he got famous to his college lectures online…I don't feel like he made too many fact-checkable claims AT ALL in those, but I'm open to being shown wrong and that it just washed over me. I feel like he works best in the philosophical (or now religio) space than anywhere else.. for better or worse..

  • +3

    If you want to put your pro-nouns in your social media bio’s, fine.
    If you want to hold extinction rebellion signs without obstructing the public, fine.
    If you want to read a Jordan Peterson book, fine.

    • +3

      this is intended to be sung to 'if ur happy and u know it' right?

  • +1

    The comment shitstorm here is really boring compared to that PS4 BLM theme.

    I guess nothing will top that one.

  • +6

    Snake oil isn't a deal

    • +1

      is if u want it n it's cheap

    • +2

      Give the soy a break, you'll think a lil clearer…

  • +5

    The real bargain here is the free entertainment in the comments.

  • +6

    writes list of 42 rules

    publishes 12 in a book

    3M+ copies sold

    200-city book tour, sold-out shows

    wife gets aggressive cancer

    starts taking benzos, almost dies

    beats addiction, puts life back together

    "Ugh, what does he know about anything?"

  • -1

    I enjoyed his first book, I liked him from the first time I saw him standing up to that pronoun BS in Canada. Yes, yes, I know all the leftist snowflakes here will automatically label me a right wing, nazi, homophobe, transphobe, racist. I guess I will just have to be intimidated by all those keyboard heroes. For what it is worth, I was signing up to the amazon preorder, and thought it is a little on the high side $$, then saw this advertised for cheaper. Yup, hard to remember this is actually about a bargain!!! But I appreciate it, Thanks OP.

  • +3

    The way he can quickly form arguments and answers so eloquently is really impressive. He preaches that the highest skill is to learn to speak and express yourself which is an admirable thing to do and can be achieved by any*one (maybe learn to write if you're mute or something). His detractors will call him a smooth-talking charlatan which is their way of not contending with his ideas.

    He gets hate from the left and the right because he is non-ideologically driven and therefore is, by default, against these extremist views that are born from radicalised ideological thinking. His reasonableness highlights the unreasonableness of the far left and far right and those people usually bite back, hence all the hate he gets. I would conjecture that he has a huge "centrist" following that is just so sick and tired of the political polarisation but have been disenfranchised to speak out by the sheer nastiness and malevolence of the radicals. Bi-partisan support is a wonderful thing and shows the common ground we have but these far left and far right types want nothing to do with which is despicable. Australia is lucky to have a center right and center left party because the way we were able to pass covid support payments is something we've taken for granted, if you look to the shit show of US politics and see how the left and right have spited each other and paralysed the democratic process at the expense of the people.

    Also I disagree with one of the highest voted comments in here about how he caters to the working class white male. His future-authoring program for "self improvement" has shown to be most effective in immigrant non-white males. He also has many interesting lectures directed towards the challenges modern women face in their career, family and relationships. My girlfriend has gone back to school to learn beauty tattooing to express her artistic side, and he preaches how even seemingly trivial jobs (if done well) are a noble thing (she's an asian women).

    • +1

      Uh he's very much a right wind ideologue. Anti-climate change, anti-gay marriage, pro-Christian values, anti feminist, anti trans and so on. Oh he also hosts discussion and podcasts with Stefan Molyneux, an actual white supremacist.

      • Can you actually find anything said between them that you object to, or actual examples to prove your long list of accusations at JP …
        Or are you just going to spam the same fallacy all over this thread?

        • +1

          What exactly do you think was incorrect with what I said?

          • @Autonomic:

            Oh he also hosts discussion and podcasts with Stefan Molyneux, an actual white supremacist.

            Please elaborate on how you're so eager in linking Stefan's reputation and worldview and to that of JP.

            • +1

              @payton: Just to clarify, you don't deny he's:

              Anti-climate change, anti-gay marriage, pro-Christian values, anti feminist, anti trans and so on. Oh he also hosts discussion and podcasts with Stefan Molyneux, an actual white supremacist.

              • @Autonomic: Well, you put forward the notion that he's all those things
                I haven't seen material/video that confirms them hence a lot of people asking for examples of the charges he's been accused of.
                the 'what did he actually say that offends thee so much'

                At end of the day, I'm not his public relations team, so I'm going to leave it here.

                • +2

                  @payton: If you don't even know his positions then why are you defending him so aggressively?

