[Unobtainable] 4-Pack of Voodoo Ranger Hazy India Pale Ale Delivered @ Bottlemart (Excludes TAS & NT)

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Moved to forums - Reason: Not honoured by merchant. The following is an excerpt of an email sent to claimants:

It’s the Voodoo Ranger here. I’ve been checking my records of Tinder matches and unfortunately, I can’t find you there.
Now since we didn’t match on Tinder you aren’t eligible to receive my 4 pack of Hazy IPA as you did not claim the prize in accordance with my promotion Conditions of Claim.
To qualify for a 4 pack of Hazy IPA claims must have been made via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile by following the prompts before being directed to my mates at Bottlemart promotion page.
The promoter reserves the right to disqualify claims in the event of non-compliance with the Conditions of Claim, including individuals who have entered via the link posted on the Oz Bargain website.
Now unfortunately I’m only one skeleton ranger and can’t cater for everyone so stocks were limited and all free 4-packs of Hazy IPA have been exhausted, however we encourage you to participate in future promotions I’ll be running.

Original deal description as follows:

Mate shared this offer link with me and I thought I should pass on the favour.

Don’t really know if Voodoo Ranger Hazy IPA is any good, but enjoy.

Requires name, address, DOB, gender, email and phone number (although no phone/email verification is required).

Update: Possibly sold out as the claim form now redirects to a store login page.

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    • Maybe somebody scared to provide their real details ordered it?

  • Got an email this morning say on it's way and to allow up to two weeks for delivery.

    • they are making the ale now

  • +5

    Where's my free Pepsi Max?!

    • Never received here either. Hope the beer rocks up!

  • Free beer? Be rude not to

  • keep getting a javascript error different devices / browsers

  • +1

    That question might sound dumb, but where is the link for "Store sign up"? As I got the message: "Access denied. You must log in to view this page".

  • +1

    also getting told to log in?

  • No cancellations yet. Hope this goes through!

  • +42

    They cancelled it:

    It’s the Voodoo Ranger here. I’ve been checking my records of Tinder matches and unfortunately, I can’t find you there.
    Now since we didn’t match on Tinder you aren’t eligible to receive my 4 pack of Hazy IPA as you did not claim the prize in accordance with my promotion Conditions of Claim.
    To qualify for a 4 pack of Hazy IPA claims must have been made via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile by following the prompts before being directed to my mates at Bottlemart promotion page.
    The promoter reserves the right to disqualify claims in the event of non-compliance with the Conditions of Claim, including individuals who have entered via the link posted on the Oz Bargain website.
    Now unfortunately I’m only one skeleton ranger and can’t cater for everyone so stocks were limited and all free 4-packs of Hazy IPA have been exhausted, however we encourage you to participate in future promotions I’ll be running.
    If you have any questions or believe I’m ghosting you and you have received this email in error, please contact my customer support team at [email protected].
    If you did match with me the Voodoo Ranger and entered in accordance with the Conditions of Claim, please note that proof of entry via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile will be requested before your claim is validated and I can send you a 4 pack of my Hazy IPA.

    • +2

      got the same. damn.

    • +15

      Same here, never seen any word TINDER at the time of signing..

    • +17

      got the same. this is horseshit as this was not at all part of the original conditions. time to contact bottlemart and demand to be removed from their records. disgusting behavior

    • Same, that sucks!

    • +1

      Same message. My wife wouldn't be happy if I downloaded Tinder.

      • +3

        It’s bullshit though, there was no indication on the form that was a prerequisite. I thought at the time it may have been a form for insiders/staff frankly because it did seem odd but there was no terms and conditions etc. Anyway if you go to your local BWS at present you will probably score some markdowns as stocktake is approaching

        • Agreed! Nothing on the page!

          I bought some Balter XPAs from BWS with the 40% cashback yesterday. Oh well, not free. but at least I know I like it.

    • +3

      They mention Ozbargain, so must have been able to track the clicks from here…

  • +7

    Also got a cancellation email. Got confused when Tinder was mentioned lol

  • +5

    Got an email this morning saying something along the lines of "we didnt match on tinder so can't send you the booze". Apparently you need to match with them on tinder or something to get the promo!

  • +11

    I didn't see anything about having to match them on tinder or whatever. cop out.
    sending the info to my lawyers for a class action law suit.


  • +3

    Where did Tinder mentioned in the original promotion page? Anyone got a screenshot?

