I Am A Roulette Aficionado Thinking of Sharing My Experience

Ok here’s a doozy for ya. I’ve been here for some time and give a bit of ribbing and take a bit so be playful if you want but not mean ok?

I play Roulette 7 days a week. Not with many thousands of dollars but with a small bank roll to keep it stress free. Most people that know me or watch me are very inquisitive about my game, strategy and my strict adherence to certain shall we say rules I apply to myself which allows me to keep going back and not blow all my money like the average Joe or Josephine.

I’ve shared my skill with one other person, a poker player, but they couldn’t control themselves and after some initial success thought they could go big. It was a disaster - for them and I told them they shouldn’t gamble EVER. It didn’t end well.

With all the crypto investors out there I figure my roulette strategies are no worse than playing the crypto market. So my big question is would anybody pay to be coached in this timeless battle against the house and what would they expect for their money? Hypothetically of course.

EDIT: I did say it was a doozy and OzB’s have delivered pretty much what I expected. I could look up a word in the dictionary to describe what that looks like but I think the replies speak for themselves. Thank you one and all!

Mod: Removed inflammatory edits.

closed Comments

  • +5

    Damn just wasted an hour reading this thread…

    • I've got a great idea for you that could save you hours from reading threads. ;)

  • +5

    I made over 100 million in GTA. The best strategy is to bet max on a single number and play for six spins, if you don't win then reload your game. It's much more efficient than betting red/black and reloading after every spin.

  • Why don't you tell us your initial bankroll and how much has it grown?
    I am a profitable punter myself, but couldnt be bother to share my experiences unless people ask me what else do I do apart from my small business that I owned.

    • +1

      My bankroll is constant at $300. I bank any excess and it becomes part of my regular budget. Good or bad. I treat it as disposable income. To do anything else would be folly. That is not to say that I am admitting defeat here because that is part of my management of how I play. It keeps your ego in check and you are less likely to tell yourself you can live off this thing which changes the whole dynamic and outcome due to your mindset.

      • Do you keep track from the start?
        What is your total profit so far?

        • It’s not about profit. But yes I do now track myself on a weekly basis with a running total which I will not share because it could send the wrong message to vulnerable people. I have nothing to prove despite the spears and arrows that are coming at me here. The post is in the Introduce Yourself forum and in hindsight I regret asking the hypothetical question about people paying for advice but it’s there and has probably kept the thread alive. I used to spend much more once upon a time but I have figured out that if I want to keep doing what I love for fun I need to keep it small scale and also going bigger changes your mental state and consequently adds risk to the result.

          • @MontyMacaw: Your best candidates would be the patrons you see at the casino regularly, they are there because they like gambling.
            Most people would look at you funny if you tell them you can win at casino table games.

            • -2

              @punter1: As has been proven here. I think you get a where I’m coming from in this post. The sticks and stones are just that. I feel no emotion reading the negative and condescending comments. It’s a bit like playing roulette now. I can almost anticipate the probable outcome of the incoming comments. Nobody wants to know that something they are convinced by all the logic they know is right, could be wrong. They can’t deal with that. Some just don’t care but there are certain number who really want to make sure nobody knows better than them. I’m fine with that. They apparently aren’t.

              • +8


                Nobody wants to know that something they are convinced by all the logic they know is right, could be wrong.
                Some just don’t care but there are certain number who really want to make sure nobody knows better than them.

                That's some "pot meets kettle" sh*t right there

              • +2


                It’s a bit like playing roulette now. I can almost anticipate the probable outcome

                The outcome that you will lose money over time? Thats not just probable, its guaranteed by design

  • Does casino have a record of all past outcomes besides having to be there and is it possible to get a copy of it?

    • You can get a record of their record of your play if you use a loyalty program. I’ve done it twice. Many years ago I asked for it from Auckland casino and they told me I was up $4000 for whatever period it was. It was a long time I recall. Then about 12 years ago I asked for a similar printout from another casino I frequented and it was a couple of thousand the other way and that included quite a lot of leisure pokie playing which I never do now. The problem with this is that they estimate your turnover on tables by the amount of time you sit there and then estimate of your average spend per spin. So it’s a calculated guess with many variables which can skew it. If you don’t use a loyalty card which is more common now that they tend to be taking the host responsibility thing more seriously since all of the scandals they have no idea how much you spend unless you attract their attention in some way but that wouldn’t be to record for your information of your play.

  • +1

    If you need the income from teaching people to gamble, then you are not making enough money.

    • That could be a true statement in some circumstances but you are making an assumption that is incorrect.

  • +1

    I guess some people might be willing to pay you for a system to 'beat' roulette. But since you are adamant that you do not have a system, it really just makes you appear like a degenerate gambler who goes to the casino 7 days a week after you've finished work.

