How Much Physical Activity (Moderate to Intense) Do OzBargainers Have a Week?

Exercise is very important for a healthy life and it's proven. Everyone knows it's a life hack, but no one does it. Some lack motivation. I came from that place. Exercise is like a legal and healthy drug which gives you a high. It's like a meditation and feels like I'm unstoppable. I do around 15 hrs a week of moderate to intense physical activity.

How much do average OzBargainers do? Because if you stay most of the time on your PC, how do you get the motivation to go and do exercise?

Poll Options

  • 46
    less than 1 hour
  • 58
    1-5 hours
  • 41
    6-10 hours
  • 12
    11-15 hours
  • 13
    More than 15 hours


  • +2

    I don't, I need to but I probably won't.

    • Plenty of physical activity punching away at keyboards every day

  • +4

    since WFH, i run for an hour everyday now, do gym 3 x a week, cycle, do walks

    have never been fitter

    • I assume you wear a mask as well while doing exercise

      • +3

        i only ever take it off to drink protein shakes

    • far out lol

  • +2

    I only do HIIT workout in bed

    • That'll give you some high

    • +3

      So you only exercise a minute a week as well?

  • +1

    I skip my local KFC and walk to the KFC 1 suburb over ;)

    Travelling further = more calories earnt.

    I used to do 14 hours of training a week, when i was in uni and had copious amounts of spare time.
    Now, not so much, after commuting, ensuring the other half is adequately appeased, dog walked, i'd be lucky to fit 30 minutes/1 hour in a day, and that's without kids.

  • +2

    I do about 10k steps on weekdays and 15-25k a day on weekends.
    I also spend 12+ hours a weekday on my PC.

    My partner and I enjoy walking a lot - it's free, healthy and you always feel good during and after. I suppose you could say the same about other two person activities.

    • +6

      other two person activities

      Link or it doesn't happen

      • +8
        • +2

          Risky click for the day but oh so worth it.

          The leap frog image is the closest to what I was expecting.

    • +1

      10k steps on weekdays

      Part of your job or you just find the time?

      • +3

        I do an hour of walking during lunch break and 30-60 when I get home.
        Though it's harder during the winter obviously.

  • -1

    When not injured, 25 or so hours a week.

    Injured/rehab, "only" about 12-15.

    • +2

      25 hours equals to 3hrs a day exercising…hats off

      • If you love your hobby (climbing for me) it's pretty easy. My life revolves around it, with work and other stuff on the side. :)

        • What job involves climbing? high rise window cleaner?

  • +4

    I've got a rotator cuff injury and permanent sinus headache since about 12 months… I'm lucky to want to move for more than about 20 minutes before I've had enough.

    I used to be so fit, so active… bodies are so frail though and things can change so quickly.

  • +2

    bargain hunting is exercise enough for me

    • Spamming Ctrl+R on the OzBargain front page when you should be doing other things burns a lot of calories you know

  • +3

    currently doing 3,139 push ups a day
    crazy challenge scotty has put us up to

    3,139 a day takes me over 15 hours, its toug….. wait a minute… its over 24 days…… WTF

    • +1

      Be careful, you might lose all your hair if you also do a 10km run, 100 squats, 100 sit ups and live without AC or heating.

      • what's hair? lol don't have much already

  • +1

    I focus on cardiac workouts. I make my heart beat 60-70 times a minute. I've been doing it for a while.

    • Eh, I reckon it gets boring doing that type of exercise. I'll probably get bored of that in another 90 or so years.

  • +3

    I've gone from basically nothing to doing a couch to 5k program which is 30 minutes of walking/jogging 3 times a week. It has made a BIG difference.

  • -5

    the more exercise you do when young the worse off you will be when old

    • +2

      What exercises and reasons?

      • -2

        all, knees, elbows, neck, back, ankles you name it lol

        • What exercises will cause these joint issues, I'm curious? I saw people who have never done any exercise in their life will have joint pains and hip and knee replacements.

    • +1


      Pretty much all research says there is virtually no downsides to exercising a normal amount. It only helps long-term and prevents aging.

      If you're doing extreme sports/sports that damage you then sure… but I think you're otherwise full of it. But if you can support your argument with any evidence would love to see it.

      • -4

        do your own homework

        • +3

          Lol I did. I can only find evidence to support that exercise is helpful.

