• expired

[NSW] Up to $750 Cashback on Road Tolls @ NSW Government


It's time for the ozbargainers to cross that harbour bridge more and annoy the northern suburbs or go cross city for dates

Comes into effect July 1

Under the scheme, drivers will get a $150 refund if they spend at least $375 on tolls in a year.

From then, they will get 40 per cent of their tolls reimbursed until they hit $1875 worth of toll expenses.

ServiceNSW will manage the rebates, which will be paid quarterly.

Drivers who apply for an existing cashback scheme on the M5 in Sydney’s southwest won’t be eligible.

For tolls incurred up to 30 June 2022, road users can continue to receive vehicle registration relief until 30 June 2023. For tolls incurred from 1 July 2022, customers can access the new program and will receive their first rebate payment in early 2023, followed by quarterly payments.

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NSW Government

closed Comments

  • +91

    i'll be happy if they removed the airport toll on the M5.. cant believe they tolled it after they built the st peters interchange and M8

    • +4

      Yeah that's not going to happen.

    • +2

      I know, sux big time. After all those years they want people to avoid becoming the rat race then they introduce it again.

    • +4

      Agree total joke

    • +21

      Ridiculous that the main hwy into Sydney is a privately funded toll-way. The state of Sydney roads system should cause more civil unrest than Co-vid ever did, Sydney siders spend way more time in 'lock-down' on it's roads than they ever did with Co-vid.

      • Nsw tolls what a joke, government would be selling people if it could

      • +4

        Not ridiculous when you realise the liberals privatised everything ;)
        Yet they get voted in every time
        I feel it's a bit of Stockholm syndrome

        • You, I like you.

          I wonder what they're looking to implement after the 2 year trial period.

      • Look on the bright side. Parking in Sydney is not cheap and each day you get free parking in Sydney…for hours. LOL.

        I am not defending this pos government though. It's always money money money and not about the people.

    • +12

      This. M5 has gone from tolled —> no toll (for several years) —> tolled again. Now half the traffic that used the M5 now travels on Stoney Creek Road and Forest Road. Increased congestion, increased pollution (air, noise), bad all round outcomes for those traveling and those communities impacted along the Stone Creek Rd / Forest Rd route.

      • +7

        Wealth transfer to greedy tollway behemoths.

        • +1

          Add the petrol car expenses etc… Sydney suks, south aus roads suk but at least there's no tolls. Why have a government if we can't even drive on roads, what's gonna be privatised next, "yes sir can I pls borrow some air sir"

        • I'd be less bothered if the tolls were used to fund future roads, rather than private profits

      • well now that the price of fuel is off the charts… the truckers started to use back the toll roads… since it costs them more to queue in trunk roads…

    • +36

      Highway Robbery is what happened.

      We paid, through our tax dollars, to build the M5 road/tunnel from King Georges Road to the Airport, albeit only dual lanes, finished in time for the 2000 games.

      Then in 2018 the Liberal State Govt. GAVE it to TransUrban as part of the M8 interchange deal and allowed them to charge us a TOLL to use it.

      Andrew Constance managed the spin by telling us the time saved was more than the toll. Tell that to residents of Arncliffe, Bexley, Kingsgrove and Beverly Hills and see what happens.

      Bottomline, the M5 was stolen from the NSW tax payer so don't forget that at next year's state election!

      • +1

        So true 👍

      • That you have to pay, and it is woefully inadequate and also somehow an excuse for gov't not to fund a decent public road. Sure fixing it is expensive, but the cost of not fixing it is also extreme. The lost productivity is huge. And they somehow expect to grow our population by 50%?

      • +4

        Yep everytime he's mug went on TV when the tolling start "…Sydney motorists are now enjoying time saving up to 20 mins…."

        Piece of sht mofo I was "enjoying" that time saving for the last decade, the difference is now we need to be paying for it!

      • +1

        Follow the money. Who controls TransUrban?

      • Highway robbery 😂

    • -1

      you have a better chance on being or new PM and changing it yourself, lol.

      • +7

        if i was prime minister the first thing i would do, is to make a

        • 4 day working week.
        • reform syllabus for public education
        • increase funding to health services and public education
        • release more land for development
        • put in law for primary resources (Australia first)
        • public servant salary reform
        • increase tax free threshold
        • national insurance scheme for natural disaster

        most would not probably work… and that is why i am not prime minister, and probably for good reason.

        • encourage philanthropy for top 1% of Australian top earners
          • @desync: that's why i'm not the prime minister, LOL, i'd have trouble running the local schools bake store

        • +4

          I'd ignore that other guy with his unsupported criticism - I would vote for all those policies. They do help people, and they wouldn't make anyone's lives harder.

        • +1

          decriminalise drugs

        • I will vote for you if you ever decide to run for PM post

    • Just claim the m5 trips. You get cashback for private use.

      • Not true.
        Cashback is only west of King George Road, Beverly Hills, then you PAY, but hey we built that airport road & tunnel with our money.
        It was stolen from us and now we PAY to use it.
        Our current state government gave it away as a sweetheart deal with Westconnex and we found out after it was done.