    • Me neither. It must've been in the original email that OP's mate received the promotional link. And s/he only shared the link without reading through the T&C

      • Same here, sounds like its a bit of a cop out

  • +1

    Hey there XXXX,
    It’s the Voodoo Ranger here. I’ve been checking my records of Tinder matches and unfortunately, I can’t find you there.
    Now since we didn’t match on Tinder you aren’t eligible to receive my 4 pack of Hazy IPA as you did not claim the prize in accordance with my promotion Conditions of Claim.
    To qualify for a 4 pack of Hazy IPA claims must have been made via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile by following the prompts before being directed to my mates at Bottlemart promotion page.
    The promoter reserves the right to disqualify claims in the event of non-compliance with the Conditions of Claim, including individuals who have entered via the link posted on the Oz Bargain website.
    Now unfortunately I’m only one skeleton ranger and can’t cater for everyone so stocks were limited and all free 4-packs of Hazy IPA have been exhausted, however we encourage you to participate in future promotions I’ll be running.
    If you have any questions or believe I’m ghosting you and you have received this email in error, please contact my customer support team at [email protected].
    If you did match with me the Voodoo Ranger and entered in accordance with the Conditions of Claim, please note that proof of entry via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile will be requested before your claim is validated and I can send you a 4 pack of my Hazy IPA.
    The Voodoo Ranger

  • +1

    I didn't see anything about matching with them on Tinder when I filled out the form!!

  • +3

    No go. Changed the rules on the fly, but realistically they weren't gonna send thousands of 4 packs.

  • +11

    OP - your mate didn't share the T&C of this offer with you

    To claim a gift, the claimant must visit VoodooRanger on Tinder and follow the prompts to then visit https://bottlemart.com.au/voodoo-hazyIPA - Bottlemart (NSW, QLD, VIC) or https://sipnsave.com.au/voodoo-hazyIPA – SipnSave (SA) (as applicable), provide their personal details (first name, last name, date of birth, email address, mobile number, full address and state of residence) in the online claim form and (optional) select the tick box to consent to receipt of marketing from the Promoter and submit during the Promotional Period.

    • Yeah, I received the same email. I wouldn't have bothered if I had to do anything to get my free booze.

  • +1

    Lied to us!!!
    This is almost a scam

  • +1

    Just got the Tinder BS email too, no deal here

  • +8

    OP owes everyone a 4 pack

    • Or his mate does

  • lol we have been sucked in lol oh well

  • Typical marketing spin to get hype but not pay out. Got the same email as the rest.

    • +3

      got me to never consider Bottlemart again, so mission accomplished I guess?

  • +1

    Got the cancellation email too. Was a trap to steal our information!

  • +1

    Did anyone have a Tinder profile that got rejected?

  • scam got us again

    • didnt really think they will actually give this kind of FREEBIE in the first place

      too good to be true!

      • +3

        didnt really think they will actually give this kind of FREEBIE in the first place

        Bundaberg is doing a very similar thing (100% cashback on a 4 pack) to promote their alcoholic ginger beer at the moment, so it doesn't seem that far fetched.

        • Bundy are honouring their claims. Bottlemart are scum and approving then denying. Big difference there me thinks.

    • +5

      op's mate probs works for bottlemart and conveniently excluded the T&C's for this data collection service

      • +2

        Or perhaps there's no "mate". It's just OP him/herself all along.

        • -2

          Or perhaps we all just used a form that wasn’t intended for us. All you lot complaining about not receiving something we weren’t even entitled to. Bunch oh whingers

          • +1

            @digitalbath: Ah we crossed path again, digitalbath! I thought it was a one off but apparently it does really bother you when people whinging on this forum. Are you like whinge police or what

  • +1

    Just got an email saying it's not coming as in the policy you need to match with the voodoo ranger in tinder?

  • I really need to see a screenshot of the entry form. Seriously subtle nod to the Tinder element of the promo if anything.

  • +1

    I’ve Tinder - didn’t realise we need to date Bottlemart to get the free Voodoo

    Ghosting you time x

    Revoked my vote on this deal and reported it to mods

    • No need to date them, but they are certainly shafting all of us.

  • +3

    Me and 4 mates all just got the cancellation email and not one of us remembers the mention of Tinder (shit, we're all married… not gonna chance death for what has been referred to as questionable IPA). Reckon it was just one of those scams, phishing for email addresses and other such details.

    • +1

      thank god i used the email and mobile number that every scammer already seems to already have and contact me daily on anyways!

  • +6

    The new tinder swindler.

  • +12

    Yeah nice, good way to make me never buy Voodoo Ranger beer or shop at Bottlemart.

    • +2

      Or other Lion Nathan beverages, for that matter (James Squire, XXXX, Furphy, Heineken, etc.)

    • +2

      I took the time to write them and tell them so. If more people do, they may realise not all press is good press.

  • +8

    Just a scam to get your contact details. No mention of Tinder at all on the original page.

  • +1

    What a weird cancellation email.

  • +10

    Changed T&C, not very professional.

  • +7

    Got cancelled, free personal information collector

  • +1

    Very confusing cancellation email.

  • +1

    Got the same weird cancellation email so did an unsubscribe.

  • valid reason for your negative? Just read all other negs!

  • -4

    UPDATE: just saw other comments the same.

    Anyone else get this bs back from them?

    Hey there <sucker>,

    It’s the Voodoo Ranger here. I’ve been checking my records of Tinder matches and unfortunately, I can’t find you there.

