7kms Commute to Train Station - Suggestions?

I will be moving to a rental accommodation for a year. The nearest train station to the city (V-Line) is 7 kms away - one way.

Considering I don't have to travel to the city a lot due to flexible working arrangements, I don't see this as a big issue. But on the odd days that I do have to travel; I was wondering what are my best options. The nearest bus station is like 4 kms away. Not sure if the stops will be extended to the estate I am moving to, but that surely will be a few months/years away. In any case, I am not too keen to rely on buses that might ply only once in 20-25 mins (probably more).

Naturally, my most preferred option is driving. But I read that the car-park at the train station is generally full by 7:30 AM (even during COVID). Am I legally allowed to park in a nearby street and walk from there?

Other options include getting a bike, electric bike or an electric scooter. I am not sure if Electric scooters are safe and can handle 7 kms one away. Also, I am pretty sure I won't have bike lanes through the whole stretch to ride safely on the road in a two-wheeler. E-bikes should be fine as long as I get the caged-parking in the train station. Final option is to get a 2-wheeler licence and ride a Vespa or a Yamaha 100cc motor scooter. Parking in the station should be fine due to dedicated motorcycle parking spots? (Have to check whether these fill in too). All the 3 have downsides in the form of road safety.

Eager to hear your thoughts for similar commute distances and options.

State is VIC. Suburb is Armstrong Creek. Reason I am moving this far from the station is because it is closer to work for my partner (who has to travel daily to work).
Thanks for your opinions, folks! I am happy I got to hear you out instead of directly splurging on a bike/scooter/train station.
The reason I didn't add Uber as an option is because I don't expect it to be available on short notice in this suburb.

Poll Options

  • 149
    Car (Park nearest street and walk from there)
  • 9
    Electric Scoot till nearest bus stop
  • 92
  • 26
    Electric Bike
  • 5
    Motor Scooter
  • 30
    Electric scoot all the way (please suggest make and model for such long commutes)


  • Uber? 7km trip will probably be cheaper than parking. Or catch a bus. Punch a cone before work and it will have mostly worn off by the time your massive commute is over.

  • +1

    Should have included 'Uber' option in the Poll, it's probably the best solution to your problem.

  • +11

    Not in poll: I would do a quick, polite, handwritten (photocopied) letterbox drop in the area drop to see if anyone local does an early morning train run (e.g. parents dropping their spouse/uni students to the station) that you could call on and offer to reduce their cost for petty. So much cheaper than uber, and you get to meet the neighbours somewhat. You may even get multiple responses.

    Certainly takes going out of one's comfort zone, but would reduce two parties' transport costs as the same time.

    Just include approx times, and that you'd be able to get an uber if things changed (No pressure on them) for backup options. Would recommend using your dodge email (if it's respectable) as the contact (not phone number) for privacy.

    E.g. Hi, I'm your neighbour in X street, and currently car-less, do you happen to do an Y station run between 8 and 9am on weekdays? I commute 2-4 times a month and would love to carpool for $5 to cover petrol (cash, bank transfer, whatever suited)
    I'd text the day or two before to see if it suited, then would walk over to the top of the street on the morning. Pls give me an email if this might suit.

    Thanks a lot,
    [email protected]

  • +1

    You probably need to accurately define your requirements so that you can make a fully informed decision.

    Confirm the bus timetable rather than make assumptions - you may find it is better than you are guessing.

    Do you mean by 'the odd day' very rarely or a couple of days every week?

    Once you clarify for yourself exactly how many times and how often this trip is required you are in a better position to work out the acceptable cost of transport.

    From the sound of it at the moment you would be wasting a lot of money on any of the purchases you suggest. Taxi/Uber/ride share all sound much more feasible and cost effective for the 'odd day' trips.
    Also, considering this is for only a year, laying out money for the items you listed is pretty much throwing it away.

  • +1

    And here's me thinking that 7km is too far to commute to work - and for you that's just to the train station!

  • Buy an electric skateboard.

  • +3

    It never ceases to amaze me how many train station car parks outside of the city, have limited parking and yet are surrounded by huge swathes of unused land. As you say, they are full by 7.30am and woe betide anyone who parked on the unused land. Councils/government either have no interest in the public using trains or just want to fine people for parking in the wrong spot.
    Using a bike or scooter means wearing the right clothing + safety equipment on hot days as well as rainy, windy, cold days and carrying all that with you for the commute.
    Use a car and get there as early as possible and park on a side street if necessary.

  • +1

    I bought an escooter last year, it has been the best $800 I've ever spent.

    My work is flexible so I work 3 days in the office a week. I generally ride 2. If not 3 days a week, 6.8kms each way. 75kg rider, all flat. I get too work and back twice easily on one charge.

    Yes it is getting colder in Adelaide so in the morning it is a bit chilly, nothing a jacket can't fix. No I won't ride in the rain.

    Overall, I've driven maybe 800kms in total this year, and very much thinking about selling my car and ubering/friends/housemates instead. (if it wasn't for convenience).

    Obviously everyone's circumstances are different, so as your situation, I've laid out mine.