    • +6

      Monty claims to have a system that allows people to play a really long time and enjoy the game. Here's my system: Find a wheel with only one 0 and put the minimum bet down. You'll win slightly less than 50% of the time, and as every spin takes around a minute to play, you could potentially have fun for hours before the $300 runs out.

      How about that Monty? Do I get a cookie?

      The funny thing is Monty is adamant that their system is all about 'having fun' and playing for a long time. Yet in another post Monty boasted about making money and how far ahead of the game they are. When people assume Monty is selling a system to make money, Monty argues it's just about having fun and playing a long time. When others question what the point is in playing for a long time just to have fun, Monty switches the argument to saying it's all about the profit (see the $300 post). Monty flip flops faster than a politician answering a question on breakfast radio.

      And oh no, Monty isn't trying to sell you a system for roulette. No no no, never anything like that. But Monty will keep talking about the system and how great it is. Uhha.

  • +1

    Why is this even a post?

    • -1

      Because people are trying to beat me. And you can’t beat the house apparently. I thought it would be dead long ago.

  • +4

    There's literally no strategy ever to win at roulette. If you think there is you don't understand mathematics or probability. You are an idiot.

    • You are exactly right!!! You get a cookie. But I’m not saying I have a system. Most annoyed other people are. Someone watching me would probably think I have a system but they would be wrong too.

      • +4

        You claim to not have a system, yet you said:

        "Most people that know me or watch me are very inquisitive about my game, strategy and my strict adherence to certain shall we say rules I apply to myself"

        A strategy and set of rules for your game sounds like… a system.

        But well played. This troll thread is very fine.

  • -2

    Here is the end of the week results for those following.

    Sunday was an exception day where I went twice and ended on a double (the last bet repeated the win) so the winning amount was higher than I expected.

    Monday 65
    Tuesday 357
    Wednesday -522
    Thursday 205
    Friday 224
    Saturday 171
    Sunday 750
    Wk Total 1250 Profit.

    So now those who want to can deride at their leisure. To everyone else have a great week and thanks for YOUR kind words 🙃

    • +3

      I don't see why you waste your time here. Go back to the casino and win some more. Ahh, but you've played enough for today? Why? Roulette wheels have no memory. A spin today, tomorrow, or in a year's time has exactly the same probabilities of winning. So I suggest you go back to the casino, right now, and clean them out. Come on. What are you waiting for? Afraid they'll ban you for winning too much?

      Regarding your profit stats, you realize there's no way to verify them, right? We have to take your word for it, on a thread where you're trying to garner interest in crypto coaching based on your roulette skills.

      By the way, last night I won $465 playing poker. Do you believe me?

      • Must have been a small game

    • +1

      Anyone can write a list of figures and say "I made a profit"

      • +1

        Especially those gauging interest in selling a "winning strategy…"

    • +3

      You're going to the casino 7 days a week. You might have profited money but you've lost in so many other areas of your life. I hope you reassess things soon.

    • How many hours did you take last week roughly?

      • +1

        Probably about 25-30 but a lot of that time was just hanging out and enjoying being out and enjoying the freebies. Also some dining.

  • +1

    My question is how is the way you play roulette & profit from it different from the 1,000's of people over the years that claim they could beat the system and failed?

    • -2

      There have been a number of people who claim to win regularly and some who claim to win and keep winning. The perception of people who have tried and failed is often that it is impossible. Therefore because they have failed they need to tell the world as loudly as possible that if they can’t do it nobody can. Luckily human development and progress has not been defined by these people.

      • +5

        Luckily human development and progress has not been defined by these people.

        Now I cant work out if its trolling or not. The delusions of grandeur are so pervasive.

        • +14

          I don't think they are trolling, but they sure as hell exhibit all the tell tale signs of a problem gambler…

          • 7 days a week at the casino for hours at a time
          • Always has a reason for being there. (I like it. Close to home/work. Lots of friends there. It's my hobby.)
          • Has a system that "works" (but won't share it)
          • Thinks the casino is "onto them" and their "persistent winnings"
          • Incessant need to justify their gambling
          • Telling others it's "not an issue" or "it's disposable income"
          • Only talking about their wins or glossing over losses
          • A want to teach others how to win, but only if they pay money for the lessons
          • Dismissive of anyone that tells them they need help
          • Claims to be "under control" and "can handle it"
          • Is very cagey and secretive when questioned about their actual wins/losses
          • Takes it personally when you question them about their system or try to show them that it doesn't work
          • Lives in a confirmation bias echo chamber, where 1 win will reinforce their "system" is working, but 5 losses will not.
          • Can tell you more about their favourite game than they could tell you about their family.
          • Claiming that they are "different from problem gamblers"
          • Grandiose claims of extensive experience.
          • Claims they have helped a lot of people or a lot of other people have given them encouragement.