    Now since we didn’t match on Tinder you aren’t eligible to receive my 4 pack of Hazy IPA as you did not claim the prize in accordance with my promotion Conditions of Claim.


    To qualify for a 4 pack of Hazy IPA claims must have been made via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile by following the prompts before being directed to my mates at Bottlemart promotion page.

    The promoter reserves the right to disqualify claims in the event of non-compliance with the Conditions of Claim, including individuals who have entered via the link posted on the Oz Bargain website.

    Now unfortunately I’m only one skeleton ranger and can’t cater for everyone so stocks were limited and all free 4-packs of Hazy IPA have been exhausted, however we encourage you to participate in future promotions I’ll be running.

    If you have any questions or believe I’m ghosting you and you have received this email in error, please contact my customer support team at [email protected].

    If you did match with me the Voodoo Ranger and entered in accordance with the Conditions of Claim, please note that proof of entry via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile will be requested before your claim is validated and I can send you a 4 pack of my Hazy IPA.

    The Voodoo Ranger

    • +1

      Umm maybe read above?

  • What a scam

  • +5

    Same, classic stitch up. Dob them in to ACCC haha

    • +3

      Someone call A Current Affair! 😄

    • +2

      My lawyers are on speed dial for these situations!

  • +2

    Just received an email from the tossers saying that a tinder match with them was also required as part of their terms and the order has been cancelled. What absolute (profanity)

  • There was nothing on the entry page mentioning any terns and conditions, only a privacy policy.

  • +1

    getting (profanity) with the deal but not (profanity) on tinder!

  • I told them I'd be reporting their data collection scam to ACCC

  • +13

    If you follow the See more promotions link on Terms and Conditions page it takes you here https://www.plexus.co/terms/promotions and it shows yesterdays date for this promotion - bit suspect.

    • +3

      Good find! Screenshot and report to ACCC.

  • +1

    Got cancelled, wish they could provide a link to delete my data

  • annnnnd unsubscribed from mailing list.

  • +8

    Wow what a great way to piss off an entire demographic! Now whenever i think of their beer, i'm going to think of when they conned me into trying to get free beer, and probably buy something else instead

    • -3

      How is it a con? We all used a form that wasn’t even intended for us.

  • +3

    reading their privacy policy, is this for real? Surely, they can't override our unsubscribe requests?

    "By supplying us your information, you have given us permission to communicate to you via mail, e-mail, MMS, SMS, social media and telephone, regarding our products and services, for an indefinite period of time."

    also note the below, we will need to remove any consent to them sharing our information. I would suggest emailing explicitly removing this.

    "We may need or be required to disclose personal information to various parties including:

    to our agents, contractors or third party service providers that provide financial, administrative of other services in connection with the operation of our business; or
    where the law requires or permits us to do so (e.g. to law enforcement agencies); or
    if you consent."

    • technically you weren’t eligible to enter and your entry was invalidated, so they should scrap
      your details too

  • +1

    Magic people, Voodoo people
    The Voodoo, who do
    What you don't dare do, people
    RIP - The Prodigy + free voodoo beer !

  • is this tinder a joke or a serious thing? anyone here got the beer ?

  • +4

    They at first said the beer has been sent.
    Now they claim a BS excuse not to send it. What a joke.

  • +1

    It might not be a scam, but near to.
    Apparently you have to be a tinder member and match with them to claim.
    Both myself and the wife got confirmation emails and then a couple of days later an email saying we weren't tinder members so claim was rejected.
    Dodgey, and instead of positive advertising, their name has a negative connotation now.

  • -1

    Hey Ametric,

    It’s the Voodoo Ranger here. I’ve been checking my records of Tinder matches and unfortunately, I can’t find you there.

    Now since we didn’t match on Tinder you aren’t eligible to receive my 4 pack of Hazy IPA as you did not claim the prize in accordance with my promotion Conditions of Claim.

    To qualify for a 4 pack of Hazy IPA claims must have been made via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile by following the prompts before being directed to my mates at Bottlemart promotion page.

    The promoter reserves the right to disqualify claims in the event of non-compliance with the Conditions of Claim, including individuals who have entered via the link posted on the Oz Bargain website.

    Now unfortunately I’m only one skeleton ranger and can’t cater for everyone so stocks were limited and all free 4-packs of Hazy IPA have been exhausted, however we encourage you to participate in future promotions I’ll be running.

    If you have any questions or believe I’m ghosting you and you have received this email in error, please contact my customer support team at [email protected].

    If you did match with me the Voodoo Ranger and entered in accordance with the Conditions of Claim, please note that proof of entry via my Voodoo Ranger Tinder profile will be requested before your claim is validated and I can send you a 4 pack of my Hazy IPA.

    The Voodoo Ranger

  • Down voting due to them and Tinder supposedly being in cohorts

  • so hard to get drunk !

  • +1

    tinder bs

  • +1

    Remember to unsubscribe so legally they can't push marketing to you.

  • +5

    ACCC complaint lodged. What a joke!

  • -4

    you failed OP

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