        • +1

          So how much do you PAY to to the Airport using the road you built?
          Car $6.38 or $12.76 round trip
          Truck $19.13 or $38.26 round trip

          Use just a little more of the road you paid for
          to the City or Botany and it will cost you more
          Car $7.52 or $15.04 round trip
          Truck $22.56 or $45.12 round trip

          Explains why the trucks going to and from Botany multiple times per day are avoiding $45 of tolls.
          Sydney has turned backed time to traffic jams of last century.

  • +1

    Is it on top of the rego rebate?

    • +3

      Post updated with more info.

      For tolls incurred up to 30 June 2022, road users can continue to receive vehicle registration relief until 30 June 2023. For tolls incurred from 1 July 2022, customers can access the new program and will receive their first rebate payment in early 2023, followed by quarterly payments.

      • Wait what discount? I just renewed rego 2 days ago?

        edit, googled it. I don't spend nearly enough on tolls thankfully to qualify.

      • Well that sucks. Work pays my tolls and I pay my rego, so have been getting it free for years.

    • +1

      Looks like this is replacing it

    • It is replacing rego discount.

  • +48

    How about a scheme to get people off the roads, rather than encourage them to drive more?

    Germany has the right idea…..


    • +4

      Someone needs to cover part of the provision of infrastructure. Unfortunately getting people off roads doesn't favour bank financiers balance sheets

      • +8

        The Australian dream is to own a big ol Hilux

        • +3

          Which is an achievable dream as our lax emission standards means we're one of the few countries in the world where it can be sold.

        • Real men drive a LandCruiser

        • +2

          And a new iPhone (every 2 years)

    • I wish they'd do that down here in Victoria, as much as I enjoy the quiet public transport there's a clear problem of people giving up on it and moving to cars as traffic has basically bounced back but public transport is nowhere near it.

      Presumably PTV would rather stick their hands out for money from the government rather than do anything to actually boost numbers again though.

    • +2

      "However, rail company Deutsche Bahn is already struggling with overcrowding, delays and cancellations and the prospect of millions of extra passengers has prompted criticism of the plan."

      Imagine if they tried it here… I know it looks great on paper, but in practice you need the infracstructure to support it. For some people would be great, for others that need to travel long distances, it's better to put up with tolls and traffic than to exchange 2 or 3 times and take twice as long.

      I'd like a system where both options are available: if public transport suits my needs, then being able to use a public transport rebate would be amazing. But also, if I need to use highways and tolls, the relief for frequent use is also great.

      • I don't avoid public transport because it's too expensive, I avoid it because it adds 30mins each way to my commute.

  • +2

    Does this mean applying for the M5 cashback scheme disqualifies you entirely, or just for the M5 trips that you've claimed?

    • +2

      If it's like the rego one then it's just the M5 trips won't count.

      • +2

        FAQ's say if you are opted into M5 South-West Cash scheme only those tolls incurred on the M5 South-West are excluded from the new scheme, so all other tolls would count towards it. The wording from the OP makes it sound like you are excluded in full if you were opted in the the M5 South-West.


        The new toll relief scheme includes all NSW toll roads. Consistent with the existing Registration Relief Scheme, should a customer opt-in to the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme, tolls incurred on the M5 South-West are excluded from the new scheme.

  • Hey Guys, talking of tolls on Sydney Roads,
    I have a question with the M5 cashback. I have opted for this from last year and I am with Linkt. Still haven't received any cashback in last quarter.
    What should I do?


    • +6

      Did you actually submit a claim? It's not automatic.

      • +2

        Thanks for letting me know. So I was thinking it happens automatically, but I was wrong. Now I have submitted it through the RTA website.

        Thanks again for the reply.

        • +13

          They're hoping you'll forget to claim.

    • +3

      Login toll account
      Submit online claim
      Redirected to cashback online website
      Follow steps to get claim

      Or by post or in person fill out pdf.

      Rebate excludes gst

  • does this apply to all the toll providers. I'm with breeze and can't claim the M5

  • +2

    It's time for the ozbargainers to cross that harbour bridge more and annoy the northern suburbs

    I do that already and make sure to take an alternate route back.

    • +1

      Just wait until they introduce a Harbour Bridge toll North-bound…

      • I think they'll only introduce that when they have completed the Western Harbour tunnel - like they did with M5 East and M8

  • +2

    Dates? Ozbargainers? Only if they think their date is ok with paying with Yums or Discover vouchers

  • +21

    So service nsw is basically sending our taxes to toll companies and telling us we got reimbursed? Yes?

    • +27

      yep, the government takes most of the risks building the tunnels/bridges, then sells them off into a market with a single buyer (transurban) who naturally get a great price, then as the system which they created becomes too onerous for lower income earners, everyone gets onboard and subsidizes transurban further

      i would have not have a problem if a political party had a policy that they were essentially going to force nationalize transurban - then go pay out all its debt, screw the equity investors over (sorry you invested in a parasitic monopoly) and pass laws prohibiting any legal action relating to this single entity. after that, pass laws disallowing tolls to exist after they've paid off the associated project

      transurban is one of the worst blights on anyone in Sydney, they also contribute a lot to the cost of living and doing business here (i have a tradie mate with 3 other employees who spent $23k last year on tolls - the client ends up paying for it)

      • +3

        Yep - couldn't have put it better. Thanks for the extra context!