          I could link to just about every single additive gamblers comment above to claims OP has made in this thread…

          • -2

            @pegaxs: Geeze mate you must be a terrible gambler. You get so many things wrong. As you have again here. You are still making assumptions and trying to put words out of context into my mouth. Your attention alone has made this a really fun experience. Thank you.

            • +4


              Geeze mate you must be a terrible gambler.

              I rarely gamble, but like I said before, I spent a large chunk of my working life inside casinos and dealing with players that had a gambling addiction. I currently work as a volunteer and help out in community programs, one of which is dealing with families that have been affected by gambling (mainly pokies and horse/dogs/sports betting in this area) and alcohol and drug abuse.

              You get so many things wrong.

              Every single one of these things I have listed above are flags for getting someone to speak to the gamblers help liaison. If I had someone come to me while I am volunteering and say about 1/4 of the things on this list, I would get them help immediately. You cross all of them off.

              You are still making assumptions and trying to put words out of context into my mouth.

              Every single one of those flags you have replied with throughout this thread. Should I go and find them?

              Your attention alone has made this a really fun experience.

              I wish I felt the same. All I see is a sad, lonely, delusional addicted gambler making excuses and trying to sucker other people out of their money as well to feed an addiction. I genuinely do hope that you find the help you need.

              Gambling Help Qld.
              Gambling Help - Online
              Qld Gov. problem gambling counseling site

              • -3

                @pegaxs: And on it goes. Do you ever take no for an answer? Or is it just you always have the last word. There I’ll give you last word…..oops! 🙃 I also have had training in gambling and alcohol host responsibility and had certificates gambling room designated person licences. So I get where you are coming from. Maybe your advice is being helpful to somebody here. I hope so.

                Footnote: I’ve discussed my gambling in therapy over the years when I’ve had other issues to deal with and the consensus from the therapists were that it was a healthy if unorthodox form of stress relief for ME but not most other people. I won’t go into my medical history because then you would just attack that. It has to do with working in very high risk and dangerous environments where I was badly assaulted by somebody who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Seriously I kid you not. I even have the letter of apology the court made them write to me before they let him off with diversion. I used to finish my therapy session and tell my therapist I was off to the casino where I felt safe because of all of the security and surveillance and off I would go.

                • +8


                  And on it goes.

                  See my 9th dot point above about being dismissive.

                  Do you ever take no for an answer?

                  No. Especially when it comes to dispelling bullshit and outing snake oil salesmen.

                  Or is it just you always have the last word

                  Says the guy that seems to do a lot of replying.

                  I also have had training in gambling and…

                  And priests have training in not to… well, you know what they get trained "not to do" and you know what priests have a penchant for, even though they are trained "not to…" Just because you have "training" doesn't mean you are immune. Some of the biggest problem gamblers I knew were "trained" casino dealers and pokie attendants

                  So I get where you are coming from

                  I very much doubt it.

                  Maybe your advice is being helpful to somebody here

                  Again, I think I am just echoing the majority sentiment of the sites users. They are smart enough on the whole to make their own mind up about if what you are saying is factual or just utter trash.

                  then you would just attack that.

                  See… you don't get it, I'm not "attacking" you, I am attacking your bullshit, your lies, your obfuscation, your misleading and your smoke and mirrors. It is literally one of the things I mentioned above, if you think a call of bullshit on your ideas is an attack on you personally, you need help. (and then you go into this history anyway… *roll eyes.gif*)

                  I was off to the casino where I felt safe because…

                  See my second dot point above about problem gamblers…

                  While ever you keep up this charade of trying to convince people that you are some sort of roulette God and can defy the laws of mathematics and are looking at gauging interest in selling snake oil, I am going to be here. And I am going to keep replying to dispel your garbage.

                  • -7

                    @pegaxs: Your 9th dot point sums up everything about both of us apparently. Maybe you are a compulsive gambler who because of your failures now is trying to be a hero for others. I like that you want to help people but your constant attacks must make it difficult to get people to listen to what you are saying. I can imagine you talking to an antivaxxer and helping them become more entrenched in their beliefs and spreading their vitriol to others out of sheer spite rather than actually listening to what you consider good advice. I wouldn’t advise you to ever go into politics because it would end very badly I suspect as you need good communication skills to get people to vote for you - despite what our elected representatives sometimes turn into once they get power crazed. Good communication skills appears to be something you seem completely devoid of. Nice chatting. Just got home after making $282. Sleep tight buddy.

                    • +8

                      @MontyMacaw: To be fair, you are a thousand times worse at communicating then he is. Literally everything you have said screams you have a problem with gambling. Sadly when I was a kid my father had a friend like you, nicest person you would ever meet, generous to a fault, but an addicted gambler and completely unable to see it himself, he echoed almost verbatim everything you say, right down to things like he flies under the radar as he doesn't want casinos to catch onto him. Sadly he lost everything including his house, job and family.

