This was posted 3 years 1 month 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Free TAFE Short Courses (2 Free Courses per Person) @ TAFE NSW


TAFE NSW, in conjunction with the NSW Government, is offering a number of fee-free* short courses to all NSW residents*, but places are limited.

Courses are a mix of self-paced online or teacher-led virtual classrooms, which can pathway into a variety of full TAFE NSW qualifications.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, you need to be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizens, you need to be 15 years or over, no longer at school and living or working in NSW.

Terms and Conditions

You can only enrol in up to two Fee-Free* Courses at a time. If you are a TAFE NSW staff member or contractor, you cannot enrol in a Fee-Free* course.

Update: New Courses for Spring semester, added 16-Sep-2021

Statement of Attainment in Alcohol and Other Drug work

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Building a Website

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Business Administration - Computing Skills

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Business Skills for Supervisors

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Create and Design Spreadsheets

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Design and Build a Website

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Digital Security Basics

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Drones in Agriculture

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Emotional Intelligence

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Food Handling

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Food Safety Supervision

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Accounting

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Community Pharmacy

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Community Services Industry

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Real Estate

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Medical Administration

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Medical Terminology

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Producing Documents and Spreadsheets

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Reading and Writing for Adults

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Small Business

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Social Media Engagement

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Start Your Career in Beauty

Enrol now

Statement of Attainment in Start Your Career in Hairdressing/Barbering

Enrol now

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Passed the first course years ago

    • +2

      dealing or using or both?

      • +2

        The expression on my face should give you a clue.

        • +3

          Is it a sobering expression?

        • +4

          oh - just suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, cos o' yo momma? apologies.

    • Thinking about taking it. How’d you find it?

      • I don't think that's what he meant

  • +12

    Man, that is a pretty boring list of courses. Mechanics, Welding - that would be great

    • +7

      They cant deliver Welding and Mechanics online :)

      • +3

        And yet 8 people upvoted that comment 🤣

        • +3

          I'm waiting for my online welding class damn it!

  • +13

    "you need to be 15 years or over, no longer living"

    • +13

      I'm a prime candidate for these courses then, I'm dead inside.

    • +1

      Shame jv lives in Vic…

      • +1

        If you just change the letters around you can qualify.

  • +1

    which course will help get me a pay rise?

    • +17

      food handling course will probably get you a pay rise at McDonald's.

  • lol. please define 'no longer living' .

  • Anyone who's done one of these:
    do you get access to a email if you're on a short-course?

    • I did during a similar offer when covid first hit early last year.

      • Everyone lives in NSW

      • Do you lose it after the course finishes ?

        • No. Usually lasts a good year plus.

    • +1


      • Any clue how long it takes to become active after starting the course?

      • Activated within 5 mins of sign up for me, However I had my application filled up before but enrolled in a course this time.

    • I got a Tafe email after signing up and enrolling!

  • +7

    "Statement of Attainment in Medical Terminology"

    No thanks, I've watched enough ChubbyEmu to know -emia means presence in blood.

  • Is this [TARGET] only for citizen?

    • +1

      And people living in nsw

  • +3

    "Statement of Attainment in Reading Plans for Builders"

    One would have thought that Reading Plans would be required skill to be a builder.

    • +1

      The skills are mutually exclusive - the Builder just builds, whilst you read the plans for the Builder.

    • +2

      Yeah a bricklayer would only know how to lay straight, sometimes they get that wrong too.

  • +3

    I am a bit worried that the page that the main link goes to is headed 'lockdown learning' and the second course on the list (Computing Skills) says that it takes 17 weeks.
    Do TAFE know something about Gladys' plans that she hasn't let on yet?

    • +1


  • +1

    Wish more courses are offered under this deal…

  • which one can get me a job :(

    • +18

      Only you can get you a job. It may not be easy or quick. It took me a long time between jobs because I basically have a panic attack in interviews and freeze up and can't answer the interview questions. I've overcome most of my anxieties, but none of my strategies work in interviews, I'm going to have another crack with a new psychologist.

      Once I get a job they keep me though. Two of my jobs I've gotten because I interviewed for something else, failed the interviews and got given temp jobs. Both temp jobs were only a couple of months, one ended up turning into a 10 year job (before they decided to outsource overseas), my current one I've been in for over 3 years now.