      • +3

        The NSW public servant who agreed to this contract with Transurban went to work for them.

  • +18

    Sydney sux
    Most tolled city in the world

    • +12

      Plus we already pay for roads with the fuel excise.

      • -1

        Plus we already pay for roads with the fuel excise.

        No you don't. Fuel excise goes to consolidated revenue, it is not designed to fund anything specific.
        Also, fuel excise is Federal, most inner cities roads are the responsibility or state and local governments.

  • +4

    I'd rather 40% than the petty free rego on 1 car.

    • +4

      I'd rather both

    • Agree, it’s definitely a fairer system. As a motorcyclist I barely saved $100 under the rego system.

  • +10

    Tolls are just broad daylight robbery especially after they've made back there initial costs but they will keep on popping them up everywhere and increasing the cost until people just outright refuse to pay it

  • I don't see anywhere that the rebate is for Western Suburbs residents only. Am I wrong?
    The evening news suggested that it was.
    I use the tollroads a lot but I don't live in the "Western Suburbs".

    • +5

      It's for everyone. They just implied western suburbs because most toll rd's lead west.

      • +1

        Cool thanks.
        Shame it's not backdated.

  • +1

    I prefer my fines reimbursed

    • +1

      take off your number plate when you get in toll and put it back once you get off… it would be easier to avoid toll… rather asking to reimburse fines

      • I miss the days of taking my bike down the emergency lane at the m5 tolls, never got charged. Shame they adjusted the cameras.

  • +2

    Remember The 30-year tolling regime for the Sydney Harbour Tunnel is due to expire on August 31, 2022.

    The government has yet to reveal its plans for tolls on both crossings.

    • +13

      Dont worry. If history is any indication, this gov will retoll it, at a higher rate, for another 50 years and justify it by painting new lane marking on the road or adding and extra lane(oh wait, they cant do that).

      • +2

        LOL no, this government won't collect toll money from taxpayers for roads we already paid for.

        They'll sell it to a private entity their buddies own shares in (for next to nothing) so THEY can charge us again for roads we already paid for.

        At much higher prices, increasing every year.

        That way our extra toll money doesn't even go back to the government's public coffers. It makes their corrupt rich buddies richer.

        Then, on top of that, they'll pour the cash they made selling it into completely unnecessary things like rebuilding working sports stadiums, making huge profits for big construction companies (all close friends and family of Liberal party members).

        Then they'll say "look at all this construction! Liberals are building infrastructure for the future!"

        Because that's exactly what they did with the M4 last time.

        Are 51% of you going to vote for them again, or are you starting to pay attention?

  • +2

    State Election sweetener ?

  • +1

    need cashback on road trolls

  • +6

    Left hand: We are increasing tolls everywhere, sorry we've lost control of our roads and allowing big business to crank up the prices whenever they want.

    Right hand: We are giving you a token refund so you think we are doing you a favour (election is coming soon you know).

  • +12

    How good is infrastructure privatisation!
    Paying for something that your taxes should pay for
    Meanwhile in WA
    What's a toll?

    • +6

      No our taxes get used for much more important things like Bronwyn Bishop’a helicopter travel, cancelled French submarines and myki cost blow outs. Not to mention all that pork barrelling goodness.

  • -1

    It either M5 cashback or this cashback which will only equiate to 40%. So not worth it. Still have to avoid toll to airport.

    • +1


      What toll roads does the scheme include?
      The new toll relief scheme includes all NSW toll roads. Consistent with the existing Registration Relief Scheme, should a customer opt-in to the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme, tolls incurred on the M5 South-West are excluded from the new scheme.

      So, looks like M5 tolls simply excluded - but not killing rebate if you spent $375 on other toll roads

  • +6

    I took the M5 and then eastern distributor and then cross city tunnel recently. $27!

    I only used about 5m of the M5 and the ED was heavy with traffic, and the cross city tunnel is really confusing because Google Maps freaks out.

  • +15

    Toll roads are a joke on peak hours. Particularly on M2 during peak hours you will be crawling at 40-50km/hr most of the time. They should refund 100% of Toll back to customer if the moving traffic is less than 20km of the nominated speed sign on the toll road.

    • I like this idea!

  • Just paid Rego via Toll Relief

    Last financial year (2020-2021) Toll Relief Tiers- $1406 (Full) or $844 (Half)
    Rego - $386 (NSW)
    Discount % - 27.5% (Full) or 13.7% (Half)

    The new relief scheme seems to bring more discount - 40%.

    • For This financial year (2021-2022) Toll Relief Tiers- $1462 (Full) or $877 (Half)

      $1320 Toll has been incurred so far. Presume I will be eligible for half rego discount however no discount will apply to the gap between $877 and $1320

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