This was posted 2 years 11 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Free Entry for Double Vaccinated or Medically Exempt for a Limited Time @ Australian Museum


This is not really a deal for getting Vaccinated, in line with NSW Public Health Orders, and for the safety of everyone, please do not enter the Australian Museum (AM) if you or someone in your party:
does not have proof of double-dose vaccination or medical exemption ready to show AM staff on arrival

General admission is free!
Experience the revamped Australian Museum for free. Enjoy expanded galleries, more of our collection on display, transformed gathering spaces, a new shop, a second cafΓ©, a renovated Members Lounge and updated amenities.

General admission to the Australian Museum is free for adults and children, for a limited time.

General admission includes entry to all permanent exhibitions as well as the UNSETTLED special exhibition. Please note Prehistoric Playground is currently closed during our initial reopening period.

We are open 10am - 5pm Monday to Sunday, except Christmas Day.

View our visitor map for locations of exhibitions, amenities and information about low, medium and high sensory areas across our galleries. The AM Visual Story has also been created for visitors on the autism spectrum and those with sensory sensitivities to prepare for their visit.

Visitor information
In line with NSW Public Health Orders, and for the safety of everyone, please do not enter the Australian Museum (AM) if you or someone in your party:
does not have proof of double-dose vaccination or medical exemption ready to show AM staff on arrival
is feeling unwell in any way
is experiencing flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, a sore throat or fatigue
has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
has visited a known COVID-19 case location during the relevant time and have been instructed to get tested and self-isolate
is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test or has returned a positive result
have come from overseas and is required by law to quarantine themselves.

Credit to Best Aussie Markdowns:…

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The Australian Museum
The Australian Museum

closed Comments

  • +1

    I'm ashamed of Australia, my new home, for having such a high vaccination numbers. Compare to my country of origin where everyone isn't as stupid as here so they have a clear mind and not listening to the one-sided media, not taking this poisonous vaccine and keep proudly dying in thousands every day. Shame on you Australia, you could have just ignored this American propoganda and keep getting more and more smart and dead people.

    • +1

      Don't believe big pharma? Fine. Don't trust the government? Good, nor do I.

      Pick up any history book. Particular anything more than 80 to 100 years ago. You will see that it's standard practice to bury your kids because of some virus or bacterial infection. It was insanely common. Failing that, a huge proportion crippled because of Polio.

      Now, it's insanely rare. Why? Because of vaccines and modern medicine, thanks to big pharma and governments. We're not just magically more healthy now.

      Seriously. Pick up any historical book and tell me how your argument makes any sense what so ever.

      • +1

        Ah..I think they were being sarcastic rather than anti vaccine :)

        • But do you really know that… Poe's law in full effect there.

          Figured I'd add this because it's rather clear to me that heaps of people aren't adept at doing Google research.

          Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.

  • It's a shame this museum sucks balls though.

  • Great, I am getting the booster dose later this month after my two vaccines ( so will be triple vaccinated). That means I will probably get paid to visit the museum! 😎

    • How did you get your booster dose? Did you have to pay for it?

      • +1

        No, it is for immunocompromised people.
        Unfortunately, I qualify. <Sigh>

  • Getting a medical exemption is just playing by their rules, which change quickly.

    It is your right to refuse any injection they insist upon (for any reason whatsoever) despite their fear propaganda and lies. There are no conditions. If you aren't fighting now, you will soon. This will only ramp up.

    Those that advocate injections for themselves and their family: let them depopulate. No point arguing with fools or convincing them otherwise. Do not these people breathe on you.

    They believe in the censorship. They do not believe in open discussion. They believe in the system, even as the system tramples all over their civil liberties. They don't ask too many questions nor do they dig deep. They are lost causes living under a blanket of fear propagamda who are getting exactly what they deserve. They deserve their so-called vaccinations. They fight for nothing and have already traded jabs for perceived freedom.

    Now just watch gov siphon millions and then trillions from the public purse under the guise of helping you out, while they help themselves to your rapidly-depreciating currency, ready for the all-new completely digital control system. With so many out of work and the middle-class eviscerated, it will be: take this poison or your payments stop.