      Believe me, I know it's not always easy to get a job, but the best thing you can do is apply for as many jobs as possible that are suitable. Make sure your resume and cover letters are on point (it's a good idea to get someone to look over them, even better if they're involved in hiring).

      I also did uni online while I was working. I'm not working in my chosen profession, because there was no way of getting the job I wanted without being good in an interview, but I'm happy doing what I do and I think it helps when applying for jobs anyway.

      If there's a particular job you want, figure out what you need to be able to do it. Also it's better not to have big gaps in your resume, so studying can help fill gaps if it's a while between jobs.

      Anyway, that's my unsolicited advice, maybe you're already doing everything you can. Good luck with the search, I hope you get a job soon.

    • I suppose you can check the "Career Opportunities" or "Course Details" at the webpage of your course of interest and check Indeed or Seek websites for the amount of those jobs near you. Note the course duration though. Maybe you can complete it faster if you give it a lot of energy in a smart way.

  • +1

    Which of those are the most useful?

    • Probably “Statement of Attainment in Construction Materials and Work Health and Safety”.

  • +3


    Completing this course will provide you with: A strong pathway towards further study in cyber security

    maybe you're really building a firewall? (Should there be a short course on proofreading?)

    Are any of these actually much use if you were looking to enter the relevant field? e.g. Construction Materials and WHS, or Cyber Sec Basics?

    • +1

      In an educational sense, you could learn everything in the course within an hour by just searching the learning objectives on YouTube and making notes. I suppose the actual qualification looks tidy on your resume though.

      Last week I got a Statement of Attainment for an LO forklift licence and the registered training organisation I attended sent it to me on actual good quality parchment paper (with a parchment ID). I’ve stuck it onto the front of the fridge so everyone can see I’m a Master Forkliftman…

      • +1


      • I kinda figured that was the depth of info, wondered if anyone actually cared about them.

        Now if they had a course to be a Master Forkliftman, I'd be all over that just for the name value, Are you concerned that this could backfire and more people at home will troll you with household tasks requiring moving items from low to high or vice versa? :p

  • Which of these would do me best for a career in programming ?

    • +1

      The Cyber Security one wouldn't hurt. So many programmers I work with are remarkably ignorant of the issues.

      The nationally recognised Statement of Attainment in Digital Security Basics equips you with the fundamental skills and knowledge in personal and organisational digital security. Learn to recognise cyber security risks and gain and introduction to computer networking concepts.

      This is a fully government subsidised course. Eligibility criteria applies.


      Through a mix of theory and practical coursework, learn to:

      Recognise threats in networks, machines, applications, data, users and infrastructure
      Understand common cyber security attack mechanisms
      Understand the tools and systems organisations can use to protect from cyber attacks
      Configure a computer operating system adding security
      Use foundational Linux commands

      • What are your thoughts on the:

        Statement of Attainment in Business Administration - Computing Skills

        I know it's only excel, PowerPoint, word and and so on but do you find yourself needing these skills as a programmer? Do you think this is worthwhile or just the Statement of Attainment in Digital Security Basics ?

        Currently enrolled in a coding bootcamp starting soon so I'd like something complimentary

        • +1

          @mujy IMHO if your interest is in coding, just focus on the boot camp.
          The Business Administration, Computing Skills, will just be a distraction and lead you away from the core fundamentals of the boot camp.
          The only office software you REALLY need to learn is email and some version of a text editor, either WordPad/NotePad/Atom/etc, and you will pick that up as you go through boot camp.
          Similar with the Cyber Security one. If you have absolutely nothing else to do with your time then go ahead, but you'll learn more from a few hours of YouTube video.

          • +1

            @LinkMonkey: @linkmonkey I really appreciate the write up will stick to coding and make better use of my time, thankyou!

    • Statement of Attainment in Mental Health

      • I wanted to do this one but it had some video call sessions in classes weekly (during work hours) and also some possibility of going into a physical class so couldnt do it :(

        • I think this one is all online? I just enrolled and there's a session in the evenings from 5.30pm to 8.30pm if that's not cutting it too close to work hours.

          • @Goosey: I saw that they had sessions on Wednesday from 1pm to 4pm from memory, and that was for about 9 weeks or so

    • I recommend the beginner programming courses on EDX instead of these.

      It depends what you plan on specializing in (e.g big data, cybersecurity, game dev, machine learning, cloud computing)/ what language you want to learn.