                    • +2

                      @MontyMacaw: No,, it sums up you. I am not dismissive. I don’t avoid the topic at hand and I certainly have not said… “oh, here we go again…”

                      I am not and have never been a gambler. I have a go at the casino when I am near one with friends, but I do not spend 1 to 4 hours, 7 days a week in one, alone.

                      I don’t give anti-vaxxers the time of day unless they are sprouting bullshit or trying to sell snake oil. See any of SlavOz’s recent posts on how I deal with anti-vaxxers spouting bullshit. Have your belief, but keep your preaching to yourself, lest you be slapped with facts.

                      And my communication skills are on point. At least I don’t just write great walls of text with little to no grammar or structure.

                      And you are right, I wouldn’t make a good politician, because I am anti-bullshit and I can’t be bought. I do my research and I don’t cut deals. I find lying very hard to do. On the other hand, you have all the qualities of a great politician…

                      And just so you know, I didn’t go to the casino tonight and I made +$300 using my system…

                      • -5

                        @pegaxs: I’ll make you an offer. You find an independent person to come with me and prove me wrong. It’s the only way we can settle this. Even not then maybe then but that’s up to you. DM me for details. Genuine offer, not that I need to prove anything to you but it may help with some issues you seem to be having. There will be a confidentiality agreement for you to sign as I have not gone officially public with my location or identity. Are you up for the challenge? Because I am. I have posted this challenge as an edit in the original post. I’ll even supply the drinks for your chosen person.

                        • @MontyMacaw: Where and when is this challenge going to take place. I'm sure a fair few of us here would be curious to witness this challenge.

                          • @Trance N Dance: No! I don’t want a gallery of condescending buffoons who only deride. And apart from that it’s not a bloody side show. I’m offering to have an independent person witness what I do. How much fairer can I be?

                            • @MontyMacaw: You won't have a gallery of condescending buffoons, doubt they'd be bothered to turn up if that's the reason. But I'm sure there will be more than a couple of people who are genuinely interested to see these strategies you speak of in your OP.

                              The fairest way is to demonstrate and/or lay out your claims (preferably multiples times) and then have multiple parties review and analyse (aka peer review like scientific journals do). A single showing to one person doesn't make a pattern or validate a claim, verifiable (or as close to as possible) results of multiple instances does.

                        • +5

                          @MontyMacaw: I'm not paying an independent person to go with you. A once off win is indicative of nothing (Remember your big numbers theory you told me to study??)

                          There are plenty of people on this site who are mathematicians, statisticians, accountants, engineers and other casino and gaming staff who will gladly pull your "consistent wins" not a system apart to see if the maths checks out.

                          There are plenty of roulette simulators out there that your (it's not a) system can be applied to and set in motion for 100, 1000, 10 000 or more spins, so I don't need to send anyone to a casino to babysit you.

                          The only way to settle this is to lay it out, then pull it down into its component parts and check this solid, law of mathematics bending structure that people who have dedicated their life to studying was inadvertently found by you. I don't need to pay for someone to go to a casino and enable you any further when we have all the experts we need right here.

                          And I'm not signing an NDA, you have to be shitting me, with all your bullshit so far. I don't care who you are it your location, I only care about the math. You don't have to reveal who you are to post how it works. If the maths checks out and it works, I will publically retract all my statements about how you cracked the maths code of roulette and be converted and will be your 1st paid student.

                          Any other ridiculous caveats you require for your "challenge"? Does my guy need to wear a bunny suit and red tie and only walk backwards and speak in Shakespearean English and only use an abacus, but not on the second Tuesday after a 1/4 waning moon if Mercury is rising?

                          You either post the method for "everyone" to pull apart and check it's workings (crowd sourcing) and it benefits the community as a whole, or you keep on being secretive and cagey and spouting bullshit and continue to earn the ire of the community as you have done so already (status quo)

                          Whimper away… Christ, any more childish? Let me guess, if I don't accept your absurd conditions, this is considered "whimpering away". Why have you not put up your unrealistic and biased "conditions" in the main post? Or at least pointed a link to you gauntlet throw down so people could see these one sided conditions?

                          Grow up, you're better than that.

                          • -4

                            @pegaxs: Weasel reply buddy. I expected better. I really did.

                            • +1

                              @MontyMacaw: Says the guy putting stupid caveats on letting anyone see the system.