                  • @Autonomic: He covers an absolutely vast range of topics, and as time passes people's viewpoint might change, as they're allowed to.
                    This is just a tiny selection of it:

                    'postmodern feminism, white privilege, cultural appropriation, environmentalism, Bill C-16, preferred gender pronouns, hate speech laws in Canada'

                    he's very much a right wind ideologue. Anti-climate change, anti-gay marriage, pro-Christian values, anti feminist, anti trans and so on.

                    It is completely underhanded to conflate complex topics and compress his expressed viewpoints into two words easily used to rally the haters onto him.
                    Hence you were asked to provide examples of his actual wording or statements you have an issue with. Alas nothing was forthcoming beside a long list of smear.

                    He has expressed critiques of preferred gender pronouns, but to just brand him as "anti trans" and dismiss the context and everyhing else is just deceitful, but that might've been the intention from the start.

                    • +1

                      @payton: Re-tweeting climate change denialists:https://cleantechnica.com/2018/12/20/jordan-b-peterson-climate-change-denier-faux-lover-of-science/

                      Claiming being called a climate denier is only done to call someone a holocaust denier (?):https://cleantechnica.com/2018/12/20/jordan-b-peterson-climate-change-denier-faux-lover-of-science/

                      Against gay marriage because it's pushed by radical neo marxists and is bad for the kids they raise:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jef2C4T1_A

                      Women can't work with men in the workplace:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9dZSlUjVls

                      Also contains the infamous "Women wearing make up or high heels are hypocrites for complaining about sexual harassment in the workplace"

                      Christian values:https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8m21kw/i_am_dr_jordan_b_peterson_u_of_t_professor/dzkjg5u/?context=8&depth=9

                      Gender identity: He literally got famous by not wanting to call people their preferred pronouns

  • -2

    Taking responsibility for one's self is not a good thing, no, you need to find another people(s) to blame….

    Why does Jordan target men? Could be the current social environment of white (especially) males being placed by the morally righteous on top of their bogus social hierarchy? Peterson sees no other hope than to encourage these men to help themselves, or embrace personal responsibility? Everyone else is encouraged by one side of politics to blame someone else - 'not your fault'.

    Jordan is truly a great man who has changed the lives of people all over the world. It's a shame some people are blinded by their ideology.

  • +3

    I'm just gonna leave this little gold nugget here


    • +2

      I don't see how you can watch those videos and think he's some sort of intellectual power house lol

    • The fans of JP in this thread will never watch this. They seem to all have the belief he is this "epic" debater who "destroys libs" - when in reality like most of these clowns if they take one single step outside their depth they are immediately exposed for the shallow, barely coherent charlatans they really are.

      Just look at the "debate" he had with Zizek. Someone who has built their entire career almost on commenting on the evils of "cultural-marxism" wink wink dog-whistle and he admits he hasn't even read the Communist Manifesto except skimreading it.

      Pathetically non intellectual, and the only thing he has to offer is extremely shallow "life advice" like, "clean your room" and "don't annoy kids who are skateboarding". Groundbreaking stuff.

  • +2

    Lmao… I've never seen ozbargain comments section so alive for a bloody book! This is gold.

    • +1

      Well you haven’t checked out the Obama book post

  • -2

    My favourite Peterson quote is: “If you’re not very smart, you should be conservative”

    • Someone upset Peterson isn’t saying what they want?

  • -3

    Upvoted due to the amount of reducto ad Hitlerum and “hE sUpPoRtZ wHiTe MaLe pRiLeDgE!!” bullshit being spread in this thread.

    Feel sorry for the mods having to wake up and deal with the bullshit snowflakes calling for this book to be removed. The new caged eggs and firearms post replacement for the simps and cucks to get faux-offended over.

    I want to get a cup with “Penguin publishing employee’s tears” on it.

    • +1

      Jeez, need a tissue for your issue?

      • -3

        Lol. Of all the replies in this tread, especially the half page rants in here from the fragile cry baby lefty antifa cucks and you think I’m the one that needs a tissue? Ok, champ, I’ll take a tissue. :D

  • +2

    JP changed my world view. As a father, having been screwed by the Family Court and experiencing the anti-male organisation that it is, I found Jordan Peterson (along with many others) who completely changed my view of the world, and gave me a point of view that I had simply never heard before, but made complete sense.
    I used to run Inclusion and Diversity training at my workplace. Not any more.

  • Good grief what a load of comments. No way I can read all this.

    I am into self improvement. So questions:

    Is it worth me reading this and/or the first book?

    Or is a summary good enough because one thing I know about this guy (and am not fond of) is that my god can he WAFFLE. like just get to the point already dude.

    Also given his recent troubles, is he someone who I should be taking advice from?

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