      • Thanks for the reply, I'm already due to start a coding bootcamp in a week, just wanted to make use of the value of these TAFE qualifications, so what do you think would be the best?

        • Honestly, only the security one, and having a basic knowledge of cyber security will be valuable for you.

        • I honestly wouldn't waste my time with these ones if you're going right towards coding, none of these ones appear to be relevant. Focus on building on whatever language you're learning at the bootcamp by putting your learning into practice.

  • Any courses in bargain hunting? 👍

  • Do you get a TAFE NSW email address with these?

    • yes

  • Why are there so many questions about the availability of a TAFE email address?

    Why is this more important than actually learning, or updating as the case may be, a useful job skill?

    • Umm for bargains & discounts..? Isn't that why we're all on OzBargain for? Don't think many of us came here to learn unless it's learning how to save money or score a freebie.

      • I have a UTAS email address, but I have only had one discount from it in the 5 years I have had it and that was a sizable discount on the conference fee to attend a big family history conference in the US back in 2017.

        What am I missing out on?

        It was accidental that I came here to learn - one unit of the UTAS Family History course being offered free was posted here as a bargain. Since genealogy is my passion, I signed up. I ended up doing all eight units and graduating with the Diploma. I never dreamed that I would graduate from a university and get to wear the gown and mortar board etc. So thanks to OzBargain, I did.

        And what about all the Udemy courses that are posted every week?? I know some people just collect these courses like others collect stamps or barbie dolls. But surely some have actually done a course or three. And,.. I am guilty, I have collected a few courses, but not yet started one, specially the Excel ones which I want to do.

  • I saw the deal and registered but then I realised I don’t need tafe I have masters degree, anyways how do I I unenroll?

    • +1

      You have a Masters Degree and only realised it……..and you are asking use how to unenroll :-)

  • +4
    Statement of Attainment in Full fee Study load (hours/week) Duration (weeks)
    Business Administration - Computing Skills $1,199.00 14 17
    Alcohol and Other Drug Work $1,177.00 10 6
    Producing Documents and Spreadsheets $1,144.00 7.5 4
    Business Skills for Supervisors $1,045.00 23 12
    Construction Materials and Work Health and Safety $1,001.00 5 10
    Mental Health $979.00 6 9
    Reading Plans for Builders $825.00 2 10
    Digital Security Basics $580.00 10 12
    Medical Terminology $500.00 7 12
    Food Handling $170.00 1 12
  • +2

    Some extra courses have been added and looks like more will be coming too

    An extra 60 short courses will be offered to people in New South Wales to study for free during lockdown.

    • Statement of Attainment in Building a Website
    • Statement of Attainment in Community Pharmacy
    • Statement of Attainment in Emotional Intelligence
    • Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Accounting
    • Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Community Services Industry
    • Statement of Attainment in Introduction to Real Estate
    • Statement of Attainment in Medical Administration
    • Statement of Attainment in Reading and Writing for Adults
    • Statement of Attainment in Small Business
    • Statement of Attainment in Social Media Engagement
  • +1

    The new courses advertised for Mid September has been added, with individual links to application forms

  • Anything equivalent in Victoria?

    • +1

      VIC has much better free Tafe courses than anywhere else. Some Diploma courses is also free under the scheme. There is another scheme to upskill under SkillF First scheme as well.

  • Which of these course can teach me programming and give me skills to make a bot?

  • Victoria is much better with Free Tafe, there are much more courses for Free TAFE in VIC. It is worth to move to VIC to study.

    Some of the good courses is Swinburne and Holmesglen for not charging extra "Student Service Fee". You can even take 2 courses free if you are unemployed. One is under JobTrainer and one under Free-Tafe scheme.

    Some good courses are Cert 3 in Commercial Cookery, Child Care, Aged Care, Cert 4 in Cyber Security. They even have some Diploma courses under FreeTAFE like Diploma of Nursing.

    If you want to study maybe consider moving to Melbourne.

  • +1

    it's two fee free courses per person, at a time :)

    i've done a statement of attainment for digital illustration and illustration in the past and have started one for makeup last week, can't recommend them enough!

  • Victoria is called the education state for a reason..or not?

    • It truely is, the list of courses under FreeTafe is extensive and it is a full Cert 3/4 even Diploma not just short courses.

  • Wow not even cert3…

  • Has anyone done the spreadsheet courses, or would Udemy be better?

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