                              Can’t be me, can’t just give me an explanation of how it works, has to be and “independent witness” and they have to sign an NDA… That certainly is a lot of hoops to jump through when you could just as easily explain it in your original post…

                              And I’m the weasel. *facepalm_emoji.tif*

                        • +2

                          @MontyMacaw: Your challenge requires an independent person and signing a document? Yeah, I can't see any reasons why pegaxs isn't jumping at the offer… You do know that no one can take photos of you at a casino, and you're not required to give pegaxs your name and address, right? What's pegaxs going to report back here, that he saw a man or woman of particular appearance playing roulette at a casino? Yeah, that'll narrow it down and we'll all find you… Maybe you're afraid of being harmed once your secret is revealed? Casinos the world over are quaking at the thought of yet another gambling system ruining them.

                          Or you could just post how the system works and it's easy to run some simulations. As you're always playing with negative expected value no matter how you bet at a roulette wheel, I'm keen to find out how you can predict which spins will win so you can regularly profit.

                          • -3

                            @Cluster: So you are all too chicken. I knew when I SAID PUT UP OR SHUT UP you’d all weasel out of it. You’ve been telling me to put up so I did. Just a bunch of keyboard warriors hating the notion that somebody might just be able to do something that defies your logic. The offer stands.

                            • +1

                              @MontyMacaw: Why dont you just get one of the many users who supposedly sent you "supportive DMs" to vouch for you and your (not a) system?

                              • @stumo: They are not challenging me. I’m willing to take on the keyboard warriors head on. But it has to be done discreetly and not turned into a side show and I also want confidentiality. Imagine what the media might do with this if I prove everybody wrong. Well the tabloid media anyway. I want to keep doing what I do and have a peaceful life not become part of a circus. I think that’s fair enough don’t you? Hell it’s almost a bloody circus on here already. I’m standing my ground and taking a lot of crap but I signed up for that. I’m not signing up for that in my public life.

                                • +4

                                  @MontyMacaw: They are not challenging you because they don’t exist. No one had DM’d you words of encouragement. There is barely anyone in this dumpster fire of a post that even sides with you.

                                  And you’re not taking anyone head on by saying you will let someone you are happy with watch you play after signing an NDA.

                                  There is no more a discrete medium than an anonymous forum. There is no need for stupid caveats that only benefit you. You can’t place stupid conditions around you divulging your system and then when people don’t agree to those conditions you get to cry “wEaSeLz!!1!”

                                  The only one doing any weaseling, is you by saying you will take people head on, and then making it impossible for them to do so… The “not a weasel” thing to do would be just to post your system… And trust me, no one wants to hang out with you as much as you think they do.

                                  Lol @ the media. You are so delusional. You have a very vivid imagination if you think the media gives a shit about your system.

                                  You are basically claiming you have a system that breaks roulette that badly that the casino is onto you and that if it got out, it would blow up the media… yet you are such a tight arse that you lend your friends money in hard times and expect them to pay it back, even though you are hinting that you have broken roulette and that you use roulette as a virtual money printer. With friends like you, I can see why you spend a majority of your down time inside a casino.

                                  Post your system to your original post. No one will know who you are, no casino will know you and the media can DM you for interviews.

                                  Or, you know, put more caveats on it, make the conditions even weirder and worm your way out of it again by calling us the weasels. You have basically painted yourself into a corner and are trying to slide out through a crack in the floor.

                                  • -1

                                    @pegaxs: You’re still weaselling and I made $714 today. If somebody wants to watch what I do then they are welcome as long as it is in a quiet and discreet way. You’re not up for it that’s fine. Go abuse somebody else that you think your are superior to. I haven’t once put down your casino skill set. Yet that is all you do to me and it just bounces off because it doesn’t affect me. Deride all you want. That’s what happens in forums and I know that going in. I am fascinated with your deer in the headlights attitude to my posts though. Somebody should do a thesis on people that cannot accept that their logic just might be flawed after all. And that would be because they never comprehended the problem in the first place. So if you must, go back to the original post and try and figure where you went wrong. Think of it like an IQ test. They are often problems that need solving in innovative ways. Maybe that’s your problem? Your IQ? Ya never know….

                                • +1


                                  They are not challenging me.

                                  I'm sure one of them, just one, would be willing to post here saying you are legit.

                                  Seems kinda odd that they only DM you and yet there is absolutely nobody publically here, on a local random anonymous internet forum, even remotely supporting you.

                                  • -2

                                    @stumo: I think the vitriol that has been coming from some would put a lot of people off posting full on supportive comments because in all likelihood they themselves would become targets by the rabid trolling going on by some in their almost countless and ongoing attempts to justify their narcissistic put downs. This has been mentioned in DM’s along with compliments for my intestinal fortitude in standing my ground. There are comments that are positive however in a live and let live context which I appreciate. You may have to look to see them amongst the barrage of trolling by a select few who seem to dominate the thread though. It’s been pretty relentless which of course doesn’t make them right. Repeating the same disclaimers over and over doesn’t make anybody more “right” but it can help them justify to themselves their perceived superiority in an attempt to hide their lack of comprehension of the original post as they stretch the meaning to suit their own narrative. Psychologists would enjoy themselves here I’m picking as they analyse the motives of the posters - including myself no doubt.