    Good luck

  • +2

    Just ride a bike. Good for you, good for the health system, good for the city. Every extra person riding makes the case for better bike infrastructure too.

    • -3

      If his preferred transport is car. No way is he going to ride a bicycle, he's probably too lazy.

  • A push bike at a relaxed speed would take you 15-20 minutes tops, no shower needed.

    • having ridden just under 7km to work for a few years you’d be looking at 25min minimum to do it slow enough on a regular push bike not to need a shower.

  • +1

    Get a folding bike from Kogan or similar , use car and park at closest street parking and use folding bike for rest of your journey to station and then to work in cbd.

    • This… I think folding bike deserves its own poll…

      It might be slower than normal-sized bikes but the advantage is you can fold and take it with you on the bus/train etc…

  • +1

    You should have thought about this when considering where to live

    • Work's closer for my partner. Not everything is about me, you know ;)

  • 7km is peanuts for a bike ride …

  • 7km isn't that far at all on a bike. To me a bike seems like the clear answer (without knowing the details of your area). Like not even close.

    An e scooter could do that trip as well, that's an option.

    You could get an ebike if you want to do the trip faster with less effort. You'll have to way up the cost v benefit. I know someone who raves about their ebike.

    Ultimately I guess you could drive and park but again that depends on the details of your area.

    At 7km to be honest I'd be tempted to run it. You could also walk it but that would take longer. Exercise is important though.

    If it's a cold rainy day though you'll probably want to drive. I'd strongly urge you not to do that on other days though.

  • +1

    It is only 7 kms, walk the whole thing

  • +1


    Any of those locations suitable for you?

    The bike cage is free to use. Only need to pay a refundable deposit on the access card.

    Is it a downhill or uphill to the station? Where I am I get a slight downhill to the station so I don't really get sweaty in the morning, even in summer. Getting sweaty in the evening is ok.

  • Have you tried working from home?

    • +1

      boomer business owners hate the idea that people are happier when they dont have to waste time commuting & cost the business less because you dont need a physical office

  • ….nearest train station to the city (V-Line) is 7 kms away - one way.

    Of course it's one way

  • +2

    So considering it's infrequent, a scooter is out. You're going to pay ~$700rego (in victoria anyway) + insurance which on a scooter, on your Ls for even third party isn't going to be cheap. It would simply be cheaper to catch an uber each way assuming it being relatively infrequent.

    Even if a round trip was $40 with uber, you'd still only spend $2080 if you went in once a week. That's probably only marginally more than rego + insurance and that's not factoring in maintenance, attire / protective clothing fuel etc.

    • definately this route or just drive and walk 400m if you have to. My motorbike's on a trickle charger these days. $696 in rego a year just to take a spot in my garage, will eventually go back to being a daily rider but its not cheap all things considered

    • How good is uber out in the burbs? I’ve not used it, but if it’s anything like taxis they’d hang around in the busy locations to get more fares. Out in the burbs it’s kinda expected that you’d own a car and do your own driving.

      • Never had an issue. I do live in an area with a huge indian population though (not being racist, statistically there are a lot of indian uber drivers from what I've seen).

        I can open the app and usually have 10 cars within a kilometer, it's great.

  • +2

    Seriously? Is this what people need advice for these days?

    • Yeah I know
      You'd think OP would be able to work it out for themselves

      • +1

        OP is asking for suggestions; I know it's hard for some people to comprehend.

  • Move somewhere more convenient
    The question begs, why move out to the sticks?

  • Sounds like you have moved to tarneit type of area.

    Welcome to the sh*t hole of Victoria.

    You can't rely on buses as they are never on time and there is no synchronization with the train schedule. You might end up waiting for hours in freezing cold.

    Don't ride bicycle as there are no dedicated bicycle lanes and people drive like certified (profanity).

    Get yourself a scooter or drive.

    And btw, parking is full by 6/30 and I've seen cars parked even after 7/30. Don't know what kind of sh*t jobs these people are on.

    I've lived there and signed off due to severe lack of infrastructure and there is no end to the misery.

    • i believe in Australia we refer to dates with dd/mm

    • +1

      Armstrong Creek

      • Tomato tomayto… One and the same thing.

        Good luck.

  • You could compromise and buy a road legal electric motor scooter. Top speed 60km/h, it may be OK if you're on entirely local streets for the entire way.

    But really, these are the pitfalls of buying out in Woop Woop. The properties are cheap, but there's a damn good reason for it!

    What really shits me (and this is not a dig at OP) is the entitlement of some of the people who buy out there who don't do their due diligence in purchasing and then piss and moan when it turns out that the park and ride station designed to fit 200 cars (that's enough to fill a quarter of an average train) inevitably fills up by 5:30am in the morning. If you look at the reality, you would need a parking garage the size of a large hospital (costing taxpayers $$$$$) to adequately service an outer suburb with spare spaces by 9am - it is simply unsustainable in terms of land use and money.

    • I am sure the parking conditions are pretty much the same in the most established Eastern suburbs too. I know a friend who drives all the way from Wheelers Hill to Malvern East just to find parking.

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