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Galaxy Nexus $5 Per Month on The $29 Cap with 2 Months Free, Online Only

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Galaxy nexus deal is back on vodafone $5 per month on the $29 cap with 2 months free on the 24 months contract

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Save $5/month.
    24 month contract.

    • -1

      thats the galaxy S2

      • +1

        What is the S2?

        "Mobile was $10, now $5 per month. Save $120. Offer ends 30.04.12." from the link provided for the Nexus.

        • My bad. The S2 had $5 off too. They also extended their promotion for that one too.

    • updated to 24 months contract

  • +2

    200mb of data per month isn't much, buyer beware

  • nice deal,

    yeah either nexus or the s2 on $29 + 0

  • I've been tossing up with this or the 49 cap for a while. The 200mb data is worrying me. I'd be comfortable with 500.

    • Can't you just get the $29 plan and tack on an extra data pack?

      • Yeah, $5 extra, taking it up to $39 a month in total.

        May as well go $49 then, and get the extra call allowance…. That's the decision I need to make :(

  • +6

    $29 x 22 months = $638
    $5 x 24 months = $120

    Total cost over plan life = $758

    When you can buy the Galaxy Nexus for around $430 delivered outright this deal doesn't look very attractive at all

    Also with any Vodafone branded handsets, you will be waiting an eternity for software updates. Unlike previous Nexus phones, the Galaxy Nexus is dependant on your carrier to release software updates as it does not update directly through Google.

    • +1 to put the total cost into the damn title.

      You're right, crap deal unless you really need to pay for the phone via plan and couldn't just but it outright.

    • $430 + plan. Even on Live Connected's Tribe 11 plan the total cost over 24 months = $430 + $264 = $694. So for an extra ~10% you get to spread your payments out over two years. Though your point about Vodafone's software updates is completely valid (not to mention the terrible things you hear about the network in general).

      • TPG $9.99 plan (non tpg cust) gives you $180, 240M data per month better than $29 plan on voda.

        24mth cost you $240, $240+$430=$570 plus:

        1. Optus network is better than vofafail;
        2. You are not locked in the contract so when you are bored with this phone or when Samsung starts paying you to get this phone, you can buy another dream phone while still paying $9.99/month or just quit the plan without hassle.


        • +2

          Optus network is better than vofafail is questionable.

  • +7

    The $29 plan has the same value as the TPG Starter Super Value plan, so if you add $5 the difference between the TPG plan and the Vodafone plan with a phone is $24.99.

    You are paying $24.99 * 24 = 599.76 for the phone alone.

    Lets assume you invest your money at 6% annually, and lets go to an extreme and invest the money you won't be paying immediately for the full two years (realistically the capital will decrease as you make payments) you could potentially earn $72 of interest on $599.76 over 2 years. So lets reduce the price by 72.

    You are paying ~$528 for the Galaxy Nexus with stable interest earning potential for the capital considered.

    The Galaxy Nexus has been going outright for $399 + delivery for the past few weeks, so you are effectively paying ~$100 more over the long term.

    - Vodafone > TPG! == I disagree, I prefer the Optus network to that of Vodafones. (They are both fine.)
    - I'm not highly liquid! == This may be the case, then the Vodafone option is probably a better one.

  • Yeh, just buy it outright, that way you're not stuck with a contract for the next 2 years. I'm severely regretting the contract i'm on now with the crappy phone I've got. 2 year contracts are hell!

  • Another advantage of taking this deal over outright purchase is the warranty for 2 years from vodafone and not some grey import company.

    • A warranty you will effectively void when you get sick of waiting on Vodafone to release software updates in a timely matter forcing you to root your phone and load another carrier rom.

    • Assuming 6.5% interest compounded monthly ( I reckon it would go higher soon)


      Total payments 29+5 x 24 =748
      Future value $796.41 (+$48.41 interest)

      • 2 year voda warranty
      • voda network
      • voda updates will be slower
      • less plan value

      Outright + LC

      Total payments $430 + (11x24mos) = $694
      Future Value since live connected is monthly payment (+ $18.64)
      = $ 712.64

      • warranty from grey importer
      • delivery time (could be a week, could be a month)
      • optus network with more plan value
      • android updates directly from google (hopefully it is the google generic version not some carrier unlocked POS)

      My conclusion, I'll go with outright, since to be even usable you would have to add $4 a month on the voda plan for data. Still this deal is good

  • I had a play with my boss's Galaxy Tab II today, she's on Voda. It was crazily slow, in the centre of Canberra.

    • This. Voda network blows.

  • No point in locked up with the Vodafail network for 2 years. Buy outright. I am prefer S2 instead of nexus but can't find a good outright deal.

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