    • Those that advocate injections for themselves and their family:

      Just for covid or for any vaccine, including measles, polio, yellow fever etc?

    • They believe in the censorship. They do not believe in open discussion.

      This is complete nonsense. Those that are anti-vaxx, as you yourself are, have dedicated Facebook, telegram groups where you can spread your nonsense basically uncensored.

      There is plenty of open discussion if you want it.

      But it is a complete fallacy that both sides should have equal air time. The anti-vaxx groups tend to circulate complete BS and treat it as verbatim without even the tiniest bit of critical thinking.

      Those that advocate injections for themselves and their family: let them depopulate.

      You need help to wean off what are clear conspiracy theories.

      • +1

        dedicated Facebook, telegram groups where you can spread your nonsense basically uncensored.

        Hilarious. - taken off youtube - deplatformed on several platforms - need I go on?

        I have a long list of truth-tellers that have had to move to Rumble, Odysee, etc. 'cause of the censorship about this flu. All the channels still on YouTube with half a brain have to carefully word their videos in order for them to not take a huge hit financially and otherwise. That's without going into facecrook and twitter censorship.

        In the meantime many businesses, schools, etc. are forced to advertise and comply with the covid propaganda in order to just DO business, as a condition to continue to get funds from gov.

        • Thanks for proving my point - there are several platforms where people like yourself (or "truth-tellers" as you call them) can spread their complete bullcrap without impediment. You've even managed to do it here.

          Meanwhile the rest of Australia will move on without you.

          • +1


            Thanks for proving my point - there are several platforms where people like yourself (or "truth-tellers" as you call them) can spread their complete bullcrap without impediment.

            My point was precisely the opposite of that, but I can't blame you for not understanding. All throughout history the masses have been led to the slaughter and only sub-percentages of the population have understood the hows and whys of tyranny. Truth and the free flow of information is the first casualty.

            Meanwhile the rest of Australia will move on without you.

            I'm glad we have a spokesperson who apparently can make statements on behalf of the rest of Australia. You deserve your jab. I won't stop you.

            • +1


              My point was precisely the opposite of that, but I can't blame you for not understanding. All throughout history the masses have been led to the slaughter and only sub-percentages of the population have understood the hows and whys of tyranny.


              Oh my goodness… you actually believe the mass-depopulation conspiracy nonsense that you were alluding to earlier. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but here you are demonstrating that you don't have an ounce of ability to apply critical thinking.

              • +1


                Oh my goodness… you actually believe the mass-depopulation conspiracy nonsense that you were alluding to earlier.

                If i were alluding to it earlier, why are you so surprised?

                I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but here you are demonstrating that you don't have an ounce of ability to apply critical thinking.

                Correct. My critical thinking is lacking. If only I had yours. What if I told you this was all written about well in advance of being implemented? Only those who seek will find. Enjoy your jab(s).

                • +1


                  My critical thinking is lacking

                  Finally we agree on something..

                  • +2


                    Finally we agree on something..

                    Sure thing, bro.

                • @wiffy:

                  If i were alluding to it earlier, why are you so surprised?

                  I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I didn't think there were actually people stupid enough to think that a vaccine somehow has every single person on board some depopulation scheme. Apparently I was wrong.

                  Only those who seek will find.

                  Why would anyone want to find what is obviously bullshit lol

                  • @DogGunn:

                    I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

                    You gave me nothing but labels, which is all your kind excels at. I am not here to change your opinion, nor do I care about what you think you gave me.

                    I didn't think there were actually people stupid enough to think that a vaccine somehow has every single person on board some depopulation scheme. Apparently I was wrong.

                    I believe you basically said that in an earlier message. Correct: my stupidity knows no bounds. Carry on.

                    • +1


                      my stupidity knows no bounds

                      Damn it….now that's 2 things we agree on.

                    • -1

                      @wiffy: Unfortunately, you're right. There's not much I can add to this other than labels.

                      What you're suffering verges on mental illness where you can no longer distinguish between reality and conspiracy.

              • @DogGunn:

                you actually believe the mass-depopulation conspiracy nonsense that you were alluding to earlier.

                Lol, makes more sense than making people take it for their health.

                • @ozhunter: Wait, so it's not to make people turn into iron man??????