                            • @MontyMacaw: Chicken? That's a type of bird.

                              In regards to your challenge, you don't have to use a real roulette wheel and risk revealing your secret identity. All you have to do is post the system/rules/plan/etc here and people can run it through a simulator.

                              People will know your secret game for free? What's the difference to someone observing how you play in a casino versus posting here? Nothing. Unless you play on a VIP roulette wheel with no one watching, anyone can see what you're doing.

                              PS - the security cameras are always observing what you do in a casino. Better make sure they sign an NDA too.

                              • -1

                                @Cluster: Again like our friend you have not comprehended the original post correctly. You guys are all about the maths. There is more to it than that. I tried to point that out when I stated people would lose even if the odds were in their favour but nobody has comprehended that statement fully either. If the odds decided the outcome alone everybody would only lose the casino edge every time and we know that does not happen in reality. I can’t believe the lack of comprehension on here. I thought Ozbargainers could think more laterally and discover things the average Joe doesn’t see or can’t be bothered seeing. It’s a terrible indictment on the whole OZB community. You should do better. And I made $714 today.

                                • @MontyMacaw: Pffft… Using my system, I made $938 today. I didn't go to the casino 3 times today and didn't eat at one of their restaurants.

                                  Christ, anyone can post up imaginary profits that are impossible to validate.

                                  And more to it than that? Roulette IS maths. That is all it is. There is no "skill" to learn, no amount of memory required, no physical exertion required. There is nothing you can add to the game that would give you an edge. Nothing.

                                  people would lose even if the odds were in their favour

                                  And the odds are NEVER in your favour. Roulette odds are fixed and are independent of each spin. They don't take winning numbers off the wheel when it wins. Roulette can NEVER fall in your favour. Period.

                                  If the odds decided the outcome alone everybody would only lose the casino edge every time

                                  Everybody does lose. There is a house hold on this game. Even if you win, you lose. You are basically being taxed at 3% every time you win and at 100% when you lose.

                                  I thought Ozbargainers could think more laterally and discover things the average Joe doesn’t see

                                  You have been asked multiple times to share your system. We want to learn and discover things… But then you just talk crap and either want to charge money, or make unrealistic demands to only witness it, not learn about it.

                                  So, anyway, are you going to post how your system works or are you just going to continue to call us the weasels while you try and wriggle your way out of the subject???

                                  • -4

                                    @pegaxs: Oh come on. These word salads sound like Scott Morrison when he has painted himself into another corner. If narcissistic tendencies are your thing to feel superior on an online anonymous forum I can’t help you only a therapist can. Read my lips: THE OFFER STILL STANDS. Spin your web of subterfuge to try and disguise your lack of comprehension skills all you want. THE OFFER STILL STANDS.

                                    • @MontyMacaw:

                                      Read my lips: THE OFFER STILL STANDS.

                                      It's a disingenuous offer with ridiculous caveats. Your offer is designed to be untenable and therefore no one is going to accept it.

                                      I think a more reasonable offer is to post your system here. Post the steps to how it works and what you do and let everyone be the judge. (Please let it involve rubbing a lucky chip counter clockwise while you chant a mantra as you swing a dried chicken's foot over the top of the layout…)

                                      Or, if you don't want to tell people how your system works (because it doesn't and you will receive a further roasting.), at least explain how the game of roulette can fall in favour of the player and remove the house edge and we can reverse engineer it from there…

                                      At what time do the odds of roulette "fall" in favour of the player? What has to happen that causes this phenomenon? This won't give your system away, but will help us "learn" what happens when these odds "fall in our favour" and what we need to look out for.

                              • @Cluster: @cluster Following on, you refer to a simulator. You would need a full AI simulator to unravel what I am talking about. As I have said over and over, which seems to be conveniently ignored is that it’s not JUST about the maths. If that were the case everybody who went to the casino would only lose the house edge. Most losers would welcome that outcome as they reflect on their bad choices on the way home or when they check their wallets the next morning compared to the disastrous way they literally threw their money away in a reckless manner hoping for the BIG one off win. Which incidentally with human nature being what it is lulls then into false hope they can repeat that feat and in turn that one off big win gets eaten up by chasing the same lucky outcome over and over and can even make them throw new money on the table just trying to first get that big win again. As reality sets in they think they can get their money back by getting that same big win to get even. Then if they do they often rinse and repeat. I’ve seen people start off with a few hundred and win big but within a short time they have put several times that much on the table and increased the bets to ridiculous amounts that need a hit the very next spin or they will lose everything, which of course often happens and they walk away shoulders lowered and slink out the door hoping not to be noticed. They would have a psychological hangover the next day I’m sure when they wake up knowing they have lost far more than they were going to risk when they arrived at the casino the day before.