          E.g., read something like:

          I can't find a single thing to support what you're saying, so I think you're just talking shit. Literally just typing in "evidence to support exercise when younger causes problems when older" and similar leads me to results that are the opposite.

          The treatment for joint pain/athritis when older is in fact… exercise! So I think you need to challenge your own beliefs and read up on it properly.

        • Can you please share your homework? Because I've also only been seeing sources which say that exercise is beneficial for when you're old

    • i want to know what you look like since youre hating on people that excercise

      • not hating just pointing out the enevidable, I used to do triathlons, gym, have always surfed, besides that I walk 3-4k's now with dog lol
        6"3 and 90kg for the record

        • triathlons

          There is no animal in wild that runs for fun without any purpose. Why did you did triathlons in the first place? What’s the benefit?


          As I mentioned before I knew a lot of people who never lifted weights in their life got joint pains, knee and hip replacements.

          have always surfed

          You must be so active in your past life. But I don’t think lifting weights or surfing caused them. Probably too much running or cycling might have caused. Is your diet clean?

    • Nah, that's the Donald Trump school of thinking.

      There's nothing wrong with exercise. Sport however…

  • 2 squat days a week. 60-90 minutes.

    • Perfect

  • +1

    My index figure burns 40,000 calories a week (36 hours) on the scroll wheel a week.

  • +1

    I need to get back on the bandwagon, COVID messed with my routine something fierce. It was an hour a day, I would be lucky now if it was an hour a week!

  • Fingers get a great workout with plenty of Keyboarding and swipe up & down on a screen IRL.

  • i cycle to 'click and collect locations'

  • During winter, very little.. Just don't have the motivation and feels impractical due to how cold it is outside.

    I make my quota during the warmer months. My main health strategy is good eating, my diet is very clean. No sugar (except fruit), no processed foods, packaged snacks, cordial, soft drinks, very limited coffee, no alcohol, no dairy, gluten free, no soy, most meals cooked at home in home-made olive oil etc. I do eat lots of meat which I'm trying to cut back on.

    • I do eat lots of meat which I'm trying to cut back on

      Any reason?

      My main health strategy is good eating, my diet is very clean. No sugar (except fruit), no processed foods, packaged snacks, cordial, soft drinks, very limited coffee, no alcohol, no dairy, gluten-free, no soy, most meals cooked at home in home-made olive oil etc

      A good diet can avoid most health issues. Most people don't realize this and some can't help themselves.

      During winter, very little.. Just don't have the motivation and feels impractical due to how cold it is outside.

      Find a gym close by. And try to do 2 days of weight lifting. Lifting weights is like a drug. You fear them all your life, but once you get hooked you will be on cloud nine always without no ill effects

      • Any reason?

        Meat isn't good for you per se, especially over a lifetime. Especially the quality we have access to in stores, it's a big contributor to bowel cancer.

        but once you get hooked you will be on cloud nine always without no ill effects

        While I certainly recognise the mental health and mood benefits of working out (seriously, should be mandated for people who complain about depression), the idea that it has an equal effect on everyone is misleading. Some people respond much better than others. Just like listening to music or reading a book is like a drug high for some people but not others. Everyone is wired differently.

        • it's a big contributor to bowel cancer

          I assume you are a rational person. Can you show a study where the participants ate meat (only meat) for an extended period of time and got bowel cancer?

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: No, I cannot. That study would never see the light of the day anyway. Scientists are generally quite conscious of the effects that kind of data would have. People would go crazy, jobs would be lost, industries would be destroyed etc.

            That being said, there is ample belief among scientists that meat does contribute to bowel cancer. Not exclusively or entirely, but it's almost certainly a risk factor.

            • @SlavOz: Scientists don't care about anything other than their grants.

              Who demonised saturated fat and bought forward margarine(Trans Fat) as an alternative? Now they banned Margarine due to clear cancer causation?
              Who promoted cigarettes as a healthy habit for years before the obvious?
              Who hide the dangers of Sugar for the benefit of the Sugar industry?

              And everyone already thinks Sun causes skin cancer because of the scientific studies.

              Scientists can show anything with a limited amount of data without any comprehensive understanding of the actual science. There are some scientists who do real studies using real science, but no one funds them and no one publicizes their findings because no one makes money from these studies.

              Does anyone know who got Noble prize in medicine in 2016?