    • +2

      No point arguing with fools or convincing them otherwise

      The only accurate part of your rant…
      Couldn't have said it better myself…

      I do love how many 'new' members show up for the anti-covid/anti-vaccine crowd posting such high quality arguments…I thought it was only those in favour of vaccinations which were shills :/

      • +1

        I do love how many 'new' members show up for the anti-covid/anti-vaccine crowd posting such high quality arguments

        I am part of no crowd and I am here to get deals, primarily. Your opinion is of no consequence to me. You deserve your taxpayer-funded depopulation shot masquerading itself as a vaccine.

        I wish you and your tribe the best.

        • I am part of no crowd

          You are…. You just think it's a crowd full of the incredibly small minority who think their 15 mins of internet research makes them educated and able to see how everyone else is just a sheep..

          When in reality you're just an unfortunate by product of the internet age, and the increased ability for those that are led to conspiracy theories and 'alternate' facts to come together. The resulting groups continue to provide positive reinforcement that they are right, everyone else is wrong, anything non crackpot media is labelled as 'mainstream media' and is therefore 'fake news', and only you can see the truth behind science and medicines lies…

          And you continue to eat up that information being fed to you by 'alternate' media sources (with phrases like 'depopulation shot') making millions from you watching, sharing, repeating it and living it.

          It's ok, you'll likely grow out of it.

          • +1


            You just think it's a crowd full of the incredibly small minority who think their 15 mins of internet research makes them educated and able to see how everyone else is just a sheep..

            15mins of research he calls it. If only you knew.

            Carry on, mate. If there's one thing I can count on for consistency, it's people dishing out labels like yours. We all have to live with it from anyone still believing their 'reputable' news sources. Haha. Meanwhile people like Greg Hunter who has worked with huge mainstream networks in a past life tells you it's all lies and starts up his own thing & is ignored by people like you. So many of you out there.

            Enjoy yourself, luv. Please go on.

            • +1


              Greg Hunter


              Perhaps 15 mins of research was over stating it…

              Could you not have provided a better example of spoon feeding you what you want to believe and making bank doing it? Though perhaps not enough bank as that website design is terrible.

              5 minutes on that page and anyone with an ounce of impartial thinking would develop a brain annurism..

              I think a museum visit could do you good..
              I hear there's one offering free admission at the moment.

              • +1


                Could you not have provided a better example of spoon feeding you what you want to believe and making bank doing it?

                You are correct.

                Though perhaps not enough bank as that website design is terrible.

                You are correct again. When they ask you to go for your booster shot, please take it.

                  • +1


                    Just shows what a numpty you are.

                    You are correct again.

    • +3

      flogging a dead horse in here brother..

      If the 'Pro vaxxers' here were given a free key-ring for the jab, they'd grab it, no questions asked..

      Just watch as the tide turns when they're all lining up for the 4th, 5th & 6th 'booster' shot, lol..

  • Wow, a mod restored all the deleted "inappropriate" comments.

  • Medically Exempt, who is authorized to issue this?

    • +1

      Pretty much unheard of as AHPRA sent letters to each & every Dr, who's licence will be revoked if they go 'against the narrative'…

      • +1

        AHPRA sent letters to each & every Dr, who's licence will be revoked if they go 'against the narrative'…

        Feel free to share the letter or proof of this claim…

        • +1

          ask ANY Dr for an exemption. You will see.

          My local medical centre even went as far as posting A4 sheets of paper on the walls saying "We will not give exemptions"..

          Does that not make you wonder?

          • @Bunsen:

            AHPRA sent letters to each & every Dr, who's licence will be revoked if they go 'against the narrative'…

            your claim. I just asked you to back it up. Which you have not done.

            GP's not wanting to get into arguments with anti-vax'ers is a no brainer, so your 'a4 sheets' would be an easy solution to that.

            If you legitimately need an exemption due to medical reasons, you can get one and I'm sure the same 'local medical centres' would know which patients legitimately require one.

            NSW health for example has a form, and doctor licences are not revoked for completing one.
            E.g. those with anaphylaxis from past vaccines using similar components. Such a huge cover up when the form is easily obtainable.

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