                                • +1

                                  @MontyMacaw: "As I have said over and over, which seems to be conveniently ignored is that it’s not JUST about the maths"

                                  Actually, it is. Every time you play roulette you have a slightly higher chance of losing than winning. There is nothing you can do to prevent this. It's built into the game. Unless you can foretell the future of random chance events, or are using a rigged roulette wheel, how do you know which spin is going to win so you can either bet more on it, or avoid betting a lot on a losing spin?

                                  There will always be more losing than winning spins over a large sample size, and that it's impossible to predict the outcome of the next spin. Can we agree on that?

                                  You can throw around words like advanced AI, human nature, and basically blame people for losing because they're not playing the right way.

                                  Again: How do you come out ahead when most spins lose?

                                  • @Cluster: Making assumptions that I am there for a large number of spins is fundamentally misunderstanding my post. Of course the longer a person stays at a table doing the same thing, the more likely they will lose. Nobody would argue with that. I don’t do that. It is way more complex than that and has a human element as well which your so called simulators won’t be able to factor in properly as it’s an individual person’s judgment that is in play. Not everybody who followed a similar strategy that I do would have the same result. Now that would be a system. Again I refer to my original post. Next?

                                    • @MontyMacaw: Ah, so your system relies on human judgement. So, you have no strategy that can be quantified, and there's no plan. You're playing just like everyone else. Just trying to feel whether the next spin will win and varying your bet size is what everyone else does too.

                                      Whether you play 500 spins all at once or spread them over days, weeks, or months, it's all the same. Every single spin has the exact same probabilities of winning. The casino always has an edge.

        • -2

          That’s counselling isn’t it?

      • +2

        Yeah that didn't answer my question

        • -1

          Let me try again. Read my post again and you will see that you are assuming certain things. Yes I do play often. I never said I profit off of it. I didn’t say I didn’t either. And I’m possibly and possibly not any different to those thousands of people you speak of. I only aspire to be what I claim in my post and my replies. Nothing more and nothing less. Of course the commenters on here have to a large degree put a whole different spin on what I said but that’s forums for ya, right?

          • +3


            I never said I profit off of it

            If you don't have a way to win at roulette why would anyone pay for your advice? What are they getting out of it that they couldn't get on their own?

            • +3


              I never said I profit off of it…

              And then goes ahead and post their daily "winnings" and to make claims of the casino keeping in eye on them because of consistent winnings…

  • +3

    There is a HUGE difference between investing and gambling though. Investing by definition is owning an asset or part of an asset that has a value and hopefully (presumably you think it will since you invested in it) rises in value. Gambling on the other hand does not leave you with an asset it is merely a negative expectation bet on a random, largely unpredictable outcome. Now MAYBE you can predict some outcome better than others - this is the basis of Sabremetrics and using statistical models in horse racing or even the physics based calculators to predict the likely outcomes of roulette (although it is essentially impossible for a human to make that calculation). However the gambling you are advocating is not a profit making endeavor - it has a negative expectation so in the long run you eventually lose money over time. If you want to ‘coach’ people to “have fun with roulette”, sure you can do some introductory videos etc to help people understand how the game works but you must be clear there is no player favourable strategy or system in roulette. If you think you’ve found one, you’ve made an error; the expected return is and always will be negative and stacked towards the house. If you want to tell people to bet in certain ways that are close to equal chance then walk out while they’re up a certain amount or down a certain amount go for it, but on average you’re still going to be down more than you’re up.

    • Thank you for a constructive reply. There have not been many although DMs have been supportive. I’m not here to actually sell anything at this point in time at least. I posted to encourage discussion and see if what would happen. I expected the negativity but maybe not as fierce as it is. It’s almost like some people are in the streets protesting about my post. Protesting is big at the moment apparently.

      • +3

        I’m not here to actually sell anything at this point in time at least

        lol, that would be a dream come true, eh? have funds to finance your addiction

        • I guess it could be. Drug dealers do that - there I finished it for you.

      • +8

        The reason for the vitriol is surely obvious to you: people think that you’re trying to sell some sort of system/methodology to consistently and regularly profit from roulette - something that is statistically extremely unlikely to the point of impossible in the long run. To the angry posters, what they see it looks like someone trying to prey on the vulnerable, addicted, or uninformed, promising riches or some way to use roulette to ‘sustain’ a gambling lifestyle. Many have done this over the decades, and each and every time they have been proven to be charlatans. There is no system that leaves you up in the long-run. Statistically, you would need to constantly put money into it to to sustain a budget just to be able to do it. Like I said, if you wanted to introduce people to roulette, different betting combinations and table etiquette, some short videos would probably be useful and interesting to some. Probably even some videos on how to maintain self-control for gamblers. But to have a philosophy, system, method, technique etc claiming that people can somehow make money or even break even in the long run is categorically false.