              • @[Deactivated]: I am right there with you mate. What nutrional science has done in the past is frankly irredeemable. Encouraging trans fats and high sugar diets as an alternative to the evils of fat should make any sane person question whether these people really have public interests at heart. For the most part, they're just paid puppets for major corporations or government figures.

                But from an evolutionary standpoint, humans are not optimally designed to eat meat. We were made to climb trees and pick fruits. Nature knew this is where our most valuable source of food is. Our digestive tract is much longer than most carnivores too.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            I assume you are a rational person.


            • @[Deactivated]: We both are the same, yeah?

              • -1

                @[Deactivated]: Get the help you need instead of making multiple alt accounts on a bargain site just to write posts to yourself. It's too sad.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: lol this rumour really is getting old. Onion and I were posting together for over a year and nobody said anything. All of a sudden one guy says something stupid like "they're the same account" and everyone joins in on the groupthink.

                  It's the madness of crowds in practice.

                  • @SlavOz: Look, I get it …….. you have some serious health issues and you don't have any support network to be there for you and that sux however trolling on a bargain site is not going to assist you one iota.

                    Reach out to Lifeline Australia/Black Dog Institute/Social Workers at the hospital/your GP and ask for help so that you can get better. You need to find and maintain joy in your life. Judging from the aggro exchanges that you have on here when you are at your lowest and with your posts escalating and escalating, it isn't conducive to feeling great and cannot be good for your physical health either

                • @[Deactivated]: I'm the happiest person I know. If you think I need help, then it's up to you. I eat clean, don't drink, exercise religiously, and don't watch tv or play video games. Spend time with my family. Except for OzBargain, I don't have any bad habits and am always elated because I'm not materialistic.

                  • -1

                    @[Deactivated]: Maybe if you keep repeating it, it will be so!

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: I am trying to respect you as a person and reply to you. You don't deserve that. Who is living in an Alternate Reality here? Do you think I am not a person and I don't have feelings? Always accusing me of something which I am not. Pathetic Mate.

                      • +1

                        @[Deactivated]: Wishing you better health and much happiness

  • The only exercise I do now is walking for around 30 minutes per day, with or without dog.

  • Surprised to see how people are able to squeeze 10-15 hrs a week for intense workouts. I am lucky to get 2.5 hrs per week for my runs.

    • +1

      Time shouldn't be an issue at all for exercise. Lack of motivation, Laziness are the main reasons. Personally, I do weights and martial arts which I love to death daily except Sunday. I don't have social media accounts or watch TV. If you are passionate about something, you will find time for it.

  • Varies. Depends on whatever gym deals might be available at the time.

  • Me?
    I sit all day at my computer and watch Ozbargain posts.

  • +2

    I started jogging during the pandemic and honestly I am mad at myself for not doing it earlier. I only need 30 minutes in a morning and a simple circuit from home around the neighbourhood has significantly improved my fitness and mental health. I listen to podcasts and really enjoy it, even though it has been hard bouncing back after COVID and the Flu.

    Go a bit longer on the weekend.

    Easy to fit in. Relatively cheap. Avoids gyms and the sicknesses of other people.

    Otherwise, I have one basketball game a week.

    • -1

      Avoids gyms and the sicknesses of other people

      That isn't too bright, to be honest. I was in gyms from November almost every day and I got an occasional cold. Apart from that, nothing happened. Like your muscles, your immune system needs stimulus to grow. Not to shy away from pathogens, you will become a germophobe and eventually become sick.

      • I get your disabled. But have to say it. Stupid comment.

  • I have no willpower, but get plenty of exercise from fitness classes. All you have to do is rock up and you get an hour of exercise.
    The Les Mills programs are great, you can get aerobics with BodyStep, weights with BodyPump, stretching and balance with Body Balance, and even dance moves with Shbam.
    I personally find that going into a gym and exercising with weights is challenging. I don't have the self-discipline, and the least thing or niggle will stop me and I go home. But a fitness class has a totally different vibe, everyone there is doing the same thing and you just feel motivated to do it to the end. And once you start knowing some of the people in the classes, it becomes a regular pleasing habit.

  • I am an 82 oldie still with a sound mind and physically very fit. Reasons : I do my round soft plus TAI Chi Chuan exercises plus walking half an hour daily. If it rains or windy I do at my carport or at home . I advise those who are over 50 here take my advice. These exercises are free and can be done rain or storm and with the result one can enjoy life forever.

  • Oh no! DisabledUser318679!!

    And of course, right when I came here to post this:…

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