        A better analogy for roulette than Bitcoin/shares is like going to the gold class movies. Assume the money is lost, you’re there for the experience - not to make money and not to sustain the entertainment. If you can walk away with the same money or even a profit, that is fantastic - but it’s essentially only achieved through sheer luck. Telling people anything otherwise is essentially fraudulent and making a false representation about roulette and people’s chances, hence why your poker friend blew himself up in no time.

      • +1

        Monty, you're not here to sell something. Okay. But you've heavily implied you have a great way to win at roulette, that it could be applied to crypto trading, and asked whether people would be interested in your certain skills. Sounds like the next step is for people to contact you and ask where they can make a payment.

        I think you have your answer from this thread.

        • My comparison with Crypto was that in my opinion the casino was as bad as or a better proposition. I am not alone on making such comments. The negative comments and trolling are not reflected in the DMs I have received btw and no I am not actually trying to get money out of people. I might consider it under certain circumstances but I haven’t even thought that through properly. I made the post on the spur of the moment and I am surprised at the interest it has generated.

    • My personal rule, there is no safe level of gambling be it for enjoyment or make a buck just like smoking there is no safe level of smoking
      There are a lot more healthier hobbies than spending time indoor in an artificial light environment surrounded by gamblers

  • What online casino do you think works best with the style of play?

    • None! Firstly I don’t trust them. Secondly if you win they can make you jump through more and more hurdles just to get a withdrawal. And last it is too convenient and you risk going online too frequently and for too long which increases the risk of you not knowing when to stop. Leave them alone is my advice.

  • +1

    I've worked out the perfect system that guarantees I'll make profit on roulette, or any other game for that matter.
    It's extremely simple and I'm so confident of my system, I'm even willing to sell share it here on a public forum:

    1. Open a casino
    2. Profit
    • -2

      I think at this point in the thread we could all enjoy a bit more originality….

  • +2

    Seek help OP

    • -1

      Says the Devil number guy. Thanks!

      • +2

        If you were good at recognising the devil, you wouldn't be in a casino every day of your short life.

        • +2

          Ironically, he plays a game where if all the numbers were added up on the layout, it would equal 666.

          • -2

            @pegaxs: I used to have a vanity plate that had 666 on the end of it for that very reason. It was on a Nissan Skyline GTR - actually it was on two in total.

            • +5

              @MontyMacaw: Awesome. I have the same combination on my Larporghini Diablo and my Dodgey Hell Cat.

              • @pegaxs: Such wit. It’s a shame you are only capable of half of it.

  • I'm not sure if this still holds today, but there was a time when it was considered that blackjack was the only casino game that one could turn the odds in your favour (if you could card count). Everything else favored the house in the long term if you only base things on probability.

    • The new shuffling machines stop that. Effectively every hand is a fresh shuffle so counting is not a thing anymore.

      • Plenty of places within most casinos in Australia have BJ with manual shoes. Some even have them on the main gaming floor.

        • +1

          They do, but they force a shuffle way before card counting would give you a significant edge, hence the little plastic slip they randomly put in the shoe to tell them when to shuffle.

          • @gromit: That might be true of some places, but not all. I know of several games where the cut or shuffle card is placed 5 decks deep in a 6 deck game. That's better than 80% penetration which is more than enough to render card counting very effective.

            One casino in particular has this on their main gaming floor and they also do hand shuffling at all their tables. In Australia we happen to have some of the worst rules for the player in BJ, however that's a different subject entirely.

  • +2

    Sounds like OP's system is to just know when to walk away and don't gamble above your limit. lol, why pay for that advice

  • My bankroll is constant at $300. I treat it as disposable income.

    Here’s a thought. Have you considered donating to a charity? At $300 a month You can roughly get $100 back from your tax return as it’s tax deductible and at $1200 a year tax return savings, treat yourself with whatever you want :-)

    • +1

      Have you considered donating to a charity?

      Pfft. OP is already being immensely charitable offering to maybe sell their (not a) system to the great unwashed masses.

    • @nsuinteger Have you?

      • +1

        I dont have that kind of disposable cash per month. But I do with what I can afford :-)

        • Where I am there are homeless people so I help when I can too. Plus I do almost anything for friends way above and beyond what I would ever expect in the return, which really, is nothing except to be paid back for money lent in hard times and there has been plenty of those lately for people, so let’s agree we both can do some good.

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